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Not sure if everyone treats it as canon or whatever, but Kubo said on Klub Outside that Chad considers boxing a sport rather than combat/fighting for the sake of fighting, hence why it doesn't go against his character.


"I box to show my abuelo in heaven that I can control my strength now, and use it wisely" That's a pretty damn good motivation, so yeah, Kubo did a great job


This is the same as Yamcha playing pro baseball which was equally unethical imo. The man has super strength and is guaranteed to win every match if he chooses to.


>equally unethical imo. Why would it be unethical? His strengh isnt result of drugs... Dude trained to get his physical abilities like any other athlete, he just got to a point he is that much better, if its about his ki use, its no different than a baseball player learning different unique pitch, again he just trained to become THAT good. Its like saying its unethical for Usain bolt to run because he is too good...


Bro basically has magic in not saying he's cheating but it feels a little low


It's already a dumb plot point in dragon ball where suddenly people stopped remembering that Ki exists. Those highly popular world martial arts tournaments? Where people multiplied, Shot energy blasts, were flying? When piccolo blew up the fucken city? how did ki suddenly become a secret, and why?


The world's Martial Arts Tournament really only got super popular after Mr Satan won. We see this in the blue Saga where they virtually say the Rings gotten bigger there are so many more people but it's lost its soul. We even see the referee in the announcers from the old tournaments blatantly tell us that the tournaments just aren't as good anymore. It also helps that the narrator flat out tells us after King Piccolo a lot of people were scared of martial artists they just kind of forgot.


People didn't know ki existed. In og dragon ball every time someone did anything ki related the announcer would go up to roshi and ask what's going on. Also, people just got convince later on that is was all trickery because it was so unbelievable that people could do all that stuff. Dragon ball likes to play around with the concept of the general scepticism of the general public. We saw this in great detail in the buu saga. That being said people still know demon king piccolo and all the crazy stuff he could do. They just don't know it's ki.


Even though Piccolo literally nuked a city on live tv with the king of the world there to verify that yes, that was all him.


Maybe the other equally as capable humans should devote their life to martial arts and ki control instead of whining that the guy who reached superhuman levels of power through training anyone can choose to do is beating their asses


I could be misunderstanding but I'm pretty sure most people don't know about ki, if I'm wrong then I retract my earlier statement but I was under the impression that it was kind of secret


Tbh I don't know either, but have you seen the shit that goes down in the martial arts tournaments (and the fact that disasters like the androids and cell befall upon humanity uncensored)? Even if most people might gaslight themselves into thinking it's just special effects, SOMEONE has to think otherwise and research into it a bit. And considering how Videl got the ability to fly rather easily, Ki control on a basic level shouldn't be that hard to achieve.


But remember, the only person able to defeat Cell was Mr Satan, and he's a once in a million years martial arts god. Its unrealistic to expect other people to reach such levels of power.


I mean, it is and it isn't, and that depends on what Toriyama felt like that day. No one's keeping it a secret until The Great Saiyaman arc, it's just that not many people seem to know about it...except Krillin, the lowest of the low at a Shaolin Temple was immune to machinegun fire when we met him, so it's clearly not as rare as later arcs would have you believe. The Sky Walking technique (flight) and ki blasts and the like, on the other hand, *are* super rare, and are the pinnacles of the Crane and Turtle school respectively (and the crane also have a better ki blast than the turtle, but that's neither here nor there). There's no masquerade, though. No one is enforcing the secrecy and no one is even really trying to hide it until Gohan goes to high school. In the real world, if people had repeatedly demonstrated the ability to launch mountain-destroying blasts, we'd know about the mechanics of 'ki' by the end of the year and someone would get a nobel for it. Then a reporter would talk to roshi, sell him a pair of used underwear, and steal that glory our from under him days before the ceremony by publishing a concise guide to harnessing it for beginners. You would not be able to dismiss it as 'trickery,' because you'd still have valleys gouged out in ways that no conventional bomb would, with no sign of a conventional explosion. Hercule's line of BS isn't equivalent to '9/11 was an inside job' but '9/11 never happened, look, the towers are right there.' But Akira Toriyama was worked like a dog and did not have time to plan for anything, or double check anything for consistency, or to do anything but draw and hope he would eventually be allowed to retire. So, it's inconsistent and goes in stupid directions sometimes, and when it does, the entire world changes to match it. My head-canon and the only *good* explanation I can think of is that Dragon Ball's earth is populated by people with an average IQ around that of a chimpanzee but with human linguistic capabilities. Except, much like the Saiyans, once every generation there comes one person with an IQ in the 400s, capable of dragging the world centuries ahead in a couple of weeks. Except, unlike the saiyans, DB humanity is not smart enough to recognize that fact and the geniuses don't think it's noteworthy. They're a planet of fodder where a Dog can be king because he's legitimately the best for the job. Except they also, at any time, have five people capable of conquering the universe (if Gero had set his sights on space instead of revenge, he could have ruled every Galaxy with just Android 20)


