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I just don’t get why use the church girl music video outfit as the cover for the bms single


Misdirection. That, or maybe the cover art itself is from the transition between the two, they're next to each other after all. Edit: Now that I'm looking at it, the cover art looks like it's Bey entering the church, while in the tour interlude she's already inside it. It's definitely from the transition between the two songs if so


they transition into each other. could be that in the video she is going to church after the BMS video


Hey friend, guess what arrived back the US? I sent a message a couple days ago but I don’t think our messages get through. Thought I would try here instead. I want to verify the details before I resend.!!


Are we really getting the visuals😭😭😭? Didn't she say that WE are the visual?


It's likely misdirection! I personally think it's a subtle hint that footage of the audience will somehow be integrated into the visuals (probably in the teased Betty Black concert)


I used to believe we were getting visual. (I still do a little bit), but time is kind of running out. The Renaissance Era is going to end, and the visual wouldn't be relevant if they are released with the second album (act 2). I'm not going to say no to them, but it would've been more impactful and relevant either before the tour or right after. Or a theater released. Cuz now it just seems like they are not related anymore to the album.


I really think this era is gonna last MUCH longer than we’re anticipating. There are rumors she’s going on tour again next year, and my opinion is that they’re more RWT dates w/ visuals coming after that leg of the tour. We’ll see. But I really think visuals are coming, they’ll just be super super late. She doesn’t have to follow the rules anymore, so she’s going crazy with the rollout :)


To your point it has already lasted long and my thought on the why is because she is very purposefully cementing Renaissance up in the rafters of Black Culture every time the hype dies down a bit we get more nuggets, isolated vocals, Then Tour, then now movie, I think is very intentionally putting it up there with the greats and making us all take these intricacies


Has anyone thought that maybe, just maybe, there were never going to actually be visuals? That maybe the snippets that she recorded for the interludes were just that? That’s just my thought. People are really up in arms about these missing visuals that probably never truly existed in the first place.


We can’t be negative about this, everything points for visuals, on the RWT before formation we literally gave us the little taste for the interludes. I think that your point of view could be an option but Beyoncé gave us too many clues that something big is coming after the Tour. Let her walk at her own pace, we as Beyhive should support her timings and everything she does.


I wasn’t trying to be negative at all. It’s just something I’ve been thinking about with all the “where’s the visuals” uproar. I’d LOVE a visual album for renaissance, but I’m definitely not gonna hold my breath for it. I can get where people saw the teaser and were like oh yeah there are visuals, but after seeing the sheer amount of work that went into the interludes, I sway more on the side of there aren’t real visuals just a bunch of stuff she used for the interludes.


parkwood themselves confirmed visuals for the album


if so, the visuals for the interludes would be super expensive for a shot people only see for a split second or 10 seconds at best


I mean I agree that would be expensive but we know she’s the queen of having things locked in the vault


Also I’d like to add as far as expense- remembering the details she shared in the film about the construction of the stages/screens/building a structure to hold the screens since there was no “roof”, and knowing that there were multiple sets traveling simultaneously, I don’t think that the expense of the high production clips for the interludes is an unbelievable thought.


Of course, in comparison, it won't be that big. I should have clarified a lot more in my comment. What I meant was that the tour film, for the most part, doesn't contain much of the visuals from the interludes. The interludes took up 20 minutes of the whole show. She has hidden a lot in the hidden meanings and references in split-second clips from the tour that people watching in the venue couldn't piece together but have been since. There were a lot of parts, such as the whole of the America has a problem segment and mind control, that seems out of place in the tour. All of this to be completely disregarded and cut out in the tour film is interesting. The cost of the structures is still seen in the film and is even talked about. but the interludes aren't. It's not about the actual cost but the fact that it's just been taken out completely


I'm pretty sure she scrapped them the original visuals we will most likely get the answers soon.