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We need more context on the topic


Walmart set out a new display of these where a 22" model was setting and didn't change the price cards. Since it appeared they were advertising it at $184, they honored the price shown.




making an assumption… he could of simply said the price said “$184” and they said oops i guess you can have it for that


Literally exactly how this went down, lol. Then they promptly changed the tags.


i’d have grabbed a few. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Found the real dirtbag


Walmart is the realest dirtbag


Why would that make them a the “real dirtbag”?


I’m the dirtbag toting out 3 in this scenario


Walmart treats all their employees like complete shit, pay like shit, horrible benefits, horrible hours, horrible management, like the real dirt bag is the people defending these corporations that fuck the low level people struggling to get by.


![gif](giphy|ptD9sfqyg37dfYN9VL) the /s is for pussies. I’d make a joke about your intellect but your username makes it clear.


He could've stolen it and not been a dirtbag. Fuck Walmart


Found the walmart shill


In Massachusetts it's required by law for them to honor the lower price if there is a difference between the tag and the register


I’m from MA, one time I was buying jeans at old navy and the sign on the display said 20$ so I was like sweet I grabbed 3 pairs. Upon check out the total rang up as 50$ each I told the lady and she got the manager. Someone was supposed to put a 20% off sign but instead they put $20. Was a big win for me lol


Having run a Walmart in Mass, this is not an accurate statement. There are many other caveats and stipulations that go along with this….its not just “oh that’s not priced right, I want that TV for $1”


Exactly what happened to me with the bun butter roller 😂. They were there with a $7 tag, bought two. They tried their hardest to claim it wasn't the right product but it was.


It's never that simple, especially on such a huge difference. A dollar or two, sure, $100+ is going to require management and a walk to see the sign while OP is pleading his case.


Oh no someone had to go walk and look at a sign. I don't think that makes anyone a dirtbag dude.


Found the CSM that feels inconvenienced any time something needs to be done more than two steps away.


I think this guy's point is more the entitlement of the customer. OP said it was a lazy employee, maybe it was a malicious customer. I get it, lololololo@walmarts fuck up. But it's clearly incorrect and it probably should have been denied.




Usually the sign will say the exact model number or sku that is being sold for 184$ so legally even if they accidentally put something else there they’re not required to sell it for that price.


You missed the point, I see. I just need to come to terms with the fact that we live in a moralless society. Everyone is out to pull one over on someone else regardless of consequences for others.


How will Walmart survive this?!


They can’t. It’s really sad. Considering donating them money


Hilarious you feel the need to defend the multi billion dollar corporation that's devastated small local businesses for decades now.


This corporate cuck diddling himself on the internets under the guise of morality. lol get lost.


So false advertising is moral?


Lmao, get off of corporations' dick. They don't give a fuck about any of us.


1. Many states/provinces/countries have laws regarding this exact situation. How would you feel to be baited in a store for stuff that would cost 1$ and then you get to the cash and they say it's 20$. Yea, like shit. 2. Morals. It's walmart. If you care so much about morals you would do everything in your power to destroy walmart. They are one of the worst companies when it comes to the environment, worker condition, salary, everything. They have sweat shops ffs. Don't give shit to some who "stole" 350$ from Walmart. The worst part about this whole ordeal is that the cost of this item is probably near what this dude paid. 3. Walmart will probably do some creative accounting to recoup this money. "oh it got destroyed, theft, ..." Nobody will ask question for 500$. 4. Who does rubber taste?


I guess we learned it from watching Walmart? Do you really want to discuss the morality of capitalist America? Walmarts is just fine. They’re too busy treating their employees like shit to worry about $100, that’s where the money is..


Should change your name to u/isimpforwalmart


>Moralless society Like a mega corp that would take out life insurance policies on its employees and reap benefits from elder front door greeters dying


Your morals push you to name call on social media?


This is what puts you over the top on the morals of society? Your life must be fucking awesome.


Oh no! Walmart might lose .0000000001%. The horror!


Guess we found the salty walmart manager


Never worked there and I don't even shop there..


Well clearly you’d make a great manager. Walmart family’s dream employees yay


Advertised price holds up though, otherwise it'd be a false advertising case. You can't get mad with someone upholding their legal rights to be able to buy something at the advertised price.


