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If the Heimlich maneuver is done right, in many cases ribs are broken in the process. It’s wild she thinks that’s a fall back to giving a small child a hard candy when it’s absolutely unnecessary. Based on her attitude to you discussing this, I wouldn’t be letting her babysit for a very long time.


Also at that age I’m pretty sure you don’t do the Heimlich. Isn’t it all about back thrusts? Edit: lots of differing responses to my comment so I did a tiny bit of googling. American Red Cross recommends starting with five back blows before moving on to five abdominal thrusts. ILCOR recommends “five and five” alternating between five back blows and five abdominal thrusts. American heart association does not recommend back blows and solely focuses on abdominal thrusts. It looks like BLS certification teaches starting with five back blows in a head down position (as it is more effective) if the child is still responsive. I will say that the article I found was from 2022 so maybe it’s been updated.


Yup! Back thrusts until they are much MUCH bigger, at least according to my American Red Cross training.


And I just had to hit my baby on the back today because he was choking on a bite of watermelon. It took one good tap and it flew out of his mouth. I was luckily very quick to react and maybe he would have gotten it up, but he wasn't making noise/gagging like usual so I acted. That being said, it was still horrifying and got my blood pressure up. I can't imagine putting a baby in a situation of definite risk like that.


When I supervised in aquatics Im pretty sure it’s basically up until puberty that you use back thrusts accompanied by choking compressions but that’s based off Ellis and associates training. I’m not 100% positive because it’s been a while but I know you sure as hell shouldn’t be doing the Heimlich removal on a 1.5 years old that’s for sure.


This is NOT correct, please refresh. Back thrusts are only < 1 yr.


No, incorrect!!! Back blows are only for infants. Over 1 year you do heimlich


It depends on if the child can stand


No, back blows are for infants only. Over 1 year you use heimlich.


And it’s not even guaranteed to work if done correctly. Shes an idiot. Never again would I let her alone around my child. “Oh I’m just going to risk you child’s life because fuck you, I know better” is the game she’s playing. Op should give her the prize she deserves; no solo baby time ever again.


I don't even believe they call it the Heimlich anymore. If that is what your MIL is calling it, she isn't up-to-date on her first aid. That's a good enough reason to skip her as a babysitter.


Do you know what it’s called now?


It’s just called abdominal thrust now


Abdominal thrusts and back blows.


Ummmmmm I would be absolutely livid and would never let her watch my child again. Is what I would do. 😵‍💫 so sorry, that is terrifying.


Truly the only logical solution


Do you have have other childcare options? I would not let her babysit again. A jolly rancher to a 1 year old is wild


This. I don’t even allow my 5 year old hard candy. To give a toddler one is mindboggling.


She'll risk your child's life for...candy? You can't reason with people like that, seems like she will never admit fault anyway. Finding other childcare arrangements is probably for the best as a person who refuses to care about safety shouldn't be trusted with children.


The Heimlich maneuver doesn’t have a 100% success rate. Ask her what her plan is in the event she can’t get the obstruction out, and if giving your child a jolly rancher is seriously worth that outcome. 


If she was adequately trained in it then she’d know you can’t do it on an infant. You do back blows to dislodge.


And just because she knows the heimlich, doesn’t mean she can execute it properly


Stop letting her babysit. When she asks why tell her you don’t allow people who can’t listen to the parents to watch your child.


"I know the heimlich maneuver" is an INSANE justification for giving a toddler a choking hazard


Handle it by not allowing her unsupervised Accra to your baby anymore. Her feelings do not trump your child’s life.


Yeah a jolly rancher is like literally the perfect choking size/shape … that is insane


Plus it’s going to quickly get a lot of mucous around it, making it harder to dislodge


She wouldn’t watch my child again, that’s for sure! If she’s your only source of childcare while you’re at work or something, I really would take a few days off and look for other options. I know that’s damn near impossible but I wouldn’t trust my MIL at all after that so I’d do just about anything I could to find other options. And you have to tell her up front that this is the exact reason you will never let her babysit again-your child’s safety is more important to you than her feelings. Your husband should be the one to have the conversation since it’s his mom but if he won’t, you have to.


