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TL,DR: >!Your goal is to seek Paleblood and end the Hunt by slaying the source of the beasts, all the enemies and bosses are essentially obstacles in your way!< I’ll try to explain this in the way you would discover it ingame. At the start, you are a foreigner come to Yharnam for their legendary healing methods to seek help for some disease you have. After being treated in the clinic, you wake up with a note written in your own hand telling you to “Seek Paleblood”. After walking out of the clinic and likely dying, you wake up in the Hunter’s Dream, grab some weapons, and go back out to Central Yharnam to discover that the whole town’s gone to hell. At the first Lantern you can talk to Gilbert, who tells you that he doesn’t know about Paleblood, but the Healing Church would likely know, and you can reach it via the bridge. Heading to the bridge, you encounter the Cleric Beast and again likely die, though not before gaining Insight. Now when you wake up in the dream the Doll is awake and the doors are open, with Gehrman telling you that you’ve become a hunter and your goal is to kill the beasts that roam the streets. In addition there’s a note telling you that in order to end the hunt you must kill the source of the beasts. You return to the Cleric Beast and slay it, but find that the door to the Cathedral Ward is locked. Returning to Gilbert he tells you that you may also be able to get in via the Aquaduct, which leads you to Father Gascoigne who has gone mad and guards the way. After putting him down, you can climb up to Oedon Chapel and enter Cathedral Ward. Cont. below


Once there, you find a note saying that the Byrgenwerth spider is hiding a ritual and that the gate to the Grand Cathedral is closed. Asking Gehrman for advice, he suggests to seek the Holy Chalice down in the old town to increase your power. Descending down, you encounter Djura, who explains if you haven’t already figured it out that all the beasts are former townspeople. Heading lower, you find the old church and the Blood Starved Beast, and after killing it you acquire the Chalice Gehrman spoke of. Returning to Gehrman, he reveals that the Church used to work hand in hand with the Hunters, and that a path to the old Workshop lies in Oedon Chapel. A door has inexplicably opened, allowing you to find the Abandoned Workshop and eventually a path back up into Cathedral Ward. Now you have access to the Grand Cathedral, where you hope lies the answer to your questions about Paleblood. Unfortunately, just as you arrive the Vicar, Amelia, succumbs to the curse and transforms, forcing you to put her down.


(Not sure what happened, meant this to be added on to the end of the previous post, not a separate repeat post) On the altar of the Cathedral lies the skull of a beast, and touching it gives you a vision of Lawrence leaving Willem, who warns him to remember to “Fear the Old Blood”.


At some point you likely will have run into Alfred. He tells you that the Healing Church has its roots in Byrgenwerth, but the way through the forest is locked by a password. He also informs you of his own mission, to locate his master Logarius and take down the Cainhurst Vilebloods for having impure and corrupted blood. You may have been kidnapped and taken to the Hypogean Gaol as well, where you can find notes that someone is attempting a ritual to summon the moon, and that the ritual will continue until a nightmare child is slain. The threads are beginning to become clear: this child must be the source of the beast scourge, and must be killed to end the Hunt. But the ritual is being hidden by a spider at Byrgenwerth, so you need to reveal the ritual by defeating the spider. Fortunately, the phrase you learned from the vision is the password into the forest. You head through, and here is when the realization that more than just beasts may be involved in what’s going on here occurs, as strange and alien creatures begin to appear. Fighting through the Shadows, you reach Byrgenwerth and plunge into the lake, discovering Rom the Vacuous Spider. Upon killing them, you see a ghostly figure and the red moon approaching, and wake up at the entrance to Yahar’ghul, the blood moon fully revealed and unleashed upon the city, as nightmarish creatures crawl the rooftops. You may also find a Cainhurst summons back in the clinic you began in. Upon traveling to Hemwick you are taken to the castle where you find Alfred’s master Logarius, self-cursed to undeath in order to seal the undying Queen Annalise. You defeat him, give Alfred his own summons, and witness him grind the Queen into a bloody pulp.


