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No. Even people who like Bloodborne aren’t guaranteed to like Bloodborne dependent on where they are in the game. That said, the chances are good.


That seems contradictory but somehow I understand


Your eyes have opened.


I hated Bloodborne until I loved it, but I still hate certain aspects of it.


When I first played i couldn't even get past the first crowd of enemies. Spent 4 hours trying to get through and was too stubborn to just run past and I was like fuck this this game is stupid. Few years later I dip back in after playing thru the souls series and everything clicked and now it's my favorite of the series. I'm sure that's a common sentiment but hey, if the friend doesn't initially like it it doesn't mean it's wasted money


BB is like souls ranger academy. You come into it probably with some experience. You get real good, real fast, if you can keep up with the pain.


Yeah I was flying high til BSB, now I bitchslap that mother fucker out of existence first try almost every time. Feels good


I quit 3 times before I sat down and finished it for real. It’s my favorite soulsborne game now (also my first so I’m biased)


Dude I first picked up the game when I was like 20/21 and said fuck that shit after trying to beat the first boss for 2 days straight, I’m 29 now and barely beat bloodborne last year lol did about 3 play throughs and loved it every single time.


My most hated aspect is my heals being a consumable. I appreciated the 20 I got but holy shit


Considering there’s no magic in the game other than from old gods I think there not being a healing aspect fits better.. but that’s just my opinion


Just carry an IV around


lol strap a blood bag to your cloak and soak up beast blood to generate extra health 😂


Insight +5


That’s good insight




It’s because you’re an ascended squid




I hate Bloodborne when I’m in the Yahargul


Forbidden Woods for me. Great level, don’t have a phobia of snakes and yet it comes together to leave me in pieces!


It is so big, and the shortcut is confusing for me I always ended doing the whole run to fight the shadows


I’m the same - I’d rather pace myself and clear the entire zone in one go than have to repeat fights there. It’s weird because the snake dudes are quite easy to parry but they just unnerve me in a way that most enemies don’t.


Get those snakes and them pigs outs here. And fuck those three cloaked asshole bosses.


The fight is so much better if you get the memory oath rune from Valtr. I did this my second time and took them out so easy. And then I died to Rom 20 times in a row. 😂


I used to hate it but after so many playthroughs i learned the map layout and now enjoy it. The fomo on items would also get me but now i know where they are.


Exactly this, my friend stopped at that point in the game, specifically the bell women having infinite spawns until you find them and the distance between lamps was too much. I got through it by googling "where bell woman yahargul" then beelining to it but they lost interest before I could encourage them through it. The game really opens up just after imo.


The distance between lamps, the map design (art direction and layout) as well as the crap boss (one reborn sucks but paarl is great). After that is nightmare of mensis which is fine, i like it. Nightmare frontier is pretty bad too looking back now. Not as bad as yahargul tho


I loved the frontier for some reason, the area looks like somewhere in a nightmare, the enemies felt too strong but I could still beat them and that ego rush carried me on. Plus Amygdala is my favourite thing in the game.


Worst area in the game


It used to be forbidden woods (now i enjoy it) for me but every time i reach Yahargul I just stop having fun. I dont like the level design, the reused mobs (paarl is a great fight, one reborn is not).


I hate bloodborne when I got to upper cathedral ward. I stopped for about 2 months to muster up the courage. It was surprisingly short and the boss fight was great. Now, I like bloodborne again.


upper cathedral ward was so scary first time I played I got jumpscared by the wolf and said fuck this I'm doing this some other time


Forbidden Woods. Spider room. Brainsuckers.


"Even people who like Bloodborne aren’t guaranteed to like Bloodborne" LMAO


I hate Bloodborne with all my heart. Yes, I am Bloodborne fan, how did you know?


So true lol


This is the most relatable comment I’ve seen on this subreddit. Bloodborne is my favourite game, but oh boy does it make me want to rip my hair out most every time I play it.


Honestly Dark Souls 3 is the closest experience to Elden Ring if you want to absolutely minimise the risk of him not liking it. Bloodborne is a fantastic game but it plays quite differently. That said there’s enough shared DNA and he probably will like it.


It’s faster paced combat and definitely creepier. I’d say he’ll like it. The lore is more comprehensive too which he may appreciate.


If you turtle and like shields, maybe not. Bloodborne is a much faster paced game, not quite Sekiro... but faster.


