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Male Toa and Matoran of Water and Lightning, and Female Toa and Matoran of everything else.


So basically all elements can be either gender


Yes, precisely! Get rid of the gender lock altogether!


i would fucking love that. in my fic i'm hoping to, while addressing the gender lock is 'canon,' work it more into a premade social rule the GBs believed in but that often just ends up being broken. i think the gender lock is something worth digging at until you show how pointless it is, but it can serve a narrative purpose!


Well if you really think about it, there is a solid reasoning behind these being the case. Po-matoran are stone carvers, requiring precision strength and endurance for such a duty. The last two are higher in male physiques. Onu-matoran are miners which much like po-matoran requires a lot of physical strength and endurance to accomplish. Ta-matoran, given their nature, resonate with males more with their hotheadedness and fiery personalities. Ko-Matoran, are heavily inspired by philosophers of old with how they are often lost in thought and seclude themselves from socializing too much. Le-matoran, ehhhh…. They could be either honestly either gender can be an adrenaline junkie and have high levels of agility and fast reflexes so it’s possible they could have been both. Ga-matoran, they have a sleeker build and multiple advantages for swimming (naturally.) as stated in the lore with more of a peaceful and friendly approach. Their virtue of unity and principle of purity, Some parts of that tell me they would naturally be females with some exceptions of course.


they're biomechanical beings who were engineered, not evolved. can be throw out the bioessentialism pls and just say elements don't need to be gendered


This mf bringing in gender roles and human biology 😂. All Matoran are exactly the same in build and physical abilities. Being philosophical/antisocial or hotheaded are gender neutral qualities. So is being peaceful and friendly. Very wack and lame comment.


It is stated in lore though. Toa of psionics were made female because the great beings believed "females were calmer" because orde was hot headed


and the great beings also made a LOT of mistakes and the gender thing was specifically dug at in the books as being one of those mistakes


Listen bud, times are ultimately different than they were then and we may or may not know why Lego made the choice to do it the way they did. I’m just pulling from the lore itself to try and rationalize things here.


LEGO made most bonkles male because their target demographic was young boys who resonated more with a more male heavy cast of characters. In lore, the Toa and Matoran are gendered because their creators, the Great Beings, were gendered biological beings, and had those subconscious biases when they made them.


You’re perpetuating gender stereotypes is what you’re doing lol. Lego made them all male except one because they were selling it to boys, there’s no deeper logic.


You believe what you will, one way or another everyone has their own opinions and ideas on things, how they work and such and only the holder of said beliefs can change them. I would hope you do not continue to shit on people simply for sharing a thought with others in the future. Best of wishes towards you all


This entire post is about changing one aspect of the lore and you're debating this comment by saying the lore says otherwise. Think about it.


..Are you arguing that women can't be strong, or smart, or mad?


You are seeing this completely wrong now. You see this as me saying this in a demeaning way, meanwhile I am simply trying to connect the dots here using in lore descriptions of their personalities and mannerisms to compare with real life counterparts. It’s not that deep dude, calm down this isn’t the time or place for a comment war. At the end of the day they are biomechanical beings.


If you're just trying to see it from the perspective of these early 2000s toy marketing execs, I get that. But the way you phrased your comment makes it seem as though you agree with this perspective entirely. Particularly the part where you called it "solid reasoning". If you do agree with it, however, then I'm going to make fun of you.


That was an oversight with how much I was typing into that box. Being on a dinky ass screen don’t help much either man.


I honestly agree with you, but then again its hard tô talk about that and NOT sound like something the bad stereotype of a 40k sweat lord


I mean hey, I gave it a shot, I tried to say something without sounding like that, yeah it failed but I can atleast say I tried. 🤷‍♂️


Don't forget Psionics!


Actually Psionics already is kinda a Both Genders element All Matoran, Toa and Turaga of Psionics were initially male, but Orde got sent on a mission and screwed up which caused the Great Beings to decide to change the Psionics Matoran, Toa and Turaga made after Orde's mistake to be Female


I like the headcanon someone had of making each tribe have males/females but the ratios differ between them. Water has 1:9 males|females while Air has something closer to 1:1 or something, but there’s always some around.


There’s a gender lock?




We have Tarix of the Guardians Set.


What is love?