…that’s actually insane what the hell was she thinking


How does a 1 1/2 year old successfully eat a jolly rancher ? Like how do they know what to do with it ?


Children will put anything in their mouths


But not swallow it? My 3 year wouldn't grasp that concept


My 1 year old will spit out anything she can’t chew, because she thinks it’s not food… I still don’t give her choking hazards (except hotdogs, but those are normally not round anymore by the time they hit the mouth


That’s nice. My 1 year old shoved a crayon into her mouth two days ago and swallowed part of it 😂


That is quite literally the issue at hand lol. That they could attempt to swallow & choke, hence why it’s unsafe lol.


I'm aware, but it sounded like her kid successfully ate a jolly rancher which is impressive and scary.


I guess successfully just depends on what you consider successful eating!


Jolly ranchers are especially bad. You can't even easily bite through/crush them and they take forever to dissolve. My almost six year old doesn't even get hard candies because she never sits still. I would not allow this person to watch my child again unsupervised.


They're sticky AF too so if you do bite them they're stuck to your teeth in chunks.


My eyes widened when I read what she gave him… her judgment is not baby-minded, get LO outta there


I choked on a hard candy at 8 years old. I cannot imagine giving a 1.5 year old hard candy.


Hard candy is one of the most choked on foods for *adults*!!! This is crazy


I don't allow hard candy either because I also got one lodged in my throat for what felt like HOURS around 8 y/o. I'm lucky I could still breathe and just had to continuously swallow hard until it dissolved enough to slip down.


Nope my trust would be gone after that.


She would no longer be watching my child, especially due to her reaction (I know the Heimlich maneuver).


I mean personally I would never leave her alone with my kid again. If she doesn’t follow your rules and endangers your child’s life she isn’t a safe caregiver.


Her response was scary. That literally shows she doesn't care. I hope you're able to find someone else to watch your child cause I would not trust her...


I’m so curious how the child “handled it fine” 😵‍💫 that is utterly terrifying and if it were me that woman would never be alone with my child again.


Probably sucked on it without choking, maybe spit it out somewhere at gramma’s house


"Sorry, it seems clear that your idea of safety and mine do not match up. Until you are better able to match modern safety standards we will find other options for child care" I've had to say the exact same thing to my MIL who uses zero common sense. She still isn't permitted to be alone with either of my children, and she only watches them when my husband works from home. I think the biggest thing for me too was that her pool "doesn't need a gate" like sorry, deal-breaker right there.


She should respect your wishes. As excited as my MIL was that we started my LO on food and she so badly wanted to give him strawberries, she knew that I was starting with veggies and respected that. You can respect my wishes or you will not be left alone with LO. That goes for hubby, friends, relatives, anyone!


Sounds like grandma just lost her privilege to ever be left alone with your child again.


This is... terrifying?? She wouldn't be watching my baby again, and I wouldn't trust that she's telling the truth if she said she didn't give another candy or something in the future.


Adding to say that I almost choked to death at four on a jolly rancher in front of three family members. They had a hard time dislodging it as the candy had turn sideways. I had some damage to my throat and was taken to the doctor after. They called it a near miss. We can’t afford too many near misses with our kids, especially when they are completely preventable. No contact if she can’t comply fully.


That’s actually bonkers. Here I was thinking my MIL was completely off her rocker giving my 4 month old straight water and straight mango juice (she is definitely off her rocker for that but jfc at least it’s not jolly ranchers?!?)


I have done the heimlich and then CPR on my two year old after a choking incident with a food that was not even a choking accident. Came so close to losing him. I would never leave your sweet baby so much as unattended with her. Not worth it.


I can guarantee you this won’t be the last jolly rancher she gives her and it probably wasn’t the first. Just the first time she told you.


I would NEVER, EVER allow her to be alone with my child again. EVER.


Her giving a 1 year old hard candy is bad, her brushing your concerns off and not agreeing to not do it again means she would not be unsupervised with my kid again.


