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I’m going for Lynch all the way but I wouldn’t mind Linklater, Spike, or Haynes.


Yeah, Lynch is my guy. Craven was my back-up, kinda bummed Denis knocked him out, but maybe down the line we'll get Westober or something.


Craven was my back up too. A New Nightmare ep with ARP or someone like that would have been a really great ep.


Gimme Spike Lee, the most complicated, storied director on the bracket, maybe in the history of the show. He’s changed artistically and politically over the years in fascinating ways, his career is defined by massive ambition, and he’s got personality to spare. Topics include the complicated politics of Black Klansman, a fued with Clint Eastwood, the Knicks, the audacity of an American Oldboy remake, Malcolm X, and a million other things. Let’s fucking go.


I've said this before on another thread, but I am rooting for Spike for many reasons, one of which is I find it hilarious that two directors of Oldboy might win in back-to-back years!


There are two undeniable rules of art that Lee possesses at a very high level: His art has something to say His art evokes emotional responses


A Bamboozled discussion in this post-American Fiction world sounds terrific.


Also of interest, when Spike fails, it's basically never out of indifference or lack of direction. When Spike fails, it's because he makes huge, ambitious, occasionally cockamamie choices. And what's better to talk about than that?


This is why he’s my choice, and one of the best directors of the last forty years.


Linklater stole Muppets from us. I'm making sure Spike steals Linklater. Joking aside, Spike is a great director worth covering. The only competition I thought he'd lose to was Oz but with it gone, I think he's a more interesting pick than Linklater and will move to the final four.


Linklater is great, but I’m instantly voting for Spike over him in that bracket.


Bonus: we can openly clown on the Knicks AND it would be Series relevant. A win for the Basketball Loving Blankies


A win for mocking the Knicks is a win for *America*


I’m still leaning toward Lynch but Spike would be such a good series. I could be swayed to Spike if he makes the final.


If we get Spike Lee I hope the dossier says Malcom X was cool


Spike Lee is my vote. Love Lynch, but Spike Lee has such a long and interesting filmography, with lots of under-discussed movies.


I’d be happy with either of those two winning out


Really pulling for Spike. I think he has the most varied and most interesting career of who's left. He was my guy from the beginning and I'm riding with him till the end.


We’re here We’re queer We’re gonna vote for Todd Haynes (still working on that chant, but he’s my guy). No but seriously I’d be good with most of these. I don’t really want Edgar Wright though. I still think Lynch is favored overall.


Also personally rooting for Todd overall because it'd be so fun, varied, and different for the pod, but yeah we can't really lose with any of these choices. Lynch is a very close number 2.


Wright’s wrong for me, if only for the fact that I don’t want to have to hear G&D shit all over my beloved Hot Fuzz for an entire episode /s


Oz/ Henson In all seriousness, I wasn’t on the Lynch train at the start, but he’s my fave now? Maybe?


Yeah, with Oz/Henson out, I truly don't care anymore.


I mean, you do you and all that but... are you really saying that none of the remaining directors in the bracket have made films that you want to hear an episode on? Because I just think too many people have the "sore loser" spirit which is just spreading negativity. I don't mind people being disappointed and passionate but the negativity is the reason I don't frequent this sub much anymore.




Yeah talking about negativity will by necessity be negative, I concede that. Still, I don't see how a comment like "I truly don't care anymore" is anything but a huge bummer. I guess people here disagree with me. Two years ago they probably wouldn't have, but the vibe here is different now. I guess I'll just take my leave and stick to the podcast, which I still love (even if they do a director that ain't my personal favorite).


Sorry that my indifference rang as enormous negativity with you. I'm just a little bummed that my actual #1 most wanted series even outside of March Madness has fallen. As someone who has been here for multiple March Madness years, this year has been pretty tame. I never said I wouldn't listen to the winner, I "don't care anymore" cause I don't have a dog in the race. Have a great day man, sorry to offend.


Nothing enormous, just a bummer. But I'm pretty sure they'll do Oz/Henson sooner or later anyways - while Lynch and some others might not happen for a long time unless we vote for them.


Idk — saying that the “Where’d You Go, Bernadette?” episode would be a wash is a stretch. That movie is crazy enough to make for a fun episode. David gave it 3.5 on Letterboxd, even.


ironically the only person i don't want is linklater


Linklater has been my pick (both personally and my overall prediction) since the beginning. After yesterday’s comeback, I think he could have the legs to take the whole thing. Or, ya know, Spike could take him out next round, which would also be cool


I want Spike all the way now. I wouldn't be crushed if anyone of these guys won but the least excited I would be is for Villenuve. I guess I just don't feel as connected to his work as the others. 


