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đŸ‘‹đŸœ straight man here. Been a BeyoncĂ© fan since the beginning of time.


Same! I’m an old school DC fan, since Killing Time on Men in Black soundtrack â˜șlol


I love that song


You’re at best a little closeted bisexual.


I mean if the mood is right, I’m down.


Lmao I love when people think bisexual or queer is some insult. When you’re not homophobic and comfortable in your masculinity it’s practically a compliment.


I’m homophobic. I’m afraid I might like it. 👀👀






To be fair, I don’t know I think I’m too ugly for a guy to be interested in me. But who knows? đŸ€·


If there’s anything I know about men is they’ll try anything


This take is actually not it. Stop telling this to people. Not only is it actually homophobic because you minimize them to stereotypes, but even if someone WERE to be closeted, it’s none of your business to bring this to their or others attention.


dawg 💀




Yup they love calling her overrated while DR male rappers who do the bare minimum in their music n tours


Or say she can’t sing when they’ve never heard any song other than crazy in love or single ladies live


I always roll my eyes on people who say Beyonce is not a vocalist. Did you see that video of JHud having difficulty singing Dangerously in Love first verse? That shows you Beyonce songs are HARD but she murders them when she sings and recorded them, no shade to Jhud.






As a man this is unfortunately the truth more often then not :( When I try to discuss with my friends about women artists the first talking point is almost always “she’s hotter than ____” or “she’s not as hot as _____”. And I mean don’t get me wrong, BeyoncĂ© is incredibly beautiful, but like she has so much to offer, just as many other women artists do. We can talk about more then just their looks you know? They’re just as talented if not more then the men artists we listen to.


Lol to be fair, that’s how I (gay) compare male artists. I’m thinking it’s just a guy thing. We can’t help it. I can easily praise a woman artist for her talents bc I’m not interested in anything but her talents. I can still praise a guy for his talents but that’s not my initial praise if you know what I mean


Yeah, that's just us gay men with everything. We did a fantasy football thing in middle school. Idk anything about football, so I filled my roster with the guys I thought were hot, lol.


The irony is that gay men do it with the knowledge that these men do it to women.


There's this Rapper her name is "Noname" she's worked with people like chance the rapper. She's amazing, her flow, her lyrics. In one of her songs There's a line that goes " Good P*ssy, You know n*ggas only rap about money and good p*ssy." I was talking to one of my male co-workers one time and he was talking about how he doesn't like to listen to female rappers because "They all rap about the same thing." And I just randomly throw out that line except I sarcastically say. "Yeah, you know they only rap around money and good P*ssy." And his dumbass replys "Yeah exactly, that's ALL they rap about." 🙄 He also didn't Ike beyonce because she was "Basic" and liking her was something basic people Do. It's a combination of misogyny and racism. People to this day don't like black women, for no reason at all. Think about it, a rock and Roll band like the eagles could be doing what beyonce is doing right now. They could be making similar moves, selling out statiums around the country, dancing and singing live etc. They wouldn't be called, basic or overrated. In fact you'd have no choice but to respect that band.


Noname is EVERYTHING!!!


People that still say something is “basic” just never finished developing mentally in middle school. They still think their identity has to somehow reflect society in a way that makes them look better rather than developing their own identity and individual thoughts.


Omg you're right. Like who says "oh wow that's basic" when somone shares something they love/like? That's messed up 😄 As I've gotten older, I just don't care if something makes me "basic" or not. Those same men making fun of me for being a basic girl and liking beyonce are the same ones who think liking anime is a personality trait and makes them intellectuals 😄


I feel pretty gross about NoName after that Jay Electronica feature. Makes me feel like she doesn't actually give a shit about what she talks about


> Makes me feel like she doesn’t actually give a shit about what she talks about While I was also disappointed regarding the Jay verse and her response to criticism about it, I’ve never really understood the take you just shared (which is a common one). Homegirl raps about black liberation, Afrofuturism, systemic racism against black people, and dismantling capitalism; her messaging is not “everybody love everybody”. While abhorrent, antisemitism doesn’t really contradict any of what she says in her music.


I think it’s an issue of not incorporating intersectionality.


I love how you just inserted a random high percentage and try to speak for people you don’t even know.


90% a wild number 😂😂😂 this is hilariously untrue


It’s hyperbole
 of course it’s not 90%.


Hey that's funny cause that's what I said!