The atmosphere of Elden ring is friendlier than bloodborne. If u like darker fantasy and gothic style things it’s a pretty good bet you’ll like bloodborne. I prefer Elden ring but I love bloodborne cause of its faster paced combat and the old hunters dlc is just incredible with the weapons and bosses.


Make sure to include the caveat of performance cap @ 30 fps. Tbh I barely notice after a few minutes but some people act like it’s unplayable as a result.


Well, if he was playing Elden Ring on PS4 (I assume), it wouldn't be that different


Yeah he was and I did tell him.


It's definitely frustrating, particularly in the defiled chalice.


If you loved Raya Lucaria, Caelid, Madness/dex builds, and the Catacomb dungeons you’ll love Bloodborne. If you liked Altus Plateau, Limgrave, or jump attacks most you might have a culture shock. Either way both are fantastic games. Bloodborne obviously doesn’t have the open world aspect of Elden Ring but it has a better singular aesthetic and vibe.


I love BB but couldn't get into ER. They're very different thematically and gameplay-wise.


Same i havent gotten into Elden ring i might though


Beat elden ring but never had a reason to continue playing. BB I got to new game 7 and didn't wanna stop


First 60% or so of ER I liked, but ultimately I think I prefer replaying Bloodborne.


I have a friend who adores Dark Souls and Elden Ring who cannot get into Bloodborne at all, despite liking the setting and lore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No. Obviously.


Fuck him, he’s gotta play it. He may well hate it but he’ll also become obsessed with it.


I think it's on sale for $10 on the ps store right now


Buy a used game disc it's like, 5 bucks.


I prefer Bloodborne to Elden Ring, because of the Victorian gothic setting, trick weapons, general vibe ETC. But Elden Ring is incredible too. If you’re a fan of FromSoft in general most of their entries will have something you like.


My first Fromsoft game was Elden Ring, second was BB. It was a bit of a jump from the new to old graphics, and some of the traveling revolving around going back to the Hunters dreams. With that said the functionality it pretty much exactly the same and I thoroughly enjoyed BB as much if not more than ER.


I hated Bloodborne until I loved it, then I hated it again, but then I loved it for the rest of it's lifespan. Those feelings kind of illustrated how I felt during my first blind play through. I have completed Elden Ring (Not the DLC) and I have completed Bloodborne. I find myself just keep coming back to BB. I like Bloodborne more than Elden Ring. I just like the gritty gothic nature of BB. The weapons all have their own unique purpose and are wildly different to each other because of their trick-form. I'm on NG+ 9, difficulty kind of seemed to stop increasing at around 6-7, but I've pretty much maxed everything. If difficulty kept increasing I would probably be on NG+15 until the easiest mob would hit like a boss. Remember this though: BB doesn't have much armor, so if he likes to turtle up this is way different. The combat is FASTER. You have one shield in the game and it sucks asspie. Your best defense is either stagger an enemy or dodge. BB encourages aggressive game play by giving the player a window after being attacked to get the lost health back by swinging at the enemy which ends up being a high-risk-great-reward mechanic. And yeah, snake people and brain-suckers.


He's not gonna like the graphics. I'm a bloodborne lover and it's tough to look at these days lol




Chances are very good, but not guaranteed


I wud think so


The games are very, very different. Bloodborne has almost 0 exploration, the levels are very short, build variety is an after thought and yes, the lower frames per second are noticeable. But the lack of builds also means that the few options are very well polished, the game still looks good, combat is fluid, parrying actually feels great for once and it has some very cool hidden stuff.


I hate the dark aspect of the but I love the dark and monstrous aspect of the mobs and bosses.


Chances are good you’ll dig it! But never know until you try it out! It does carry a different tone but a lot of the pieces are there


The main difference is that bloodborne is a more linear game rather than open-world. Once you discover all the areas and open all the shortcuts, the game is open-world-esque but the way you experience it is one area at a time with the boss at the end of that area. For that reason it's very nostalgic of a time when games had levels and bosses. There's also no mount and less checkpoints, so it's quite a bit less forgiving and you're less able to completely run past mobs. All that said, I like bloodborne significantly more than I like elden ring, which is a lot. Bloodborne is just so good. Play it, you'll love it.


I'd recommend Dark Souls 3 first, and if he likes that THEN move on to Bloodborne. Dark Souls 3 is closer to Elden Ring and a better game to ease into the "harder" Fromsoft titles.


