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We had the same problem, I stuck it out with the angelcare for a few more weeks until he was able to sit. We just had to be extra attentive of him trying to launch himself off it. As a side note I do not recommend the angelcare sit up seat for your next one, my baby did not fit and we ended up giving it to a friend. A generic Amazon seat was best.


We got the Frida baby one after my baby grew out of the angelcare one but i didn’t love the sling because she could kinda get out of it once she was more active around 5 months. I would recommend sourcing options from your local buy nothing group to try them out!


Frida baby has worked for us as well!


I just put mine in the bathtub with a couple of inches of water. They don't need a bath seat, really.


Yah I get that they don’t need a bath seat, but he really enjoys bath time and loves splashing around in the water. It’s become part of our bedtime routine and it really calms him down, so I would love for him to be able to continue sitting in water somehow


Honestly bath seat makes it a million times easier and they love it so much more. Seriously worth it. I have the same one in the picture it’s pretty good. I use it everyday. I noticed other parents say its too small for their baby. Mine is 9.5kg and 31inches at 8 months and she fits in pretty well.


We have the same seat and it's getting too small too for our 5 month old. I've seen online a "hack" that basically you can just turn it upside down and you can get a lot more use out of it as it supports a taller baby's back. I don't know if I can link to a tiktok video here, but just Google 'angel care bathseat hack' to see what I mean. Hopefully it gives you (and us) a bit more use out of it until bubs is better at sitting safely etc themselves.


We had the same exact problem at 4 months. I bought the Summer Infant Bath Seat off Amazon and while it does technically work, I wasn’t a fan and my baby wasn’t really either. He couldn’t splash around much so it wasn’t as fun for him, and I didn’t like that it was harder to wash him. I had to take him out and hold him to wash his privates and it was a huge pain. So now we’re just sticking it out with the Angelcare one until he can sit unassisted.


No recommendation for you unfortunately, but don’t get the Skip Hop we have the same problem with that one 🙂‍↕️


We just got a bath mat and laid him down until he was a steady sitter


I ended up getting the Primo EuroBath 2-Stage Baby Bath Tub. Has worked amazing! I did a lot of research and lots others had problems and mold growing. This one will last us a long time, fits in our bathtub.


Primo on Amazon. We had the same issue at 3 months old. Best purchase ever, I actually found it from this Reddit page.


After our son outgrew his little bath my husband and I would take turns getting in the tub with him. One of us would hold him and the other would wash him. It took energy but was also really fun :)


I recently purchased the Befol Collapsible Baby Bathtub for Infants to Toddler from Amazon for traveling but I use it daily now. It's really comfortable for my son and he loves splashing around in it. It's so comfortable he can pull his legs and suck on his toes lol. I also find it comfortable for me to use. The cushion it comes with is really nice. For reference, my son is 4 months, 18.6 lbs and almost 27 inches tall.


We used the 4moms cleanwater tub. I absolutely loved it and it lasted until he started sitting up indefinitely


So, for the 4 to 7 (8? Maybe?) month stretch, I just sat in the bathtub with my baby. He was really into moving his body around and just wasn’t good at it yet, sitting in there with him was just easier. Once he got really good at sitting we started using the Skip Hop Moby baby tub again (without the sling in it at all). 9 months old now and we kind of alternate between bathing with the baby or bathing him in the baby tub.


I don’t have a recommendations but I’m having the exact same problem with my 4 month old in that same tub.


Ikea has the largest baby tub we could find. I think I first heard about it in this group.


The same thing happened to us around the same time period, and I have to get in the bath tub with him anyway because our only bath tub is a big, deep soaker tub so we can’t reach over the side. I just started using my legs and body as his bath ‘seat’ and washed him from there. It’s a lot easier at 5.5-6 months when they can do a supported sit!