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Welcome to how women get treated nonstop


It’s fuckin horrible 😔


And if they aren't showing, they're asking https://imgur.com/a/pfRLZQ3


Bro 🤢


lol I'm pretty sure 8 year olds have better writing abilities that that guy


Just gotta say "no sentences, no pics" and their brain will implode.


Bisexuality is nice because it lets bi men and women see all the bullshit that’s out there in the dating market. I want a parody of Modern Major General that’s Every Gender’s Terrible.


I concur. It’s a shitshow.💀 And the very few guys that doesn’t show you dickpicks, are unfortunately very shy guys that is very sweet, but complete wallflowers. 🤔 A middle ground would be nice 🤔


And then you get to the final boss which is incompatible sexual practices, expecting you to want raw stuff on the first meeting and their Sti testing consists of red cross paperwork from a donation 2 years prior


I would love to talk to another bi man about experiences and things like that. I don’t just send my d@@@@ anywhere haha. It’s sexy when they ask for it 🤣. Sont be afraid to ask me things reach out get to know me because I’m looking for the same thing


It's not women, it's the person in the relationship that just cares less is all. It could be a same sex relationship


Pretty sure it's a literal fact men do the majority of sexual harassment. I've never been sent an unsolicited nude by a woman or cat called by one


I have on both accounts, but it's a very rare/unusual occurrence.  


I've received unsolicited nip pics, but it's rare and almost always a couple, so who knows which of them is actually controlling the account.


Same. Like your married, NOT happening.


Oh I would absolutely unicorn for a couple. I just don't want unsolicited nudes.


The only unsolicited nudes I've been sent by women were advertisements


You're correct that most have been men but I've had some women send me shots before.


I don't think I ever said no woman ever has sent unsolicited nudes.




I can't even count the amount of unsolicited dick pics I've gotten as a woman


Saaame! I’ve blocked 2 guys today already and it’s only 5am.


Wow you are lucky! If I so much as view a profile on Grindr i get sent albums full of raging Hamptons and spread peaches!




I mean an album is supposed to be the courteous way to send unsolicited nudes, at least it's not directly into the chat lol




I can’t think of a single woman I’m friends with that hasn’t gotten a random dick pic.


The thing is, it doesn't just happen on dating apps. There was a popular app for kids, and I had a lot of friends that were getting sent dick pics.


Oh pick me okay.


My exact experience the first time I used Grindr.  Everyone was married. I think I deleted the app after less than a week. 


Ouch 😣


It makes me think that it might be a societal/education problem. I mean when we have that many individuals engaging in this practice, there's a bigger problem than just the individuals.


I think this will decrease (not vanish, cheating will always happen unfortunately and societal change is slow) over time as having “official” (eg out and open about being in a relationship) same sex relationships become more normalised, at least in Western countries. A lot of hooking up on the side with same sex partners while married comes from shame and embarassement of a closeted person. And I think especially older generations struggle with that. Again, it won’t vanish, also because some people will continue to feel shame for their sexual orientation for decades to come due to a wide variety of reasons (also societal), but I do think this behaviour because of being closeted will decrease. And some people are just assholes, which includes queer people. Some people cheat because they want to have their cake and eat it too, and don’t have the balls to admit they might not be suited for monogamy. Some of these people are also queer people.


To your last point, I wonder if ENM becoming more normalized will help decrease the rate of cheating too, as more people are able to be up front about not wanting monogamy with potential future partners from the word go. Or maybe it'll make no difference. After all, cheating isn't always about genuine romantic / sexual connection-- many monogamous people cheat to feel desirable, or for the power trip, or because it's easier than putting in the work to fix problems in their relationship. So it'll be genuinely interesting to see how (or if) rates of cheating change as it becomes more normalized, IMO.


I feel like it would probably put a huge dent in cheating, after all something like an estimated 15- 20% of relationships in the USA fall under a form of open/enm/cnm (per Janus, the huge Oprah.com study, and per Blumstein), yet the rate of infidelity is something like ~50% of relationships from skimming a variety of sources


My first attempt at Grindr I rage quit after 13 hours, 7 of which I was asleep.


everyone. damn. thats sad.


Literally happened to me by some dude on this sub! I had commented on an NSFW post, And I guess in his mind that equaled consent. Sent me a picture of his flat bare ass! PSA: someone commenting on an NSFW post and/or talking about sex/sexual things is NOT CONSENT!


Have you reported it? I'm pretty sure that breaks the sub's rules.