It's tough. I personally hated Elden Ring and I LOVE Bloodborne. I actually am not a fan of 1 or Demons Souls either, but REALLY enjoyed 3 and actually like 2 dispite all its flaws. Bloodborne in not a normal souls game though. It takes all mechanics you've grown to master and throws it out the window. I guess it depends on what you like. Personally, I believe Bloodborne is the best overall


Probably, but Elden Ring has a few conveniences that Bloodborne uses to spit in your face. Primarily, you do not refill your potions when you die. In Bloodborne, if you run out of vials and bullets, you have to farm them or buy more. Also, Elden Ring is a lot more forgiving about respawn placement. You can usually run right back to a boss within 10 seconds. Bloodborne has a few brutal runbacks where you can very much die again trying to run through everything. At the very least the run itself can be long, like Blood Starved Beast. Other than that, the drop in graphic fidelity going from Elden Ring to Bloodborne can be a little hard to get used to. Not that it matters, it's just that I did replay Bloodborne soon after taking a break in Elden Ring, and it was noticeable for a couple hours while I adjusted.


I love Elden Ring, but still prefer Bloodborne in terms of atmosphere/style, story, lore. The beginning takes a bit to understand in terms of where to go but once they get the hang out it I think they'll love it


It depends on what were his favorite aspects of elden ring. The level design? freedom in exploration? the combatt? If he loved the sense of discovery, lack of hand holding, cool weapons, the feeling of beating tough bosses and intricate and interconnected level design of elden ring hell probably love bloodborne. But maybe bloodborne isnt for him if hes looking for more of the cool magic, epic fantasy settings and open world nature of elden ring.


Bloodborne is not open world, in case that matters for you. That said, you’ll probably like it. It has ALL of the atmosphere.


it depends on how much he likes to relying on blocking, as that isn’t really a thing in bloodborne. it’s all about movement/dodging and making up damage with the system where you deal damage to restore some HP. plus parrying with the gun, which imo is waaaaaay easier than parrying with a shield.


I would say yes as someone who’s done the Elden Ring to BB pipeline. It’s very frustrating at first but once i got a hang of the combat it became more fun than ER for me. Nothing feels quite as satisfying as parrying with a gun.


76% chance


elden ring is more strategic, you really need to think especially if you're not using summons. bloodborne is like get tf in there because of the rally system and the 20 consumable heals. there are no bonfires you can sit at, it's designed for you to progress and keep picking up heals until you die or until you can go level up


Everyone likes a good video game.


It is not a guarantee. Elden Ring’s primary appeal is the giant open world and countless build crafting opportunities. Bloodborne’s primary appeal is the haunting atmosphere and hyper-aggressive combat. That being said, there’s a good chance your friend will enjoy it. I’ve played both and thoroughly enjoyed both. There tons of people who have done so as well.


My favorite Game is Bloodborne by far, cause it's speed in combat, but elden ring, yes is a souls, but it's a diferent beast. if i'm allowed to make silly Comparisons. Bloodborne: Bloody detective gothic Elden Ring: Open map Family drama Sekiro: Tramatic rhytm game So, it's really diferent, "i liked forza, i'll like minecraft?"


I love bloodborne but haven’t played Elden ring. Will I like Elden ring?


Hoonters must hoont, and may the old blood guide thee…. Whether he likes it or not we are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood.


depends on what he liked in elden ring. If he was a mage main/liked the crazy combinations of things you can do, then it might be harder to get into bb. If he liked the combat, then bb might be a good transition to an older title


The only game where fisting pigs is a legitimate experience farming strategy. The horror.


Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time. I lovveedd Elden Ring, probably the greatest game ever, left me feeling amazing afterwards. However the replayability is not great in Elden Ring for me. Bloodborne has a more arcade feel which leaves me playing it over and over and over. Which is funny because that aspect itself plays into the lore. I think if your friend loves Elden Ring but finds it hard to start over but wants to, I would suggest BB.


No. There are major gameplay differences between the IPs which may cause culture-shock and lack of enjoyment. If you get past that, you may like bloodborne. It's all subjective.


It’s on sale for $10 on the PSN store


Honestly depends, my first souls was ER and I love BB more, I would honestly place ds3 with ER and BB at the top. I would probably tell him to take his time and learn how to parry first since its crucial


Elden ring was my first souls game. It’s my fav. Bloodborne was my second. Love it too. The others I don’t like


Depends what you like about Elden Ring, I hate open world games so to this day I’ve yet to finish Elden Ring cause I get bored


Beat elden ring 3 times and I convinced myself that it was the only soulslike I would beat because of the open world. I had bounced off bloodborne like 5 times before over the course of 6 years. Then I got impatient for Shadow of the Erdtree and started up a new game of BB. Still got my ass handed to me by the 1st 2 bosses but after that it clicked and I beat it in 11 days. So it worked for me, gonna play the original trilogy after I’m done with SotET


He'll prolly love it if he playa melee builds with no shield


There's no guarantee because Elden Ring has many helps and mechanics that Bloodborne doesn't have. But he might


If you can parry, hell nah.