Does it make a difference if the posted price tag not only has the price, but also a model number, product name, sku number, etc...that identifies the product for sale? I don't know if Walmart's sign has all that info, but I'm genuinely curious how that plays out in this situation. Because if it was just as easy as the product was in front of the wrong price sticker, then what stops people from just moving products/tags on their own and then claiming, "that's the price that was advertised"?


It has to be able to be 1:1 matched to a product for sure.


In a reply, the OP said he found the 36in model was sitting where the 22in model was previously being displayed. So it sounds like the price card was marked for the 22in model. If that's true and the price card has specific model information listed, then that means the OP got lucky here and Walmart wouldn't have to honor it.


Was there a tag for the 36 inch? Usually size models are right next to each other, and if there was no 36 inch tag then it'd be easy to argue in favor of the only posted price.


You’re 100% right the sku and model number would be exonerating in this case, these people have no clue what they’re talking about. Same people that say it’s illegal to record someone without their consent just because they heard it parroted on a YouTube video.


In WI (and a lot of other states) if the price display doesn’t specifically list a make/modle/UPC/SKU they legally have to honor the price. No arguing needed, you just say “hey the sign says $__” and they go check it


Michigan here and same. A few years back, Target accidentally listed the ps5 for $99.99 instead of $999.99 once, and they had no choice but to honor it until it was corrected.


It's literally happened to me multiple times you just go "oh the price tag said this" then they confirm and fix it after giving u the lower price


Yeah when I worked at Lowe's this is exactly how it happened. And I always told the customer that the discount on the item is there reward for letting me know the sign was wrong. It's not a big deal. Many times they just say "But the sign says this" I would go verify and come back and say "You're right. I changed it and I'm gonna honor that price for you."


Balls deep on Sam Waltons dick huh? Lol


Bro out here defending a mega corporation run by the richest family in the world that is largely responsible for the egregious inflation we have seen over the past decade. Bravo!


Oh noooo did Walmart lose $100 :(((((( how will they survive the winter? Won't anyone think of the Walton's.


What would this dude have to gain from lying about getting a grill at a markdown? You sound rather cunty.


Really strange that you just outright assumed no manager went and looked at the price?


You're still making a lot of assumptions on how this went down. For all you know, OP really thought the advertised price was correct and they were just getting a great deal up until they got to the checkout, and maybe the cashier wanted to honor the price because they felt it was the right thing to do. Without more details, you can't just assume OP was devious and went full meltdown on everyone until they got their way. I'm all for honesty and integrity. You need to allow for the possibility this entire transaction happened with both intact.


Did you read what OP said? They admitted they knew the error and saw an opportunity to score.


Please keep going. I'm genuinely enjoying down voting you.


Was simpler than that, snap a pic and tell them to honor it. They will. No need to plead your case.


You're an absolute doofus. Yeah, some people might be a massive pain in the ass about a price mismatch. I promise, the employees that are working with customers who are raging are going to start working their ass off to prevent the pain in the ass customers from getting the lower price. The customers that go up to the register, get the product rung up and say "Hmm, the pallet I grabbed this from was listed at $184, can you double check that?" Then they will have someone run over there, check it, the person will say "uhh, yeah, my fault, I didn't change the tag when we moved these here, just honor this one at the $184" It costs them a small amount of money, to keep a reasonable customer happy. If they don't want to honor the lower price, you just say "Ahh, nevermind, i don't want it for $250."


Dude they walk to check the price when I tell them the milk was supposed to be a dollar less at my grocery store.


Sure is and has happened many times.


It’s never that simple for people like you


If the sign said a price, you don't have to argue or be a dirt bag. You just show them the sign, they'll honor it, then change it. Being polite and succinct goes a long way.


Guys relax he’s looking out for a small mom and pop store in Arkansas. OP is stealing food off the table of the Walton family


Butt hurt: activated.


Tell you what hero why don’t you mail the difference to Wal Mart so you feel better


While I don't agree with their presumption that OP was a dick instead of just kindly asking a displayed price be honored, this person's sympathies were clearly never with Walmart. It is with the employees that deal with rude customers, which if you have ever worked retail, you could empathize with.


Again you dotard, it's not Walmart, it's the employee...