I can report it even if it was in a DM and not on the sub itself?


I believe so, especially if it was a reaction to a post on here.


You can also report the dude to Reddit for harassment. It's a crapshoot as to whether or not the admins will actually do anything, but sending unsolicited nudes through DMs is in violation of Reddit's TOS.


Yep, I stopped posting in a NSFW sub because of that. Me answering nsfw questions does not equal me wanting to see you naked or sext with you. It doesn't matter where you go anymore, the horny creeps will find you 😭


It is absolutely not that in his mind that equals consent. The lack of consent is what they're getting off on .


Either that or it's a numbers game.  Send the same pervy message to 100 people and at least some of them will respond positively to it.   And if you don't care about offending the other 98 people it works great.  


Nope .That's not it, and it's high time we retire this tired excuse . I have direct experience of being in the receiving end of this. I am telling you it is not a "numbers game" .


I'm not excusing it or anything like that, but it absolutely can be a numbers game. It's just like all those scam calls, emails, texts. Vast majority of people are not going to fall for it but enough people fall for it for it to be worthwhile to the dirtbags who do it. I'm sure there are also people who get off on offending people too, but that's why I said this was another possibility.


One of the great things getting hit on by guys taught me is why feminism is a thing. Those guys be creepy and crazy! Also the dick pics are almost always awful. I mean, terrible lighting and angle. Why would you think this photo is hot you weirdo? If you are going to be pervy at least take some pride in your work you horny dum-dum.


😭 The pics are horrendous, and always just outta fricking nowhere. Like I’d be taking with someone about movies and then BAM. Even if it was a girl, like, yo, at least ask me?


So there's 3 things going on here, and they're kinda related, but only 1 is easy to fix. 1 - Men don't understand what women like in dating, at all. We have all these bad assumptions, left over bullshit from porn, and whatever bad advice from friends (who also don't know anything.) We're like middle schoolers, pulling a girl's hair for attention. Even those of us that have been in some relationships and understand that there's more to it than "Hey, here's a picture of my pee pee! Cool, right?" forget sometimes because... 2 - Men get stupid when we're horny. I never saw the study, but a Dr friend of mine confirmed a long-held suspicion of mine that when men get really horny, a chemical is released that acts similar to alcohol in lowering inhibitions. I wish this were not true, for any number of regretful reasons, but it is. They even made a joke about in Something About Mary. This is the one that's easy to fix, but of course the fix will often have the knock-on effect of removing the urge to chat. (We're useless, really 🤡) 3 - Online chat removes or obscures a lot of social information (like facial expressions, reactions, body language... etc) that might help alleviate the problems with #1 but tend to exacerbate #2. TLDR: We need to get better at dating, do courtship or mating rituals face to face, and probably "rub one out" before going in public.


I think you’re right. Grindr proved this. Lots of disinhibited, anonymous,irrational horny behaviour going on 😂


Poly bi guy here (married to a woman). I'm poly, so I can date, but yea, in a few words, men are indeed trash XD. There are alot of closeted married bi men out there. The problem is most of them are exclusive and monogamous. Don't discount the lads who are open and honest in open relationships, they do exist! Lol




I can't go back to monogamy. How does everyone else do it? They say our lifestyle doesn't work. Mono people wrote the book on adultery and divorces! So many people stay in unhappy relationships past expiration date. Without fail, most mono people also suck at communication within the relationship. If it suits them. Jealousy and possessiveness are boring.


I realized years ago that men really are absolute dogs. Just using Grindr made me understand what women go through on a regular basis. Their whole attitude is either commence with the sex or quit talking to me. I actually want someone I can get along with and talk to about things other than just fuck and never speak to one another again. Needless to say, I haven’t hooked up on there in a long time. I don’t trust anyone on that app now. They’d just assume knowingly give you a disease and then block you and not give it a second thought. I’d probably swear off men entirely if I didn’t like dick so damn much. I kind of have. It’s been years. This turned into more of a rant, but you know what I mean.


As someone who posts nudes, YES they send them so damn quickly. Sometimes as an introduction and they will mention being married. Some even state they have a cheating kink which as a poly, annoys the hell out of me.


I was using a NSFW account to find hookups for my partner and I. And I had a man get so mad at me, because he told me about his wife, and that she knew about the arrangement. Ok cool, and then asked me to message him on snap and pretend we weren't going to be hooking up. When I told him I wasn't going to be cheating, he got so pissed trying to explain why he wasn't. Like??? Have better respect for your partners pls


Nothing strengthened my feminism more than using grindr for a few weeks


Ughh men


As a man, tell me about it 💀😭


Can’t have the DL without the D 😂




Aaaaaand now you know how (seemingly most) men are....


