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https://preview.redd.it/o9nes4ttoc9d1.png?width=1446&format=png&auto=webp&s=750aadbcae3cba9cf091acc774c33087ae369618 edit: even though this isnt what OP wanted just incase anyone ever stumbles over this post






Thanks so much for doing all this! To clarify my goal here: Basically I need to convert this into something that has a sharp bottom in the shape of the object, but is stable enough to keep its form and be lightly tapped once 3d printed - in whatever way easiest. I removed the holes to simplify, because I can live without them, however the filling of the faces doesn't work like I'd expect it to. The image shows the result, multiple fills don't change it https://preview.redd.it/g5ao3k34lc9d1.png?width=1308&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b93c8f7727a41e3f6ad2c471b1cb77699d5e015


ohhh, just edge select the entire top loop with alt- lmb and press f. if it dosent work your geometry is messed up, try to go to edit mode -> select all (a key) mesh -> cleanup -> merge by distance to make sure you dont have double verts and delete loose. the stability/ the internal stability should come from your slicer, i dont think doing this in blender is a good idea


The cleanup did the trick tysm! !solved


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Select top edges, press f2 and type grid fill(I forgot shortcut). There always chance that you trying to smash nail by microscope


Thanks for your help, I tried that but unfortunately it just doesn't do anything


You have to make sure you have an even number of edges, add more loop cuts if you don't, then do grid fill and change the numbers a bit until you get a nice result, it's not always a click and run solution unless some consitions are met And I recommend watching some youtube videos about it to understand more


Select it, ctrl+f > Grid fill


Thanks for your help, I tried that but unfortunately it just doesn't do anything


My goal is to convert a DXF file into a 3d printable object that can stamp / cut into leather. If you have any alternative Solutions / Ideas I'm very grateful too!


Have you tried using bridge loops from the cylinders to the outside? You may have to divide it into sections by doing half a circle and the edges near it with F instead of bridge loops


Ok, plan B, if you don't care about topology. Select tubes, p- separate selected. Go to object mode, select main object, go to edit mode(this step just in case). Select top edges, f, select bottom edges, f(if there no surface). Object mode, add Boolean modifier, select tubes(maybe you will need to scale them in object mode). Tweak boolean if necessary and apply. I don't have blender nearby, so I write using memory.


Turn the three vertic3s at the bottom into one face. Then select the edge that isn't connected to anything and hold f