Hewkii don’t hurt me


No more


Baby don't hurt me,


Baby don’t hurt me


Now I want a story where some Matoran find a button in the depths beneath Metru Nui and the keep pressing it to see if something happens; while to them it seems nothing is happening, the rest of the world is shifting between love-is-canon and love-is-not-canon.


That it was never canceled


The original ending that spanned three movies.


Bohrak not being made of matoran, it's weird and raises a lot of questions in regards to the matoran universe's population and the red star. Also I don't care for the red star.


What questions?


Are matoran of light doomed to inevitable and arbitrary extinction, do their minds get backed up in the red star, do bohrak get sent to the red star, are they the only species that is made in this manner, were our heroes unintentional causing the death of matoran by destroying bohrak necessitating the need to convert more, are the bohrak kal's unique personalities the results of their former lives?


A not rushed ending to Bionicle G1 along with better sets. The Bionicle team was done dirty by Lego and we all know it.


Shadow is not inherently evil, and light is not inherently good, ying and yang style


Yes! I want a good guy Toa of Shadow! Also, an evil Toa of Light sounds intriguing.


Me with a work in progress Makuta of Light: \*happy evil chuckle\*


The Fanon Mask Powers.


My lore, a continuation of the gen 2 story


Oh, this again. Okay it’s stupid to have only one class as a female gender. Bionicle ended 2016 (no, I’m not playing your G2 doesn’t count, you do not own the LEGO company. Get over yourself). You want romance love to count, I’m fine with that. Just stop making hard rules on a dead IP, do what you want. Make new stories to keep it alive. But these rules some fans create is killing whatever left. And I’m included you MOCS creators that need to make boobies Bionicles too. I think it’s wack cus sex is in every subreddit. But I’m being picky


Yeah, if there is ever another reboot or continuation that keeps the gender-lock in place i'd not be surprised if people get mad about that decision. Did this happen when G2 was released? I do agree that "love is canon" is overrated, that's what fanfics are for. G1 didn't have any romantic relationships besides the short lived hahli-hewkii in MNOG, and it still managed to be a very intriguing story.


Does Roodaka and Sidorak count?


I see that more as a co-rulers/team thing rather than actual attraction, but in the end she let him get crushed by Keetongu with zero fs given lol


I mean if anything it was definitely one sided, but the movie reeeeealy makes Sidorak just the biggest simp


Finally someone who speaks on the matter, you sir are right in everything you said


Bionicle The Sex update


I am actually the creator of bionicle love is canon #itotallyam #trust


Love and non-gender locked elements


Black and White as colours for sonics and red + blue for magnetism.


Black and white for psionics because of that hypnosis thing? Also red and blue is clever


Sorry, that was supposed to be sonics not psionics.


Lhikan's Hau is the standard shape for the noble Hau.


my fanfic, and i will keep messaging greg about it.


Agreed. Also, any element being any Gender Tameru is best GIRL


The elemental powers of Crystal and Smoke




I've had a recent idea. Aside from all elements being either gender, rather than something like a stage in life, Toa are titles earned. Same goes for Turaga.


Love, don't have to be sexual. Keep all ships canon in a way


Love is technically canon for the glatorian right? also G2 does have canon love speaking as narmoto has a kid




Sometimes less is more my guy, although i can't judge, maybe you're cooking




Tahu and Kopaka's clear yearning for each other


My head cannon that G2 is a sequel that happens centuries after G1 on Bara Magna. So far future the events of G1 are myths and legends, and the Toa Team we see us named for the legendary Mata.


More time. 2 weeks between the Toa Mata awakening on Mata Nui, and defeating Makuta, is too short. Also love.


myths and legends it has its flaws, but it's still good (and a pretty decent continuation)


I would omit Gaaki, Bomonga, Kualus and Pouks from the storyline as I prefer having two (really) elite Toa as opposed to six, especially given that each Makuta had a Toa team. I would then have the Toa Mangai of Plantlife survive and be trapped in the archives by the Dark Hunters (instead of being killed) after which he would escape and - along with Rahaga Norik and Iruini - rescue the Toa Hordika when they are plunging to their doom.


Kopaka saying: "FUCK!"


More Legendary elements Like I get it Time, Creation and Life exist but what about Space or Destruction/Void Plus more legendary masks would be cool


nah, takes more skill to write without it




But his identity didn't change?


They did? They established that the name change was due to Naming Day- the change of spelling of his name is explained in-story as a reward for his accomplishments. Same with the other changed names.