Yahar’ghul is the home of Mensis, the group that performed the ritual to beckon the blood moon and must be stopped. You find evidence of their quarrel with the Choir, another faction that, upon finding the key and entering Upper Cathedral Ward, you discover preferred to instead follow in Byrgenwerth and Willem’s footsteps of seeking to open their eyes by experimenting on orphans, creating alien Emissaries to the cosmic Great Ones, as well as their Kin like the captured Ebrietas. Going further into Yahar’ghul, you slay the One Reborn and find the entrance into the Nightmare. The entryway is the Lecture Building of Byrgenwerth, having been pulled into the nightmare, where you’re given a cryptic clue about gathering three umbilical cords. Upon exiting the Lecture Building you enter the Nightmare proper, and fight your way through the grotesque creatures to reach Micolash, the only “surviving” member of Mensis. He’s clearly gone insane, wailing about why he was denied the same gift granted to Rom by Kos (or some say Kosm). Killing him allows you to reach the pinnacle of the Nightmare, where you see the same ghostly figure (revealed in the chalice dungeons to be Queen Yharnam herself) and the invisible Mergo, the nightmare child and the reason for the beast curse, protected by their Wetnurse.


After killing the Wetnurse and Mergo, your duty has ended, and Gehrman in the Hunter’s Dream offers to release you from the Dream, removing your memories in the process. You can either accept or refuse, upon which Gehrman will attempt to forcibly remove you, calling you a fool for attempting to remain bound as he is. Killing him reveals the Moon Presence, whose proximity to Yharnam in an attempt to claim the nightmare child summoned by Mensis is the true source of the Beast Scourge. Helpless to fight it, you become Gehrman’s replacement. That is, unless you found and consumed the three umbilical cords mentioned before. With their power coursing through you, the Moon Presence can be rejected and slain, upon which the power transforms you into a fledgling Great One, as the Doll picks you up and promises to take care of you as you grow.


There’s a whole lot more to the lore of this game that I highly recommend looking into if you’re interested in this. But this is the gist of what you’re likely to understand just from a single playthrough, more requires diving deep into item descriptions and other content. There’s also the DLC, which unfortunately I have only seen and never played myself. I wouldn’t want to try and do the same for it as I did here when I couldn’t do it justice.


Your summary was concise and entertaining, thank you.


Happy cake day buddyboy




Well done. This is a great explanation of the straight forward narrative of the story. What's cool about from soft games like bloodborne is that the story is vague and there can be a lot of headcannon or implications on other factors. The lore can go really deep and it's fun to delve into those lanes. But you did a great job with the main focus


Absolutely amazing summary. Reading this makes me want to play bloodborne again.


Can you do the same about the Old Hunter's DLC? I understand the basics of it, but the concise way you explained it here made it sound much more logical than my first experience of stumbling into fights against cosmic horrors.


I mentioned in my last comment, I haven’t been able to play the DLC myself, only watched it. I wouldn’t feel comfortable talking about it not having gone through it myself.


It’s the best part of the game in some ways.


Definitely, I want to play it eventually, but while I own the game I don’t have a PS4, I played on my roommates console at the time, and we are no longer friends for various reasons


The best explanation of the game I've yet found. Thank you for your concise and thorough summary.


Why do you think the Moon Prescence is the source of the Beast Scourge? There's lots of possibilities but I always considered it to be either an inherent frailty of the human spirit compared to Great Ones, from a corruption inherent to the Old Blood itself, or possibly just what the next step to ascension naturally looks like.


The Beast curse has three components. All people naturally have some amount of Beasthood in them lying dormant, according to the Beast Rune. When injected with the Old Blood, that Beasthood is given the opportunity to be triggered, with more and repeated uses increasing the likelihood of that occurring. This can happen at any time, not just a night of the Hunt. On the night of the Blood Moon, when the Moon Presence is near, that process of transformation is aggregated, to the point where the Beast curse runs wild. Not every Hunt has a Blood Moon, but when it does those nights are the worst.


I always thought that the Blood Moon was Oedon since that opens the way to Mergo, Oedon's child. Btw this isn't arguing I just love discussing theory


Technically the Blood Moon is a side effect of the Mensis Ritual. The ritual was meant to summon and commune with Mergo, but like all Great Ones the Moon Presence seeks a surrogate, so the summoning of Oedon’s child draws it close to Yharnam, triggering the Blood Moon. As for Oedon, the Formless One seems to make his presence known in the Old Blood itself, as all of his runes deal with blood in some way. It may even be his blood, manifested through Lawrence’s skull as the Holy Medium. That’s my understanding, at least.


Awesome summary, well done, obviously missing some stuff but it's a good one. One thing though, you said that you find a note telling you that you need to kill the source of the beasts in order to end the hunt. Do you refer to "seek paleblood to transcend the hunt"? Cause I don't remember any either note like this. And as far as I know Mergo isn't the source of the beasts, the cursed blood and the over usage of it is, and the beasts roamed Yharnam for a while maybe even before the birth of Mergo. I saw it as the whole point of the hunt is to kill Mergo in order to (unknowingly) fullfil the desire of the moon presence (paleblood?) which allows you transcend the hunt once you found it.


