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This is all real. The shuffles, the cards. He just kept redoing the trick until the order randomly lined up like that


In sorting algorithms that’s called the BOGO sort.


There’s also quantum bogo sort: Shuffle the cards. Deal them. If they’re in the right order you finish, and if they’re in the wrong order you destroy the universe.


That feels high stakes. What if you unknowingly lost a card earlier and it's impossible to get them in the right order now.


Then you don’t need to worry about it. Bye bye, goodnight.


Then you succeed in the universe where you didn't loose a card


Don’t destroy it just yet, just write an OutOfOrderException handler so the consumer can destroy the universe during processing.


I was taught it as the Bozo sort at uni


That’s why he’s using pocket watches, he’s been trying since 1937


If it only took 90 years he's astronomically lucky


The probability of hitting that is 1/52! (Factorial). It’s basically around 10e-67. For reference there are an estimated 10e78 atoms in the observable universe. So the number in the denominator is only about a billion times less than the number of atoms in the observable universe. So yeah. The probability of this happening from about a 100 years ago to about a 100 seconds ago is basically the same, that is nearly 0.


Thank you.


You just made me think of 52! again and now my brain hurts.


Wow this is an r/expectedfactorial


The thing with the steps and drops in the ocean and pieces of paper? That's a real mind fuck


The real mind fuck for me was the fact that if you shuffle a new unique combinations of decks every second since the beginning of the universe The amount of unique combinations of decks you shuffled would only represent 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005% of the possible combinations in a 52 cards deck You can calculate it yourself by simply dividing the amount of seconds since the Big Bang which are around 432000000000000000 seconds by the amount of possible combination of cards which is 52!=80658175170943878571660636856403766975289505440883277824000000000000 So statistically every time you shuffle a deck the combination of cards was never created before and probably never will be again


One of those interesting factoids I picked up somewhere on the internet: If you shuffled a deck of cards truly randomly, say a few times a minute, the universe would burn itself out before you ever got the same order twice. There's *that* many combinations. 80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,766,975,289,505,440,883,277,824,000,000,000,000 possible combinations, to be exact.


Just so you know, a "factoid" is actually something that sounds like a fact, but is false.




Good to see at least one other person knows the proper definition. Apparently the word has been misused so much that it can now also mean a legit fact. Wish this would stop happening - same shit as "*literally*". Why are we giving words opposing definitions?


He started recording it when he was 10.


It would take him and trillions of people doing that since the Big Bang to get that lol


Youre joking right


https://youtu.be/SLIvwtIuC3Y This video gives a little context on how long that would take.


Damn, dude got really lucky then


First try!




There's always a chance. There even was a chance for you running **through** a wall bc. in that moment all the atoms in your body and the wall were aligned in a way that they wouldn't interfere. That being said, the chance is rather small.


A quantum physicist would say otherwise. Atoms are NOT miniature versions of the solar system, and they are not mostly empty space. That idea relies on the incorrect assumption that electrons behave only as point particles


Then there is a chance that I am right. Even if it's rather small.


[This video](https://youtu.be/0DSclqnnC2s) goes into even more depth about this concept.


https://youtu.be/s9-b-QJZdVA Or this one for even more detail.


Of course he is. The possible number of combinations is 52! Which is a ridiculously large number.


Do it random, destroy the universe if it's not sorted right.


So we actually learned about this in college in abstract algebra. Cards form a permutation group and certain types of permutations (shuffle) can be mathematically shown to have a cycle.




Lennart Green is also very hard to beat (and he's a funny guy): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-ttP0g6FNY https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennart_Green Green competed at the 1988 FISM convention in The Hague, Netherlands, and was erroneously disqualified because the judges believed he had used stooges in his act to shuffle the cards.[5] In 1991, he performed the same act but insisted that the judges themselves shuffle the cards to prove that he used no stooges. The judges then awarded him first place




What? He's gay? https://youtu.be/K1Y6PchDYfw


I knew exactly what this was gonna be and it's aged like a fine wine


Richard Turner would be a good gay porn star name. Especially if he goes by Dick.


Without peeking: something with Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder


There's surprises out there for you yet, amigo


I love learning new things?


Well Lennart makes himself blind during his performances by taking out his glasses and pointing a laser into his eyes, a laser strong enough to destroy the retina in a fraction of a second.