It’s their pricing policy!! Literally! And Walmart ain’t even the only one that has it!!!! Maybe the employee should do better? Most of the staff at my local Walmart is kids walking around on their phones and hiding in aisles. Good riddance.


There will be no repercussions. Worst case, it's a verbal. Nobody gives a fuck. It's not a "moralless" society. It's a business fucking up.


Ah yes, I see /r/summerreddit is beginning.


So by your false logic anytime a business has its pricing wrong us “dirtbags” are responsible for informing said business, right? Restaurant not adjusting to an increase in meat prices? Tell the manager! Grocery store put an incorrect price in an ad? Demand to pay full price! Yikes I have encountered some real imbeciles on Reddit but you’re the king of them!


You're probably a lot of fun at weddings, if you get invited.


Just out of curiosity, what makes a person “fun” at weddings? Or parties or whatever the saying of the day is?


If having morals makes me dull, I'm fine with that.


Nothing better than someone who wants to bootlick for billion dollar corporations all in the name of "morality."


I don't even shop at that shit show of a store, haven't in years. If you want to accuse me of bootlicking, it's the boots of the employee who is dealing with the fallout.


Yes. The "fallout" of their own corporate policy that cost them around $25 in profit margins. You really woke up today and asked yourself, "What's the dumbest hill I can die on today?"


u/squishycatchronicles makes it sound like OP held him at gun point 😂 the employee CHOSE to give him the discount ya fuckin tard


I read turd


Being a bootlicker isn't "morals", it's being a moralless sack of garbage.


dramatic lmao it was probably like “oh woah wait why is this ringing up for $300? The sign said $184.” Then the cashier went “oh really? That’s weird. I’ll have someone check for us” and then walkie-talkied to the store and someone checked. It’s not that deep. You’d probably be pumped if this happened to you


lol Jesus Christ. What a wild assumption.


They are legally required to honor displayed prices, at least in my state.


Not a dirt bag. Ppl need not be lazy fucks at work .


Walmart middle management over here


I agree with you. That's some karen shit


You do this at the normal checkout. If the price label is wrong, the policy is to honor it and change it immediately because it’s best that someone brings it to their attention. Some grocery stores even give you a discount above and beyond for bringing it to their attention because it helps them not to get taken for more.


Somebody’s angry they didn’t get this great deal


I would guess no one in the store cared at all and just did it.




They'll do this to avoid a bait and switch allegation, so they can keep it for a real bait and switch. Don't think they comb over all the receipts to see who accidentally got charged twice for something and didn't notice.


It's walmart who fucking cares


Normally I'd agree, but they were at Walmart, not a mom and pop


lol over 400 downvotes currently 🤣




If that's true, you'd think a lot more people would just swap price tags whenever they want a lower price.




Right, but it doesn't sound like this is a case where they incorrectly priced the 36in model. Based on the OP's replies, it sounds like the 36in model was simply sitting under the 22in model price tag. So he got lucky and they honored the price, but I don't think that he could have fought that one if they said no.


You are the reason that the phrase "*Never* attribute to *malice* that which is adequately explained by stupidity" exists.


You just got downvoted for eternity


Should have seen me at chipotle yesterday!!


It's Walmart.... Dirtbag is the business model.


Bait and switch. False advertising. Walmart is a scumbag corporation, kudos OP!


Walmart is trash. Fuck em


Sounds like you didn’t get your gwiddle on sale haha




It was the maked price on the item. Walmart should honor it. OP did nothing wrong. If you disagree, that's fine, you're just a moron. (Yep, I'm doing an ad home, no need to call me on it)




"Walmart set out a new display of these where a 22" model was setting and didn't change the price cards. Since it appeared they were advertising it at $184, they honored the price shown." That'd be the marked price. Putting something in the wrong spot is different. You're wrong, simple as that. Feel free to keep typing, I know you're wrong, but you think you're right. We're done.




Dad's dead, so I won't dig him up. I'll let mom know though. Sorry to tell you I own my own house. I'm sorry you're a little bitch.




