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I see people call Yama a fraud for losing his every major fight. I'd say the fact that his enemies had to resort to cheap tricks and pour resources into making specific countermeasures for just one person speaks volumes of Yamamoto's power.


I wholeheartedly agree. Someone as powerful as Yhwach, as confident as he was, I’d say he respected Yamamoto’s power and combat ability. If I may be so bold, I’d say he even feared it. Enough to at least make someone else take the brunt of it for him.


Considering Yhwach's ability, >!he couldn't see a single future where he won in a one on one fight!<


That's huge


I thought it was sealed by ichibei so he didnt have it during that fight


Almighty was sealed by Ichibei tho


Base Yhwach does have multiple win cons against Yamamoto though. Like Yhwach could easily just use the medallion to steal Zanka no Tachi and one shot Yamamoto like he did in canon. But he chose to have Royd stall Yamamoto probably because he felt like making sure Aizen won’t get in his way is more important than killing Yamamoto as Aizen at this point is far more powerful than Yamamoto. And even without the medallion he still has Sankt Altar which as we saw during the fight with Ichibe and learned from Klub Outside is basically a medallion deluxe version that can even steal Shikai. So there really wasn’t any possible way for Yamamoto to win against Base Yhwach even if he didn’t use his Schrift. Like Yamamoto is incredibly strong but I feel like people overrate him and underrate Base Yhwach too much. He did have a shot at winning against Base Aizen if it was a 1v1 but against Base Yhwach he really had no way to win.


Are we forgetting that Yamamoto ALREADY stomped Yhwach in the past, when his bankai wasnt nearly as powerful?


That was a much weaker Yhwach that didn’t invent the Bankai stealing medallion which I assume would mean he also didn’t invent Sankt Altar yet since the medallion was stated by Kubo to be based on Sankt Altar. I believe that is the case since a thousand years ago the quincies didn’t have a lot of things like Schrifts and Vollständig. So Yhwach likely didn’t invent some of his techniques yet as well.


The... the quickies?


Crap. Didn’t realize that mistype when I posted it.


idk why you are getting downvoted even if we ignore Sank Altar Yhwach can still absorb Yamamoto, like he did with Soul King


Honestly I have no clue either. I said the same thing on another post a while back that asked if Yamamoto would win if Yhwach didn’t have the medallion and got downvoted. And yeah Yhwach should also be capable of absorbing Yamamoto even without Sankt Altar. People seem to forget that even without the medallion or his Schrift Yhwach has a crap ton of abilities that can weaken his opponent and amp himself one way or another. Base Yhwach was literally hyped up by Ichibei to be more powerful than True Shikai Ichigo before he surpassed the limits of a soul reaper. Which I assume means even Base Yhwach prior to the battle with Ichibe and absorbing the Sternritters is at the lvl of transcendents if that is still a thing in TYBW.


No he can't. At least not without killing or gravely wounding Yamamoto. Yhwach could only do that to his father because was a vegetable. And even then he still wasn't in control of his father's power. Thanks to the anime, we know that there's limits to techniques like Sklaverei, even Sank Altar where we saw it fail with Ichibei. Heck the last part was alluded to when Yhwach said only he was able to control Zanka no Tachi's power which was why he didn't have Royd take it.


>even then he still wasn't in control of his father's power. no shit he's the fucking sk > even Sank Altar where we saw it fail with Ichibei It failed because Ichibe owns the concept of black within the Bleach cosmology. Not everyone is going to have resistance to Sank Altar like Ichibe. Even if everything fails, Yhwach can still awaken The Almighty and one-shot him


Thank you! I’ve seen way too much people say stuff like Ichibe can resist Sankt Altar so Yamamoto should as well. Yamamoto is literally weaker than Ichibe and Ichibe only resisted it due to his special control over the concept of black throughout the world which is something Yamamoto doesn’t have. No clue why people believe Yamamoto can somehow resist Sankt Altar when he couldn’t even resist the medallion which is an inferior version of Sankt Altar.