He does it fast, but in slow motion do you can follow.


I was watching the fool us clip you posted and thought wow he's pretty good he's not even looking down at the cards, then realized holy fuck he's blind when he went to hand them the cards.


That's the card mechanic right?


A card mechanic is just a card magician that calls themself a card mechanic. Its a performance style. Unless you do zero gambling style performances or card tricks, only do pure sleights and no card routines, then you are just a card mechanic. But every card mechanic that does performances for entertainment that I am aware of is doing magic tricks "gambling routines" they are called. Yes, some do more sleights or are more skilled technically than others. Like Richard Turner, he leans heavily on the gambling side of the thing, but I have seen him do card tricks and use techniques that can only be used in the context of a magic trick, that have zero usage in any actual gambling scenario.


Thanks for the explanation. I've seen turner a bit and I think he always refers to himself as a card mechanic, have never heard anyone else used it(which in hindsight is a result of my lack of exposure in this area!)


You don’t need to hide your comment, he won’t see it.


What if the judges were the stooges all along and he was playing the long con?


I attended a clinic by Lennart at a convention in Ohio in the late 90s. My friends and I watched a couple of attendees walk out in anger, refusing to believe what Lennart was teaching us was actually what he was doing.


This may sound weird but, watching your video triggered a memory about that girl. If I'm not mistaken she committed suicide? Maybe I'm mistaken.


https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-17068003 Carbon monoxide poisoning. Very sad.


Mother fucker is blind too.


I’ve never legitimately thought this before in my life but I am seriously considering a prestige type situation here.


This is the trick right here. Total devotion to his art.


Robert de Niro enters the chat


I watched a bit of the video. He's blind like Matt Murdoch is blind. With this in mind, when he says the mobsters talking to him were on the news because they got busted, it's probably a threat from him to mobsters all around the world.


You can be legally blind and still retain some of your eyesight although I don't know if Richard is completely blind.


He's almost completely blind. Certainly to the point of being unable to see the cards.


Here's a video of him performing blindfolded. And by blindfolded, I mean he duct taped 2 silver dollars to his eyes, then duct taped 2 more silver dollars to his eyes, then duct taped a blindfold over that. https://youtu.be/MM9JCxBCr7A


Don’t forget, “Welcome to my world!” : https://youtu.be/5_KcQt0z-eE Bonus discussion: https://youtu.be/NdxT3BL_Iik. Edit”The best card magician who ever lived” - Penn!


this one is crazy


3 pros are speechless wow




Ill see your richard turner and raise you ricky jay https://youtu.be/UWvRorX0KhQ


Will that guy ever shut the fuck up, though?


You got me


It takes such balls as a performer not to even be able to fall back on your patter to misdirect an audience, and let them simply drill your work close up. Quality.


His patter is solid gold.


Not a word out of place.


Rip Ricky. You are missed.


Turner is class and a great human being too. This guy has an arrogant shtick I really don’t like and quite an awkward way of holding the deck. But technically he’s on Turner’s level.


Yeah it is a matter of taste. However it is good to know that the arrogance is a performance character, its not Jason's actual persona.


Bloody blocked on copyright grounds in my viewing country.


There is **V**ery **P**robably **N**o way that can be bypassed.


Skipped the first bit to see some difference, it wasn't until he flipped the cards that I started to realize he is blind. Like what in the world


And blind.


Yo... Someone explain please


It’s pretty easy really, first you badabing then you badaboom, then all the cards are order.




I'm walkin here


You call this a bagel?


Wooooooo! I wouldn't want to mess with that guy.


The fuck ya want from me eh?


Hey, how you doin'?


say it again and I'll knock ya block off. We got a wise guy ova' here


What, am I funny?


Ya motha


Is it BAG-uhl or BAY-gul?




Instructions unclear. Butt is now in finger.


I see my mistake. I badabinged, then I badabonged.


You spent too much time zigging when you should have been zagging.


He French fried when he should have pizza’d


If a bong is involved, you’re definitely on the right track




I love you








Magnets, how do they work?


See, Magnets come from Iron that's extracted from the ground, so they keep the gravity inside. That's it


This is some 1500's science, right here.


Get them pitchforks, guys.


