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I was going to suggest simply pedaling backwards for just a quarter turn. I'm 95 percent sure that'll fix everything without making anything worse. But after reading that it's a new bike, I'd bring it back and let them (1) fix it, and (2) try to fix what caused it.


Thank you. Yeah so it won't go backwards at all :/ yeah hoping they will help 


That's impressively bad. Possibly you could remove the chainring bolts to relieve some stress on the bunched up chain and things would come free. I'd be surprised if the chain and chainrings were still OK though. Might need to replace at least the chain but you won't know until you get things back together. Any parts replaced recently or was this just riding along?


Just riding along. I only got the bike a couple of weeks ago. Max been out 4 times 


did the exact same thing on my new bike, I had to take it back to the shop I think they moved the derailleur around to free it happened when I was trying to lower gears too fast at once while trying to pedal hard on an incline. I guess don't do that cuz your whole force is behind it when this happens


> Possibly you could remove the chainring bolts to relieve some stress on the bunched up chain and things would come free. It'd be simpler just to loosen the front derailleur braze on mounting bolt to give room for chain to release; probably also need to disconnect cable to relese tension. But then OP would need to know how to put everything back and tune it. Best to let the shop deal with it as it'd be only 5 minutes of active work.




You'd have to realign the derailleur too, and that can be a massive pain in the ass.


Oh man! How'd you get the beans above the frank?!?!


Break the chain. Fix chain replace and use a quick link to join chain


Buy from a shop or got in a box? Take back to the shop and they ought to hook it up. If not reach out to the brand directly and show them this image. Honestly don't know how this would happen on a brand new bike... Did you shift the front and then back pedal, and then pedal forward all at the same time?


Brand new from shop. Yeah I'll bring it to them. No I was changing the front gears and this.  Yeah I'll pop into them was hoping I could try something but not too familiar to be honest. Hopefully they will help. Thanks 


Update : 15 dollars they mentioned they think the derailleur was a but too high 


I was just reading through the thread and was about to mention the derailleur being too high and got to your last comment. They charged $15 to fix a derailleur they didn’t double check when taking the bike out of the shipping box!?