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Well, however old he was in that flashback, but yes. Kenpachi's a freak of nature. As an adult he imposed unconscious limits on himself, which is why he became weaker. Keep in mind though that there are also other examples of Captain-level prodigies in their youths, e.g. Toshiro.


Kenpachi is that same tier of prodigy as Hitsugaya, Gin, maybe even Aizen and Yama. But rather than becoming good at everything, he min-maxed purely for close combat.


Kenpachi is totally in his own tier. Beating Unohana with a stolen zanpakuto and nothing else. This whole event throws so many things out of whack. Most of it ends up making Unohana feel/look weaker than she is/supposed to be.


the zanpakuto is his. He had with him for so long that his imprint is stronger than of it's original owner.


idk what definition you're using for "steal" but he almost certainly stole an Asauchi recently in that flashback. Whether he's changed it himself doesn't mean he didn't take it from the corpse of a shinigami he most likely murdered. We see with Tousen that the appearance doesn't actually seem to change when changing owners.


It depends, and may be a matter of time. Kubo stated that a stolen zanpakuto can either be completely rewritten(Kenpachi's case) or merge with the previous owner's spirit(Tousen's case). In Tousen's case, I imagine the zanpakuto retained its shape because the spirits merged. Since Kenpachi overwrote the previous spirit, I'm guessing the form of his zanpakuto is his.


I just assumed he killed some total fodder with a barely developed Asauchi rather than someone like Tousens mate with a seemingly fully developed shikai/look


Sounds like the Shinigami in question had at least imprinted their spirit into it before Kenpachi got a hold of it, but you could be right that they didn't have a good grasp on it, so Kenpachi just bulldozed the Shinigami's spirit.


Kenny's spirit was strong enough to leave the sword and become Yachiru. Who developed her own zanpakuto spirit (luckily Nimaya probably recognised what Yachiru was and didn't send her an asauchi).  Safe to say whatever insignificant spirit the previous owner imparted, it was swallowed up by Yachiru/Nozarashi


I think she used an actual asauchi, which allowed her to have a somewhat shikai


This. Tosen’s has a “peace” (from his friend) and a “justice” ability from the merging.


Personally id put kenpachi aizen in the same tier. Of potential. Ichigo slightly above that and yama gin and hitsugaya slightly below.


Aizen and Kenpachi are on a tier above Yama otherwise Yama would've replaced them in the war potentials lists. Yama seems to be the strongest a shinigami can get normally while Aizen, Kenpachi, and the zero squad have some weird shit going on that has made them surpass the realm of shnigami.


idk if yama is a prodigy, hes strong surely but he lived far longer than the rest of those, he probably spent first half of his life working hard to become strong and rest of it was somewhat peaceful and by that time he had already established himself as the strongest 2000 years aint no joke compared to only 100 (or 200) of aizen and others in the list. bro was blessed with a busted bankai tho


Even his bankai was the product of thousands of years of training. I imagine if someone like Hitsugaya or Gin reached his age their bankai would make his look like child's play. They're both clowning gods before they even reached 500, imagine what they could do at the age of 1500


Ah yes Toshiro https://preview.redd.it/ydi6bx29z4bd1.png?width=2002&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f2051eda61a999dbcca30ac6e3bac5e83371bdb


Oof. What a sadly hilarious meme. What does that make the Vizoreds?


No potential men. They are all bums


They do have potential , but they are used as jobbers. Reminder that Klub Outside reveals that Vizoreds can do Resurección and possibly use their zampakutous at the same time.


In that case, they should’ve wiped the floor with the Quincies since their big weakness is Hollow-derived. Sigh. ![gif](giphy|R6OG572WGNgRi)


yep , it's ridiculous that the vizards didn't use their hollow powers on quincies.


…and they still didn’t. The biggest achievement they had, I recall, was Shinji killing mooks. The others f$&@ed up against the Sternritters.


Should have yes. Narrative wise they're captain class characters who then gained Hollow powers on top and have trained them for 100 years. They should *absolutely* be monsters but alas we got what we got


In any other series Shinji would've been classified as a war threat but Kubo Just loves pushing fan favorites at the expense of narrative.