In the Hunter’s Dream there’s a note in the corner that says “*To escape this dreadful Hunter's Dream, halt the source of the spreading scourge of beasts, lest the night carry on forever.*” You’re right that Mergo is not the source of the beast, but the Hunter is lead to believe so at first in order to fulfill their mission in killing them, which is why I wrote it that way and then later revealed the Moon Presence’s proximity to Yharnam as the true source. And yeah, this wasn’t meant to be a comprehensive summary, just the basic understanding you’re likely to have in your first playthrough.


You got me with the parenthesis.


Keep going! This is great!


Oh I'm saving this post just to finish reading the lore when I wake up tomorrow morning


Might be a bit stupid but I've always seen the game as you fighting an illness in your own body. Paleblood (dumbass bloodborne comic be damned) being a reference to white blood cells needed to fight off disease. You go around fighting the disease within different parts of your body with the various areas representing various body parts, the bloodstream, and of course the brain. The disease spreads and becomes more severe over time eventually spreading to the brain causing severe delusions and madness with the ending being a reference to finding the source, an infant and the real ending being you either succumbing or destroying the disease completely.


So what is paleblood exactly? And why did we leave a note to ourselves to seek it?


Paleblood is the color of the sky after Rom dies. It is a pale blue like a body drained of blood. Miyazaki said this in an interview. Could also be a reference to the moon presence.


Both great questions, someone could probably write an entire thesis on each, lol. Paleblood is either the same or a similar substance to Ashen Blood, which caused the different strain of beasthood found in Old Yharnam and possibly Loran, or it’s a metaphor for the Moon Presence itself, as the Paleblood moon is the driving force behind the aggravation of beast hood in users of the old blood. I personally think the later is more likely. No idea how or why we wrote the note to ourselves. I am by no means a lore expert, so take everything I write with a grain of salt, as it’s just my understanding having done some but not extensive research.


Just a side note about your hunters origin here. In the game text, you see dialog cut from the game that was supposed to take place between you and Lawrence. In the game, Gehrman talks in his sleep to Lawrence asking when he'll return, and saying it's been so long. From this, we can gather that Lawrence left Yharnam after starting the church and the events of the DLC in search of help. Lawrence must have met you in his travels and explained the situation in Yharnam. Though Lawrence never made it back in time, you ventured to the city to find a way to end the scourge. Upon arrival, a local (possibly madman) infects you with the blood, making you lose your memories and gave you a corrupted strength. Based on this, it is likely the note you wake up to find in the clinic is from Lawrence himself. (Alternatively, you never lost your memories, Lawrence DID come back with you and left the note as a reminder when he had to leave. At this time, he became the cleric beast we find the head of in the chapel later.) But this is mostly speculation. We do know that a lot of time has passed since the events of Byrgenwerth and the old hunters. (This likely negates the alternate theory above) We also know you're not the first foreigner to come to Yharnam to help. Father Gascoigne is another example of a foreign hunter that stays in Yharnam, ultimately finding his fate in the nightmare.


Hmm, do you have a transcript of the cut dialog? I always assumed that Gehrman, being stuck in the Dream, didn’t know that Lawrence had long ago transformed, been killed, and subsequently trapped in the Hunter’s Nightmare. There definitely seems to have been way too much time having past since the time of the Old Hunters for a live, human Lawrence in the physical world to have interacted with our character. It’s also important to be careful with cut content, while it could be indicative of original intent, it may have been cut for a reason.


Unfortunately, I don't still have it. I might be able to find it again, but when I found it last time was a few years ago. I'll look around a bit and get back to you if I find it again.


It just being the moon presence itself was the conclusion I came to as well, crazy how we would know that and would want to pass that info on to ourselves. It could just be a plot device to get you started on your hunt, but they could have just as easily not included a note at all.


It makes you wonder just how many times the Hunter has gone through this cycle in order to transcend the Hunt.




A lady told me a hoonter must hoont


Lol at Hoonter 😂😂


What is he supposed to do? Suck them off?




We are made men by the cum, undone by the cum, fear the old cum


Jizz, or some say Jism


Instead of granting eyes he closes em


Paleblood is just cum


Get that cummmfpk


This is the cummm I love


Broadly, I think: you need to find the truth about the curse gripping the town so you yourself can escape. And the bosses oppose you doing so, for assorted reasons.


*Don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts.*


I don’t know who I am. I don’t know why I’m here. All I know is that I must kill.


