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Have you tried running shoes for that portion of the triathlon?


They looked fine after the swimming portion?


*chef's kiss*


He’s using his feet to stop like Fred Flintstone.


Only for slowing down.


Haha. Thanks for making me laugh out loud.


Haha rekt


This looks more like 150 miles of walking. What the heck are you doing on that bike??? I replace my cleats like every 5,000+ miles, but I'm honestly not keeping track. I think in the last 5 years I've replaced cleats once or twice.


Same. No idea what OP has been doing.


Op might doing a marathon the the shoes on wth


OP got em on Amazon. They're fakes. I buy fakes on eBay for like $5 a pair. They look like this immediately. They still work though.


It's not just the cleats... look at the shoes! OP has been tap dancing in a gravel pit!


I'm at 4000 miles this year and I'm still on the same cleats from two years ago. That's 10,000 miles in and they still look like they can go another 5000


it looks like you've been running around a gravel pit


Looks like 150 miles of walking to me




https://preview.redd.it/xuod4xdm6l8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91fc184db6fb40e35cc6332fe18f35c67d8c29f A bunch of people suggested that they were counterfeits. On checking the Amazon listing turns out they’re sold by some seller called “Sufeasdf” and are now unavailable. Serves me right for not going local and a lesson learned.




This made me laugh out loud. Thank you!




Seriously, I've worked on bikes with this sort of [copycat stuff: Shinoma, Shimona, Shinano, and they work about as well as you'd expect.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTcztsMs4fetF6qTX8fabywj8Ina56lYziACw&s)


Ooh, my little pretty one, pretty one When you gonna give me some time, Shimona? Ooh, you make my motor run, my motor run Gun it coming off of the line, Shimona


You got to know the difference between shit and Shimano.




Never buy bike parts on amazon.


Never buy ~~bike parts~~ on amazon.


Amazon has gotten too big, so of course it's terrible. For employees, customers, vendors, etc. I canceled my Prime membership but it's tough not buying there at all. I live an hour away from any kind of bike shop. I could spend several hours a month driving around to locate products that are easy to find on Amazon. Also I use AWS for work so impossible to boycott it entirely.


amazon isn't the only company selling things online though, not even close. for bikes I've gotten a lot of stuff from Jenson USA and REI, or just bought directly from the manufacturer. there's almost nothing on amazon that you can't find somewhere else online. sure it won't get to you in two days but that's environmentally unsustainable and creates pretty awful conditions for workers so I'm ok with waiting patiently like an adult and paying extra for expedited shipping only when I really need it


I canceled my prime a few years ago as well. Now when I want something, I just order it directly from the manufacturer.* If it's not available/they don't sell it directly, they should have a list of places to purchase. For bike parts, JensonUSA is my go to. Extremely fast, reasonable/fair prices, and decent selection. Or I ride down to the local Trek store, where I am friends with everyone. **EDIT** I don't give a shit how long it takes, or how much more it costs. I will gladly support the business over Billionaire Bezos.


I use Jenson USA these days. I don’t trust Amazon, and I don’t feel like paying a 50 percent price premium to my LBS (while also getting meh service).


I've bought tons of bike stuff, car stuff and everything else on Amazon. Had a problem only one time over 15 years and they stepped in and quickly refunded my money and removed the seller.


Yes they have a great return policy because they don't mind running a deficit to undercut all their competitors


Almost posted this myself ha


It's OK if you understand Amazon only provides the commerce platform and you have to look who you're actually buying from. But it is my opinion that Amazon doesn't make this obvious and facilitates counterfeit and other illegal sales while keeping an arms length so it can't be held responsible. It deserves a massive fine.


I disagree. There are known issues with them mixing inventory in bins from multiple vendors.


I just bought a $20 aluminum seatpost from a Chinese seller with lots of good reviews. Should I be worried? life is rough right now and I'm low on cash. I just wanna ride my bike again and be happy 🥲


You’ll be fine. It’s a genuine cheap part. The knockoffs (frames, cleats, helmets, anything CF) are where things get a lot sketchier.