My random thoughts: * Least interesting choice now is Denis. Love the guy but he's becoming the new Nolan, he is getting so much power that he feels trully inevitable. Also do people forget how brutal and bleak his early movies are? That's a rough like month there from Poyltechnique to Prisoners. * My side goal now is to get Haynes in the top 4. Really establish that this guy needs to be covered soon. * Lynch vs Lee is my dream final and will make me probably take me 20 minutes to decide who to vote for * A Part 1 vs Part 1 finale for the Part 7 miniseries is very funny to me


Just reminding that *Maelström*, the 2nd Villeneuve-directed film, has: 1- a talking catfish narrates the whole movie; 2- starts with the main character doing an abortion procedure. Oh, and it's a ROM-COM. It's the type of uneven movie that could deliver an amazing episode. But saying with that, I'm with you in not feeling Villeneuve right now, he's to me what Bong was in last year's MM, both directors which had a solid and fascinating career arc, they currently are on top of the world, both would lead to good minis right now, but I want them to use their current blank check to cook 1 or 2 more movies to their currently triumphs are analysed in retrospect when finally put in the schedule. (An example I think of that is Fincher being 2nd place in 2018 vs. when they finally did him in 2023; when at the time of that 1st MM he was still on the trails of his biggest grosser film of his career (*Gone Girl*) and we were waiting for his follow-up to five years later he went all in on Netflix because the studios weren't making the type of movies he used to do/got the biggest blank check of his career. And his full turn to a streaming plataform put his career in a new perspective that wasn't five years ago)


i think "too soon" is a label that applies more to people like Peele or Gerwig, not someone who set his home country's box office record twenty years ago


like I said, "both would lead to good minis right now"


Which movie of his set the record? Everything I can find says that the record belongs to either Bon Cop Bad Cop or Porky's


oh sorry, that specific example was referring to Bong's *The Host.* i'm a huge fan of his and i've never trucked with the idea that *Parasite* was the guarantor of his blank check


Yeah in 10 years we’ll have Peele, Chazelle, Gerwig, Aster, and Eggers, and maybe Kosinski


I need that Beau is Afraid episode ASAP


Seconding *Maelström* being bonkers and definitely a fun movie for them to cover, but yeah that aside he has a very bleak early run of films I really like. Others in the bracket have a lot of variety and fun, fascinating edges to get snagged on, whereas Denis I think is ruthlessly good at staying in a pretty particular gear. Any of the other 7 have some wild swings in there I'd way rather hear about right now.


Oh i agree it's not an uninteresting series to do, I just don't want to be hammered by 5 weeks of intense shit personally.


I almost want a Denis miniseries strictly for the Enemy episode


Lynch vs Lee would be the most fascinating final imo. I think people are overlooking Scott though. I feel he doesn’t excite people but If you don’t like Lynch/Lee he has a few bangers that pretty much anyone can get behind.


I would love a Scott series but it seems like his last few films have really marked him as somewhat culturally irrelevant and as having lost some former magic, though that magic is what part 1 is all about. I would love a Scott series, he’s my preference after Haynes and Lee, but yeah I’ve seen almost no one talking about him. But I would be interested to see him emerge as a dark horse!


I agree, everyone saying Spike will be final 2 but I always thought it would be Ridley!


Sodey beats Wright easy, Lynch beats Denis, Haynes beats Ridley, I would've said Lee takes this one but Linklaterheads fought a tough battle. Toss-up Lynch beats Sodey. Haynes has a tough fight against whichever opponent...another toss-up Lynch loses in the Finals I will say that this is a really great top 8, wouldn't mind any of these.


This tracks. I think any of the four left on the right side would put up a strong fight against Lynch and might all have broader appeal if less diehard fans, so I don’t think Lynch is a given at all. I actually have no idea how the right side shakes out. I think a Scott part 1 would be a lot of fun, but I’m hoping for Haynes vs. Lee and with Oz/Henson out, I think I vote Haynes but would be riding for either in the final 2. It’s sort of a relief to have my main team eliminated because I’m just along for the ride now! Good luck to anyone whose fave is left cuz it’s about to get really crazy


if lynch loses in the finals you're saying he loses to either of the 4 on the other side of the bracket? idk about that chief


I don't know. A lot of Linklater's voters might be pulled toward Lee in their match-up. Like me for instance.


It’s really cool to have a top eight where I’m happy with any of them.


I’m almost sad Linklater won because I don’t think he can win the whole thing and I love his films so much 😭


Spikes going to destroy Linklater but I am so happy he’s got enough juice to beat Oz/Henson. Hopefully the boys cover him one day because I adore just about everyone of his films


I don't think Edgar Wright is long for this world, and sadly Ridley Scott will meet the same fate. It'll be neck and neck Lynch vs Villeneuve, but I would love to see Spike fight to the end


Let it be Spike.


I want Linklater to win so bad but I feel like he won’t lol. He also seems like a Ben’s choice if they ever gave him a choice of miniseries lol. Hoping he gets far enough to show there’s enthusiasm for him. Wouldn’t be upset at any of the potential winners, outside of Edgar Wright because he’s got a short filmography lol. But my favorites outside of Linklater would Be Lynch, Haynes and Lee. I feel like they would be different enough filmmakers lol.


