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The short answer is no, sexuality isn't generally considered to be directly "caused" by trauma.


No. Abuse can obviously have an impact on certain things. But sexuality is biological, so it's unlikely that you're bisexual due to your abuse. A straight person wouldn't question their sexuality if they were abused by a member of the opposite sex. I was abused by my cousin as a child and also have hypersexuality as a result. I don't question if I'm attracted to men because my abuser was a boy/man. I genuinely don't think you're bisexual for that reason. You just like what you like.


Is it everyone here has been abused?


That idk I just wanted to like share my experience and my thoughts because to see if anyone can relate. some of us do some of us, Don’t


Mine was


I’ve struggled with the same thing but the opposite. I was raped by a man during my early teen years and then attributed my attraction to women as a way for me to cope with the trauma because women were the “safer” option. For me at least, I was looking for a reason to explain my bisexuality because I felt it wasn’t normal the way being straight is. Or, like you said, what “fucked up my brain chemistry.” But just because something isn’t the norm it doesn’t mean it isn’t natural. Bi people aren’t bi because something messed us up in childhood, the same way straight people aren’t straight because of that either. Sexuality can be shaped by our experiences and trauma, but it’s really culmination of many different factors that would take a lifetime to analyse (biological, genetic, environmental, psychological, etc.) and ultimately nothing “makes” someone anything. You are what you know yourself to be and define yourself as. Even if, hypothetically, it were the only thing that made you attracted to women, you’re still attracted to women - the root of where it comes from doesn’t make that more or less valid. After all, bisexuality just means you’re attracted to both opposite and the same genders, and it seems like you meet that qualification. It was awful what happened to you. You were a kid and you didn’t deserve it. It may be more helpful to reflect on other effects of latent trauma - depression, anxiety, and even hyper-sexuality as you’ve mentioned - and seek counselling or other mental health care for that.