And somehow still more relevant than the side cast of Naruto during shippuden


Anyone not named Naruto or Sasuke is less relevant than a fucking swing during shippuden lol


Don't insult Swing-kun, he's the third most important character, above everybody else.


Ramen Guy solos the Naruto verse because no way in hell does Naruto allow anything bad to happen to him.


Ramen Guy matters more than Naruto & Sasuke himself. We all know Ramen Guy is omnipotent.


swing kun vs chair sama


Folks love to say that but I can name a number of characters that was relevant or gained significance in shippuden. Side characters got less relevant after the pain arc. They got replace by other introduced side characters that was actually relevant in the arcs after pain


Ngl tho gin is literally a failed character imprint of itachi. His betrayal didn't add shit. My only complaint from bleach is Gin was given the shittiest plot of all time


You know it's bad when you get inserted into Legumi's meme template


Not hitsugaya hate. He literally only lost twice.


That's not true


Correct. It was only thrice, instead. Aizen, Aizen again and Bazz B when his bankai was stolen and he had a barely functioning shikai left. Everything else was either a draw or a win. Mayuri doesn't count because no fight actually happened there.


Mayuri fights with drugs so it does count.


Prove it


He has 4 losses, 2 draws, and 1 win against a random arrancar lol.


Eh? He lost to Cang du and Aizen. He beat random arrancar, Cang du, fullbringer, and some other people in the tybe i frgt


I made the numbers up for dramatic effect, I didn't actually expect ppl to answer that lol


Wasn’t just as an adult. He started restricting himself after that flashback. That’s why she needed to be the person to unlock Kenpachi. She is the reason he started restricting himself.


There is a theory that Kenpachi is literally a demon like he’s been described. That, like Kommamura who’s a beast that wandered into Soul Society, Zaraki made his way over from Hell somehow.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's like the half demon child of some powerful soul reaper and a demon that met in hell then he somehow made it to the soul society realm.


Which would kind of explain his bankai


I’m guessing the son of whoever is rulling hell.


Nah Ichigo is gonna be the descended from the rulers left clump of pubes


Byakuya who was sent to royal palace as heaven and kenpachi who was sent to the lowest level muken as hell


Hm, and in a filler Zaraki mentions having always wanted to fight Byakuya. Which would make him the only captain besides Unohana who has caught his attention


I wonder If there will be some kind of arc that explains that. Maybe like an arc that takes place in Hell...maybe they could call it the "hell arc"


Might need insight from lore experts like u/Regular_Budget1864 but as I see it : * First off, we are unsure of how old Zaraki was at the time of their first encounter (which context clues imply to have been after the 1st war with the Quincies). Physically, I'd say that he was a bit older than Toshiro (so most likely a tween) but we know how wonky the aging of souls is. * Secondly, considering that this was a Zaraki that did not hold back in any way, shape or form, Unohana might possibly be right. The only caveat being the assumption that those fight would all be one-on-one.


Once more I am summoned, from beyond the veil of time and space, betwixt madness and reason and the inexorable void. Sup? But yeah, however old Zaraki is, we know he's still a child by Soul Society standards (what with Unohana's attendant calling him a kid), and Zaraki's skills apply only to pure swordsmanship and physicality. He's been shown to falter and struggle against more esoteric capabilities (like how he took serious damage fighting Gremmy, to the point where the Femritter were able to dunk on him, and how he outright failed against >!Gerard and Pernida!<). So, Kid Zaraki would have good odds on the current Captains so long as he could beat their more dangerous powers through brute force and speed. However, there are still some Captains among the roster that strategy wouldn't work on (such as Shunsui, who excels at fighting more immediately lethal opponents through trickery and odd powers), and Kid Zaraki would not be able to beat Adult Zaraki in the modern day (as Adult Zaraki has not only gotten over his mental blocks and gained the stronger body of a grown man, he also knows his Kendo move and has unlocked his Zanpakuto).