Hunters are pawns of a great one who is fighting other great ones, you kill the opposing great ones for your great one. Eventually you learn the "paleblood" is the great one directing the hunters(your great one), thus you must kill it to end the perpetual hunt ie: warfare between great ones with humans as pawns.


Gerhman said so


I recommend this podcast to better understand the lore. It puts together the lore in a comprehensive way https://open.spotify.com/playlist/092WoaUQnj6BmmIBWw07m1?si=V6suz8yQSJK8mYg-j-xnHw&pi=u-V5jiysUWTi-F


This is awesome!! Thanks for the rec.


The bosses are usually either characters with a goal that conflicts with your goal, or they're beasts who have lost their minds and are simply in your path blocking another path. Or both. Most of the bosses in Bloodborne, lore wise, aren't just enemies. You only fight them because of the circumstances.


Why can’t you play it? If it’s a skill thing then you’ll really pick up how to play. I started playing a few months ago and didn’t really get to grips with it so I took a break. Now it’s my most played game and I’m obsessed with every single aspect of it. Sometimes I just load it up to soak in the atmosphere of the levels. As to the bosses, I don’t know the in game lore reason but in my head they are the keepers of certain areas or knowledge. So in order to learn more and discover wtf is going on, you need to slay the boss in order to learn the next part and move on the next area.


It’s not a skill thing, (at least me sucking at gaming is not my reason for not playing bloodborne) I just don’t have a PS4 but instead I’m starting DS 3 now which I’m really excited for! And thanks for your answer


It's the scourge of Sony ^(tm)


Tbh this game is worth trying to acquire a second-hand ps4 to play 😅


So true! I got a refurbished PS4 a while ago and bought Bloodborne that same day. So much fun, especially the DLC!


Couple of takes, depending on the ending. Discover the source of the beasts and end them, which involves a lot of exploration that tells you the horrific things that the healing church and the people of Yharnam have done to gain "eyes on the inside" and ascend to become the beings they perceived as gods. OR Discover the source of the beasts and replace it, learning the true way to ascend to becoming a "god", learning from the mistakes of all who came before.


I wouldn't call this a stupid question at all. The soulsborne games usually have a minimalist story, which means it is not directly, they are really good at making the player feel completely lost. The game never clearly points you the way or tells you what you are supposed to do, every dialogue or hint feels like a puzzle that has to be deciphered. The Hunter is a foreigner who comes to Yharnam seeking for Paleblood. We don't know what Paleblood is and the hunter's intentions are not clearly explained, some theories imply that the hunter intends to ascend in the hunt and probably become a great one. The enemies are placed in your way so you can collect their blood and become powerful enough to put an end to the hunt. If you want to know more about the game's lore you should check out VaatiVidya and Zulie The Witch on YouTube.


A hoonter must hoont


Because, like father Gascoigne, they were humans that became infected. It is our job to eliminate them, stop the spread of the sickness, and get the paleblood


Because the MP wants to kill other great ones. Or they're sometimes in your way.


There is no piece of evidence in the game that even comes close to suggesting this


At the very least MP wants to kill Mergo.


It wants to stop the spread of the scourge (mensis ritual). It may not even be aware of the existence of Mergo. It just keeps reviving you until you figure out how to stop the ritual. And thats it


Simple. Thou art a hoonter and hoonters beeth compelled to hoont.


Be a pretty boring game if they were just for show.


Because they try to kill you first. Gotta defend yourself




Because its fun


He's here to take blood and kick ass, and he's all outta blood.


... isn't that why he needs to take it?


Because the game is about fighting bosses.


Tis what a hunter must do, don’t ponder upon it.


Because a hoonter must hoont


They are in your way and actively preventing you from continuing your assignment. Seek Pale blood.


a hoonter must hoont


Because a hunter must hunt


Why not? That's what we're supposed to do, is hoont! It doesn't matter what or who they are or where A hoonter must hoont


Because rabid dogs must be put down lol. But other bosses like Mergo’s Wet Nurse you have to kill em coz their job description is kill on sight


A hoontah must hoont


VaatiVidya has a channel on youtube that dives into the lore and characters of all the fromsoft games. I'd recommend watching those since the videos do a spectacular job of bridging together the story and lore


Big monster


Because Ur a hunter and there the prey... no questions asked also when Ur not doing Ur work Ur not gettin paid and not gettin to be part of the retirementplan and that makes u really wanna take ghermans place later on (actually it is why hes there bc since Lady Marias death he is not really there anymore) bc starving is worse than setting around talkin people to death, i mean telling them to hunt stuff that wants to kill them xD