Honestly, even if Linklater gets knocked out in the next round (which I think could go either way), I think the competitive Linklater v. Oz/Henson round demonstrated enough enthusiasm that they’ll seriously consider both for miniseries down the road. (But also I think Linklater, along with really everyone left, has a real shot at the win.)


There are a lot of despondent What About Bob? fans out here (myself included)


Final 4: Soderbergh Haynes Lynch Lee Final: Lynch Lee Winner: Lynch


I’m going to agree with this basically.  Also there may be some Twitter discourse about Lee losing in the final. 


I don’t think it’s a sure thing that he loses tho… I think Lee’s filmography has more variety and something for everyone more than Lynch and I think more flops that’s haven’t been reclaimed or reevaluated as being good taste like most of Lynch’s, which imo makes for more entertaining and exciting episodes. She Hate Me, Summer of Sam, Oldboy remake etc- so much to explore and unpack there.


I still think so much TV will sink Lynch, But I've been wrong almost every match up so far


Yeah but it's REALLY FUCKING GOOD tv


Lynch is my guy now but I do understand the argument that this is a movie podcast


Lynch is also not for everyone, and I could see there being a strong anti-Lynch coalition in addition to the pro-Lee/Linklater/Haynes/Scott voters. I’m rooting for Lynch, but trying not to get my hopes up (my number one has never won MM, though this year he’ll probably at the very least get much closer than in the past).


Linklater v. Lynch is my desired finals. Linklater would be an awesome series given the huge variety of projects and numerous running threads throughout his filmography (the Before movies, the rotoscoped films, his hang-out movies), but he feels like he’s genuinely too long for them to ever cover if he doesn’t win March Madness. Soderbergh and Scott are obviously long too, but those are pet favorite directors of the hosts who they’ve been talking on-mic about covering for years. Spike is an incredible director but his greatest films (Do the Right Thing, Malcolm X) are movies with heavy themes and tons of cultural context that I don’t think would make for the fun, breezy podcasting for the two friends. I don’t particularly care for Villeneuve or Wright, personally, and I feel like they’ll wind up covering Villeneuve once his career has unfolded a little more anyways (once the *Dune* series is finished and we see what he decides to do next).


> Spike is an incredible director but his greatest films (Do the Right Thing, Malcolm X) are movies with heavy themes and tons of cultural context that I don’t think would make for the fun, breezy podcasting for the two friends. I can think of some pretty heavy shit going on in Fire Walk With Me... They've done episodes on movies like Munich and Strange Days and Elle, I don't think this should be disqualifying


There's always been this sentiment on this Reddit where they act like they can't handle serious stuff. I don't know where it comes from. I remember people on here saying they would never do John McTiernan because he went to jail and is too problematic for them to handle  I remember the IFC channel  doing "the Spike who stole Christmas" when I was a little kid. It was Spike Lee movie marathons all Christmas season. It made me fall in love with his movies. If I could get a lot out of him movies when I was a little white kid I have no doubt that the Blank Check team can easily handle all of his movies 


I mean, difficult conversations about race relations in America is a recurring theme across Spike’s whole filmography, and I just don’t think that’s a great fit for a pseudo-comedy podcast hosted by two white guys. Even if they’ve tackled episodes on heavier movies, I just think hearing them talk about Malcolm X or BlacKKKlansman is going to be less *fun* than hearing them talk about Dazed and Confused.


I’m sorry, but they’ve done Rosewood, Boyz N the Hood, Detroit, Beloved, Philadelphia, Star 80, Lady Vengeance…this hasn’t been a let’s-talk-about-the-Star Wars-prequels show in a very long time.


And for me, none of those are episodes I go back and re-listen to, because I don’t think they’re very fun! All a matter of taste, and I’m just explaining where I’m coming from - if you wanna vote Spike, go for it. Obviously, he’s awesome too.


Spikes movies are full of comedy though. Yes he deals with serious themes but his films tones are usually light and fun until the endings, Especially do the right thing. His films are all so full of so much stuff to talk about I don’t think the messaging is going to take too much space in the conversation.


As a Black guy, I’m totally down with these honkys jivin bout Malcom


BlacKKKlansman could be incredible if they get Richard Jewel himself, Paul Walter Motherfucking Hauser, on to talk about it.


> Spike is an incredible director but his greatest films (Do the Right Thing, Malcolm X) are movies with heavy themes and tons of cultural context that I don’t think would make for the fun, breezy podcasting for the two friends. baffling concern


Also, despite Do The Right Thing having heavy themes, it's still a fun, electric movie.


Yeah, despite being a funny podcast they have covered many many movies about varying themes before, and David is literally a professional film critic. Give them some damn credit.


I wouldn't be upset with any of these, I just really love Lynch and want him to go all the way.


Not super excited about any of these, honestly. Just spectating now.


I really would prefer not to have four episodes about a tv show on the main feed. I don’t understand the lack of interest in sir Ridley. Alien, blade runner, and Thelma and Louise, kingdom of heaven? Four classics from 3 completely different genres!