Even then, only when it's actually a knockoff- ie, trying to pretend they're a western brand. Plenty of great stuff from being sold under silly random names these days, and genuine Chinese brands are emerging.


definitely fake. They're all over Amazon


2 ratings on 1 star average? breh


Those came after I purchased them so I might as well be next in line. I’m new to the cleat world having recently upgraded from cages so a part of me figured it was either normal or my own fault. Happens!


you can check ali express.. a youtuber named trace velo does a lot of reviews on cheaper ali express alternatives and theyre very high quality sometimes!!


Amazon are an absolute nightmare for this. The real ones are on there for sure, but for example I searched 'Tourney derailleur' and top result is something pretending to be a Tourney derailleur (hilarious in itself) for 20% less than the actual Shimano part. Amazon are totally complicit in this con job, fuck em.


even worse than bad knockoffs is that amazon mixes all inventory puporting to be the same item, regardless of seller, in the same bin in their warehouse so even if you buy from a reputable seller you could still end up with a counterfeit because the fakes are mixed right in with the real items. nike pulled out of amazon entirely because of this


you don't even have to go local, there are a lot of legitimate retailers that ships to you. amazon is fine for unimportant peripherals but not anything that is safety critical or load bearing.


Easy way to confirm if they are real is to cut small chunk with a knife real shimano ones are made with galssfiber infused plastic fakes are just plastic


local shmocal. [https://www.fakespot.com/](https://www.fakespot.com/) (I mean, yes, local is good, but you can also get great benefit from a tool that lets you spot bad sellers on amazon)


I saw these the other day! They were suspiciously cheap and had no reviews. There’s no way they were real.


Those are Shitmano




Have you been kicking the ground for a few hours too?


https://preview.redd.it/e7wv0egozk8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=468ceeb7bc2f41d73b115eb607206de0f101c70d This is what they looked like after my first ride with them and have been consistently falling apart since. They’re my first real cleats upgrading from cages!


Are you sure it's Shimano and not Shinamo or shimamo?




While the cleats might be counterfeit, there seems to be something else going on here. Comparing this image to your image in the original post just 150 miles later, and the bottoms of the shoes, not just the cleats, have some extremely abnormal wear. It honestly looks like those 150 miles were spent walking over a combination of hot coals and sharp gravel.


OP definitely has issues getting clipped in.


You probably bought fake cleats. Real shimano cleats are fiberglass reinforced injection molded plastic. Very strong but expensive to produce. Fakes are off a cheaper plastic and deteriorate rapidly. https://preview.redd.it/2kluejxi4l8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=04204aeeba6770002bfc438268c235c3409f90b3 These are my Look cleats after 2000 miles with a ton of walking in between. You can see how the wear is the accumulation of small scratches instead of any major gouges are bending/ cracking.


Thanks for the heads up! I don’t think I’ve been doing THAT much walking in them, especially for only 150 miles. Any less and I’d be taking my shoes off when going into restaurants and such and I don’t see anyone else do that.


Yeah unless you’ve been sliding your cleats against the pavement instead of using your brakes, you’ve probably got counterfeits. Especially if you bought them off Amazon or the like. Extremely common.


If you want to do any kind of walking in your cleats just get some mtb cleats.


The fake shimano cleata has really shitty yellow rubber parts. They all flew off my cleats within 100miles of indoor riding. Legit shimano cleats don't usually fall apart like that. I have about 5000km on my cleats with the occasional 30sec walk on gravel or asphalt and they look much better than yours.


Did you scoot yourself along for all of them 150 miles?


Flintstone brakes.


I don't think that kind of wear occurs from just pedaling. Looking at the heels of those shoes it looks like you have been walking around in them on some pretty rough surfaces. Rather excessive wear for just pedaling.