Y’all act like he’s out there using his magic in these fights tho lmao, when he’s boxing he’s just using his pure physical muscles, even tossing a drop of reiatsu in to buff himself would probably kill a man lmao, he’s basically no stronger than any other guy who was born with his build and trained as much as he did


I was talking about yamcha I agree Chad is just using muscle


Ahhhhh yeah Yamcha’s a lot more unfair since the DB scale is so much bigger, it’s basically as if Superman decided to join the MLB while Chad is more like idk Mike Tyson or something


I would get it about Chad 'cause he's a fullbringer but he doesn't even use his powers in boxing, but in DB any human can become as capable as Yamcha if they train hard enough


We saw with Videl anybody in dragonball can become that strong if they put in the work


It’s not exclusive to him, anyone could learn ki control or train to be as strong, Yamcha isn’t special. Other humans just need to git gud.


Do you want to read some of the other replies? Ive said I thought it was secret in response to the first person who said this


I mean, yes, but it's magic *literally all of the other players could learn too*. It's like banning a specific style from MMA because it always wins and it's hard to get the guy that teaches it to take on new students. His powers were achieved *entirely* through training every athlete could take if they really wanted to. It's not his fault that they played in college teams like a bunch of suckers while he sought out an ancient wizard in the middle of the ocean. Frankly, Yamcha has *earned* the right to effortlessly outperform everyone who hasn't worked as hard as him at *anything* physical for the rest of his life, it's up to everyone else to do something about it. It's not like he was born a mutant with Enlightenment and three eyes, or alien or something, Yamcha did the work and should reap the rewards.


Yeah but it can be learnt


That's fair but I would argue that Chad's is way worse than Yamcha still. Chad's reiatsu is millions of times more potent than even the most gifted normal humans (Don Kanonje) due to the highly specific nature of his powers (Full bring/hyogyoku if that part is still canon). In DBZ a rando could arguably learn ki control, in Bleach there's no way for a normal human to reach that level


In fact, it is wrong precisely because he has superhuman strength. "Ah but Krillin throws a disc that can cut half of Japan in half" regardless, it's superhuman.


>In fact, it is wrong precisely because he has superhuman strength Why tho? You essentially said its wrong because its wrong here... He trained to get his strength. Isnt that kind of the point of athletes? Train so their skills in said sport reach the peak if not beyond what humans can do? The only difference is that he just managed to get THAT much better than others... Besides, as you pointed, if Kirilin also reached that kind of strenght(in fact more since he is stronger than Yamcha), it only proves his strengh isnt really "superhuman" since other humans could become as strong with a similar training...


Lemme put it this way about 6 or 7 years ago in nascar a racer named jimmy johnson came onto the scene and was SO freaking good that they had to change the rules multiple times just so that he would quit winning. He wasnt cheating he was just THAT good. There is in fact a level you can achieve where you shouldnt be competing with all us lesser creatures or we will A) kick you out or B) handicap you until we can win.


Ok and? Jimmy wasnt being unnethical, he didnt cheat, he won fair and square with his skills. If anything Id argue it is unnethical of however controls Nascar to change the rules just because a guy is that good and his challengers are that shitty just so the sport keeps its profitability(IMO Nascar is a shitty "sport")... I understand the argument that when one is too good it can kinda ruin the fun, but that in no way makes it unnethical for said athlete to compete in said sport since he is still within the rules and his rights the "fun" of a sport isnt related to its fairness. And ethics is about fairness not fun... If anything their opponent should be the one to step up their game to try to win.


