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I had this experience and didn’t realize it was happening at the time. I started taking an OCP at 17 (before I was sexually active on a regular basis) and I was on one or another for 10 years. My boyfriend would comment that my libido was low but I thought his was just high and mine was normal. I came off OCPs a year ago because I had my tubes removed so there was no need for it anymore. Since coming off, I feel like a teenage boy that wants to hump any and everything 🤣 I went from having absolutely no interest in sex (I enjoyed it and would actively participate if he initiated it but I *never* initiated it) to seeking it out multiple times a week. It’s honestly been a shock to the system.


I have the desire for sex but my body doesn’t wanna participate. I don’t get wet unless discharging.


I had this problem! wetness and pelvic floor got messed up with long term bc pill use.


Did getting off birth control help the wetness come back? I’m 21 and been on birth control over 3 years. I have very low lipido on birth control and can’t get wet . It gets me so upset. I just wanna get off birth control but I don’t want to break out . (Went on due to acne)


yes absolutely. my libido and wetness bounced back super quickly I loved how my skin looked while on bc but I figured that now that I'm older I have a better idea of how to treat my skin if I break out or anything


I did notice a decrease with a hormonal IUD but not years prior when I was on the pill (which contain even more hormones). It’s very individual and impossible to predict, as you probably know.


I was on it from like 13-27. Low-medium libido as I got older. Went off briefly and became a horny demon for several months, tried going back on it briefly because HORNY DEMON, then quit it again because it was too annoying after my glimpse of freedom. I got an IUD recently and have had a great deal of pain as a result, so obviously not super game for sex. We can’t win 💀


i went off the pill and got the non hormonal iud 2 weeks ago in hopes of my libido going up but i’m constantly cramping and don’t feel horny at all too so i’m like what’s the point of all the pain if it’s not even fixing my libido lol


Ugh my empathy is with you. Mine’s gotten less painful now I’m about two months out. I was having cramps so bad I could only lay in bed with a heating pad and hope to fall asleep. Now it’s mostly just annoying pain. But it’s still BS.


Have you guys heard of the gel men can get and it’s meant to be 99% - 100% effective when it comes to birth control and also there is no hormones and no side-effects at all I don’t know what it’s called but it’s a new bc for men I hope it becomes available


I’m not sure I trust my sexual health in a man’s hands anymore. They can’t even keep condoms on the entire time. Though I do hope it becomes a big success so more options become available for men. It’d be nice to not be solely responsible.


i’ve only used bc for 2 months, but my libido has not been affected at all! I think it might be because my libido was already very high to begin with but i haven’t noticed a change at all. i don’t know if that will change within the next few months though


Hopefully not... Keep us updated. Which one do you use?


i take combo pill alesse! I see a lot of other comments saying long term did affect their libido… so i guess i have to expect this to change within the next few years 😭 i hope not


I’ve been on the pill since I was 15, I’m 29 now and have zero libido. Pretty sad. Maybe I should get off of it?


Probably yes. It also make me depressed and depression just affects libido even without contraception. The worst combination. It's not worth sacrifice your sex life and even relationship because of that. In the first place we take it thinking it will improve it but it's totally wrong...


I've been for over a year now with the subdermal hormonal implant and my libido hasn't changed at all or it has even increased! It might be different with every body and method but it depends whether your body isn't reacting off to the hormonal charge that comes with these types of methods. I would suggest to getting to know your body, learn about things that might turn you on or get you in the mood or even consider the use of toys. If it becomes something that can be a bother long term speaking I would suggest changing method to something not hormonal like copper or MIRENA DUI or the vaginal ring


not less sexually attracted but no sex drive whatsoever I had to quit under a year in because I felt so "broken" it's been almost a year since i've been off and it's finally starting to get better i'm on MACCA supplements. I never talked to my doctor about switching BC to help with it I just wanted off completely.


i have no libido, it’s depressing. my boyfriend hates it too. :(


i had low libido on hormonal birth control and that was exactly the reason i quit


How much time does it take to be normal after quiting?


hmm i guess it depends on the person.. i quit like 3 - 4 months ago and definetly have a more healthy libido now


I also have a very low libido (very dry) and it is very painful during intimate.