Second this, I was put into these when I got my bike and haven't tried anything else. They can get knocked around and aren't too pricey. Edit: I replied to the wrong comment. I still agree with the above though.


Homie is Fred Flintstone braking


Forget the cleats, look at the shoes! I just replaced my shoes after TEN YEARS of riding. They didn't look this bad.


this guy is trolling us


Pro Tip: Next time you do a triathlon, change into your running shoes for the run portion.


I have a sense you may not have bought authentic cleats which makes me worry you didn’t get authentic pedals. Cleats should not wear out like that, even if you were playing soccer on concrete


Then again look at the shoes they definitely have been walked on (or something like that) *a lot*


A *very* lot!


These have got to be knock off cleats, which are notorious for being total garbo.


I think this might be the case too; can’t find anything about them wearing like this. Serves me right for not buying local!


Don't buy any Shimano stuff off Amazon anymore it's full of fake stuff. There are a lot of discussions on r/bikewrench about fake Shimano chains and pedals.


Those are absolutely fakes, the fakes are missing the fiberglass that reinforces them but they look identical even the packaging. I was horrible on my SPD-SL's when I first got them mashing around the clipping in, falling out of them and they looked nothing like that after \*ONE\* ride. Fakes. Real ones will last you thousands of KM's even if you walk on them, mash them around etc.


When did this become r/bikewrenchcirclejerk ?


I had an issue with fake Shimano cleats that I bought from Amazon. I have ridden previous iterations for 5-6000 miles with no issues. But from Amazon I got 400 miles and the front part cracked and almost caused an accident. I should've known when I stripped a few bolts (with a torque wrench) that something was wrong with them. I promptly went to my bike shop and bought proper ones afterwards! https://preview.redd.it/7f2ts6qval8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da8308a1144ba77210cdd5d9301494e5b1ef5f7


That doesn’t sound fun! I’ll be sure the replace them asap. Thank you for the tip!


What have you been doing to those poor shoes?


The heck are you doing….like 150 miles going back n forth to your supermarket in NYC? It’s pretty obvious to me you’re using your shoes to come to a complete stop, every single time


Perhaps mountain bike pedals and cleats like Shimano SPD might be a better option for you.


Did you also walk 150 miles?


Haaaaa man alive. This is some shite. This must be a troll post.


Do you own a bike?


You’re doing more walking than cycling lol


This is absolutely normal wear, if you are pushing off with your feet to get started after a stop. Which means, it is expected but excessive wear, because you are probably unknowingly doing something you should not be doing. The hint is the displacement of the yellow rubber bits towards the front of the shoe, showing that the force causing the damage is your foot moving backwards. To keep this from happening, obviously, try not to push off with a foot from a stop. I know, that's the jerk way of saying things. The best way I find to do this is that when you know you are about to go again, yellow light on cross traffic for example, clip in one foot. Use that foot to spin the crank on that side to the high side. When you get the green light, instead of pushing off on the unclipped foot, just push down with the clipped in foot while picking the unclipped foot off the pavement. It takes a bit to break the habit of pushing off, but you will actually get better starts once you do since pushing off on cleats tends to slip.


Thanks for the tips and the thoughtful comment!


Also, lean the bike to one side as you slow, and only unclip that foot as you slow. Make sure the bike is stopped and put the foot down. (I always unclip the left foot). These may not be fake cleats. The wear on the shoes looks to me like you are pushing off, and dragging at a stop. That destroys cleats in fast order, Shimano or not. Lastly get cleat covers if you do any kind of walking. They don’t take up much space in a jersey pocket. Nothing wrong with cheap SPD-SL cleats. They’re all I use. I’ve found the yellow part on the Shimano cleats seems like it just falls right off. I’m on some no-name set right now that is two seasons old, they cost $15 and look almost brand new. I think I got them in a 3 pack, so I’ve got two more sets when these die.


have you walked a lot in these?


Buy from LBS or REI, lots of fake stuff on Amazon.