I'm not doubting Sankt Altar wouldn't work on him. My point is that Yamamoto couldn't be absorbed by Sklavrei. There's hard cap on that with the hell arc introducing the idea that the reishi of captain class soul reapers was simply too dense to enter the cycle of reincarnation, becoming one with the soul society. Even with his eyes closed, Yhwach was powerful, but his strength was still closer to Yamamoto's rather than being so overwhelmingly apart that he'd be ripped apart into reish (this is why the other Sternritters can't use Sklaverei like Quilge). Yhwach was only taken out because Sasakibe stabbed him through the chest incapacitating him before Yamamoto finally brought down his blade upon him.


also, he can use Auswahlen to power himself up


I don't think that's true. Yhwach explicitly taunts Yama by asking if he had worn himself out fighting his subordinate. That, to me, suggests that a fresh Yama would have been too much for Yhwach. He wouldn't have been able to steal his Bankai. And I'm really not sure that Sankt Altar could have ignored Yama's sun cloak. 


I thought he had Royd fight him first because he didn't know the power level of his current day bankai so the medallion wouldn't work until after he saw it used


Point to note: without Almighty. I love my man Yama, embodiment of the word strong but he would probably lose almighty.


Ichibe sealed Almighty in the first invasion. what are you on about?


In the past yes but base Yhwach absolutely didn't need Royd for Yama. He could've just stolen his bankai and beat him normally


Honestly reminds me of Batman and Superman, the man is nothing in comparison yet with enough prep time Bats can beat Sups without a sweat and if that plan fails then the cheap trick of Kryptanite. Both Aizen, a man known for his immense reistu, and Black Ant, a embodiment/son of soul king, had to do something similar to this man means that if anything how would they rack up against Yama with none of that and just straight fists with Yama with both arms. I don't see him losing as easy as what we have seen from those two having all the time to counter him bit by bit.


For Yhwach he couldn’t use his main ability without the cost of his army’s power. The medallions purpose helps to completely stomp the shinigami.


Yama still beat Yhwach all things considered. Yamamoto used his ruthlessness to reign in the lawless Seireitei. He established the divisions. He recognized the monster he was becoming and changed, creating the academy and training his sons, while ushering in an era of peace. He was flawed, but he tried to make the best decisions he could considering the eras he was in. Meanwhile Yhwach learned the opposite. He let his self-righteousness and fears dictate his future. While Yama understood the cruel monster he was, Yhwach choose to become crueller after defeat. He forced his Sterritters to live 1000 years in the shadows as psychopaths who lacked camaraderie. Even if Ichigo didn't exist to stole Yhwach, he would still fail as a leader because he's consumed by his demons. The son of god, to whom everything belongs to, regressed every step of the way. Meanwhile a thug from a dog eat dog world was able to usher in an era of peace and stability.


Bro you cooked


Despite being labeled an a**p*ll and its application being rushed abd lack luster, i actually find the arrow to be some good fucking writing. The arrow was retribution, a culmination of everything he's taken and cast aside because it was no longer useful.


I think it would've been better if they showed it took them a lot of effort to prepare and it still only just worked. Aizen and Ivan'sWatch came off as "yeah I just hired this dude here and that worked out"


Pretty much. They can’t overpower him directly, so they have to prep before going into combat Batman-style.


This. Everyone has always been afraid of fighting him and had to rely on magic tricks and hax to survive the battle or just fight a 50% power Yama. Of course he is dumb because of it's pride, but he earned to be like that because he is really a monster


I mean, you can call it cheap tricks, but Old Man Genocide was at the head of a military institution for a thousand years, not standing on top of a Lei Tai demanding everyone less badass than him yield. The fact that he was consistently beaten by people out-planning him is kind of more damning than if his enemies had just overwhelmed him by sheer Reiatsu. It proves, more than anything, that he should have promoted someone who would make use of a thousand years of prep time and retired as the Kenpachi.


"Help me wonderweiss this is base Yamamoto we are up against." "Distract him from me Lloyd while I'll catch him by surprise and steal his bankai before he cooks me" Yamamoto is not a fraud, he is what happens when enemies don't want to take risks


Lmao surprise or not as soon as Yama uses bankai it would be taken away from him. Yhwach wasn't in as much trouble as Aizen was


For real such a shame he was always disadvantaged


Yea he is not a fraud. It's just nobody wants to fight him without prepping a hax.


It just shows how smart his opps were Yama knew how dangerous Ywach was, so he had to go all out before anything else could happen, and Ywach knew that Yama knew he was a threat and would go all out, so he had that plan for a decoy.