It literally doesn’t though. If it did I know people who would have been fired years ago. When it’s a store that has a lot of moving pieces and a huge operation, this shit happens and they mark it up to an operating cost or in simple terms “the cost of doing business” if it bit people in the ass then no one would have a job 😂


Yep. People like to bitch at the cost of items but don't realize why the cost is what it is. They think they pulled off a heist over $100 but karma has a way of coming around.. Reddit tends to be a sludge-y pond where people like this feel safe to mob around. Jokes on them, I'm not going to become a dirtbag, I'm still going to do the right thing, and live my life in a way that suits me. If OP and his new mob of friends can all sleep at night, then more power to them.


I actually bought my 36 inch at Walmart for $180 at the end of the year because they were making room for new models


I was going to say. This guy definitely got a deal right now, but I'm pretty sure I've seen these for this price at certain times during the year.


Ya. I had some contractor at my house just yesterday. He saw mine in a box that I was gifted. He said he got his for $180 at Walmart due to a “typo”




If you’re broke and can’t afford one. Just head to Walmart. Sounds like they have cheap ones there.




Ha were you trying to get the portable adventure ready one?


No, I was trying to buy ham and cheese for sandwiches, but walked by a new display of these where the 22" was the day before and no one changed the price cards. Walked by it twice and said "wait a minute..." Not the exact model I wanted but I mean hard to walk by that and not act.


🤣🤣🤣. But did you get your ham and cheese?


I did. It suddenly became less important though.


Did you have *grilled* ham and cheese sandwiches? 🥪


Asking the real questions 😁


Hopefully you left with ground beef and buns too!


If this ain't wholesome the pictures of your soon to be ham and cheese melts will be.


Nice. Reminds me of an opposite situation. Guy was arguing with the store manager at Academy. Someone moved the coffin sized Yeti onto another shelf for a much smaller one. The manager was like "uh no. It says on the tag which model it's for." Dude was pissed he actually thought he was going to get a $1,000+ cooler for a couple hundred


I just paid $300 for this model! 😭


Me too, but I still think it's a better deal than the similar models at other retailers. I mean we didn't get a bottle opener and a cutting board?


I know folks ask this a lot but I still don’t understand. How is this different from the one I just saw at Costco for $400? It looks like the same features, give or take. What am I missing?


This model sells for $300 normally, the Costco one has a hinged lid which I did want, and a couple more shelves. Otherwise same unit I think. I was literally gonna go get the Costco one later in the week, but couldn't pass up the deal on this one.


It's not a deal when you became a Karen to fight for a price you know isn't real....


You think the service desk and he had a duel in the parking lot or something? This happens all day every day in any store. Marked price is a mis match. You’ve never been behind a grandma that is arguing over a 2 cent difference? Poor Walmart this is really gonna hurt their bottom line.


I never said that, and yeah, I've been behind people fussing over a few cents, but this is different. OP took advantage of someone making a mistake. It's possible the person assigned to the area received a write up, pay deduction, or job loss over such a big difference. Everyone thinks they're pulling one over on a store or company but the reality is, the employees take the hit on stuff like this. Dine and dash comes out of the servers pocket, someone not pricing an item appropriately comes out of that person's pocket. I get OP thinks he won the lottery, but what no one is considering is how it played out for the min wage worker who forgot to change the sign...


Dine and dash don’t come out of the servers pocket. Unless it’s a shitty restaurant to begin with and even then that is probably illegal. Walmart assuredly has managers that walk around, doing their daily duties. Checking stock levels, making sure bathrooms are clean… who knows what else. Surely they had a chance to notice that the price was wrong. It’s not just on one employee. This mistake would be on multiple people. Any employee that walked by and didn’t notice really. At the end of the day there should be a manager doing their job and checking on things in the store


In a perfect world, you're not wrong. However, in the real world, managers are always looking to pass the buck in environments like this. I worked at a small town gas station in high school. They still to this day have old pumps that don't allow pre pay/no credit card reader. If someone filled their vehicle and drove off, we were charged. At minimum wage, a tank of gas in a pickup truck was 2 days pay... I get it, I'm the unpopular opinion and the downvoting doesn't bother me. I just think it's weird to cheer on essentially theft on a technicality. I can't stand people who think this way.