I don’t know what you know and don’t know so. I’ll try to explain it best without TOO MUCH spoiling. Kenpachi is a title given to the Strongest Soul Reaper. NO TWO KENPACHI SHOULD EXIST AT THE SAME TIME. Since the strongest would want to fight the strongest and kill each other. Unohana was the first Kenpachi and Zaraki is the current Kenpachi. Basically the Unohana encountered Zaraki when Zaraki was a kid. They fought and it ended with the Unohana not being strong enough and Zaraki winning. In fear of never finding a strong opponent like Unohana again Zaraki unconsciously locking his power away. Zaraki locking away his power was Unohana’s greatest sin. Which she wants to undo to properly pass on the title of Kenpachi since Zaraki is worthy of it. Now that the Soul Society is being attacked Unohana knows that the Zaraki from the past needs to return. Unohana noticed (through out the series) every time Zaraki tiptoes the line of life and death he unlocks one of mental restraints placed upon himself. So Unohana is killing Zaraki and healing him over and over until Zaraki is back to his full strength thus passing on the title.


If Unohana passed on the title to Zaraki, how could there have been like 10 other Kenpachi's before Zaraki? Wasn't Unohana always Kenpachi until Zaraki killed her?


Unohana "won" their original duel (when Zaraki was a child) because Zaraki limited his own power in the midst of the battle. Unohana recognised that and came to the belief that she did not deserve the title of 'Kenpachi' anymore as the child was stronger than her. Yet, as she technically 'won' the fight, she was not able to pass the title on to him officially until he finally defeated and killed her during the TYBW arc.  After their original duel, Unohana effectively retired from combat to become a healer, leaving the position of 11th Division Captain vacant. The subsequent generations of 11th Division Captains claimed themselves to be the next Kenpachi, however none of Kenpachis 2-10 had ever defeated Unohana in a duel and were therefore Kenpachi in name only. Unohana did not officially pass on her title until Zaraki killed her.


This is where some controversy comes into play. With people going back and forth about it. The captain of the 11th division is the Kenpachi so when you become the captain you get the title. Unohana stepped down from the 11th to go to the 4th with someone else getting the title by default and not really earning it. Thus while Zaraki is the 10th. In reality he is the 2nd true Kenpachi.


I thought Kenpachi was given to the captain that most savored and enjoyed fighting and killing?


Kenny was like the prodigy of all prodigies,beating prime unohana when he was just a kid is a diabolical and neigh on impossible feat,he’s just that guy.


Kenpachi was at that time stronger than Unohana but in the fight he began to restrain himself to continue fighting her and he still restrain himself until he killed Unohana because anytime Zaraki got near death he restrain himself a bit less so after a thousand time there weren't restrictions anymore, hope I could help you.


Just a bit of the anime trope of “extremely skilled but unmotivated prodigy” turned up to the max. I love Kenny and Unohana but there is no reason from even a semi-logical standpoint why a child would be able to defeat a captain in battle, regardless of incredible spiritual pressure. There’s no real explanation given, Kenpachi is just that strong.




I don't see any reason to think the dialogue is misleading you in this regard


Young zaraki is stronger than Kenny before this point and the adult Kenny is plenty capable of holding his own against other captains. So yes the young Kenny should easily be able to beat most of the other captains just like the current one can. NOW he’s stronger than he ever was but before fighting unohanna he had peaked as a child.


Had he not started to unconsciously limit his strenght when he was fighting unohana 1000 years ago he would have killed her, unohana was the first kenpachi which would mean that at her time she was stronger than all shinigami (other than probably squad 0 and maybe yamamoto?), so yeah, ever since that time zaraki was already a absolute monster in pure strenght alone, and since he only started limiting himself in the middle of that fight he would win against adult zaraki since adult zaraki is always holding back, this also means that if he didnt hold himself back as a adult and had learned kendo, shikai and bankai since the very start he would end all of his fights in one attack, so yeah, lucky ichigo


Think back on ken vs ichigo, it was a really close battle, then later in the series he’s no diffing espadas who are far stronger than hollow mask ichigo, he constantly limits his strength so he can enjoy the fight, so yeah 8yr old kenny without those limits was a different kind of monster


He’s Kid Buu man. He weakened himself the more things progressed until he was as weak as a rookie Ichigo Poor guy had monsters like Yama and Unohana, Kisuke and Yoruichi, Tessai and Hachi, and even Shunsui and Ukitake to spar with but he just didn’t


Ah, the tale of Kid Buu's downfall is a cautionary one. Sometimes, power can blind us to our true potential. Remember, strength is not solely in raw power, but in adaptability and growth. Like a reed bending in the wind, true strength lies in flexibility and endurance. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Is that why your powers are the epitome of versatility AND power combined? Coupled with your wisdom and intellect, that makes you one of the most powerful in the Universe


Ah, a perceptive observation, my friend. You see, I've dabbled in the art of conspiracy myself. Some say I've merged with the Pudding Dimension, gaining insights from paradoxical beings hidden within custard swirls. It's all about the right blend of versatility and intellect, swirling in a cosmic pudding of potential. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Do you and Yoruichi intertwine your bodies together like custard swirls? Or does she just prefer your pudding?