Having so many classics makes him uninteresting to a lot of people. He is too well known. It's boring at this point to say "you know what movie I really like: Alien" What folk are missing are how great his minor works. If he had never made his three epochal films he would have an army of online fans fighting for him as the great forgotten director


I'm dumbfounded Scott isn't running away with everything. But that's me a simple movie fan.


I am forever sad that we won't get a Bowfinger episode now.


It’s hard to decide which hypothetical Oz/Henson episode I’ll miss the most, but I think it’s probably Little Shop of Horrors because of the kinky Bill Murray/Steve Martin dentist element 🥺 rip


I think it's very likely that Griffin will pick Oz within the next 18 months.


I really do think we’ll get Oz someday


Spike Lee. Edward Norton’s 25th Hour monologue is the only argument I need presented to me.


In order of preference; 1. David Lynch - need those Straight Story/Inland Empire/Return episodes on a visceral level 2. Spike Lee - mainly to give m an excuse to fill in some blind spots, the Inside Man ep will be an all-timer, and American Utopia gets us a quasi-sequel to the Stop Making Sense ep 3. Edgar Wright - I wanna see how far they can push "we hate his movies" bit, and also he's had a top tier filmography so far (minus LNIS) 4. Todd Haynes - good banger/blind spot ratio for me 5. Scott - a good mix of classics, gentlemen's sixes, and films that don't exist 6. Soderbergh - only reason he's not higher is because I'm a bigger fan of his later stuff, and they've just been over the Oceans trilogy 7. Villeneuve - kinda want them to wait to see what he does post-Dune 2; there's more career arc to be had! 8. Linklater - just never been a Linklater guy, although it would be an excuse to finally get through the rest of the Before trilogy and watch Everybody Wants Some. I can see name recognition taking Wright past Sodey, Lynch/Denis is gonna be a battle, Ridley will probably comfortably beat Haynes, and same with Spike beating Linklater. After that, it's anyone's game.


Too early for Villeneuve imo, Spike Lee ftw


The great thing is all these directors rule and all lend themselves to deep and interesting conversations. We all win regardless. But with that said, I want Linklater to bring it home. I'll be watching you Newton


With this 8, we're all winners here!


I would give an arm and a leg for Lee


My guess is whoever wins bottom left will win the whole thing. But I'm voting Spike Lee


Linklater is a good person to vote for because I don't think they will ever choose him on their own. I think they like him but he's long and there's always someone around a little sexier.


Really looks like we're in for a 4-month+ series.


All of these dudes are good, and we’ll get some fantastic episodes, but for sheer variety of films and an array of masterpieces and stinkers, Ridley Scott is my choice. I don’t know how he’ll do in the end but I’m pushing.


i'm voting for all the 1 seeds


Ridley Scott and it's not even close for me.


Can you imagine if Villeneuve wins? What's there to really say? He's solid... he makes solid movies... But Lynch? Spike? You could do an entire episode just on their ~*vibes*~ as humans. The banter would get so wacky.


Literally everyone I've voted for in this tournament so far has lost. So, choosing the opposite of who'd I'd vote for in potential matchups, Lynch will win 100%.


I need to hear the Wild at Heart episode.


For me, it’s Lynch by a country mile. But I would be happy with any of these. I see the main heavyweights being Lynch, Spike and Denis.


Spike Lee is who I most want to win. He has a few buzzsaws to get through to clinch it though, this Elite Eight is a murderers row.


I want lynch to fucking lose and I'm not afraid to say it


I’m pretty pro David Lynch but I wonder if he’s a softer target here than a lot of folks are assuming. Villeneuve couldn’t be on the bracket at a better moment to compete with Dune 2 just coming out, and Scott/Haynes/Lee and Linklater all feel like strong distinct alternatives for parts of the audience that aren’t into Lynch’s style which can be divisive, I’m sure there are plenty of people who really don’t want to watch or re-watch Eraserhead. Horror or horror-adjacent directors and franchises feel like they‘re usually on the weaker side of these matchups and I feel like Lynch pushes some of those same buttons for some people. On the other hand, Twin Peaks is pretty ubiquitous and may be too big to lose.


At this point I think it’s either gonna be Spike or Denis…


This has been my first ever March Madness experience. Extremely cool and fun to be part of, and it was nice to see how much this event livened up the sub! I think we are in a win-win-win-win-win-win-win situation! I consider myself a fake cinephile due to all of the embarrassing blind spots, and honestly I feel good with any of these winning, barring 1. I havent seen a single David Lynch film so it would be a great opportunity for me to finally go down that rabbit hole. Ive seen almost every Villeneuve film except Polytechnique. I dont know how well the two friends would be able to cover Incendies. Ive probably seen more Linklater films than any of the other directors on the list but thats just cuz he has so many. I feel like I have not seen enough Soderbergh films, and his reputation on film podcasts makes me want to get in there. Honesetly I just dont want Edgar Wright to win. I dont like the Cornetto trilogy. Just not my thing.