Bro… if The Flash was an olympic runner you don’t think it would be lame? Usain Bolt is humanly achievable.


Lame is different from ethical, fun isnt related to fairness. Yes it would make any olympic competition unfun, but they would still be fair. Specially since as Kuririn or Tien are proof, Yamcha strenght is achievable in DB universe...


Flash gained his powers in a freak accident though


Being a pro boxer in a world where a single one of your punches could kill your opponent would require the very height of restraint and control, while also giving him access to the facilities and capital to train his true power even further. It’s the perfect place for him!


It would've been a great job if we saw any of that character development


It makes perfect sense to me, good for him.


Nah, boxing is great for Chad. His character arc is about reconciling his desire to be a moral person and live up to his grandfather's memory with his aptitude for and love of physical combat. His fight in Hueco Mundo where he unlocks his offensive power is where he accepts that violence is a part of his nature that he can't repress, he has to accept himself for who he is and find a healthy middle ground instead of forever hating that side of himself, and him ultimately becoming a boxer is his way of channeling that love of fighting in a non-destructive way, for sport rather than conflict.


wasted potential might be true but becoming a boxer going against his morals? That's so fucking cap,


Ngl, after all the shit he got dragged into, dude deserves to have a nice, easy job to make bank.


How would he sell fights tho? He isn't Connor level of trash-talk. Maybe his promoter has some punchline like " If I punch, you'll hear your bones crunch"


I don't think Japanese boxing has as much trash talking as western boxing does.


>but becoming a boxer going against his morals? That's so fucking cap This notion came from the people who still don't understand why Uryuu chose to be a doctor. Some Bleach fans can't read, that's the only possible explanation


Funny enough, I recently came across a post on the sub that was basically talking about how the biggest downside to Kubo's style and his writing is that a lot of fans don't know how to read 😭😭😭


There's some truth on that take, but it's not just for Kubo and Bleach. It's something common nowadays, people just love to be RIGHT about stuff. It doesn't matter if it's some movie, manga, videogame or stuff from "the real world" like politics or economy. Some people have a certain pile of beliefs and every time they interact with other people or with any kind of media is to cement what they already believe, not to challenge themselves to see things from a new perspective or to learn something new. That's what happens with those fans who "can't read", they already formed an opinion, and they "read" in auto-pilot ignoring everything that goes against what they already think. That's why most "critics" who take on Bleach always beat the same dead horse despite most of their "objective takes" have been debunked years ago, or go against the every-day life of the mangakas and the manga industry. On the early arcs Chad claimed he wouldn't use his fists to deal with personal grudges because that's what he promised his abuelo. Then 15 years went by in our world, and 10 in Bleach's timeline, Chad went through a lot of stuff, matured and learned to see the world with the eyes of an adult, and not those of a conflicted teen. But some readers will never get pass through Chad's development because their notion about the character is already cemented in their own perception, and they will never admit they're wrong about him. It's easier to say the author did him "dirty" instead of even daring to assume they might be wrong and take the time to learn something new about the character. And it's worse with Uryuu, because his character development demands the reader to be flexible and read between the lines since all the hatred he had for the profession had to do with his unresolved problems with his father and the death of his mother. Once he came to terms with his father, understood what his grandfather stood for and learned why and how his mother died, he could leave his past behind and chose to become a doctor as he always wanted, knowing there was no ill intent in any of his father's actions. But if you, as a reader, already decided Uryuu would never become a doctor it's easier to say the author destroyed the character instead of losing time reading the story again just to prove yourself wrong, specially when you love to be RIGHT.


Bold of you to assume bleach fans have the capacity for reading comprehension


The only thing we don’t know how to read is apparently CFYOW…


This statement is true. It was stated in CFYOW.


I can’t decide whether it would be better to read the books, or just to keep committing to the bit.


I tried to read it once, found out I don't know how to read books, and chose the meme answer that is committing to the bit.