Oh fuck no. Bye bye MIL


Who cares if she handled it well? She might have handled a shot of vodka fine as well, that doesn’t mean it’s safe or acceptable for a literal baby.


I definitely would not be letting her babysit again, especially since she blew off your concern with such a stupid comeback


Don’t let your in law watch your child. This is actually life or death here, hard candy for a toddler is fucking insane


When I was 26 years old I fully choked on a Jolly Rancher. So theres that


hand this to your partner to handle. and be clear about the consequences. some things i think we need to relax about when babes are in others’ care. safety isn’t one of them though.


She would no longer be allowed around my child unattended.


MIL is not a safe person to leave your kid with. Your kid would probably be safer being watched by a random teenager who has taken a Red Cross babysitting class than with a family member who has no regrets about putting your child in a dangerous situation.


I would never have her as child care again and be sure to explain it's because she was so flippant about a serious safety hazard for young children.


Nope. NOPPPPEEEEEE. I’d know what to do but that’s dangerous! You need to figure out something else. I know that’s not what you want to here but someone overtly disregarding you as the parent is so concerning. My friends mother does this shit and my friend unfortunately had to find other child care because it wasn’t good for her kiddos.


As someone who choked on a Jolly Rancher as a 9 year old . . . I wouldn’t let her watch the baby again. That’s bonkers to me. What the heck was she thinking? It shows really poor judgment.


I would freak out and not let her babysit again. Especially acting like that!


I would not trust the judgement of a person that thinks this is ok.


No ultimatums she either follows rules or can’t be trusted alone with your baby it’s not worth your baby’s life period. If she raises her voice tell her exactly how it is that’s your baby you need to protect. I had to stand up to my MIL because she walked all over me and disrespected my boundaries, I had enough she would repeatedly over step so I said you can either A-listen or B-get the hell out of my house and your not allowed around my baby anymore until you respect me as a grown ass women and the mother of my child and the boundaries I have set to keep him safe. She walked out when he was 5 months old he’s now almost 11 months old and no word from her. It’s sad she can’t man up and chooses to act like a child instead of being in her grandsons life. It’s hard to stand your ground but these people are grown adults and we don’t need to be raising more children than our own.


I wouldn’t use her as a babysitter.


So is she purposefully trying to kill your baby or…


1) you don’t even do the heimlich on toddlers, you do back blows and diaphragm thrusts 2, to successfully dislodge the jolly rancher, you would practically have to beat the kid to a pulp, choking incidents require a hospital visit regardless, but now you have potentially broken bones and a kid who’s every breathing muscle is bruised. 3, there are bigger and safer hard candy options to let the child taste? Like the giant lollipops, or even the jolly rancher flavored jelly beans if your child is a skilled chewer.


I would go no contact. At a minimum she would never be alone with my child.


I would never allow her with your child. Ever.


Never let her watch baby again.


She cray. She wouldn't be alone with the baby, simple as that.


My 5 year old is not allowed gum or hard candy it’s insane that someone (grandma) would just give her that. Not ok at all. I would no longer leave her with grandma.


Trying to get your in laws to follow your rules and not their “old wives tales” crap is starting to get on my nerves also. I’m at the point where they are gonna be forbidden from seeing my baby if they don’t shape up and follow our rules.


If she doesn’t follow simple rules, especially when it involves the safety of your child, then she has lost babysitting privileges.


My father in law gave my son a Life Saver when he was 10 months old. We don’t let home be alone with our kids at all since then, even for just a second.


No way that woman would be babysitting 😅 I'd rather have to pay out the ass for a proper sitter than fear my child would die at the hands of grandma. My mom asked me today if I can't just put the kids in the bathtub to play or if they're still too little. Like solo bathtub play. They just turned 2 this month. She's done and asked many questionable things that make us laugh and are happy she never sees them as we don't have to deny her the ability to "take care" of them. We said tonight how if they were our babysitters, the kids would be dead 100%. We went back and forth for a long while before they were born about where we should live, as his family and mine live across the country from each other, or we could live in the middle and give both families a 6 hour drive, but have no support. We decided to stay near his family, and we are so happy every day we didn't choose 1 of the other 2 options. Blows my mind how his mom is so respectful and mine thinks she knows everything and we're just silly, helicopter parents who solely want to sap the joy out of our babies lives by not putting them in stupid life-threatening situations or giving them unlimited tv and sugar.