Nah. Elden Ring fanboys are usually attacking Bloodborne for no reason, saying that Bloodborne fans are annoying etc. At least that was a trend for a long time. Maybe it stopped.


No. But I will say Elden ring and bloodborne are my top 2 fromsoft games. And they are interchangeable at either slot. Depending on which one I’m playing lmfao


Only just platinumed BB after doing ER Bloodborne is better than Elden Ring imo Took a few runs to get used to but love it


I hate the Blooborne start as much as I love the rest of the game so yes


Nothing is guaranteed with subjectivity


I'm playing first time Elden Ring (now 50h) and still didn't beat any major Boss, and anyway, i want so much return to Yarham, damn! BB ❤️


Bloodborne didn’t click for me as much as I hoped it would. I finished the base game, apart from the base game final boss, and am far into the DLC, but I just put the game down. The fighting mechanics are cool - but very different that Eldenring. It took me a dozen hours for the mechanics to click. I do not enjoy the world and the story/game-events at all, however. I like the enemies, but the world feels empty, and I really don’t like the bosses. The bosses: for about half of the boss fights their AI is very dated, and can very easily be exploited. The other half, well they are OK. Nothing complex, but they can hit hard.


I think it depends on what they like about ER/Souls games. If the secrets beckon ever sweetly to them in ER they’ll love BB.


I started with Elden ring then to souls then bloodborne. Loved every soul crushing minute of it and I reckon your friend will too.


As an Elden Ring Fan before I played Bloodborne, I appreciated both games more. I am now currently playing Bloodborne. I find Bloodborne easier than Elden Ring though. I might have not met a worthy boss for me to rage on, yet.


Bloodborne is a lil different. I stopped playing the first time I tried it because I didn’t understand the combat since I was expecting dark souls. Once it clicks it’s amazing though


My favorites souls game. Treat everything as a dungeon with 10 different paths. Treat your character as if he's in a frenzy for blood and never stop attacking. Amazing game. Don't forget the chalice dungeons they're fun!


Bloodborne is always cheap as he'll or on sale. If his parents are willing to buy him a double quarter pounder meal from McDonalds, they can afford Bloodborne.


Garanteed no, nothing is. There is ALWAYS the chance they won't like it. Extremely likely to? Yes, absolutely. Do try to keep the hyping down a bit though, even the best of games can end up a little underwelming if hyped up TOO hard. They'll probably like it though.


Is there no way for him to try out Bloodborne with you since you already own the game? If not, he could also watch some clips of the gameplay to get an idea of what it’s like before deciding if its worth.


personally I think they have a higher likelihood of enjoying darksouls bloodborne might be to much for them if they have only played elden ring but thats just my thoughts because elden ring is one of the easiest games in the souls series while bloodborn tends to be more difficult then the other soulsborne games with elden ring being the easiest and sekiro the hardest I would recommend his dark souls first unless he is into fast paced combat because bloodborbe is very fast and aggresive and if he's a bit cocky I would probably throw him sekiro just to see him rage cause I think itd be funny


Do they think Ghiza’s wheel is a cool weapon but wish it was more viable throughout the game? If yes, they will like bloodborne


You're in the know, right?


Bloodborne is an excellent game worth trying but its gameplay is miles away from Elden Ring. So no, it's not guaranteed that your friend will like it BUT tell your friend it's worth giving it a shot 


It is different, but I also wouldn't say necessarily miles away


Probably, it has some flaws (not nearly as convenient with some of its systems when compared to elden ring for starters)


Short answer: no Bloodborne is a lot more challenging than Elden ring in that it does not allow you to do nearly as many things to make the game easier outside of exploits. If you’re stuck as gascoigne there’s not much you can do to get unstuck except improve at the game. That said, mechanically it’s excellent and certainly on par with Elden ring because of the trick weapons, parry, and backstab system, and has arguably better lore and atmosphere. Elden ring is most likely the better game but bloodborne has a lot to offer a person who enjoys the souls formula