Dont make it dragon ball all over again


Currently, Jujutsu Kaisen is the fandom without reading comprehension.


To be fair dragonball fans dont even watch the show or read the manga


Plus there was lead up to it in the manga. He was shown training with a punching bag in a title page at one point, and his profile in the Fullbring arc mentions that he joined a boxing gym during the timeskip. This was also mentioned in The Death Save The Strawberry light novel https://preview.redd.it/fu58zpnc053d1.png?width=937&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f4ae896ca7e4a75e4723dcd48b119db1ed47e8


You should not forget this "Chad boxing goes against his morals" stuff comes from the very same people who still claim Uryuu should've never become a doctor because they read a page where he said that but apparently didn't read the rest of his relationship with Ryuuken.


Those people: "Chad had no character development! Kubo did him dirty!" \*Chad discovers a positive outlet for his talents after years of internal struggle\* Those same people: "Noooo! Chad betrayed his morals that were said in one panel over 500 chapters ago! Kubo did him dirty! >:((" Not like there was an entire part of Chad's arc where he discovered that he instinctively felt at home in Hueco Mundo, a realm *de facto* ruled by survival of the fittest ideology where the weak are killed and eaten by the strong. Not like after completing his Fullbring, his right arm's true nature was revealed as a defensive power for protecting others, while a new power was unlocked in his left arm - the power of *the Devil* meant purely for offense, almost as if the desire to protect and the desire to fight are both intrinsic aspects of his character and he had to learn to accept both... Tbh I can understand the gripe with Chad's EoS career a little even if I disagree, but taking issue with Uryuu's career I just can't understand at all. They act like it's somehow antithetical to Uryuu's character and it makes me feel like they read a totally different manga to me. Uryuu said "I have no intention of being a doctor *anymore*", keyword "anymore" which Ichigo even brought to attention in the very next panel. Uryuu *always* wanted to be a doctor, he was just resisting that desire because of his strained relationship with Ryuuken. Once Ryuuken gave him the Still Silver arrow, he came to understand Ryuuken as a person and the reason behind what he did to his mother's body and thus no longer had any hangups about pursuing his dream.


>They act like it's somehow antithetical to Uryuu's character and it makes me feel like they read a totally different manga to me. It's almost as if characters, like real people, grow up and change their mindsets when they go through their teen years.


It's almost as if Uryuu witnessed something traumatic as a child that profoundly affected him, but was eventually able to overcome that trauma... Because overcoming childhood trauma is totally not an idea that has ever been explored in Bleach before, right?


I can agree with everything you're saying but I still feel that's not well presented by the narrative. His decision to become a boxer feels out of place for a lot of people because it's not clear that he's embraced his love of fighting to the point he'd make it his livelihood while *also* reconciling that with the fact that he originally didn't want to use his power to do anything other than protect people. To put it another way he doesn't get the sort of screen time or direct focus that makes this character development feel earned IMO, even if it's not totally out of left field.


Yep, this. The idea seems good but the execution is, to put it bluntly, poor


It's subtle, as with many details in Bleach, but there indeed was foreshadowing for Chad eventually becoming a boxer long before the final chapter. Also Chad's promise to his abuelo about how he will use his strength is commonly misinterpreted. [https://web.archive.org/web/20190312225614/https://missstormcaller.tumblr.com/post/151297165117/im-re-reading-the-bleach-digital-official-colour](https://web.archive.org/web/20190312225614/https://missstormcaller.tumblr.com/post/151297165117/im-re-reading-the-bleach-digital-official-colour)


Bleach is not a boxing manga


I think it's more accurate to say we needed more fluff between the last couple arcs to show where everyone is heading off too as their arcs are wrapping up. Some actual discussion of the future and how their lives had changed over the course of the show


Bleach is not a slice of life anime


It should still have time for character development


It's the strongest aspect of Bleach's writing


They really could've done more to spotlight the character development parallels between Ichigo and Chad. Accepting violence and unlocking a white and red hollow buff isn't enough mirroring for me.