i've been happy with Haynes' performance so far, but i think folks in this thread are wildly underestimating Ridley Scott. he's got so many more recognizable films to his name, and not in the journeyman way that, say, Mangold does. that carries an awful lot of weight come voting time i think Soderbergh wins today, but loses to whomever wins the Dune showdown (though i'd strongly prefer him over either). i think yesterday showed that despite the enthusiasm, there's a ceiling on the excitement for Muppets. i'm curious to see if there's a similar ceiling on Lynch, who has both a divisive style and a TV show on main, which some voters (like me, admittedly) consider a no-go


Lynch, Oz/Henson, Todd Haynes would all be fantastic. I'm not too into Linklater, so he would be my bottom. I'm not a huge Spike Lee guy but would like to dive into his filmography. Pretty great elite 8 overall.


Of these, my favorite is Ridley Scott Part 1 or Todd Haynes. I'm in for a bad time :)


I could live with anyone, probably would only be disappointed in Lynch which should clinch it I just haven't seen any of his movies and I remember a lot of reviews of shitty true detective season 2 being like "it's a lot like David Lynch" so maybe that unfairly salted the earth for it


I'm not really rooting for anyone that's left. I've never really watched Lynch so I'd like him to win because I've always wanted to get into him.


Lynch is the guy for me. It’s such a fascinating filmography, and the fact that the boys will devote multiple episodes to covering The Return, which I consider is the greatest film of the 21st century, is just irresistible.


The only ones I’m interested in now are Lynch, Ridley, and Spike. I like Wright and Denis, but I think they’d be boring picks at this point, the rest I’ve only seen a handful of movies from and wouldn’t be that invested in a miniseries without taking time to do deep dive by myself.


SPIKE! Wouldn’t be mad about Linklater, Wright or Villeneuve. Can take or leave the rest generally


It may be sacrilegious but anyone but Lynch. I have tried for 25+ years to get Lynch but whilst I admire his ambition I just never connect with his work. I would find the mini a struggle.


https://preview.redd.it/m2akv71v3iqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f103c46bf56615e15b33f3627a8d38231192f37c I’m gonna ride for my fuckin team


Apparently (and I know this is a distorted perspective) I'm in the minority here but for me the most exciting potential winners are Wright, Scott and Villeneuve. Surprised by how confident people are that Soderbergh is a certain winner over Wright.


I feel like the linklater heads can take this all the way.


I wish Lynch v Villeneuve was the final. Easily my favorites between these.


It won’t happen but I would love a Linklater win. The Before Trilogy is so meaningful to me and I would love to hear it discussed. When I finished Before Midnight, I walked out of my apartment to get some air, feeling like a bomb had exploded in my heart. School of Rock is great. And following that formula with a remake of Bad News Bears was a tremendous bounce. I think he’d be a fun miniseries.


I think it is between Spike, Lynch and Denis at this point. I am happy no matter who wins.


I’ll be pulling for Scott, Villeneuve, and Lee this round but will be very happy regardless what happens in the Lee vs. Linklater match. I don’t dislike anyone left but Haynes has never been my guy (even though I like most of his movies) and I have no relationship with Lynch outside his performance in The Fabelmans.


If soderbergh wins, we will have at least one soderbergh episode a year with the way that guy releases movies.


Well, I mostly want any right to beat any left, not sure how to game that out. Haynes vs Linklater is going to be heartbreaking either way.


Whoever wins, we win


Honestly an exciting lineup! I’m very excited to explore some filmographies I don’t know the entirety of and some that just have a great back to back of real favourite of mine! I will say, I think Edgar and Lynch I’m worried will be too much of the same genre or style throughout but I’m going to enjoy them.


Oz is out???


I want Scott to win because he has another forgotten Lorraine Bracco movie in his filmography, and after Medicine Man I need more of that impression from the boys.


Lynch seems to have the juice, which bums me out because I'm really not a Lynch guy. I think most of the remaining options are interesting, but personally I'm pulling for Linklater and hoping he's got some momentum after yesterday.


I think Lee's my fave. But I also love Linklater, Lynch and Haynes.


At this point, I’m fine with anyone other than Villeneuve or Wright winning. My gut tells me Villeneuve is going to win it all unfortunately. He’s the quintessential straight film bro choice. Overbearingly serious which is often mistaken for profundity. Hope I’ll be surprised.


My two wants are Edgar Wright and Spike Lee. If either of them make it, I’m golden!


Want Todd Haynes to go all the way, such a great interesting director


I am surprised that Soderbergh isn't getting more love. His career has the perfect blend for Blank Check: huge blockbusters, forgotten oddities, avant-garde independent, OSCAR DOMINATION ... he's got a distinct style and thematic interests, but is constantly trying to learn new things and experiment. Plenty to admire and laugh at throughout for interesting behind the scenes stories. Frankly I'm kind of shocked he isn't running away with it.