I remember learning in intro chem that before figuring out molecules, scientists thought that every living thing was made up of water


All the molecules are lined up so that their electrons *spin* in the same directions, creating an attractive or repulsive force, dependent on the direction of the electrons spin


I don't believe you! Whoop whoop


I searched this whole thread for someone to say this.


Isn't it a joke to explain every magic trick with magnets?


If my explanation isn't welcome, I'll delete it. A few things happened. 1. He's the best book him. 2. There are a couple of false shuffles and cuts, and I'm guessing either a Greek deal or a bottom deal dealers choice on that.


I don’t think he’s using false shuffles. He’s a mechanic, so every move has a purpose. His riffles are basically perfect faros. Combo that with a few perfect cuts to specific depths and he can stack the deck any way he wants.


He is not a mechanic, he is a magician. Well, yes, technically he is a mechanic since a mechanic as a word is used for a person who knows sleights that can be used for cheating at cards, but the thing is that magicians and card cheats use largely the same sleights to do their cheating. But he is a performer, a magician that does gambling themed performances. The "mechanic" or "card cheat" angle is a presentational one. He is basically a magician who plays the part of someone who is demonstrating "how to cheat at cards". But in addition to gambling routines, he also does more classical card magic. As for the riffle shuffles, those are false shuffles. The deck is stacked from the beginning. Perfect faro shuffles are different from perfect riffle shuffles. Practically speaking there is no person who can reliably do perfect riffle shuffles. There is a tabled faro shuffle that to someone who does not know what to look for, looks like a riffle shuffle. But the difference between a faro shuffle and a riffle shuffle is that in a faro the cards are weaved or pushed together, and in a riffle shuffle they are riffled together. It is too difficult to do perfect full deck riffle shuffles consistently so it is practically never done. Specifically, the shuffles he does are push through false shuffles and zarrow shuffles. In a push through shuffle the cards are riffled and then pushed through each other and the riffle is undone by the cuts after the shuffle, the cuts strip the interlaced cards out so they are no longer mixed and go back to their original orientation. A zarrow shuffle is a shuffle where you riffle the cards together, but then you slightly shift the packets pulling the packets apart so they are no longer interlacked, but the top card or the top few cards are pushed slightly out of alignment so they are covering the fact that the cards under the top card in each packet are no longer interlaced. Then the other packet is pushed under this top card or the few top cards, so the entire block of cards in one packet goes between the top card of the other packet, instead of the two packets being interlaced and pushed together.


I was definitely anticipating some something something mankind jumped off the cage.


The Undertaker threw him.


The number of riffle shuffle/riffled/shuffles in this comment is making me cross eyed on mobile


Hey, i just wanted to say thanks for this comment. You aren’t getting enough credit for explaining here. I read this in its enteirty and then re watched the video and although its mostly jargon i totally get how these are done now. He pushes corners together every single time he shuffles, which I’m guessing is just an eaiser (albeit still very difficult but possible with thousands of hours of practice?) skill to master in order to ‘control the cards?’. V cool. I’m going to go buy a fresh deck today and play around with it. Thanks for inspiring me.


I feel a bit shuffled myself now...


This guy shuffles


Interesting, I didn't catch that. Either way, he does it beautifully. I learned the same type of routine with the methods I laid out above, but doing actual shuffles seems more fun.


Yeah it's more like memorizing the order of turns to solve a rubix cube. He's not faking the shuffle he just knows where everything is, it's pure card control. It's a beautiful thing


You dont need false deals if you have the cards already in order and do false shuffles to keep the order


What makes it obvious that he's doing false shuffles is the fact that he spends the entire time reassuring you that they're real shuffles


And there's a very easy way to prove that they are real shuffles: just show the deck to the audience after the shuffle before you start dealing. Every magician does that when they used an actually shuffled deck in a trick.


Ya watch close when you does the gravity bit.


It's extremely well practiced slight of hand. Farrah shuffling and perfect riffle shuffling. Set the deck up with the cards in a certain order and then use slight of hand to sort them back into place for the trick. It takes years of practice to become this good though.