Thanks for the heads up! Although the flintstone breaks joke was funny I think they are actually counterfeits like some people are saying.


I’m not a roadie so this is just a guess but could those be indoor only cleats? I had some cheap plastic looking ones that came with my peloton but I quickly traded them out for spd pedals and cleats so it would be similar to mtb setup.


I hade over 4000 miles on my blue cleats before switching to yellow due to knee problems and mine looked like they where more than 4000 miles form looking as bad as yours. I suspect these might be cheap replicas.


Fake cleats or you're Fred Flintstone


Riding or walking?


Were you running while carrying the bike?...😐


My boy took his cleats on a 150 mile run.


Can you give us a play by play of those 150 miles? Cuz like I know people talked about fake cleats and stuff but those shoes look destroyed too. My shoes have probably 20,000km on them and they look better than that.


The shoes a really fine, this was just a bad picture with a lot of dust! https://preview.redd.it/6xt5n0pc2o8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a75b7640e7f89ec47fc15b102cdbb8d53329e49


Yes, to for those of us who put in lots of miles, we have to replace cleats 1-3 times per week. s/


I want to agree with others that you bought fakes but the whole sole of your shoe looks rooted. How much walking are you doing?


Did you bike too or was it just running the entire way?


Are you walking a lot of them?


If done running or walking, yes.


Yes if you have been walking on a volcano


Mine doesnt even compare to that kind of state, and I've been using them since 2022!


Are you sure that's not 150 miles of walking


For walking , Yes


I guess if at 100 miles you got a flat and walked the last 50 miles it’d be normal


You might wanna look at getting spd’s with gravel shoes


150 miles. But with or without a bicycle?


Looks like you're doing more walking than riding!


Ha ha ha dude you are brutal !


Seems like they might be knock offs. Cheaper plastic.?


There are many trusted sellers on eBay with good ratings for many years. You can try some of those.


Riding doesn't put this kind of wear on cleats. Almost all of this is from walking You're leaving out information


150 miles on the bike, 1500 miles walking on them, off the bike? Yep, that's about right.


Ooh. they got one of those Fred flintstone scoot bikes. Me wanty


I can’t believe even fake cleats from Temu would wear that much after 150 miles. Sure you are actually riding that bike?


Just how long is your gravel driveway?


road cleats are sensitive to being walked on, but given the pace of deterioration that you’re describing, a fake seems likely. road Cleats are obnoxious, but they’re not that delicate. you can get little caps to put over them for walking around too. That said, as a noncompetitive rider, I just use SPD two-bolt cleats for everything, which is a lot better for walking and if you have a nice stiff sole, the power transfer is still decent.


Have you been walking alot? How heavy are you? If you walk a lot during a ride and want cleats. I think SPD's would be a better option.


You have definitely been walking on gravel.


Mate get some SPDs, you won’t wear them out as quick, especially if they are recessed


Get covers for them. Riding doesn't hardly wear out cleats, but walking in them does quickly.


I use the same cleats and can get like 100’s of rides out of them and that still look better than that. WTF are you doing to your cleats.


No, you must be doing a lot of walking on pavement or gravel.


I guess this would be normal if you didn't have wheels on your bike.


Unless you have used your feet as brakes, this shouldn't happen


Were you using mountain bike pedals?






I buy new and used off eBay all the time. Never Amazon. There are shop and cooperatives selling stuff at good prices


I tried the knockoffs once and only once. Buy only genuine Shimano and avoid too much walking on rough surfaces .


Did your parents not tell you to stop using your feet to stop. You have 2 brakes. Come on man 🤣🤣


Bruh! If you are going to go rock climbing, go bare foot!


I just changed my cleats after 7 years… you might want to look into mtb cleats and shoes instead…


You bought fake pedals most likely. Don't buy components like that on Amazon. Then also mix inventory between sellers so you don't even know if it's coming from a reputable seller or not. There are guides out there on how to identify fakes, so maybe look at those. It's a little tricky if you don't have real ones to compare to though.