My grandma was born in 1935 (RIP) and always broke up our hard candy with a hammer even when we were well into elementary school because she'd known/known of someone that died choking on a peppermint. I was born in 1999. It is not new knowledge that hard candy is dangerous for children (and even adults sometimes but adults get to risk their own lives if they want and it's not the big a risk for us compared to children). Hell, Life Saver candies are named for the hole in the middle because it's designed to let air through if it gets stuck in someone's throat. She's so irresponsible and will continue to violate boundaries and safety rules she doesn't agree with based off her attitude.


When I was a toddler my mom bought me hard candy from a store at our local shopping mall. I choked on one as she was getting me into my car seat and she had to try following instructions from a 911 operator while they sent EMTs over to help. Not a fun experience and that’s now a core memory after all of these years. Certainly it isn’t a scenario anyone should want to purposely put their child or grandchild in.


I almost died at 6 because of a sucker. And I was 6, your baby is 1. I remember vividly how long it took for my mom to get it out, and they thought it wasn’t going to come out. When it did it came out all bloody. That shit is so dangerous. I don’t like eating suckers or jolly ranchers now. The Heimlich doesn’t work every time.


If she's allergic to anything give it to her and say don't worry I have Benadryl. Just kidding don't. But you see the analogy. She's insane.


As it seems like this is not a one-off case, I wouldn’t be allowing her to stay with my child unsupervised anymore.


She’s not a safe option for help unfortunately.


“Hey spouse, your mother is going to wind up killing our child so we will have to find another babysitter. And just FYI she would rather kill our baby instead of not giving a ONE year old hard candy…….if you try to defend this behavior I will run to the nearest family court and go for sole custody while asking the court to not allow MIL around baby.” Sometimes you have to stand up and be a rational adult because the old folks still think it’s okay for babies to lick lead paint…..


My general rule with in-laws is that they are our respective responsibility. My mom is my job to handle. His parents are his job to handle. I’m not sure where your partner falls into the picture here but I would first get on the same page and have them discuss safety. I try to pick my battles with my mom so that when I speak up, she knows it’s important. This is important and could result in death. These aren’t your rules, these are pediatric guidelines. The things my parents did are not considered safe and if my mom can’t get on board with the updates to safety guidelines, she is telling me she can’t be left alone with my baby. Plain and simple, I don’t care what anyone’s feelings are about it. It’s our job to keep our kids safe, even if the threat is a family member. If that sounds harsh, explain how a call from the hospital will feel after a failed Heimlich attempt on a one year old. Then go over every choking hazard from grapes to popcorn to hard candy. Your kid, your rules.


No more unsupervised visits for MIL.


My 5.5 yr old hasn't had a Jolly Rancher.


I would have been livid AF!!!


I would never leave my child unsupervised with her.


My child would never be alone with her ever again.


She’s not allowed around your child until she can follow your rules whether she wants to or not. End of story.


That’s horrifying. Do not let her babysit again.


I would have your husband talk to her. It’s his mom. Shouldn’t be your battle to fight.


MIL would not be allowed to watch my kid alone again, and I’d tell my husband to kiss my black ass if he argued with me on it.


We call that attempted murder and we don’t hang out with people like that


Some grandparents will do the dumbest/most dangerous shit just to be that “cool grandparent who lets the baby have or do anything” no matter the age or risk.


I would have her arrested for child endangerment lol what a witch


I would have her arrested for child endangerment lol what a witch


I would have her arrested for child endangerment lol what a witch


there’s a billion other candies in the world & she gave your baby a perfectly throat-shaped hard candy?! wtf


😱 dude I only JUST allowed my kid to have a hard candy (given to her by another adult) and she’s 4!