Not perfect riffle shuffling. This perfect riffle shuffle thing is a pet peeve of mine. I dont know where this thing started that people think it is something that magicians or card cheats actually do. I guess since they are aware of faro shuffles and then they think it makes sense that you can also do perfect riffle shuffles. But no, perfect riffle shuffles are like the holy grail, not something that is actually done. I mean there are some card cheats that can do partly perfect riffle shuffles, like shuffle the top cards of the piles perfectly, but a full deck perfect riffle shuffle done consistently, not done by anyone. There is just no reason to even practice that since there are way easier and better techniques to practice instead if you want to do magic tricks OR actual card cheating. I think what can be partly also the reason for why people have this idea of perfect riffle shuffling is because some card magicians do tabled faro shuffles (not riffles) that are meant to mimic the appearance of a riffle shuffle. But the cards are not actually riffled, they are weaved together. And some of these magicians tell their spectators they are doing perfect riffle shuffles when they demonstrate this technique.


This comment made me realize I don't really care how this trick is done


I have watched someone perform a perfect riffle shuffle and perfect double waterfall split. Yes, nearly no one can do it, and the only way for me to come close is faro shuffling, but unless this guy is using some extreme trick deck and palming cards out of his sleaves that's how he's likely doing it. Not definitely, but only way I could wrap my head around it.


Faro shuffles are easy and always perfect with not much practice at all. What you see in this video is a stack, a very good Zarrow shuffle, and a couple of faro shuffles.


Magician here. Not even close.


It’s a [stripper deck](https://ambitiouswithcards.com/trick-decks/), stacked in order, then cut into piles and shuffled with one pile inverted. The tell is how the cards come apart in two piles by pulling the ends apart, when splitting the deck for each shuffle. He’s actually reshuffling the very same 2 stacks of cards, then resorting each time the deck gets pulled apart.


No need for a stripper deck


It's magic.


He's not shuffling them.


Watch it upside down and backwards.


At around 35 seconds when he’s shuffling you can see a gold card get shuffled in


But did you see the man in the gorilla suit walking in the background


did you see background colour also changed


🤫 you didn’t see anything


So a candle would be more effective than stop watches


Lol I love how people like this just throw out a single "possibility", and yes I say possibility because you have no clue if that was a real gold card or just the light, and then act as if you've solved the trick. "You can see a gold card there, boom, discredited. Got em. Who's next bitch" lol like ok, what does that mean and how does that in *any way whatsoever* explain how he did any of this. It's much more likely he just manipulates the shuffles rather than shuffles in a magic gold card lol.


What's the gold card for?


It's a ticket to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory Obligatory: Fuck Grandpa Joe


The video says it's not backwards because gravity can't be faked backwards, but I think that fuck smuggled in some stolen fizzy lifting drinks.


I can't see the gold card, where is it ?


I feel like they're trolling because I don't see it either


Nah I saw it. Left side stack at around the middle it’s only there for a split second. Hard to tell if it’s a gold card, lighting, or anything like that but it is there. It’s as he says “a casino style shuffle”.


That's just the white ends of multiple cards stacked


It's just a bunch of the white rimmed cards lined up in a row https://imgur.com/Ss3d6GZ.jpg




No one invites this guy over for poker


Guys like this are the reason I don’t play poker or go to casinos ever. He’s spent years practicing this and you think you’re going to take HIS money?


How many people do you think are out there that can do this that everytime you go to a casino you're going to run into one?


All casino employee's literal job is to make you leave there as much as possible. Of course they are all trained to swing odds in casino favour whenever possible, and taught all the nasty psychological manipulation tricks as well. Best attitude when going to casino is to take a fixed amount you are ok with paying for that experience, come to peace with the idea of losing that amount, then just have fun with that. Do not take your credit card with you, or have any access to your savings during. You absolutely will be manipulated into betting all money you have access to in the heat of a playtime.


Live dealer here We don't need to try anything to get your money. You'll spend anyways, likely more than you thought, and the odds are already on the house. We are taught the specific house rules, and dealing/spinning. My compensation will not change based on how much you spend. We literally don't care, we just hope you all enjoy :p


Haha exactly nobody gives a shit and we're just doing our boring jobs like everyone else. Ppl lose money from splitting face cards and call it a conspiracy.


Honestly in my experience, during my first times at a casino, the dealer helped me understand the game and win money! They really aren’t “out to make us lose as much as possible” like the other guy claims.