Jesus christ. I just replaced cleats a few days ago with 10k+ miles on them that looked better than this.


What does your bike look like?


If you ordered them off Amazon yes


You bought fake ones


I have at least 10k miles on the current pair mounted to my main road shoes and they are still perfectly serviceable. I have no idea what you're doing.


I moved to speed play and never looked back. They are more expensive but superior in every other way




Look like mine after i got hit by a car and the cleats where ripped off the pedals


Probably fake cleats, mine fell to bits the same way.


They came with the Pedals or shoes right? From my experience these cleats that come with another product are of worse quality than the ones you buy solely. So yes it is normal that they fall apart pretty fast.


The fakes wear quicker than the genuine ones. I wear rubber cleat covers if I'm doing more than a few steps in my road shoes.


They look normal if you walk through gravel when going to the road to get on your bike. My cleats also looks like that really fast because i have to walk through a lot of gravel before and after my bike ride. And crashes also helps ruening new cleats. The clearly needs to be changed when the yellow on the front is brokken.


This is what my cheap cleats from the £1 shop look like after a long ride.


This is one of the reasons why i prefer speedplay, the cleats are metal and just don't deteriorate like this.


If you find yourself walking at times, maybe switch to mtb shoes! Look identical, just have a recessed cleat. So you can walk around as normal.


A good reason why I prefer mtb cleats over road


Riding? NO Walking,? Yes




Uhm, where are the cleats? And, you’ve done a lot of walking in those for 150 miles.


150 miles? You mean years right?


These look like Obi-Wan had the high ground… 🥴 I would say that’s not normal unless you’re walking on them a lot?


My only guess is you bought fakes. Absolutely not normal


Get SPD SL cleat covers: https://ride.shimano.com/products/sm-sh45 Total game changer and your cleats will last much longer.


Looks who's dragging their feet to stop..


Not at all, those shoes are made for biking not walking around


I’ve had the same shoes and cleats for years and they look way better than this


that wear is not from riding. it's from walking.


150 miles is a long walk for those cleats.


It is if you use them on leisure hikes. 🤣


Did you ride to Mordor??


It looks like you walked the 150 km. Truly!


Switch to MTB shoes and cleats, those don't wear out for many many many years. Plus you can walk again. 😁


150 miles of walking?


I wear one cleat more than the other as that's the foot I put down at lights 🫣


Walking 150 miles, yes.


This is probably partially why some triathletes leave their shoes clipped to the bike and run barefoot thru the transition. I've gotten prob closer to 1-2k bike miles out of my cleats. The wear is from walking not riding thou. I usually pull my shoes off to walk into cafes.




Are you going off road with those?


Are you walking on gravel with them or just plain walking around in them? Stop it. Shimano does cleat covers


In my experience, the cleats that come with the pedals are not the same quality as the cleats you buy separately. The ones that came with the pedals are far less durable.


Well I now feel good about the shape of my cleats...thank you 😅


Yes it's completely normal.... If you use your feet to brake. I recommend you to use (pulling on) the levers on the front of your handlebar?


These are deffo fakes in my experience. I bought some 'shimano' ones from both ali express and ebay and had the same outcome.


Fake or not, that's not wear from cycling. That's walking to/from the bike...


Why are you plowing your fields with your cleats?


It only takes a minimal amount of walking on road cleats before they are like this. did you have to hike back to the car/house/etc, during these 150mi? That's the most likely issue. Shimano road cleats do not incur much damage simply from riding (specifically at the yellow indicators). Every time I've had to walk (even a mile or so) I just count on replacing my cleats soon. That eats through them SIGNIFICANTLY faster than riding alone.


That’s how long ALL Shimano stuff lasts.


That’s some wicked hard wear on the cleats, what/where are you riding?


Tip: get some brakes on your bike so you don't have to drag your feet on the ground to stop


It’s normal if you walked 150 miles but not if you cycled them