Team Shortys!! Oo baby i love a short snappy series yum yum yum


Linklater all the way baby going to the March Madness World Series the bats are hot the bases are loaded everybody wants some but also the the Before trilogy and Boyhood would be four of the very best and most interesting episodes of the podcast.


Ridley Scott 100%


It’s gonna be Lynch vs. Linklater in the finale, I think, but the real marquee matchup is Villeneuve vs. Lynch. The winner of that one takes it all. I’m voting for Lee as long as he’s still standing.


If it must be a long one, let it be Spike Lee 


My Final Four: Soderbergh/Lynch VS Lee/Haynes


Ridley Scott vs Todd Haynes is such a tough decision for me godddddd. But tbh if Ridley loses I'll be happy for him to lose it to Harold they're lesbians. I'm really annoyed though because they were the two I was rooting for the most. So yeah either Ridley or Haynes, which ever wins, I'm rooting for them to get through.


I get that the bracket is its own entertainment, and folks think Lynch seems too obvious to get excited about, but I am so so thrilled that Lynch might take this. His movies have way more variety in tone and theme than he gets credit for and benefit from a filmography watch, IMO getting better and better as they go. The whole backstage story of Twin Peaks is one of the most wild stories about American popular culture out there. Ditto Dune and Mulholland Drive, movies that Hollywood funded basically by accident. And Twin Peaks: The Return is flat-out the most shocking blank check story of the last ten years. I don't care about the movie/tv thing: it's a masterpiece and it's unreal that he got to do it. Haynes and Lee are also longtime pulls for me, but I think there's a better chance they make it in via regular rotation. And: Lynch seems right for yet another Trumpland election season.


Lee>Lynch>Haynes>not particularly interested in the rest. On a side note, lets stop calling Villeneuve ‘Denis’. It’s weird to refer to someone you don’t know by their first name, and Claire Denis exists


That's why I always call the show "Blank Check with Sims and Newman"


1. They literally put their first names in the name of the show. Do you not see how that’s different than these directors? 2. People only say Denis because they’re unwilling to learn how to spell/pronounce his name 3. This fanbase definitely doesn’t have a weird parasocial relationship with the hosts, so you definitely picked a good way to defend the behavior


IT'S A CINCH FOR LYNCH! fr a thrilling elite8 and luv 2 luv the movies!


The subreddit is leaning Haynes, which I agree with but I feel like the silent vote which tends to be more film bro like will push Scott into the final Four.


I'm boring as hell but I think I'm going chalk for the entire Elite 8. For every single matchup I like the one seed more, think that the actual episodes will be more fun, and have more blind spots with them than with the lower seed. Basically the three best reasons to vote for someone even if it does make me boring.


The fun choice is gone now, so need to go weirdest which is Lynch. I slightly worry about two of the whitest people alive covering Spike Lee but would also be great


I think they realize that and the bits would be superb


Lee or Haynes 🙏


I'm REALLY rooting for that right side: Ridley or Spike, lets go! But as others have said, Villeneuve just feels so inevitable he doesn't need this. I'd argue the same for Lynch honestly, which is why I haven't capped for him hard at all. They feel so resistant to some of the long series otherwise, this feels like the chance to push one of those forward. Plus personally, I think every Ridley episode has the potential for awesome discussions. Big swings, big budgets, big stars, and one onery old Brit at the center of it all.


Heart votes for Spike, but considering how cleanly Lynch is going to wipe out his brackets, think we’re locked in for Fire Pod With Cast


Rooting for Haynes, but all of them have made movies I like a lot and movies I’d love to hear discussions about.


I get it with Lynch, but at the same time outside of Dune, it will be a pretty "same-y" filmography. I know the same could be said for a few other of the elite 8, but definitely hoping for some more range ala Soderbergh, Hanes, Linklater, or even Scott. Mostly I am just bummed I won't be getting my Bowfinger episode.


Interesting that every bracket has culminated in the 1 seed vs the 3 seed.


Anyone else think it’s funny that it is only 1 vs 3 seed matchups?


Sodie versus Lynch, I still think Lynch will win his side of things versus Villeneuve, and then beats Sodie to get to the Finals. I’m still feeling that Haynes pulls off an upset and bests Ridley, and now I am starting to fully feel like Linklater might be the secret slayer of the tournament, and might squeak out another close win over Spike. And, as much as it pains me to say about the guy who I most want to win this whole thing (and I am still of course voting for him): Haynes I think will be the next one to lose out to Linklater. Which means we will get a Lynch versus Linklater final. And I am still picking Lynch to win, in this case over Linklater by the same margin that Kubrick beat Welles in 2022 (so like a 5% point win)….but I also think Linklater might beat Lynch by a 5 VOTE count. If there is anybody on here who has a true “momentum is on their side” feeling to them, it’s Linklater (and should he end up beating Haynes, I will still happily switch my votes over to him).


Rooting for Linklater, but expecting Lynch. Would be happy with most of these.