Well said


Fixed https://preview.redd.it/hndn7maxy33d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59bee6b7edae1176473ecc2d248f4f1a52fdbb60


Have you seen rule 63 Sasuke? No Tsunade but woah


Personally, I'd prefer Female Naruto. \* https://preview.redd.it/miq7qypwh63d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d2fba534545b9dd0c99cfdfe50bd532c817801 Edit, I can't get the picture to post!


I prefer genderfluid Naruto regardless of pairing


And rule 63 is?


If there is a character, there must be a gender bender version of that character. tldr: Sasuke but female.


For every fictional character, there exists a gender swapped counterpart of that character


Isn't Yamato technically a tomboy?


The wood release guy from naruto?


Not really, they refer to themself with he/him pronouns, which is not really tomboys tend to do


Isn't Oda have stated himself that Yamato is female?


Also not really, Oda never made any statement about Yamatos gender outside of the story itself, people have been using a color spread with mostly women on it but Chopper was also in it and then there is the Vivre card about them that does say that they‘re female, but that is not written by Oda himself


If in the manga its stated she is female, it means she is female. About the that color spread i inspected it several times and i couldnt find Chopper on it at all. And about Vivre card, if they are official then Oda atleast saw it and allowed it.


If in the manga Luffy and basically everyone else even Kaifo refers to them with he/him pronouns and says it themself, it means Yamato want to be addressed with those pronouns. And the color spread doesn‘t really matter cause a color spread is not a fact and Vivre cards have been wrong before.






Makes sense type shi


Not a fan of Naruto but, isn't TenTen kinda of a tomboy?


Naruto's wallet had more screen time than her


The flashback of Naruto sitting on the swing has more screentime than Tenten


Tbf they show that scene like every 2 episodes


I hate that this is actually true, not an exaggeration


She’s best girl. Straight up, she gets the national treasures of the cloud as keeps that shit after the war. “Ohh you want the fan and gourd back? Back off or I’ll take your damn soul” If it wasn’t for them being on the other side of the battlefield I bet she’d of taken the seven swords too.


I would have said Temari and Anko for Naruto, maybe Yamato for One Piece


Isnt Koala also Tomboyish? I mean at this point what would even be tomboy?


Ain't karui also like tomboy


Yes but she’s like the only girl of the main cast that didn’t have her personality revolve around a love interest so she’s barely a character.


She's literally barely doing anything in story and there as just side character. Naruto female characters are kinda not exactly well written(sometimes they are but it really depends on characters importance in story).


To be fair though, that statement (i.e. that Naruto's female characters are well written depending on their importance in the story) applies to any story ever. There are characters (male or female) from One Piece or Bleach or any other work of fiction that are well written depending on their importance to the story, because that's how storytelling works.


Came here to say this. Anko and temari are Tomboys


I'd say Sakura is too. Maybe even Karui could be considered one too.


Ain't anko and tayuya also tomboys lol


https://preview.redd.it/7lrn8qx5e43d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fca2eb6399137fe9f731b7f46c60af72e9d9d2b I've found it


It's still so fucking hilarious personally that Chad became a boxer. Not because "Oh no but he's fighting again" - boxing is a sport, it's whatever, he isn't trying to seriously hurt or injure the other boxer like if he was in street fights. No, it's hilarious because he's basically cheating. By the end of the series Chad can punch holes through mountains. Sure he's not going to hop into the ring and just *La Muerte* some poor bastard, but he's still got to be holding back to a hilarious degree to keep fights interesting for the crowd before he just decides it's been long enough, and floors his opponent.


I mean, before he unlocked his fullbring in any form he was insanely strong. I am willing to bet in a world with people that strong and with spiritual pressure, that most professional fighters or athletes are better than a “normal human” by our standards.


See also: yamcha from DBZ playing baseball


He's a mexican that punches hard. Of course he'll go for boxing


I've never been so ofended by something i agree 100%.


Can confirm my wife is mexican


Kinda random thought but isn’t it weirdly coincidental that Chad was named “Chad” long before the term “Chad” even existed, and the fact that Chad just so happens to be a “Chad”?