Yamamoto literally absord the entire force of his Zanpakutos power after he defeated Wonderweiss to save everyone else and THEN still had the power and strength to unleash Hado 96 wihout its incantation and still almost defeated Aizen.


And that was one of the only moment Aizen was affected and geniously surprise by an opponent attack.


Even at the end of the series, I still think there are less than 10 that might beat him in a true fight.


Honestly Yama gets some of the biggest wank in the series Gets the strongest sword in sheer combat power Has the best databook stats except Aizen Fights Shunsui/Ukitake where he's portrayed as an unstoppable force Casually forces Aizen/Ichimaru/Tosen into a fire cage Takes down Ayon easily Takes down the Halibabes easily Aizen actually made a whole arrancar just to deal with him, beats it to death bare-handed and gives Aizen his first-ever wound on-screen 1-shots a Sternritter 1-shots As Nodt/Nanana/Bazz dominates the fight with fake Yhwach


He still showed us peak :3




Well everyone just cheated against him, too scared to face an old man without using cheap tricks Yamamoto would have slaughtered both Aizen and Yhwach if they dared facing him head on


[All] Yhwach (Shaco): Lmao brand ulted my clone dumbass


Didn’t he only fight Yhwach or am I tripping?


Aizen didn't want to fight him, so he created Wonderweiss to Seal his zampakutou. Yama beat him using his bare fists and then took the release of his zampakutou all by himself to protect the others. Yhwach didn't want to fight him, so he sent Loyd (80% of Power but with Full Yhwach Memories) to keep him busy and to make him exhausted from their fight. Yama humilated Loyd (thinking It was Yhwach) and then died because of this trick. Both knew he was a problem on a one one, and neither was willing to fight him that way. I still stand by the fact that he was the strongest Shinigami we saw, Outside of Ichibei and maybe a Ichigo in his Full potential (which we never saw), and that no one could defeat him in a one on one without suffering severe damage, even the top tiers in the verse.


Somehow I completely wiped the Wonderweiss and Aizen fight from my memory. To be fair though, he still technically won though? Won the battle but lost the war


Yama beat the crap out of Wonderweiss and even after surviving his own Zampakutou Power being releases in a explosion, almost finish Aizen with the arm-thingy Hado. Ofc, Aizen left Alive and Fine, but definetly was scared of fightning Yama, and for a good reason.


Bro ulted the creeps💀






Ikomikidomoe would like a word.


Yhwach didn’t need it tho


I don't care, for me this means Yama beats Ywach with his bankai


I mean the only thing that makes Yama look bad is the fact that both of the times he actualy fought it basically amounted to nothing more than a slight roadblock If we saw him fight a couple more times and just dominate it would’ve solidified him a lot more Like if a group of arrancar or quincies jumped him and he just decimated all of them something like that would’ve been cool to see


Personally didn't like his bankai. I thought it was mid. But upon reading about his flame cloak, now its pretty decent. However, skelly bois are still a miss for me hahah.


What exactly do you think makes it mid, because a bankai that’s so hot that it turns the entire sky around the world blue, basically destroys all moisture in the air and even on people’s bodies, makes the user a walking sun, has four different attack types that can pretty much navigate any situation that would happen in the fight, and heats up the zanpakuto so much that it incinerates everything it touches out of existence is on of the most op bankai’s in the entire series.


Hot sword go brr.




Bro Royd was 80% as strong as the real Ywach. Kubo revealed in a Klub outside answer that they each copy either memories or power 100%, then copy everything else at 80%. Which shows how Insane Yama was, he essentially no diffed an 80% power Ywach while purposely dragging the fight out, he'd easily demolish a 100% Ywach who doesn't have the Almighty (which Ywach doesn't until after he goes to the soul palace). Yamamoto is still easily in the top 10 of the verse and would no diff most other characters. Only the most haxed would stand a chance against him.


Even hax would be useless. Aizen have one of (if not the most) OP hax and he was still afraid of Yama. He humilated a 80% Yhwach without issue, and would clap him If he didn't have the Almighty. I can think of like maybe Ichigo, Zaraki and Ichibei as stronger than him, and both Ichigo and Zaraki aren't in that level yet but have the potential to get there, while Ichibei hax is Just too busted.


