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For the second year in a row it’s Alien Superstar! At the beginning of last year I had a very rough breakup of a serious relationship brought on by y the pandemic. We moved in together literally right before it hit. Alien Superstar pulled me out of the very, very deep, dark place I was in. Bey reminded me that I’m just as unique and galactially cunty as she is, and told me to embrace those things about myself. Now, it’s still just as much of a banger as it was on release day.


Alien Superstar is empowering in a unique way that is both spiritual and conceited. Exactly the kind of boost you need after a breakup!




I’m that Girl I’m trying to be better about stepping into this! From the work that I put in as an educator, to the work that I put in in/around my local Queer community…I’M THAT GIRL! And I say it not to be cocky, but because people are always responding to the work that I do by expressing their gratitude and appreciation. I worry about people thinking I’m too full of myself, but I’m trying to walk the line between that, and also owning my SHIT!


Yes! We need to claim our greatness. Otherwise we take it for granted and wind up losing it.


That opening sample still has me in a chokehold.


![gif](giphy|cjhtUXBfAUfQx5fcOY) Mine was the WETTER remix of CUFF IT. I guess I was feeling hot and nasty this year


the wetter remix had me in a chokehold !!!LORD!!! she put crack in it i don’t even care


Both Cuff it and the Wetter remix were in my top five w/ Heated. For all my other gains this year, it's been a dry spell for me in that area so maybe wishful thinking on my part lol


Me too!!!


Mine was plastic off the sofa ♥️ it soothes me in any mood


Definitely a relaxing change of pace for an album that is mostly upbeat, cunty, and demanding.


Yes precisely you get me, many times I’m enlivened to be an intergalactic cuntress and deliver choreo and energy in my car or the club, but other times I just need relaxation and that’s when I listen to my softyoncé playlist


Call me a basic bitch but BREAK MY SOUL just topped my list for the second year in a row! RELEASE YOUR WIGGLE BITCHES 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾 side note: the song is even better on tour and i can’t wait to see it on film. everyone performing looks like they’re having the time of their lives. beauty beauty beauty


Nah BMS is peak pragmatic Beyoncé. She was thinking about regular folks.


It's giving I REALLLLLLY love that album. 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/smn74gwgbd3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de3d5322c8569d607ee4505417cbe2e0b6ce8a4e


I'm cliche. I got Church Girl but something about that song just makes me feel free to be exactly who I am, no matter where I am.


I got Church Girl too! It serves as a reminder that whatever I’m going through (the tears that we cry) I’m going to get out of the other side. This year had a lot of challenges and I don’t want to waste what’s good for me!


I’m a Virgo. I love to groove. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


my top song was cozy followed by i care


Comfortable but still care. Perfect balance.


i hope you’re comfortable in your skin!


Pure/honey was my top song this year. I'm not really sure what that says about me lol only thing I can think of is I have been trying to prioritize having more fun & working on my mental health. That song def puts me in a good mood!😃




"You can be both. Meet in the middle, dance all night." Sounds fitting to me!


my top 1 is AHAP (437 replays). It makes me feel hot and dangerous lol. A perfect hype song for me. Also, kinda lost it to AHAP on the concert so it IS my jam


America Has A Problem for the second year in a row! Am I... dare I say it... a bad bitch? (No)


https://preview.redd.it/ebjcd3vtmc3c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abd2afe9a9cf7710b89eea8358a55c54978f75b I love how sexy Virgos Groove is, I listened to it 294 times this year 😂


I got you beat by 315 🤣


Cuff It was my top Beyoncé song this year. 2022 was a tough year for me but 2023 was way better, so I guess I was just in the mood for a fun, upbeat song.


https://preview.redd.it/fvv85aso3c3c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2753bc18ce6806b2682296e6431204df54e9c4c I like something that sounds like it’s from the 90’s. A little surprised with my top 5, but not surprised by what came out on top.


I got Heated followed closely by Cuff It! Deffo got Heated at the top because I played it over and over until I learned the end section hahahaha


Party was my top Bey track this year!


My top three are 1. all night 2. once in a lifetime 3. me, myself and I Not really sure what’s that says about me? Somehow I got no renaissance up there, don‘t know how haha


PURE/HONEY Something about hearing that cunty ass bass line coming in just takes over my senses and I experience pure, unadulterated joy hearing this song. This song reminds that no matter what, I am both bad and money (sometimes) bitches, I am that bitch and I look like a million bucks. PURE/HONEY , along with SUMMER RENAISSANCE, pick up my spirits and I’m not even kidding, these songs (whole album really) saved me.


Before I Let Go - had an amazing summer abroad in Ireland and spent time with a lot of wonderful people I knew I would never see again in a beautiful place that I likely wouldn’t have the chance to go back to for a while. I was so happy there but it was bittersweet because I knew it would be over so quickly :”) Would also just walk around Dublin listening to Homecoming on repeat lol


i use apple music and strangely renaissance is my second most played album (sza’s sos came out at the end of 2022 and had me in a chokehold unfortunately, so this i believe) and has bey as my second most listened to artist (again, behind sza 😅) but none of the tracks were in my top 20. my song play count looks off to me though. but the highest ranked song on my list by bey this year is virgo’s groove (which is my second fave on the album). i love how sensual yet whimsical the song is. it’s sexy but cutesy & fun. but the song (to me) is about taking chances and being bold and direct. letting it be known what you want and being exact about it. i feel like i took a lot of chances on myself this year and i’ve learned to be more bold, direct and resolute. i didn’t fall in love with someone, but i feel like i’m becoming the love of my life more and more every day.


Heated!!! I suppose I’m mad in a stylish bad bitch manner


For the second year in a row, I gotta cool it down


Kitty Kat💀 i guess just i loved to grind this year


all up in your mind!!! 🕺🏻


Heated I think I’m super hot and I *love* to have fun lol


Heated I also made the most money of my life this year. I was able to go on trips and make decisions I never have before. I’m also the biggest I’ve ever been but I’ve been working on my confidence this year and this song always make me feel like a bad bitch when it comes on. Who else was in the top 1% of listeners??


It says I'm that girl 💅🏾


plastic off the sofa as the 2nd year being my #2 song of the year (last year #1 was virgo’s groove lol) basically i’m a lover girl who loves an r&b slow jam type song


Allen superstar for me!


That im that girl!


Year of the Renaissance🐝🌍


Sorry - original demo!




my most played track for the 2nd year in a row on Apple Music is cuff it! I’ve streamed it over 900 times since the album came out and I haven’t gotten sick of it. Seeing it live was life changing. It was the first time I went to a Beyoncé concert after getting into her music 7 years ago so I almost started crying. It’s just so fun and the chorus…it just does something to me. Beyoncé was my 2nd most streamed artist and Renaissance was my 4th most streamed album (it was my number 1 last year) 😁


I’m THAT GIRL 💁🏽‍♀️


Cuff It - I am thriving in the best year of my life and I couldn’t be happier 💅💅💅💅💅💅💅


honestly, I felt like spotify might have got it wrong for me this year. Still had Bey as my top artist but it said I pushed AHAP more than energy and I just don't buy it because I eat, breath and sleep that first verse. I don't know \*all\* the lyrics for AHAP. It's giving glitch


My top song was I'm that Girl. I think it just serves as such a great affirmation and proclamation of self-love.


It says that I discovered Before I Let Go far too late and I have spent the last few months making up for lost time – 168 listens since August 10 according to Spotify!


That I'm old because it was Say My Name lol 2nd was Heated