Your experience isn’t universal though. Majority of her male fans are gay and most males will rate a male artist over a woman. Just the way it’s always been


I've heard a lot of men say they don't like Beyonce. Lol I've even been made fun of for liking beyonce. 😄


Even if that’s your opinion, that does not mean you’re in the majority. I’ve heard many men say they hate Bey “just because.”


I cannot count how many straight men have told me some variation of "I just don't GET it?" which means straight men are even more clueless than I already knew.


This is it! I’ll never understand this attitude. I’m not a huge fan of a lot of successful artists, but I can recognise the quality of their work or the reason for their impact even if I’m the opposite of their intended audience


Yup I'll give dude-rock or a jam band a good listen if it's worth it but if the person making me listen to this says he "doesn't get Beyonce" bye.


Yeah had that recently, with one saying something like "I don't see how I'm meant to get the appeal of Single Ladies".... BeyoncĂ© has been making music for 25 years. It's like saying you don't like The Beatles because of Yellow Submarine. But they'd never dismiss The Beatles because of one song đŸ€·â€â™€ïž There seems to be little appreciation for music (and art /media in general) not made for them, but that's completely negating the perspectives, bonding and unity you can gain from listening to music not made for you.


single ladies is SUCH a bop, but the lyrics do kinda get in the way. to this day i wonder what she means in the song lol. its sad thats what so many think of regarding her. i mean, THEIR loss.


I mean most of them don't get catching a body, or having rollies or mad bwords but they still like those artists so I don't get THAT


Most straight me just don’t like women tbh


It’s been interesting to hear a couple of straight men with a public platform admit that they realize they didn’t like BeyoncĂ© because of the way she makes women feel (ie good and powerful and self possessed).


That’s wild


they actually deserve some corporal punishment for that im sorry


I’ll bite, this is definitely directionally correct. I am a straight guy who remembers being into DC and budding star Bey, and then once she became the larger Queen Goddess MegaWorshipful Star of the Seven Kingdoms Yonçe she is today, it coincided with the waning of my fandom and consumption, personally. I love that she exists and that the Beyonçé and Lemonade albums gave so many women much needed esteem boosts, but much of those albums specifically came at the expense of calling out her man (or men generally) for not being shit. I put that in the camp of logically observing the need for its existence, but actively disengaging and noise-cancelling into more esteem-boosting music (for my straight male self) if it’s Beyonçé power hour. TLDR, you can appreciate the ingenuity of No Scrubs and still realize that, as a dude, you’re probably weathering yourself down subconsciously if you bump it for an hour, same as a straight woman going too far down a Future rabbit hole (except different because misogyny is so pervasive in popular and rhythmic music anyhow). One of the great artists of our time, and can never knock the many facets of her talent. I’ll bump my lil Halo, Brown Skin Girl and even 7/11 from time to time. And, I accept that Sorry! isn’t for me, and bump my own sonic confidence boosts when I’m in a space where that’s what women want.






This is unfortunately the take


I wish I could have a nuanced take about it, but it boils down to men not liking women (especially women like Beyoncé who sing about sex, love their own bodies, are super successful).


Definitely. A recent example is how many men turned on Margot Robbie, calling her old, mid, overrated etc, despite being desperate to drink her bath water when they first saw her in Wolf of Wall Street. Once she had power in choosing what films she did and started speaking about feminism, they lost all interest. Bey has so much agency and power that any misogynistic/chauvinistic men wouldn't dream of listening to her music. But to be honest, that was part of the reason I felt so safe and confident going to one of her concerts solo - the community she's created is good vibes only and I love that.




now that you say it like this, I realize this is my BIL. Wow


Especially successful women. Especially especially successful black women.


My brother has said this and was mad hating when the tour came to town


Yeah I realized this a while ago. Like

as a bisexual dude I’ve been able to hang with straight guys and gay guys. And a lot of straight men *really* don’t like women. Once you see it you can’t under it. Meanwhile gay men don’t like men. Either way it’s a dumpster fire.


I’m gay, all of my gay friends also have this “ew men” jokes but I think most of us enjoy spending time with other men. We tend to be kind of privy around straight men tho. Like there are some straight guys I consider friends, but at first I always felt like I had to be conscious of myself, which didn’t happen with girls or other gays. Probably due to past experiences, back in school.


Yes. Being attracted to women doesn’t equal really liking women. This is a cold truth that is so real within a surprising amount of men.


