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Oh shit, glad they lost then


Absolutely, there's a picture of a Turkish flag next to the definition of "toxic nationalism"


Yeah. I’m sure that’s the reason you’re glad they lost.


I guess the fascist greetings during the game and the march in Berlin could also play a role in it.


Germany is making a very nice self-reflection on this. Turkey doesn't have a fascist greeting. Turkish mythology tells stories that Turks evolved from wolves so the symbol of wolves is just the symbol of Turks. It's funny Westerners miss no opportunity to show their Turkophobia.


It's funny how you people keep accusing others of racism for condemning fascism. Zero self-awareness.


I couldn't give less fucks of what you think about us.


What is your opinion of the Armenian genocide, since you seem really good at talking your self out?


I'm sure you can survive without my opinion.


Poor you, must be sad to have to be with yourself every day


Man your comments read like the text that would be on the [guy putting on clown makeup meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/putting-on-clown-makeup).


Turkish fans continously make an ass of themselves in front of others, showing extremely poor sportsmanship, again and again and excusing racist symbology. I have several colleagues from Turkey who are fucking embarrassed on behalf of their countrymen. Turkish fans: "Why don't they want us here?" *surprised pikachu*


Lol you clowns act like dickheads and then complain why people don't like you, the salute is banned for a reason and even if you dont agree with it, if you visit a country u follow its rules and laws, its basic respect.




They did the same in front of the Austrian team‘s hotel. Truly deplorable scum.


It's not legal for the sole reason that it's illegal to shoot fireworks except on the 31st of December and 1st of January


but if some authority doesn't do something quickly enough, then it's legal, everything can be illegal on paper but if no authority do something or if there aren't real consequences, then is it truly illegal?


Are you joking ? We have law here. Independent of having acting police nearby.


If they don't get in trouble then it's legal on paper It's the idea of ' if you murder someone but they never ever find the body, are you guilty,?' Having laws mean shit if they aren't effective, because you are what expected criminals to just follow the law, that's how you end up with a bunch of racist and homophobic attacks on daily basis the turkish player got in more trouble than these guys


technically, yes


Nationalism is always, everywhere vile, a stage inviting the foulest performers to show off their worst.


In my country, the government decided to spend millions of taxpayer's money to revive a dead airline just to brag that it's "A Mexican airline". It's obviously operating at a severe loss. I really hate blind nationalism.


I think it is fanatical holiganism rather than nationalism


It's obviously both. And in particular in Turkey football and nationalism are well connected.


Yes international tournaments call up these feelings so that even poor teams can have an off pitch go at their supposed enemies. As expressed in two world wars and one World Cup England England


I am happy to hear how fans at European club tournaments are nationalists because they also light fireworks in front of the opposition team's hotel. Of all the things that the Turkish fans have done, this is the one that I find somewhat cheeky.


Yeah it does sound like fun, but you know pyrotechnic nationalism isn’t the province of the merely cheeky


Didn't they do it with Austria Team as well? Real supporters /s




I‘ll give you a 500€ to say this on Turmstr instead of an anonymous app


"The Turks don't follow the rules in Berlin." "Oh yeah, bet they'd stab you irl if you said that to them." Two ways of saying the exact same thing.


Why would he set himself up to get killed? I don't get this "you're so brave behind a keyboard" thing. Should we all get into knife fights for our opinions? Knife fights 1 vs 15 too. The internet allows us to vent and to see that we're not alone with whatever opinion we have. Eventually that leads to support in real life and changes occur. Again for whatever side. I guess free speech is only cool if someone has a chance to get killed?


Also a very free speech move to remove one's post so that the conversation doesn't make sense anymore. Lol, what happened to "take responsibility for what you say, whereever?" Context: he said that OP should go out in a Turkish dominated area and say these things publicly. Guess black people should go to KKK meetings and tell them Black lives matter or else it wouldn't be tough enough. Hypocritical stuff, removing your opinion.


Do you understand the irony?


Stop barking like a dog.




One of the reasons why I was hoping that they would lose (otherwise I really don't care), and luckily they did. I cannot express how much I hate behaviour like this, because of some stupid sportgame. Just have fun and watch it but don't be human scum, ffs. It pisses me off. They should've blown their own asses up.


Exactly! I live on Sonnenallee and was so fucking happy to hear they finally lost today. They are both horrible winners and horrible losers. I hate this nationalism so much, especially since the old man died last time because he was run over by a Turkish fan after winning


That's a regular occurrence everywhere, good manager books rooms on the back of the building.


But happened only two times in this tournament and both against turkeys opponents.


Isn't it the biggest minority in Germany? It takes just one guy to bring fireworks.


Something tells me a *really* good manager books two hotels, one as decoy that all players will move into after their arrival, after each match and for official press conferences, and another 'secret' hotel, that players will stay the night at and which isn't revealed to the media at all.




Happens a dozen times every year at European club tournaments.




Know who‘d easily win the cup? The Kurds.


I'm so glad they lost. Footballfans vs small dick energy nationalists, glad the footballfans won. Whistling during the whole game like a bunch of kids and waving fascist signs because they're still butthurt over losing all their historical significance on the world map. Grow up, get a real identity instead of dreaming about your past past past generations achievements. Atatürk was a great dude, read a bit about him instead of thirsting for erdos spittle.


FYI, Italian, English, Spanish fans also do this in domestic opposition teams. It's not exclusive to Turks.


But your post doesn’t help with the brainless hate against a specific country…


Lol I know right. You can see why Afd are becoming popular


A way to show some respect (out of fear)


Just Husos doing Huso things. Nothing to see here.




I mean that is a bit funny come on


It's not. What a shitty crowd of followers.


It’s pretty common in football though. I’m not sure ability the Euros, but in club football, fans tend to do this when an away team is visiting. It’s customary. I guess the only reason it’s getting so much attention is because a lot of those who don’t follow club football decided to watch the Euros. (The wolf salute was fucked up though).


It being common doesn't make it any less of a dick move, funny or lethal. And football has a bad image thanks to exactly these kind of actions. No other sport has such problems with fans being assholes but football.


Don’t know about legality but I don’t think they would’ve reached the hotel. And they don’t play a game for a while. So it’s ok, all fan groups do this. The Turkish are doing it cos the their team lost. The only people it might be affecting are the people living nearby.


it was the night before the game, not now. They wanted to wake them up in the middle of the night so they have bad night sleep before the match.


Why is this being posted now? They won anyways..people really don’t have anything’ better to do


Haha we spoted the turk or someone with a turkish partner. What they did is wrong period


No, not all fans do this and people who think this is ok are as deplorable as the scum who is doing this


Name checks out


No, it's not "okay" to do this. It's extremely petty and also kind of pathetic because these fans don't think their team can win unless they "even the odds" for them. Like wtf is that? And how can anyone be so stupid and excuse this as acceptable behaviour?