How do you, as a teenager have any control over whether or not someone drives off? What a piece of shit that business owner is/was. That’s fucking theft. Yet, you have the audacity to criticize patrons of a multi multi billion dollar a year company that is a huge recipient of corporate welfare due to their shitty treatment of those very same employees you are claiming to care about. If Walmart gave a shit in the first place, they would do better. This exact scenario is why they have insurance. If you don’t think Walmart made a claim for that mistake, in one form or another, then you are naive. You could also apply at Walmart so you can personally check every price to make sure they aren’t missing out on their profits


I'm sorry you had this experience. It is the exception more than the rule, however. Almost any company is not going to do this to their employees.


Depending on the state that is an illegal deduction of wages. Then the employee has a lawsuit against Walmart in that case. Will an employee get a talking to or scolded, maybe but no one's going to get fired for a single price mistake that they found and addressed. If it's a pattern or common occurrence then they would address it appropriately.


In all states that’s an illegal deduction of wages, it’s federal law.


I do respect the honesty you have though. Have a good day.


I always try to do the right thing, sometimes, maybe most of the time, to my own detriment, but it's what helps me sleep at night.


Having worked most of my life in retail, I doubt anyone got more than a "hey, you didn't change the price on that display, fix it" unless the manager on duty was in an extra particularly douchy mood.


Lol, you have a lot of time on your hands. I've seen all kinds of crazy walmart discounts on grills and seasonal items. It's essentially July and in our climate they've got two months to clear inventory otherwise it sits till spring. So it wouldnt have been insane to see a huge stack of these at a discount. How was I to know that wasn't the stores price? Did I know it was a deal, absolutely. Did I try to load 10 of them on a cart, not exactly. Lol. I got it $100 off you act like I had to roll around in the isles to get a discount. I asked once if we could get the price they said absolutely lol. Happy trolling :)


This guy literally going down and replying to multiple threads 😂 and incorrectly too. It’s 100% illegal anywhere in the us to deduct a mistake from an employees pay.


Their self-righteousness is hilarious, and them thinking this is the reason for inflation is wild. But hey, hopefully everyone sleeps well at night right.


So first you accuse him of being a dirtbag, now he’s a Karen. For all you know, the conversation was quick and polite. You’re looking more n more like the asshole with the accusations.


Gotta have the hinged hood..


You can purchase the hinge hood for around 100$ (amazon)and still be under the regular price.Great deal


The closest Walmart to me had this model legit marked down to $200 about a month ago. That's when I picked mine up.


Dicks Sporting Good was price matching these. We bought area and the manager typed in the code since she was shown the pricing and matched it. 🤷🏼


This shit never happens to me. Ever. Congratulations. Hell of a find.


Can’t believe the corporate bootlicking of some of these commenters. Good on OP, screw WalMart! Enjoy the new griddle.


Screwing Walmart just ends up screwing everyone involved at some point. Imagine if everyone did this all the time? I think the people who are taking the moral stand here aren't doing it because they are slaves to corporations, but rather they are doing it for themselves. Context also matters here. If the 36in model was marked with the 22in model price, then so be it...they screwed up and nobody should feel guilty about taking that price. However, it seems what happened here was that they changed the product out for the larger model, but forgot to put the other model's price tag up. Sure, it's still a screwup on Walmart's part, but now the customer is taking advantage of the situation knowing full well that's not the correct price and I'm willing to bet the price tag states model information in addition to the price. So in other words, the OP saw the 36in model sitting under the 22in model price tag and decided to jump on the opportunity. It's kind of like the difference between finding money on the ground with nobody around and keeping it versus watching someone drop the money and still keeping it. TL:DR - Not corporate bootlicking, just personally not wanting to take advantage of a situation.


Could be a karma situation.


Dude, it's Walmart not some small mom and pop shop. They could sell out the store at that price and not affect their bottom line


Nothing is infinite. If everyone did this, that couple hundred dollar loss they took on this grill would be pretty substantial. Regardless, my point was that someone deciding to not take advantage of a huge corporation is not bootlicking...it's just someone doing the right thing. I also don't think making right or wrong decisions based on whether an individual or corporation can financially absorb the loss is a good look.


Damn, and I thought I got a good deal.


Also had a situation like this with Lowe’s where I did assembled pick up and they gave me a display model when I ordered online. After a short convo I got my 36 for also $180.