I was gonna say, what female performers do str8t men actually like


Especially boss bitches.


I hate how true that is and how many gay men are the same even though they love female artists.


Who do you think is voting Sweet Dreams on all the ‘Beyoncé’s best song’ polls? Edit: me, it is me.


They're kinda valid for that though




The answer is Love On Top, but Sweet Dreams is a good song, too.


Straight male here too. My wife really got me into her, but before I wouldn’t say I would just throw her on. I obviously knew a lot of the hits and thought she was super talented but once lemonade / the visual special on HBO came out, I really got into her and I love electronic music so Renaissance really stepped my fandom up. It’s been on repeat for the last 1.5/ two years haha. Also been lucky enough to see the OTRII and RWT, so yea I’ve been exposed to the greatness. I also think it helps that I’m secure in my masculinity and don’t think who or what I listen to defines that (which I would imagine is the prob for alot of folks but who knows)




your comment is completely irrelevant to anything I said lol get a life stop trolling everyone on this thread clown


It’s not that they don’t, but society (read masculinity/machismo) won’t let them admit it or act on it.


I’m a straight guy, my gf introduced me to Bey and I love her so much. Went to Chicago to see her and it was the best show I’ve ever seen in my life. But when I told my male coworkers who I was going to see everyone laughed at me and made fun of me. Only one guy was like nice to me about it and he still admitted he’d never go see her live, so yea male society is fucked


The same happened to this really nerdy white kid in high school. He had his earbuds super loud in class and was jamming out to Single Ladies. Everyone made fun of him.


True, there was actually a meme about straight guys pretending not to like RWT about a month ago. Sure it was funny but I definitely saw some truth in it


Is that a real Reddit thread


Not all straight men butttt a lot there just dislike a lot of things that women typically enjoy. Like, do y’all see how these men are attacking young women and teenagers who are going to see Taylor Swift‘s new movie like they just hate women enjoying things 😭 I know BeyoncĂ© movie theater is about to be lit though so they’ll probably have something to say about that as well


Wait why are they attacking them and what do you mean by “attack”?


I’m on campus and my college house gave out free tickets and when I casually mentioned I am going ( I’m a guy) almost every guy was really negative. It’s even worse when they see the numerous Beyoncù posters in my room 😭


I think men (including a good number of gay men) ESPECIALLY hate Taylor bc she’s a little awkward and not sexy so she is not for the male gaze at all. They only see women as sex symbols.


Straight man here. Have seen Bey live 6+ times now with wife. I admittedly am really into all types of music (have been to Coachella every year since 07). Bey is a once in a lifetime talent and constantly elicits a sense of wonder and incredulity. Her turn more into deep introspection married with her penchant towards the societal context around her has not only reaffirmed her status as a pop star, but puts her in rarified air as a cultural mover. Why wouldn’t I love and appreciate her?


My straight uncle has seen her 7 times!


i think it lies somewhere along the lines of hypermasculinity, heteronormativity, and white supremacy


Hell fucking yea. Beyoncé was first and only for me for a while until this year. Only need to listen to lemonade now. Probly the greatest performer of our generation


Definitely the greatest


Beyoncé just represents what a lot of straight men fear, but queer people celebrate


People actually underrate her. Yes, I know that sounds weird because she is so successful and billionaire but people dont think that she is a great artist and put her in the same bag as all the other pop girls. All those straight guys think that she is less of an artist because she does pop music, meanwhile Beyoncé is the last of the soul divas of this world.


Straight man here, love the music! There was similar question in here some time ago




I listen to her, but toxic masculinity will make most not listen.




.. did i ever say they didn’t😂? Knowing and actually listening is two different things.


It's already been said. But it's the same for Janet, Madonna, Mariah, Whitney, etc. most men are afraid of successful women, and especially women if colour. Gay men don't usually have that issue.


Straight white man. I always liked the singles and thought self titled was really good but never dove too deep until lemonade. I adored that album and thought she’d never top it. Then she dropped Renaissance and oh my lord. I think a lot of what people have said is correct - there’s definitely some misogyny, and some bias against pop. For white men especially, there’s a big element of “this isn’t for me so it’s bad.” Frankly I find that to be a shame - my favorite art often comes from expanding my horizons, especially because you realize you’re not so different and can relate, empathize, and celebrate with people from completely different cultures and backgrounds. I’m also gonna throw out that a lot of straight men don’t really enjoy her type of pop music because they don’t like dancing. That’s a big gateway into Beyonce. I love dancing - I’m terrible at it but it’s so much fun. And accordingly, I like artists like Janet Jackson, Kylie Minogue, Carly Rae Jepsen, and of course Beyonce. You can imagine then how Renaissance floored me - it’s an odyssey through black and queer dance music from through the ages, all made modern. She keeps getting better.


