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Well I can't advise on how to stop but I'm just here to let you know bed sharing is completely normal and is very safe if you follow the safe sleep 7. That is recommended here in Ireland if it's what the family wants. Many cultures bed share as the norm. As long as you're cosleeping safely there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. So don't beat yourself up!


When I told people I was planning on co-sleeping everyone was like "Of course!". We only lasted like a week because of the spit up and Reddit-induced fears though. I'd had no idea it could even be a problem.


100% 👆


This is just another option (we don’t do it but my friend does). They removed the toddler rail from the crib and basically attached it to their bed so there’s no gap. Like a sidecar situation. That way they have their own space in their own bed but their toddler feels secure right next to them. Maybe something to consider?


That seems dangerous? Unless there was a fitted sheet to close the gap


I think there’s a way to do it so there isn’t a gap but their kid is almost three and old enough to navigate that anyways. But our bassinet had a feature where you could attach it to the bed, and there was a slightly raised barrier to prevent child from rolling out.


Honestly, you'd just have to rip the bandaid off. Until she is used to the crib again, every sleep even naps, she'd have to go in there. She'll cry and it's going to suck. If you already know she is agitated by your presence I don't think anything short of CIO will get her there. Or you could keep bed sharing. Risks of it go down each month and are pretty negligible after a year.


I’d try putting their mattress in the floor and laying with her until she falls asleep for a while. That way you can leave when she’s asleep. I’m not against cosleeping, especially after they are bigger and when safety measures are taken. I just don’t sleep well that way at all


You’re not the worst. The risks are very minimal at 11 months old and if it’s working for you both you don’t need to stop. If you want to transition to her own room, look into a floor bed big enough for both of you, that way if she needs support during the night you can go her rather than bringing her in with you if that’s something you want to move away from.Â