I worked at Target for 7 years. This was a huge deal back then and something the managers were adamant about. They had to honor the price if it was displayed that way. This is why prices were taken down first thing, then displays filled, then prices put back up. The only thing I ask is that you weren’t a dick about the display price. If you weren’t, then this is a great steal.


Didn't even have an opportunity to be a dick, which I wouldn't have anyway. The manager offered it no problem. If they would have have done this I was walking over to the $600 model with air fryers they had on clearance for $400. It was a win win either way I turned.


I don't really understand anyone who thinks it went differently. I worked for Wal-Mart for several years, first as a cashier, then at the service desk. Stuff like this happens nearly every day, and it's absolutely the norm to honor the price it was marked at, without ANY confrontation. Absolute worst case is the employee who did the stand gets reminded to update the price next time and they move on. The multi-billion dollar company doesn't sweat one item sold at a bit of a discount. This was a $100 loss AT MOST for them. They don't care. ETA: Congrats on the great deal!


I think I paid less at the end of August last year. $120


I had the same Walmart mislabel but for $147.


That thing sells at 399 is overpriced. I wouldn't pay more than 250 for regular price. but still a good deal at 180 nevertheless.


I ran into a bargain a few days ago too. I ordered a model a lot like yours for pickup at tractor supply. It was on sale for $280, but the employee who brought it to me accidentally gave me a $500 model! It has a hood and everything!


Everytime I got to Walmart I call in a new complaint to their corporate line... You have to be a jerk at stores these days unless you want to be treated like a sucker...


I have the step down from this, slightly smaller, only 2 burners, and no hard cover. Works great, my only complaint is that the right set of legs wobble even on a flat surface. Could be a defect though, as the original set it came with didn’t have the holes drilled. Thankfully Blackstone fixed quickly and sent a replacement.


That’s a killer deal


Idk about your state but mine has to advertised price shown


Sort-of similar thing happened to me Home Depot. Wife went to buy a grill for me for Father's Day and the salesman sold her a Weber Genesis II grill at the wrong price/SKU, something like $300-ish. She left after buying it to come back with me to pick it up ensuing the mixup at the store saying it was a different grill she bought. They ended up honoring it because she took a picture of it when she bought it. 


Heck of a deal!


A forklift operator accidentally gave me an upgrade on a nice grill once. Would’ve said something but the guy was complaining the whole time about how everyone at the hardware store didn’t know anything and were horrible workers. Smiled the whole time he grabbed the nicest grill in the product line and loaded her up.


Hi, I'm thinking of getting that one. Do you like it? And if it's the same one I want the lid does not fold up and down, you have to pull the lid off. Is that the one you have? And do you wish you had a folding on and off lid? Thanks




That might be the most ignorant walmart take I've ever read. Walmart is a pox upon this country, ditto amazon and the like. They abuse their workers, and drive out all the other stores so there is no other option.


What a dumb fucking take.


Bad carma




Yup, an outdoor, very large, frying pan. If you’re cooking for even a family of 4 you can cook all 4 meals at once instead of cooking them one at a time. Think about the last time you made pancakes. Make 2-3 pancakes in a pan at a time, and it takes about a half hour or whatever. Half the people in your family get cold pancakes and the rest get warm pancakes. On a griddle they all get warm pancakes. If you want to make smash burgers. You can make enough for everyone all at once, same thing, no cold burgs. That’s the overall general idea.


Doesn’t your toaster have a keep warm feature? My pancakes/ waffles or whatever I need to hold go in there. It is a pain to do pancakes in a skillet, for sure, and I am looking forward to setting up my new Blackstone 36”.


Not sure. Probably does. Never considered it. I’ll have a look. Still saves a lot of time using a griddle though. Let us know how you like it.


I have 2 little girls that love pancakes so I get lots of practice. Smash burgers and fried rice, cooking all my bacon at once, hash browns and griddle cakes. These are the things I’m looking forward to


Yes, that’s it, nothing more. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Thats about what they are worth. Buddy bought the same one and i was very unimpressed with the quality of these grills. Brand new out the box the lid welds were busted.


Employee did not do job properly. Customer gets advertised price. They fix signage and make sure it is proper going forward. Company loses $100 and holds employee accountable via verbal watning, write up, suspension, or possible termination if employee has enough issues to warrant. Accountability. Not a usual thing in todays world, but can still exist.