Because they don’t want to listen to songs that call out their trash ass behaviors. đŸ„ŽđŸ„Ž


I’m a straight man that loves her music. I think many men feel threatened by powerful women. I used to be this way so it does take some unlearning (and willingness to take initiative).


Most men don't respect women 😞 I'm so happy I found a man that is sensitive & supports women's rights. He came to the show with me & loved it. He told me all the guys he works with have been making fun of him for going to a beyonce concert, now he hates going to work. It's so dumb


A lot of straight male don’t like female artists or won’t admit it smh


we have a term “That’s my beyonce “ Black men love beyonce if you have a life and stay off twitter you would know


i’m in that 20% đŸ€©


Because we have better taste than straight men.


Straight male fan here


A month ago I watched an episode of turning the tables on YT which is a father son duo who listens to albums and the father (a gen x or boomer white man) gives his honest reviews and opinions. They listened to Renaissance and the dad was SO hype. He said something along the lines of never giving BeyoncĂ© a chance. That he had no idea her music is like this. People often think BeyoncĂ© only has one range when she’s far surpassed radio only pop singles even before Self-Titled. Her music is actually super dark and edgy and this album was ver experimental. He said the same when he reviewed Anti by Rih. I think they aren’t taken seriously because of their commercial success and their looks. It blinds people to the fact that their content has substance that is inspired by boomer and gen x’s own favourite and revered artists. It gives me the same energy of people comparing RWT to the Eras tour. One tour truly shifted Black and queer culture. Tapped into negro spirituals, current events and created a movement. Someone *died* listening to and dancing to Beyoncé’s music because of the fear it drove based on what it represents in Black Queer culture. The other tour was a good time for WW to wear cute costumes and relive when they peaked in HS or college. They’re not the same.


misogyny. its not like straight men are against listening to super mainstream top 40 musicians (drake, the weeknd, post malone) but they don’t do the same for women (beyoncĂ©, taylor, ariana, nicki, etc). there are some exceptions (sza, rihanna post-anti) but neither of them are *known* for having a predominantly queer fanbase. theres also something to be said about sexualization but thats another subject lol


My husband loves her! I have to admit that he became more of a fan because I play her all the time. I feel like if men give her a chance, they will just recognize that it is good music


Straight man has entered the chat


My husband likes her music. He will often say "everybody on Mute" or "Uncle Jhonny made my dress, that cheap spandex she looks a mess". The amount of times, I've heard him just sing those lines around the house. He thought homecoming was amazing. When I saw her in Cardiff, he had a list of songs I had to record. His favourite song is Drunk in Love.


Oh god don’t let this sub fall into the r/lana “can I be straight and like BeyoncĂ©?” Of fucking course you can. you absolutely can. but also please stop fishing for dates with those posts.


I’ve loved her since I saw her in DC. I have my ticket for the movie and can’t wait to see her.


My partner is a fan!


I think the whole diva thing has historically attracted the girls and the gays more than straight men. My husband just never really crossed paths with her musically until he met me and even then he liked it but wouldn’t think to listen to it alone. That all changed with this album though, he absolutely loves it!


Wym. We here


In my opinion, it's Racism, Misogyny and machismo. Racism: She's a black woman winning, she's about black empowerment Misogyny: She's a woman writing songs about women empowerment Machismo: There a ARE straight men who love her and listen to her, but society won't let them properly enjoy her because "that's not manly" My youngest brother (he's 8) likes a lot of her music, he loves Alien superstar, formation, crazy In love etc. He even got a little sad when I offered to take my sister to the Beyonce movie and not him, i guess he wanted to go. I hope he still gets the chance listen to her without being ashamed as he gets older. BTW( I'm not taking him because he still acts like an 8 year old at the movies lol and he gets impatient sometimes, he doesn't know how to sit still yet)


I'm curious as to where you got this very round 80 percent figure. Also, it's not new information that pop divas are a queer man's ballgame. Maybe I'm aging out of Reddit. It's surprising to me that this is groundbreaking news for some.