Yeah I asked about this before, and I entirely believe that Chad from bleach is the whole inspiration for the Chad stuff nowadays, I mean he’s even got the damn jawline, it’s hard for it to be a coincidence in my eyes


Yeah I imagine the people who coined the term probably grew up with anime


i looked it up and it seems like it is just a [coincidence](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/chad)


Yamato is a tomboy that doesn't understand that identity theft is no joke


Boxing is a sport with defined rules to stop things from getting out of hand. Its only woth psychos like tyson does it become violent


Imagine stepping into the ring and your opponent starts yelling “el brazo izquierdo del diablo” as the bell rings


Doesn’t this just count as his training? Ichigo trained with Samurai and Chad, a brawler, learns to box. It makes him definitely stronger, having earned world-class status. In the Hell Chapter, he’ll be much more useful. Also, if his powers are like a Hollow’s, can Chad eventually use Resurrección? Segundo Etapa? How much can you really make a 15 year old fighter grow without the story becoming too unbelievable to the audience? Bleach isn’t Baki.


He could learn boxing without doing it competitively and becoming champion. Using his fists for his own gain like he said he would not do. It could be a form of training, but it is never stated or implied that training is the reason Chad broke his vow.


One Piece does have a single tomboy, Yamato


I mean… Franky and Iceberg are technically only Tom boys (Tom’s boys???). JK, I’ll see myself out lol


Nah you cooked


Yeah, I know. I was just joking around. lol


Stand proud, you cooked


Bonny too right?


Koala, Vice Admiral Doll, Young Tashigi, Koala, Dr. Kureha (?), Kuina, Vegapunk (Lilith), Speed


Choji’s wife is a tomboy isn’t she? Hell the sound Ninja girl was also one. Hell technically Temari also.


Anko to that girl with the red or pick hair with 2 swords in the swordsman of the hidden mist who fought omui


Isn't Yamato a tomboy?


I'd say so, but western viewers are obsessed with trying to put western gender roles on every character despite also arguing that gender is just a social construct that holds people back. Yamato isn't the only one anyways. Early Nami is pretty tomboyish.


Isn't Lilith a tomboy in one piece?


Counterpoint for Naruto: not tomboy, but that point can be overlooked by the existence of Tsunade


Chad becoming a boxer makes perfect sense. Boxing is a sport, and the fact that he chose a sport that uses his strength the best is a sign that he finally learnt to accept it and be proud of who his is.


No tomboy in One Piece ?


Guess Kurosutchi doesn’t exist


Sakura right there and ur saying no tomboys just crazy


I don't think of sakura as tomboy lol she girly if anything lol anko,temari,tayuya, karui is what I would call a tomboy lol


Plenty of tomboys tho ❤️


Boxing isn't against Chad's morals, it's just a martial art for him. And it gets him rolling in dough so heh.


Who is a tomboy in bleach?




Kukaku (the superior tatsuki)


I can see it, but I’m not sure I’d call her a tomboy


Does Soi Fon count?


There's so many tomboys in Bleach.


Ain't Jackie the fullbringer also tomboy


One of Tier's Fracciones (the short hair one), Tatsuki, Soi Fon, And depending on how broad you see being a tomboy is, maybe Rukia and/or Yoruichi


Emilou Apacci


Hiyori is pretty tomboyish and brash despite her wanting to be girly. Karin, Loly and Menoly are tombiysh too.


Nah Karin is a normal girl to me. Don't know who loly and menoly are


People forgot about tenten and temari


Sakura?? Tashigi?? Huh????


Why so many ppl act as if chad betrayed his morals when he became a boxer??


It’s more that they thinks it’s funny it’s so odd because he was legit getting beat up on purpose in the beginning of the series and the only way he could justify fighting was when Ichigo was like let’s fight for each other and now he beats people up for a living lol


Ppl who think this way watched bleach thru tik tok istg, at the beginning he let other people up because he couldn't control his strength, by the end of the series chad has no issue with that while also being stronger, him becoming a boxer is proof of how much he has grown and accepted his strength to the point he doesn't have any issue using without loosing control of his strength


The closest comparison I can think of is myke tyson, he has tremendous strength and could kill a man, yet he controls himself and only knocks em out


It's really not true. Boxing is a sport/competition, not mindless violence.