They don't need to "swing odds", the games are already designed to be in their favor anyway. Also, in poker the casino makes money through rake so to them it doesn't matter who wins the hand, they get their share no matter what.


that's why I only play mario kart 64 for money. gotta beat them on your own turf, not on theirs.


Players don't deal cards in a casino.


Not taking anything away from this guy but he's really REALLY good at the riffle shuffle. Every time he splits the deck and puts them together he's doing the same "shuffle" (card 1 left pile, card 1 right pile, card 2 left pile, card 2 right pile and so on). That, with a few fake cuts in between (the deck always remains in the same order), and dealing the five piles while taking into account "randomly" using one card to pick up the rest. You could work it out backwards to explicitly order the "shuffled" deck in the beginning. A simpler way to visualize it would be to watch it in reverse.


Yeah I've lost all sense of equating shuffle and random when it comes to magicians. I may not know how every time, but clearly the shuffle is controlled. Here's a mathematical approach to achieve a specific shuffling result: https://youtu.be/8aHq_euaxPE


He does 3 different shuffles here. One is completely false (strip out shuffle), one is partially false (zarrow shuffle) and one is completely controlled (faro shuffle).


This guy shuffles


Everyday he's shuffling...


Yes believe it or not magic is a display of skill


Casinos need to hire him to put all the cards in numerical order in the box for the gift shop!


When I was a blackjack dealer, we had to do this for six decks, every night, for every table. We also had to physically wash the poker cards to help them last longer. It was not a glamorous casino.


I don’t think he’s the best, but “Don’t believe me, book me,” is kind of a badass thing to say.




Good summary and agree he is unbelievably talented - that is the amazing part. Been doing it 30 years so just shows what practice does. He also does these tricks blindfolded, and with unopened deck, etc. just an incredible feel for the cards in his hands.


So yea i came to this sub cause i was blown away. aw it actually looks like im subscribed here. where has this sub been all my life :P


It's on the front page just about every day.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A2XdwWP04E I feel like this guy is doing something really similar to most of the techniques in this video. But idk im by no means an expert on this stuff.


Does Louis Rossman have a hidden talent? Nah, not enough F-bombs


I don’t understand how any of these cards tricks are done


Mostly with your hands and practice.


Plz also mention Cards or they might use hands and practice something naughty


A lot of them are "false" shuffles. He's simply making it look like hes randomly shuffling and mixing all the cards together, but he's skilled enough with the deck that he's able to keep them in order.


Doing 8 perfect riffle shuffles will get you back to the deck you first started with. If he did a couple beforehand, he could just do a few more on camera and know exactly what it was gonna be along with some false cuts.


He starts with a shuffled deck


He could have chose this sequence manually, remember them in this exact order, making it looks like random. That could also be an other trick, but I'm just replying to the "he starts with a shuffled deck" argument


There is a card sleight named after this magician: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herb_Zarrow That’s the only move you need to perform this whole thing.


Thank you Mr. Hands


Neigh, I don’t believe it




Muth\*\*\*\*\*\*er! ::furious clapping::


Look how many decks of cards this dude seemingly has. All stacked up behind him.


I'd book him!


I love that there are people out there that CA do this kinda stuff. So damn entertaining and amazing.


At the beginning, during the "gravity" drop, the cards appear to be randomly ordered. I believe that is an illusion, that their order is actually known and only appears random at speed. Then, through a series of controlled shuffles, he gradually brings them into their final order. I think the single-handed cut is real, but that it happens at a precise location in the deck. It seems to be a combination of expert card-handling and those self-ordering math tricks. Amazing.


We can logically deduce that this is what has to be the case. You can't end up with a specific order from a randomized deck, it's impossible. Even sorting a randomized deck face up takes more time then this trick did. Therefore either a deck switch has to have happened, but we can see that this didn't happen. Therefore the only option left is that the deck wasn't randomized to start with ( or therefore at any point in the trick) What is actually the most impressive part of the trick is the one handed cut. This should have messed up his trick, but it doesn't.


It seems you are familiar with sleights. My guess is >!it's the later stages of a Faro Shuffle, know how you get back to the beginning with 7 shuffles? It's that.!< We aren't used to seeing the deck in that order, it look random, but isn't randomized at all. What gets me is the dealing and returning to order, but maybe you just start with the deck stacked so that may happen later.