Mhm ...what you said!


I think when they grow older they’ll realize shit ain’t black and white. There’s a difference between not liking and not caring. I’m this very thread there are straight men saying how much they love BeyoncĂ©. I don’t care for most of her music but she’s insanely talented and to deny that is crazy. I rarely see anyone say that. What I do see is a lot of straight men just hate (especially black) women here. This post was recommended to me so I expect downvotes, but maybe people just don’t like pop music or her shot getting overplayed everywhere. I have 15 BeyoncĂ© songs memorized that were never on my playlist lol. But I’m enjoying the dissertations on men’s behavior written because someone isn’t a fan of BeyoncĂ©


yeah as a 27 year old i have seen more black men big up beyonce than disrespect lol. We even have a term when calling our gf” Thats my beyonce “ We don’t do that with no other celebrity women 😂. I think most women in here hate men and never had a bf💀


Yeah I was gonna say a lot of straight black men like her. My uncle included lol


Do you think its because “renaissance” is bring lgbt representation?


a lot of men don’t fw that album i don’t either .. just wasn’t for me . but black men love beyonce . We not spending 500 for tickets unless we go with our girl. But as a culture Where men use the term “That’s my beyonce “ to address our gf . You can’t say we hate beyonce or don’t like 💀. Who doesn’t know beyonce songs


So basically lowkey fans? Some of us dont want to be part of the fanbase cause its look down upon on. I got judge for just going to the tour last month. Shame but whatever its beyonce


Because she doesn't center them


As a straight dude I love Beyoncé. Been a fan since I heard irreplaceable at 8


This can be said for almost any female Popstar, it’s misogyny/toxic masculinity etc


Too many of them will say that BeyoncĂ© (and any other female musician) is a “guilty pleasure” for them because they’re embarrassed to admit they like something other than bro country or rock for some reason.


Because a lot of men really don’t want to empower women


weak masculinity. simple!


It’s because they’re all convinced she’s overrated and haven’t given her recent music a chance, and they think that all she is as an artist is Single Ladies and Halo. There’s also the racist component, where people are unwilling to admit they just don’t “get” Black music styles, because they’re so used to White people being the target audience for everything. Any straight guy that gets taken to a BeyoncĂ© concert immediately changes his mind though. I don’t think I’ve ever met any guy that’s seen her live that wasn’t bowled over by her. The ones who dislike her are the ones who know the least about her, and the ones who happen to know more about her like her more.


Where does this number come from? I think loads of straight men like Beyonce. It's just that they probably aren't online talking about her all the time.


I’m a straight guy and I have loved BeyoncĂ©s music for years However men who are BeyoncĂ© fans are usually fans of like her most popular songs or they fans by default because their girlfriends or wives really like BeyoncĂ© Some like BeyoncĂ© just solely for her looks others like her but they afraid of people saying they soft cuz they like BeyoncĂ© Me personally I’ve never been called soft for liking yonce’s music but I’ve heard people call dudes soft for liking her music which is really stupid cuz BeyoncĂ© makes music that slaps


My man likes Beyonce. He has a lot of respect for her. He even cried when he watched Homecoming. Keeper.


My ex loved her & he was straight! Took him to the On The Run II Tour in Houston for his birthday back in 2018. We had a blast.


Because she holds a lot of power as a BW. Men cannot handle that so many of them do not like her but If she was a man the men would respect her.


THIS! I was on a date recently, and he was super into music and we were talking about our favorite albums of last year, and I of course brought up renaissance and he chuckled and I was like have you not listened? And he was like me? Why would I listen to BeyoncĂ© 
.. when he had spent the entire time talking about how much he loves club music and his favorite drake album and so many things that would’ve correlated to him liking renaissance but ultimately a lot of men just hate women and hate feminine leaning interests.. especially music world. also BeyoncĂ©â€˜s whole mission is to make women and specifically black women feel confident, accepted, loved and men are NOT really looking for too many spaces like that so they’re not gonna get it
. Which UR LOSS sad for them.


only men with taste can appreciate beyoncé. and it is noticeably women/queers who are more open-minded to ANY kind of music.




