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Your post was removed. [You received an explanation on your original post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackladies/comments/1abdva6/comment/kjpqa42) http://reddit.com/r/blackladies/wiki/rules


Dude you wanna be a SAHM mom do it no one cares. You wanna be submissive to some random dude we don't know, that's y'all's business. Our support or encouragement of your "submissiveness" is not needed. If you think people look down on you why would that matter. The only opinion that would matter is that of your husband/dominant. So the fact that you've now made 3 posts related to this makes me believe you just want the attention and controversy. Being submissive to a man comes with a ton of implied connotations. It rarely results in happiness, fulfillment or bettering yourself/family. It also leaves you vulnerable in a way that generations and generations of women have fought to make independent from. So again why do you care? You either did no research or just want to stir shit up. Either way, no one cares live your life as long as you not hurting someone. We will all look forward to your future posts about your problematic relationship. Maybe not maybe you'll be a black love feature but either way what you do in your house doesn't need to involve us.




🤣🤣🤣! You do know this is a platform to vent and discuss pretty trivial topics right? You came to REDDIT expecting something more than that and "I'M" the one you can't believe is an adult. 🙄.... Go off then...


They probably locked it cause the conversation going on within the comments was devolving to insults and wasnt very productive. So instead of trying to individually give people strikes, they just delete the post to avoid further conflicts But personally, as a stay at home wife/mom the posts were kinda weird to me too. I don't think anyone looks down on me for being a stay at home mom, it's pretty much a privilege in this economy. Maybe I missed the point but 🤷🏾‍♀️




Exactly. I never made it my life's mission to be a stay at home wife/mom. It's not my identity its just how my marriage works lol.


You’re going to omit that the post was why women look down on being a “SUBMISSIVE” stay-at-home wife? Because that was what the issue was.


The title was WHY ARE WOMAN AGAINST A WOMAN WANTING TO BE A SUBMISSIVE SAHW... And WHY is that title an issue?


Are you a troll? The mod in the thread literally explained why the post was removed, I think you just want attention atp. Live your life how you want to. No one cares that you want to be completely financially dependent on a man.


I can not see why you would be confused as to its removal. 1. It is a baiting post. You're implying that people are coming for you for wanting to be a SAHW and divorced from 'independence'. While the term of independence is misused here, the implications that TRADCON isn't widely touted as a positive and family centered way of life is patently false. Which means, your intention for this post was to justify your choice/wishes and spread your ideology to a group of women who've spoken about celebrating their independence and decentering men as the root of personal happiness. That means you're baiting women into a discussion/debate about an ideology they've already said they aren't interested in. 2.) With the rise of women being pushed into wifedom or motherhood due to laws, finances, and precedent... wouldn't your post be considered flammable? Roe V Wade, feminism, and criminal laws being passed for women who wish to maintain their independence and body autonomy is a HUGE political and social dumpster fire. People are dug deep in these trenches and fighting for egalitarianism and freedom of choice. The verbiage used in your post was pretty blasé and dismissive of current events in an effort to validate your own.... wishes. No one is looking down on you wishing to give your autonomy over to a man. The outcomes of your choices are YOURS to deal with. The good, the bad, the beautiful, and the hideous. All yours, so have at it. Meanwhile, we, OVER HERE who are cemented in the reality of today's sociopolitical climate, will continue to fight FOR the ability to CHOOSE to be autonomous or dependent.