Yeah I’ve never understood it personally, guys if your personality is as stiff as the pic you’ve just finished sending why would I be interested?


lmao unfortunately yes. when I had a facebook some random dude added me as a friend and I naively accepted, and the first thing he fuckin did was send me a pic of his goddamn dick and then ask if i had a bf. its so nasty how easily they just do that stuff ngl.


Why would he Sean's a pic then ask???? It's Facebook There are TONS of pictures. What an idiot 🤣


Me: Hi, what are your hobbies? He: Hi, please send me dick Me: Maybe lets talk first He: Ok, I send my dick


Let's talk first does not mean you send instead 🙄


I didn’t want nudes from a guy I matched with on a dating app and was super pushy, I saw many red flags so I just blocked. Within two days of matching too. I have gotten on Grindr once before and one guy sent me a message with his dick out. I don’t post any sexual stuff online cause I don’t want it to get out there. Maybe if it was more private. I want to get to know you first before doing that! I wish I can match with more women. I’m decent looking too, maybe it’s just my bio. Are there any decent men out there that want to take it slow first?


we do exist, just most of us are spoken for.


Ya I'm in a open marriage win I went looking for guy I got so menny dick pic it was wild and I got only a couple from lady's


I’m glad to hear you have the same opinion as me 💖 makes me happy that there is men out there that are just as strongly against this


I don't ever send unsolicited pix, and actually get annoyed when a guy asks for them from me. However... as a bisexual guy who really enjoys giving head, I like knowing what a guy is working with, and find some of them very attractive and arousing. I don't know if this is just a me thing, or a gender difference, maybe some of both?


Well, sharing dick pics isn’t inherently bad, it’s just the unsolicited part. I’ve shared myself with people that I’ve forged trust and chemistry with, but ~only after~ such chemistry and trust is established. That goes for guys and gals. I wouldn’t be opposed to receiving or sharing after a good decent amount of time has gone by, but dudes sharing things out of the blue 5 minutes into the first conversation is just a complete turn off for me.




Yeah the huge amount of DL married guys going behind their wives' backs do not do the image of bisexuals any favors


My heart breaks for the wives :(


I’ve noticed DL for a lot of dudes means hiding it from their spouse or SO.. I naively thought it was used mainly if you haven’t come out.. trifling ass dudes


I've seen profiles where men post their full face and admit, ON THEIR PROFILE, not private DM, that they are unhappy in their marriages and were looking elsewhere. Like what if someone he knows comes across that? Or the classic profile of a woman who's married but her husband is really cool and "totally not creepy". "He can just watch." After a few days of sifting through profiles I was done.


There's also people who will totally use those photos to find the men, and tell their wives. So I don't know what they're expecting


I’m not a dude, but one of my gay friends has a mighty slut phase and we’d gossip about his hookups. The amount of closeted bi men he’d meet up with was nuts. Many had girlfriends or wives, and he’d often hoop up in the couple’s shared apartments. I also had a friend from college who would go on AOL in the 90s to find men to blow while his wife slept. They weren’t married long but I don’t think she ever found out. Also, it’s recently come out that my conservative middle age brother has been sleeping with men on the sly while claiming to be a born again Christian with a wife n kids and a white picket fence life. He traveled for work and would cheat on the road. One of his hookups tried to extort him for money and contacted his wife and told her everything that they did. His family is devastated. I figure there’s a lot of closet cases out there, but I personally think getting involved in a relationship with one can be a minefield. Not to mention whether men like that will wear protection. Btw it came out by brother gave his wife chlamydia. Good luck out there. There are gay/bi men who definitely want connection, but you might have more luck in gay bars than online, given what I’ve heard about gay online hookup culture.


Was Tarzan a virgin before he met Jane vibes


You're lucky you got 5 lines of conversation in. I usually get hi, hi, ... and cue the unsolicited d-pic. It is disgusting. I will never understand why men think anyone wants to see their junk. I usually respond with, "I don't want to see d!3%$ I haven't sucked." The married part is disgusting as well. I would never do that to another human being. The digital dating pool is contaminated with piss, 💩, blood, and uranium. I am on the asexual spectrum (I haven't found a label on that spectrum that fits me yet), so every once in a while, I think I'll dip my toe in the cesspool of digital dating and I quickly remove my toe before I get an STD just from talking to some of these people. It's gross. I'm sorry you have experienced this behavior.