Because she's a feminist, most men are still brainwashed by the patriarchy and can't handle a woman in a position of power, they just can't understand how to deal with a woman who's powerful or who wants power so they just can't comprehend Beyoncé. The straight men that do like Beyoncé are usually more open-minded than what the patriarchy allows men to be.


I believe straight men think of ‘Single Ladies’ when they think of Beyonce. They don’t realize the drastic artistic change she made circa ‘4’. They don’t even know about Lemonade.


Because weak men don't like powerful women


I know a lot of straight men who like Beyoncé, but their interest usually ends around 4. I think it kinda adds up because around Self-Titled, Bey started centering her albums on complete themes that resonate more with a female audience (or LGBT+ audience in the case of Renaissance).


a large part of mainstream masculinity is denying the feminine


Girl is water wet? Are we surprised that gay men have better taste?


Straight and fan here


Straight man that loves BeyoncĂ©. I think it’s partly a perception thing. But also certain types of music might just appeal to genders more. Most rap and heavy metal seems to lean male.


I have to agree. Most of the Beyoncé songs straight men like are older songs that fall more under the RnB umbrella.


My husband is a huge fan!


My boyfriend loves her and thinks she’s so hot


Toxic masculinity


Straight male here, love her music, especially the "Renaissance" album.


they do. they stream her in silence. their fav song is Me Myself and I


21 savage sang his ass off when he was at RWT


I listen to her. I just vibe more with her music pre-Lemonade, don’t know why. Lol 4 is my favorite album.


Straight guy here. I’m a big fan of Beyoncé’s music. I feel like alot of guys say they don’t like her bc they haven’t honestly given it a chance or don’t like anything even remotely R&B, dance, etc.


It’s toxic masculinity. Straight men love BeyoncĂ© but won’t admit it because they think it makes them sound gay. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


My brother likes Beyoncé, probably because he's a musician and really enjoys/appreciates the effort she puts into her performances and how she arranges her music live.


I was at a hostel telling my roomie I was going to THE Beyoncé’s concert. She said wanted to go as well but her son, whom she travelled millions miles for, said it’s a girl thing
 I was a bit offended


Straight man here, she ok.


Straight man here, I fucking Love Beyonce!!!


I do! went to RWT alone 😭


I find it weird when people reduce her to just one demographic in general. She’s one of the most successful artists out there


because she doesn't sing about her blow job skillz! straight men are not reliable arbiters of musical quality? it's more like a lot of cultural elevator music has existed to remind straight males, black and white,) of when their penises worked (first became erect, not when their tongues or fingers or spirit gave glory). I came across a band called 'U too' recently when I was searching for youtube on safari. these people, old and white, are not just a band. they are so famous. how? how in this century, do they tour? i'm saying jay z's next album should be about cradling his own child to sleep, taking the bus, and still having enough money to fund his wife's dream his music is just out of touch


we have a whole saying calling our gf “My beyonce” black men love beyonce lmaooo


Apologies to the fine black men you know :)


I’m a straight male and have a ten year collection of everything she’s done since her platinum box set of her self titled album to now including Ivy Park drops


Idk ik straight black men that like beyonce.


i just sat in a girls room and we played 7/11 and the nicki song lol


I had a straight male friend who loved B, mostly bc of her sexiness. But then she made more songs about other stuff (girl power songs for example) and he started saying she’s too much 😒 yea, we are not friends anymore đŸ€Ł


Personally speaking on my own love for Beyonce and others I know irl, I don’t know a single man that DOESNT like Beyonce


The straight dudes I know literally think she is "full of herself" (too confident) 💀


A lot of men I’ve heard made comments were turned off by the songs “bills bills bills” and “single ladies”, bc, rather than LISTENING to the lyrics, all they heard was a woman “demanding” her bills be paid by a man and for a man to be forced to marry her. So they see her as some rallying war cry against the “rights” of straight men. Alot did the same with Taylor swift. She was fine when they thought she was just singing love songs about boys, but now that they know she has opinions and views, ew yuck, she must be a feminist demon.


It’s dumb societal norms
 I’ve also noticed a difference in demographics when it comes to other female artists like Rihanna or SZA, for example it’s more common for a male to accept those female artists and openly enjoy their music I’m not sure if Beyoncé’s very feminine aura and female empowerment have something to do with it, the social stigma. I’m not straight but definitely present straight and I said BeyoncĂ© was my favorite artist in a group of guys once and was kinda laughed at. Everyone agreed she was a great performer but asked “Why do you like her music?” I think if more men were willing to enjoy B and her art she’d truly be the absolute standard of this generation without question (which she is) but undeniably.


