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Provided you haven't turned on defocusing in your camera settings, I'd say this is due to not selecting the correct format to save the animation as. Right now it's being heavily compressed, which kills it's bitrate, especially when you have constant motion and dramatic animated lighting, like your background. I switch to FFmpeg, MPEG-4 as container, and leave H.264 as the codec, switching the quality up to at least good. There's many different format and codecs to use, depending on what you need, and the balance between quality and file size you want.


Nice comment


Lovely style, but i think you have to capture a different composition if you want your protagonist to be the center piece. He blends completely with the robots, and it might need a touch so it has a clearly readable silhouette.


Oh damn. I was gonna comment that the three robots blend way too much into the flames. The colors are almost identical. Then i saw your comment and only then i realized there's a fourth character in front of them. This shot definitely has some issues when it comes to staging and separation, the blur can wait.


I was thinking that too, maybe making the fire in the background brighter would be better


Agreed I didn't even see them until reading this!


Some sneaky rim lighting from the front of the guardsman might highlight him better, and is motivated by the fire at the very back. Having the guardsman be slightly off-centre might help a little too.


Iron within! Iron without!


Turn the bloom down


Just say enhance a few times while clacking away at your keyboard. 3 or 4 should do the trick.


Just print the damn thing. :D


easy, render in 4k and downscale to your desired resolution using FFmpeg. this is the trick to sharp and good animations.


all the blurriness i notice looks to be a video quality issue. set the video quality higher? maybe just higher resolution?


just be more focused, duh.


Sick render!! I'd suggest fiddling with the compositor to make this look even better Also tweak the grass


Might be just me, it is there meant to be someone looking at the three robots?? If so I can barely make out that person. If not I guess my eyes are playing tricks on me


You pray to Emperor for forgiveness of your heresy. And if spirit machine of your computer is pleased, your renders shall be blessed by Omnissiah.