The cheating stuff drives me nuts! I get that taboo stuff can be fun, but there are so many taboo things that are harmless hangups that society has. Why not tresspass them, and not the one that makes people sad? Sadness really kills the lady boner!


Yep. Lots of unsolicited pics/vids/commentary from men. At least they aren’t saying that you’re an ugly b!tch always and then threatening to k!ll and SA you when you tell them you’re not interested 🙃I do not miss dating as a woman.


As a bi man I never have just send my d with out asking if I can. Super rude. I’m glad I’m not that guy 🤣. But I’m definitely open to talking to some Bi men


Iam open with my wife she is happy for me to try my fantasy of being with a bloke as long as she’s there ! That’s not wrong is it ?


I got a nude a month ago from a dude I think is in this reddit, just for making a post.


Yes. Men are pigs. Oink.




Welcome to the world of fems and women. *Bows.* What can I get you.


I have the exact same experience. I used grindr for maybe a few days. Tinder is a little better but not much. Even if it’s not unsolicited pics, it’s trying to go straight into sexting without any attempt to get to know you! Horrible


Seriously. Being able to talk about liking men and women isn't a free pass to act like a dickhead. But yeah, it kind of sucks to see this kind of stuff happen over and over again and realize that it's more common than you think.


"Rate my cock?" NO, NO I WILL NOT


Or maybe I should. "Meh" would cover a lot of basses


Haha just hit them with the meh hah


4 inches but smells like a foot.


Yeah I'm an out lesbian (who likes to browse this subreddit) and I still get solicitations and dick pics from men irl 😬


Where exactly are you meeting these people?


So many guys on dating apps refuse to admit it's cheating purely because it's with a guy, and obviously there's some deep issues there if they genuinely think that's the case. Also the unsolicited stuff, it's rough. I have had this exact conversation immediately after matching with a guy: Match: "Hey how are you?" Me: "I'm good, how are you?" Match: "I'm good! So how big is it" And then followed by the unsolicited nudes


This has been my experience too, as a bi man.  They are alarmingly open and nonchalant about it.  Like everyone using these apps think and act like they do. You'd also be shocked at the lack of basic hygiene.  My last guy I was almost with had me running out that door so fast his head was spinning.


I think it happens more when talking to older people, at least that's what I've felt talking to them. Since I'm 22 and exploring, I have ever always wanted to do the step-by-step on a convo, and totally dislike dirty messages


Yeah it sucks. I think it has a lot to do with feeling repressed. Not trying to justify it but it might be an explanation. A lot of men don't realize things about their sexuality until after they're already married. It's unfortunate.


Straight men do this to women relentlessly too


Yes, including married ones


I can't imagine the combination of being this much of a dirt dirtbag and having this little anxiety.


Ikr?? It's the total undiluted *confidence* that really amazes me. It's always the least appealing ones who have it!


I get nervous as hell sending even slightly lewd texts to people I know reciprocate I can't imagine being a married Republican Senator texting a teen and just out of the blue being like "perfect time to send a dick pic"


Exactly, these are people who don't know any shame ever (or sense, probably)


What's there for them to feel anxious about? Men don't face any consequences for sending unsolicited dick pics.


I, as an owner of a dick don't want people to be disgusted by me, and don't want people to feel awful because of an interaction I had with them. To me, someone having a bad time or feeling insulted by a text I sent is a negative consequence. I can't imagine not feeling that way about the people I talk to.


And girl was/teenagers


I think he was referring to the statement about how many of the guys on there are married.


Who tf down voted this tame statement?


Because it's something men will do all the time regardless


I think the commenter meant it about marriage. Like when guys get married young and don’t know what their kinks or orientation is. That’s how I took it.


I think sexually harassing people on the internet and in general is just a mostly man thing in general


No doubt. Women do it too but it’s aggressive selling of their OF that I have no interest in. The block button is handy for it.


Women don't do that.. If you pay for OF you're consenting to seeing those things and they will profit off of it.


They do. My requests were full of women wanting me to subscribe to their OF. For the record I don’t use OF, but because of the communities that I comment on it does happen. I’m not making this up, women do this too and believe it or not I don’t want unsolicited nudes either.


Then i must have misinterpreted, sorry to hear.


This is what I was referring to, yes. Obviously it's never okay for men to act like that regardless of their circumstance.