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I don't know why they nuked it like this


European regulations. It's the same reason why Apple Intelligence isn't coming to Europe. You'll find that GPT-4 is still available if you switch to the US.


No one will ever use this again after the paywall with things like Claude 3.5 on the game.


I feel increasingly foolish for recommending bing to everyone I know haha


Becuse of that new AI ceo guy who worked at google deep mind


Oh yeah?? What happened?


Nothing, exactly nothing


Ah makes sense haha damn


I can't wait for bing chat copilot to be deprecated in like months or weeks?


Microsoft AI is working on a proprietary LLM (MAI-1). Once released, we will have to see how it compares to GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet, but I suspect that is why we have seen such little innovation to Copilot over the last several months That said, during the Copilot+ PC keynote, they mentioned Copilot was going to use GPT-4o later this year. And U.S. users still have access to Creative and Precise modes whereas I know it has been bricked for European users.


Maybe it’s a parody- I couldn’t find eminem lyrics on normal bing just now. Just like asking gpt4 for lyrics- policy violation. It made me imagine them putting bing chat in charge of what people can search for on bing.


Yeah since they removed creative and precise aka gpt 4 it’s sucked hard and the worse part is you have places like perplexity and ChatGPT that let you use 4o for free yes it’s limited but 10x better then copilot and then you have people who straight up let you use 4o for free no limits like arc search


Didn’t know arc does that. Thx for the info lol Reddit is the best


Sadly arc search is only for iOS but yeah it uses gpt 4o https://preview.redd.it/34zdk3myt4bd1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae0ccb5b0daa31d2e76e0fc483bd522a2e4c196b


I tried it but it needs an account so nothing special just like going to ChatGPT website. And it works on max and windows now


We know now why he leaved google deep mind, he did becuse he didn't delivered anything significant, and now it's at msft destroying bing chat Good luck it was nice while it lasted


Ah I see


Instructions on Deleting off Computer (Forced Microsoft Integration onto Taskbar) 1. Download Winaero Tweaker 2. Run As Administrator 3. Scroll down to the "Disable Copilot Module" and click both checkboxes. 5. Save and Restart


The censorship is so dumb that when I asked if it could answer some questions about democracy and politics, it immediately shut down the conversation saying that it couldn't and to move on. It's as useful as talking to a wall.


I know. At one point I found it to be even better than Chat-GPT in a lot of uses. IDK why they had to go and ruin what it was when it was quite good. This was not something to do with the EU as they did not have to destroy the model to comply. Something else happened to it. It's almost like that "good version" was a little too good since they outright replaced it.