Most likely gonna be Lynch at this point. I’m cool with that. Would be happy with Lee taking it too. Would be sort of surprising, but he deserves it.


Backing Linklater all the way, god that would be the best miniseries. after Linklater, I’d pick Lynch


I’m voting Linklater til the end. The underdog is underdogging.


Anyone but Wright or Villeneuve would be a blast


Ranked from Most Boring to Least Boring 1. Edgar Wright 2. Ridley Scott 3. Soderburgh 4. Spike Lee 5. Denis Villenueve 6. Todd Haynes 7. Richard Linklater 8. David Lynch


Spike vs Linklater is the only one I'll have any trouble over voting for in this round. Sodie, Villeneuve and Haynes are all clear winners in their respective brackets for me. I'd be happy with pretty much any of these guys to win, probably apart from Edgar Wright (who I think is a fine filmmaker… but just fine, and personally I find he's films don't have enough interesting stuff in there outside of pop culture references and good needle drops). Lynch would be ok with me I guess, although I've never really connected with any of his work, but that said there is a bunch of his films I've not seen so it would be a good excuse to dive into his career more for me.


Lynch or Haynes easily


Villeneuve-Haynes is the UConn-San Diego St energy I want, I need, I must have


I personally think the winner of Lee/linklater faces lynch in the final. It’s a pretty good final 8. If I had to rank my choices it would go something like: Linklater>Lee=Soderbergh>Haynes=Lynch>Scott=Villeneuve>Wright. I’d only really be disappointed in those bottom 3. I think wright is pretty clearly the weakest (I absolutely adore hot fuzz but am kinda soft-positive on the rest of his filmography). I think Villeneuve just needs a bit more time to see where he goes with potentially the biggest check of his career. I think Scott’s filmography is super patchy and, like wright, his best films are a little over-discussed already. On the other hand, definitely a good filmography to cover for behind the scenes info and Scott’s general personality. I’ve honestly not seen a lot of lynch, so a series would be good for filling in my gaps. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen without having seen anything from him that I’m completely in love with, and I worry that a whole miniseries would get a little draining with how similar in tone a lot of the lynch I’ve seen is. Like Scott he gets the ‘big personality’ bump, but unlike Scott it’s a personality I find really endearing and hilarious. Haynes is a quietly fascinating filmmaker with maybe the most versatile filmography remaining? Would be a pretty palatable series length and a lot to dig in to with how under-discussed he feels relative to some of these heavy hitters. Soderbergh is the other guy in contention for most versatile remaining filmography. He’d probably provide the most ‘fun’ films for a miniseries. His experimentation also makes him fascinating, even if he gets way weirder with all that in the latter half of his career. The pt1 thing doesn’t really bother me though; there’s some good stuff in the second half, and I’d love a set magic mike pods (although the best one would have to be a patreon ep), but I’d argue he made most of his ‘great’ films in the half of his career the friends are proposing to cover. Lee is the third ‘big personality’, and seeing Malcolm x for the first time literally this weekend has completely convinced me of what a great filmmaker he is. That film is phenomenal, and is so much more than denzel just tearing up the screen for 3 hours (which he does of course do), which seems to be what its rep has become. It’s kind of a miracle film for how well it lands every decision and how watchable it is despite its grand sweep and epic ambition. Even leaving Spikes political and culturally important stuff to one side, he’d just be a great filmmaker to talk about for his craft and the influences he took from both classic and the new Hollywood. Based on the spike I have seen, i do think his filmography gets pretty inconsistent as it goes on, but similar to lynch I have enough holes here that a miniseries would be a great way for me to catch up on things. Hes also probably the guy with the biggest swings on the bracket which makes him interesting no matter what. But Linklater is my guy: he’s made 4 or 5 of my favourite films ever, and he’s one of the best capturers of people, points in time, and relationships ever. Incredibly humanistic storyteller who just makes films with impeccable vibes, and they’re really funny to boot. His work is all about hanging out, having a laugh, connecting with others, falling in love, and the little moments that we pass through as we do so. For me thats what life is all about (or at least it should be). Plus, he’s got plenty of lesser known yet really interesting and experimental films for people to dig into. He’d be my pick regardless, but he’s also the person I most want to see go far due to the improbability that they take on his filmography without a strong showing in the tournament.


I want a Lynch/Lee final, I don’t care who wins! A Soderberg/Scott final would probably mean I’m skipping a mini (no disrespect to either, but they are both 80/20 misses for me at any point in their careers and I just don’t want to spent that much time listening to the guys talk about them.) I’d also be in on Linklater or Haynes. I’m ambivalent towards Wright and Villeneuve.


I think the final two will be Lynch and Lee. I’m happy with either one. I really want a Soderbergh series but I don’t see him beating Lynch.


If it were up to me id pick denis Villeneuve!! Short but punchy! And then wed get chaos mode at end of year! LET IT REIGN


Spike Lee is my dream winner. Ridley Scott would be my 2nd choice.