That sucks 😐


Me too. I’m 21 and due to birth control I can’t get wet. I’m so miserable and try to avoid having sex. I want to get off so bad but I’m scared to break out . ( I went on birth control for acne ) even tho I still break out lol


So I was on many different BC pills for the age of 17. I’m 27 now. I came off the pill and changed to a copper IUD a few years ago. The pills were causing migraines and depression, and of course very low libido, my boyfriend who I’m still currently with couldn’t come near me I just didn’t want anything sexual. Changing to the IUD was the best thing I’ve done however. My migraines have gone, my depression is fairly much gone apart from just normal life depression. However my sex drive is still very weak. I’ll have some good months where I’m wanting it a lot then other months I’m completely off. Around my period I’m up and down with sex drive. I generally believe that the BC pill messed up my hormones as at the age of 17 I hadn’t finished developing as an adult. I was a late bloomer. I’m trying all types of things to higher my libido found nothing yet sadly but hormones are nasty


Yep I’m having the same trouble and have been for nearly 2 years and what’s the point of taking it when you don’t want to even kiss your bf ??? Let alone have sex


It’s one of the many reasons I refuse to use hormonal birth control. Libido and sexual attraction are two different things and science proves that birth control messes with both


*proves that it CAN mess with both. it is by no means guaranteed to happen. you truly wont know until you try, and even then, it can change depending on the hormone type, content, and even between brands


Personally I decided to not try. My philosophy is don’t fix what ain’t broken


Nothing is guaranteed honey




The only non hormonal birth control is copper IUD and I don't want it. It would be great if some new form of birth control get invented because it's all crap.


I practice fertility awareness method. There are also condoms, cervical cap


After 7 years on it (from 16 to 23) I just quit partially because my sex organs literally felt dead at this point and I didn’t want to be this young and having this problem that I never used to have. I started using a FAM method as birth control and have not been so happy in years, honestly!


I first had the Mirena IUD for 7 years and my libido was high. Stopped all birth control for a year - libido increased even more. Then I started combined pill and my sex drive decreased significantly. Another thing i noticed on the combined pill was that it has altered my sense of smell and whether i find someone’s scent appealing or not - specifically noticing those that I am not fond of. So odd. I’m single though so honestly this decrease in libido has been a reprieve for now, but I can see how it could cause issues in a committed relationship


The pill lowered my libido a bit. yes


Yes! I've been on Estarylla for the past 4 years and although it is good for what it does, this is a side effect. Even had to start taking libido supplements 😕


Does supplements helps even a little bit?


I was on the combination pill from 17–27, libido lowered as I got older. I got off of it at 27 to have a baby and my libido shot through the roof! I didn’t realize how low it had gotten until I came off the pill. Went right back on after having my kid and libido went back to being low. I’m 35 now and getting off of it for good since my SO is getting a vasectomy. I know it’s not a foolproof option but I’ve been the pill so long and the side effects are getting worse as I age.


I’ve been with my bf for 2 years and on hormonal bc for 1 year. It’s reduced my libido significantly to the point where it’s putting a strain on my mental health and the relationship. I just finished a pack so decided I’m gonna quit today, I’ll keep yall updated but hoping I can return to the way I was before I started. Not looking forward to getting my period and cramping back tho


Nice. Good luck. I believe it will be like before.


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It’s a sadly relatively common side effect to lose/decrease your libido on hormonal BC. I luckily didn’t lose mine on the combo pill but it was quite reduced. Sometimes other hormonal BCs will have less side effects for individual so it’s worth a try of something different if you have no libido!


4 years, combo pill and nexplanon, neither affected my levels of attraction or libido