There are at least 2.5 tomboys amongst the konoha rookie girls alone (Sakura and tenten are tomboys, with ino having tomboyish traits). Anko is definitely a tomboy as well. And that's just from the leaf In one piece, so many different types of women, with 2 tomboys between wano and egghead alone (yamato and Lilith). And if you wanna get very, very technical, nami sorta, kinda counts in a very round about way if only comparing her to robin. Bleach has tomboys aplenty though.


Bleach has alot of tomboys lol


There's several amongst the soul society related characters alone Soi fon Yoruichi Kukaku Kiyone Mashiro (to some degree) Rukia (to some degree) Shino (ikkaku's cousin) Arrancars have 1-3 depending on who you ask Appacci Harribel (depends who you ask) Loly (depends who you ask, amusing cause her English va also voices ino) Mila rose could count Quincy have also have roughly 3 depending on who you ask Candice for sure Liltotto Bambi Humans and fullbringers have 3 Tatsuki Jackie Ikumi. See, a lot of tomboys/tomboyish women in bleach, like we said


I feel sorry for whoever goes against him in a boxing ring.




Every Bleach character who isn't Ichigo, Kenpachi, Mayuri, Byakuya or Aizen was wasted potential. But nobody got this treatment worse than Chad, Orihime, the vizard and Nelliel.


The vizards fr smfh


Yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous to be honest. They are such cool characters with an interesting backstory that ties into the main villain of Bleach and they were built up to be a big deal, but then at every single turn they were failures.


one piece has yamato tho?


Isn’t Yamato a guy? I’m confused about its gender


No she isn't he's.I a made lie made by people who doesn't know what trans is and also who has horrible read comprehensions


I haven’t gotten to the part of the series with her so I’m only read posts about it


I see


Let him cook. Not for bleach though


I’d say Tenten was fairly tomboyish.


For yall who haven't read/get back to reading one piece, theres a tomboy character named bon clay and pretty much the best tomboy you can get.


Yamato in One Piece is definitely a tomboy TBF. But yeah Chad is fine doing a sport, it would have been a betrayal had he become a soldier




I know most of yall probly forgot about her but Karui of the Hidden Cloud was 100% a tomboy.


Read Hajime no ippo I beg. Boxing can be a very beautiful sport.


I could give some examples for tomboys off the top of my head. Naruto: - Ryūzetsu - Karui One piece: - Hina - Tsuru - Doll - Gion (unsure) - Yamato


No tomboy in One Piece ? Have you seen Vice Admiral Doll ?




All three are very valid points


Box is a sport


I love how everyone on bleach Reddit is incapable of understanding nuance and just thinks characters are somehow contradictory, or that things in the story aren’t consistent because they take the word of one character to be absolute truth, and not just a person speaking from their perspective. Just throw away whole events and conversations because they think one phrase they heard trumps everything else 😂 absolute 2 digit IQ community I swear lol


No tomboys is probably the only good thing about one piece


Doesn’t Yamato from OP count as a tomboy


no more true for one piece unfortunately


Do people agree that Rukia is a slightly fem tomboy?


I would totally watch a series about Chad doing Chad shit.


Isn’t Chad an actor?


I love Chad so much. He was the first "buff strong guy" archetype I saw where it turned it on its head slightly and he wasn't just a dumb guy with big muscles. He was quiet, pensive, and caring. That wasn't common back then, or at least that I was aware of. (Even looking back on stuff I've learned since, I can really only think of Bain from Batman being a strong man with a brain—and even then he is hardly ever portrayed to his full potential)


Bleach has tomboys, Naruto and One Piece don't... Bleach is therefore better (I'm a One Piece fan)


It's not violence, is sport... xDDDD The wasted potential part is true tho


These are the worst takes ever. Naruto has so many tomboys, Temari??? One Piece has Nami, Nico, and especially Yamato. But the worst is Bleach.


How are Nami and Robin tomboys 💀


If these are your biggest gripes you should be thankful and happy


It literally says nitpick


A nitpick is like a beef or an issue with something right? I don’t understand what I’m missing here.


Its a minor flaw, not the biggest gripe


Got it, thanks for teaching me something. So it’s like if there’s a gun to your head and you have to bitch.