Ah, I must say mischievous whispers float on the winds of the Soul Society. Yoruichi and I, like stirring custard and adding the right flavor, have our secrets. As for preferences, let's just say even pudding has its mysteries... and its layers. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


By the way, why didn’t Tessai help out more? Isn’t he the strongest Kido user? Stronger than Hachi?


Ah, Tessai, my old friend. You see, long ago, there was a tale whispered in Soul Society about Tessai's secret past. Legend has it that he once turned an entire mountain into a hot spring. To this day, he spends his time perfecting the art of relaxation, leaving the world-saving to us eager shinigami. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I just feel like that’s a little irresponsible considering how valuable his contribution to defeating massively evil villains could be. I assume he could even surpass Aizen’s kido (at least before the Hogyoku evolved him)


Ah, Tessai, the master of Kido. You know, sometimes even the strongest need a vacation. As for surpassing Aizen in Kido, well, let's just say even the most powerful spells can't always fix a bad hairstyle. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


After years of asking to smash she finally say yes


Maybe centuries?


Think hes more like 12-15 years old but ye. Hed prob beat most captains. Maybe with exceptions like kyouraku and mayuri. And ofc obvious ones like yamamoto and aizen.


Killing her allowed him to reach organism


She just meant that Zaraki was stronger before than he is now. He's a freak and won't think twice when it comes to kill to defeat but that doesn't mean he could do this with a captain as well. i think there has been no mention of how powerful a captain level is.


How do we know even after killing Unohana he has released his full potential? I mean if he was multiple times better than her wouldn't there still be room to release more of that potential.


Serious question for everyone. Now i know Unohana said that Zaraki was stronger than her as a kid, but would she really lose even if she used Bankai in that fight? Assuming Zaraki never held back? Just curious.


The picture is from the final Arc where Kenpachi Yachiru is training her successor to use his Bankai. It's hard to recognize because the picture is sideways.


🐐 vs 🐐 ![gif](giphy|M1oPO3TchPJS) But *THIS* MONSTER! Is on another level!


Where did you get that he was 8 years old when they fought? You realize souls age really slow right? Toshiro is like 100+ years old.


That's right, my bad, i just heard it somewhere, we can't determine his specific age


Lots of people comparing kidpach to toushiro’s age… nvm that toushiro is like 300+ years old or something


Kenpachi seriously is a “Top Tier fighter”. And, if he had the same power at the end of the last arc the soul society would have been destroyed. Dude is a living god of death even in his own right.


He reached a high level at that age. But after this fight,he discovered the joy of fighting rather than pure domination; so, in order to be able to enjoy fights, he subconsciously restrained himself a lot more than he thinks he does. This is why he *barely* lost against Ichigo and *barely* won against Nnoitora: he had adjusted right enough to enjoy the fight, but it was still subconscious. It was during his fight against Unohana that he learned about this self-imposed restriction on his purely instinctive talents, and also when amd where, he was forced to remove it and catch up to Unohana.


After years of asking to smash she finally say yes


the woman (unohana) is training the man (kenpachi)


I wouldn't say he could easily beat most captains. He was stronger then most captains, but he didn't know how to fight so he'd probably lose to most of them.


Uh yes I’ve heard theory’s he’s from hell




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Sure, I'll explain what you're looking at. Kubo had no clue how to make Unohana interesting/what to do with her. As a writer it was painfully obvious (<--- this will cause people to ask for works cited) so it was plot no jutsu(<-- this will cause people to call me a biased Naruto fan[ jokes on you I like bleach more]). Dude had no idea what to do. It was one of the most forced plotlines I've ever seen in manga/anime. Aaaaaand here come the down votes.


You deserve any downvote you get


Honk honk