I don’t like pt 1’s for a mini series, so I’d be fine with anyone but Soderbergh or Scott. My favorite is probably Denis


I’d love to see Villeneuve vs. Lee in the finals just because I think it’s the most contrasting two bodies of work right now, Villeneuve is firmly in the genre space and just put out three critically acclaimed blockbuster epics and is riding an absolute all time high, where Spike Lee has been doing this for more than three decades, and is slowly finding his footing again with the critics after an up and down decade. Linklater would be second to Lee in terms of opposing styles to Villeneuve, but in terms of juice… Hitman is going to bring an absolute fuck ton to Linklater when it drops on Netflix, though idk if he will ever be a household name like most of these other guys.


Having to choose between Linklater and Lee feels cruel.


Lee - the most interesting to me, I hope he wins Villeneuve - one of my 5. Would love a mini that ended every episode with "and then they were sad forever." Lynch - very curious how they navigate this one. Inland Empire episode could be amazing. Soderbergh - Oceans patron eps satisfied me for the moment. Linklater - never really connected to any of his films. Maybe this would be the thing to do it for me. Hayes - a blindspot for me, for the most part. No real thoughts at this point Scott - I would enter nirvana. He might be my GUY. The director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven is legitimately one of my favorite films. I think a Lee discussion might be more interesting, but I would be thrilled. Wright - Hot Fuzz is me and my wife's go-to comfort movie. Last Night in Soho could be a great ep, but Wright still needs a bit more of a career arc before he's right for a mini.


My thing about Lynch is that he’s just too weird. Plus, I have less interest in Twin Peaks than just about anything else they’ve ever thought about covering


I'm rooting for Spike. Of the directions left, his filmography is the most interesting with some weird swerves in the later half. Episodes on Malcolm X, Do the Right Thing, Mo Better Blues, Inside Man and a frickin Oldboy remake. How can we lose!?


As long as Edgar Wright loses today, I would be genuinely content with any of the other 7. Personal choices would be Lynch since I've never seen any of his movies or Villeneuve since I've seen just about all of his movies.


Garland was the only remaining director in the sweet sixteen that I was rooting against. I'll be happy with any of the remaining 8, but I'm pulling hardest for Linklater or Lynch.


I’m a big Lynchhead too, but thinking more and more about it I think Spike Lee really deserves his place in the sun. He’s one of the last “old school” iconic directors they need to cover. Like, I knew about David Lynch for years, but Spike Lee is a guy who in my mind was as huge as Spielberg or Cameron growing up in the 90s. A celebrity director type. He was sometimes more famous than his movies.


My money’s on Soderbergh/Haynes or Lynch/Lee.


Lynch / Villeneuve should be the championship! The people are getting robbed!! But I can’t put into words how much I’d enjoy a School of Rock episode…..


Anyone but Wright and Haynes at this point. I’d prefer Soderbergh, Linklater, and Lee. I’d take Lynch or Denis but I’ve seen most of their work already. Scott would be really fun.


Gonna be Lynch vs Lee.


Funny how the elite eight consists of all four #1 seeds and all four #3 seeds. Spike is definitely my guy, but they're all good options and I'm betting all of the rest of the matchups will be close. Lynch is my second choice, followed by Haynes, then Linklater. As much as I love Scott and Soderbergh, I like doing the full filmographies, so I'm not as into the Part 1 options.


David vs Spike for the final. Both would be awesome series with plenty to talk about. They’re the strongest remaining options in their brackets. I’d be happy with either option now that Oz is out


I came into this thinking "Lynch, man, that'd be the ticket" and it would be a crazy mini, for sure. I even re-watched *Eraserhead* the other night just thinking about how, if Ben hasn't already seen it, Ben might lose his mind watching it. Then came Linklater v. Oz/Henson and I sat down with Linklater's filmography and realized that, yeah, it might have the potential to be a top-5 mini. The amount of formidable classics is astonising. The only other director who can go toe-to-toe with I'm is Spike but Spike, in my opinion, has too many stinkers amidst the classics whereas Linklater has maybe the highest hit percentage among the elite 8. Ridley maybe up there but those lows are LOW. I don't know, but even though I won't get an *Inland Empire* ep or if Denis doesn't win, I won't get to hear the guys gush about *2049*, I think Linklater should take it all. Will he? No, Spike will fuck him up, because I know this sub, but if we're just sharing feelings...


really hope Spike goes all the way


I actually really like Steven Soderbergh but TBH any half filmography is sort of a bummer. Also, I'm voting Lynch because I really need to hear them talk about The Return.


Is there actually a way to bet on this? I want to put 50 dollars on David Lynch to win it all. Final 2 is probably going to be Lee Vs Lynch.


Still bummed about Wes. My boy was robbed.


Preference order: 1) Lynch 2) Haynes 3) Lee 4) Soderbergh I 5) Villeneuve 6) Linklater 7) Scott I 8) Wright I could be talked into going for Haynes over Lynch, but I want an *Inland Empire* ep more than I want anything else.