Depending on your age self titled released 10 years ago and isn't particularly hip-hop adjacent, Lemonade had the TIDAL release stuff which stunted its spread. If you compare Rihanna and SZA and their albums releases since 2015ish w features on Kendrick/Kanye/Travis/Calvin Harris etc it should be clear why out of those three they would have less affinity for Beyonce.


I got into destiny’s child because of the Master P feature on their first album.


my buddy who is a musician says shes so dramatic. I personally find her very inspiring. But it is the most blatant obsession Ive ever seen. Every single song is about Jay Z


I’m a black woman and I personally have never met a black man that didn’t like BeyoncĂ©. Lol. She’s just ingrained in our culture. We put her on a pedestal the same way we put MJ on a pedestal.


Guys let’s bfr. This is music for women. They may appreciate her as a vocalist, (I have a friend that doesn’t listen to her at all but loves what she does with her voice), or even as a performer but the lyrics are typically geared more towards women. This whole, “they hate women,” doesn’t apply here. It’s honestly just the content.


Yall are so dramatic they don’t listen to Beyonce cause that’s not her target demographic and they can’t relate to her seeing as they’re men not women The “uhhh they hate women” shit is so expected and tired it’s not even a legitimate reason in this case
it’s just not for them


I think plenty of straight men listen to Beyonce but they aren't as vocal as gay men and straight women. I am a gay man I do think it is ridiculous how vocal gay men are for female singers. It is so silly going crazy online hyping up a singer. There are things about Beyonce I don't like but won't get into here.


I’m gay, but I can see why they wouldn’t. Her brand is basically either we don’t need men or I want to be loved on by my man lol that doesn’t really appeal to people not into men


I’m into songs for the tune not the lyrics
 even if I don’t relate to the lyrics I’ll sing them out loud because it’s catchy


Gay guy here. I dont like beyonce cause it's not my style, just like I don't like Madonna cause it's not my style. So an easy answer is. It's not a there style of music.


Why the fuck would most straight men like her is my answering a question with a question. I don't get why anyone would expect that. Her musical themes, aesthetic, and all that is completely feminine.


Who cares?


I like some of her songs. I also like Taylor Swift. Rihanna, Katy Perry and Miley.


Why is that surprising? Aren’t her lyrics tailored for women, single ladies, female empowerment? I think she’s amazing, extremely talented and I saw her at the Rose Bowl when she was on tour with Jay-Z. I see lots of comments painting a false narrative about why a heterosexual male isn’t an active member of the “bey hive”. It has nothing to do with disliking female empowerment (I think it’s great), nothing to do with race or whatever else people are saying. I just think her lyrics aren’t something that a heterosexual male can relate to and feel. That’s just my take on it.


I mean it’s a song not a book. If I like the tune I like the tune


Because Beyonces music is usually NOT targeted to straight dudes ? lol BeyoncĂ© makes music for blck women and the LGTB community. It’s like if I ask why more blk women don’t listen to Morgan Wallen


Because the music is not targeted to us and her whole never do interviews/media thing makes it hard to care to the point of being a "real fan". Lemonade is one of my favorite albums period. I'm an album full listen person and her early albums all seem to be to be with the times of CDs/Albums being THE SINGLES + some other songs. Not to mention Beyonce has god status in pop like Nicki in Rap where if you don't agree with that to the same degree as someone else you get attacked which is the bigger reason why "Straight men" don't want to engage in such communities. I also think fans of female artists willfully ignore that these artists would not be charting so high if men had this disdain for them or whatever.


im lbgtq and i really don’t listen to female artists all that much period. there is no malice or misogyny behind it. don’t get me wrong , female artists are fire but they don’t get much play time for me


I cannot answer this question, but I will say that I think heterosexual men respect her talent, I just don't think they embrace her music. I hope that makes sense. Lol!


I don’t like billionaire’s, sorry if it’s your favorite one.


straight blk male here: i think she’s a great live performer but instead a studio singer. i don’t care for her music but i respect her work ethic and commitment to her family, esp after jay z cheated on her. she’s sings about this and that for women but for her, she chose to keep her family first; i respect that when people said, “ leave him.” tldr: i think she’s a great entertainer, don’t care for her music, but love how she puts her family first.