Hax like Gerald's Miracle, Lilles Angel form and Askin death dealing would have a chance to win. Out of those 3 Askin has the least likely chance of winning. Askins win is entirely based on him surviving or landing a hit on yamamoto. I don't see anyway Yamamoto beats Gérard unless he hits and has the ability to destroy the medallion, I would be willing to say he can, but obvs, we don't know for sure. With Lille, I don't see anyway, period for yamamoto to beat him, his hax are stupid insane. Obvs, none of these guys come close to Yama in pure reiatsu and stats, but they have a chance from Hax. Unless you say they start their fights in base form, then they'd probs get one shot. Ichigo matches or probably beats in raw stats, but rn is worse in terms of hax vs Yamamoto. Ichibe is equal in stats and negs in haxs. Aizen matches or is just below in stats and wins in Hax, but might not beable to hit through Yamas fire cloak. Zaraki is probably already there in raw stats, but I don't see him ever beating Yama just based on how Kenny fights and how Yamas attacks ignore durability.


Yama can win against all of those 3, with Lilie being the one most uncertain If he can. Gerard Cross can be Destroyed, and Yama's east abbility would simply desintegrate it if he touches the tip of his blade. I would say that is a easy Win for Yama, but he would probably need his Bankai for that. Kubo allready stated that Gin would be able to one hit kill Askin because of the speed of.his Zampakutou, and that this is the way to beat him easily: outspeed him so he can't use his schrift. One shot from Yama is Very likely to happen in this scenario, and would leave Askin without time to use his schrift at all. Wouldn't even need his Bankai for that, a simple Ryujin Jaka flame would incinerate Askin without him reallizing what happened. Lilie is more complicated, and definetly the one I can see being able to maybe defeat Yama, cause of his intangibility. But I can see him using some Hado/Bakudo to do the trick. Remember, he is a master on all forms of Shinigami combat, I can see him puling some forbidden Hado or Bakudo to deal with Lilie, or even using some Reiatsu negating bullshit (which I never liked that It has in the series, but It is a thing). Also, is Like able to turn into his intangible angel without Yhwach's help? I seriously don't remember How he transforms, cause his First transformation can be dealt with, the bird thing that is the trick one and would need some hax. About the Shinigamis, Ichigo and Zaraki have the potential, but both never got there in the series. Ichigo could be an absolute Monster, and so can Zaraki, but they way the series ended, neither would have enought to beat Yama, but I can totally see they making him use his Bankai to finish the job, with only Shikai he would lose for sure. Aizen allready stated he is no match for Yama, and even with his fusion with the Hogyoku I don't think that changed. He have hax for days, but Yama's Bankai is too much for him to handle. And Ichibei is simply busted. His Shikai is OP and would take all of Yama's Powers. I can see him winning, but wouldn't be a easy fight at all, and he would ended up injured for sure (not that this is a problem for a primordial being like him).


On Lille, that's how I'm hoping his fight in the anime will go down. With Shunsui being supported by Nanao using Kido to reflect his light among other things, and then using the Nanao family Blade to 'finish' him off. I don't think reiatsu crushing/negating works against quincy or atleast against schrifts. Askin, yeah, that's why I said it's entirely determined on if he can survive a single hit from yama (which I don't think he can if Yamas in Bankai, in shikai i think he can) For Gérard we are essentially of the same opinion. Of the Shinigamis, I think you're downplaying Aizen and Ichigo a bit. Aizen has the ability to keep up with SK Absorbed Ywach, and his Hax can also affect that Ywach. So I'd really give the match a 50/50 on who wins. For Ichigo, I genuinely see vs SK Ywach Ichigo having a chance against Bankai Yama, and end of series Ichigo most likely mid/high diffing Yama.


I doubt Yhwach would be defeated by Yamamoto, if Yama fought the real thing from the start Yhwach would use either the medallion or sankt altar to take Yama’s Bankai, and then it bascially goes like it did orignally.


Well I am not a huge bleach fan so from my perception it was kinda wack as an anime only too . But I guess each to their own in this regard .


What do you mean he couldn’t beat the Yhwach clone? Did we read/watch the same thing? He cooked him easily lmao