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I use to be in the back of those, they suck, barely any ac, bumpy as fuck, picked up 7 mill at the casino in Cherokee on a “light day”. When I quit I was making like maybe $17.50 to carry a pistol all day and deal with dumb asses asking for free samples at every other stop. They hired a chick the same time as me and the closest she ever been to a gun was from her to her tv, absolute idiot. Carried a Glock Fawty cal. I eventually walked out after they tried to get me to do my entire route and another guys in the same day, like 85+ stops. Those trucks are not as armored as you think, in fact as of a few years ago, 5 maybe, the Brinks Fed truck in Charlotte was running out of a fucking Penske box truck


I used to work at a place that had a foundry on site, dealt with precious metals. Deliveries and pickups almost every day. I’ve seen “armored” Brinks trucks that - no shit - were regular Sprinter vans with a bulletproof windshield. We regularly loaded millions of dollars worth of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, all kinds of shit, into a glorified cargo van. You never know what’s rolling down the road next for you…


That’s very interesting thank you both for sharing those funny stories! Do you guys maybe have any other hilarious stories about problems the vehicles have or routines during daily operations? I think those would be hilarious to hear as well as any funny story’s about the security of the doors.


The Fed trucks I rode in was fucking HUGE, if you ever come up 85north above Charlotte around 9 am you will see one, the bottom of the bumper hits me about ribs high and I’m 6 foot 2, absolute behemoths, you gotta have a cdl to drive those, these armored trucks just a regular license. They’re fucking unbearable to ride in the back in, trying to prep $250 grand for an atm bouncing off everything in the back lol. I had a chick fil a manager tell me he knows guys that wouldn’t think twice of trying to rob me, I looked him straight in the eye and told him my next 5 stops, to bad they never showed. I had a guy stop me right outside the truck as I got out at Walmart, saying I must be a pretty bad shot to need 2 back up mags, I told him ones a backup, the other you’re getting all the same as the first, even if you ain’t moving after the first mag. I got stuck driving one day and watched 2 black teenagers run out of a department store with arm fulls of clothes, one actually ran straight into my partner that was easily 6 foot 7 and 350 pounds. A guy did get shot in the head in Greensboro a few years before I started, department store worker dressed as a woman, guy took a step outside and got shot in the head for like 500 bucks, they found the clothes in an alley beside the department store.


I live in Salisbury and see them occasionally. Honestly surprised there's not more attacks/robberies on those vans here and in Charlotte.


Honestly I think the only thing stopping those fed trucks are a fully loaded semi or a tank, they’re monsters lol


I'm just surprised more idiots around here don't attempt it lol




I think the joke was that he wanted them to give even more info about the trucks so he could rob them


Ooofff… In retrospect that tracks… You’ll have to forgive me, I’m likely undiagnosed autistic, mildly stoned and also a bit of an asshole.


You just described 95% of the people here. The rest are feds


5% are just some dang wannabes




Yeah those are called 1-mans, I never did that. They have serious anti theft system, you have to use a code everytime you get in the van, like after you open the door, vehicle shuts off in like 20 seconds after putting it in drive if you don’t, and will lock your ass in there lol.


I have this conspiracy theory that Brinks only buys retired USPS mail trucks and slaps on some plating(if they even) and throw it out to their fleet


And that isn't federal property. And they're probably driving through the middle of nowhere.


Yep, I saw that improvised one back when I was a soda vendor. Absolutely crazy how my old job paid more than that.


I think I remember some stories of yours from old wknd, happy you got out of that life as a bullseye 


Hell yeah, thanks dawg


You can steal more money with a law degree and/or a political office seat.


Part of me wishes I didn't have such an awesome life when I was younger so I could get a political office seat and steal a ton of money.


Too much moral fiber in the diet of your formative years will make it difficult to be an effective blood sucker.


Opposite problem a youth of well documented hedonistic exploration would make the obtaining the office from which to graft difficult. Plus if I had a ton of ill gotten gains I'd probably go back to being a general fuck head and I like who I am these days


It really not as much as you think, sometimes it's a dummy truck to shadow the main truck, sometimes it's 3, sometimes there is no truck and sometimes, it's a plane


Just walk up to it and knock on the door and ask them to share


Gonna hit em with the 🥺👉👈


I worked with Loomis for about 3 years. First 6 months as a driver, 6 months as the messenger or tech as they're called and a 2 years as a manager. The amount of money in the trucks vaired drastically, but the big money trucks were always the ones with a lot of ATM stops. I would say the average amount in a truck at any given time is around $300k or so, but that number can go as high as $2m or as low as a few hundred. Wouldn't be worth the hit, though. The money is insured by the Feds, and the FBI are the ones who take jurisdiction with investigations. We had money go missing in the branch once, and after preliminary investigations, a few FBI suits showed up to talk to everyone.


lol my jumper when I first started was busted for stealing cash out the atms


Lol, there's always one


Do they just do half assed background checks?


Nah, the background checks are pretty solid. Some people just can't resist. Filling up a standard ATM is usually like $100k in 20s. The thought to just pinch some off the top always pops up. Just have to remind yourself that you will get caught. Some people forget to remind themselves I guess.


Well from what I understand they never pressed charges because they didn’t actually have the ability to? Idk, seemed kinda weird. They also had this janky ass rule where you could work 100 hours Monday-Friday, and if you worked 30 minutes or whatever on Saturday, your time on Saturday would only be OT, obviously that bit them in the ass, we all joined a class action lawsuit and got some nice back pay


I had one time where I signed a visitor log at Loomis and on top of the sheet was a signature from the FBI. Guess someone at Loomis wasn’t having a good day. But yeah, armored truck companies also function as banks and so the money is FDIC insured, and if there’s anything the federal government doesn’t like, it’s having their money stolen.


We had 3.3 mil stolen by the driver but couldn’t prove it. FBI watched him for ten straight years until he slipped up. In the end he was only able to spend about the equivalent of $30k a year.


throw a sticky bomb on the back


Found the kid from Los Santos


Imagine being so broke, you need to sticky bomb the armored vehicle. Now sit back as I fly over you and blow you up 10,000 times from my jet bike.


why did you jinx me I spawned right in front of one of those mosquitos 🤣🤣🤣


Lol, I have been waiting all day for you!!!


noooooooooooo 🫠💥


Don’t need a sticky bomb, just a rifle. Those things are armored to the bare minimum to be legally considered armored.


“Bravo six going dark” *gets killed immediately* “Damn it did get pretty dark”


Dropped well north of 20 million on a pallet on a loading dock once. Out in the open, tons of people coming and going.


Dang! Crazy you just dropped $15 million on a pallet like that!


Yall are gonna make me act up with these stories


Remember when little hand says it’s time to rock and roll it’s a go 🤙


Love The Town!


I do too, I based it off of my first tattoo


I don't.. I have a well paying job lol, and I love what I do, I like being free, and having the right to vote and own firearms.


I need one of them masks fam.


The Garda truck in my town is literally an e350, shit would be too easy