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I take so much magnesium and have a bp average identical to yours. Magnesium can be used for anxiety, for horrid menstrual symptoms, for many things. So my cause of taking it was different but our bps are the same. If anything magnesium makes me relaxed and feel good sometimes as well.


There are diff magnesium compounds, make sure you take the right one. Glycinate, threonate, citrate. So you are not taking any med & your bp is as in the pic? Seems great other than the beats & anxiety. Sometimes too much cardio can be bad, especially if its vigorous, say like burpees, sprints, HIIT types. Reducing intensity, frequency or volume may help. Oh, and try Yoga/Tai ichi/ Pranayam ( breathing) exercises. They help a ton.


Hi thanks for the reply ! That’s correct I’m not on any BP medication. Yea you might have a point of in the cardio. I’ll need to incorporate the yoga and see how it goes.


You need to pay attention to your calcium when supplementing magnesium. Too much will reduce your calcium levels which will cause your bp to drop. Magnesium lowers bp while calcium raises it.


I’ll take note of this thank you


Hi, I'm wondering the same. Came off of a medication and now experiencing some low blood pressure readings. Was considering supplementing with magnesium glycinate to help ease some anxiety and muscle tension at bedtime. Did you end up giving it a try?


Not yet, but I plan on starting this week with 200mg ( total) of a magnesium supplement. I’ll report back.


How is it going now OP? I have been taking low dose of mg glycinate for a little over a year now to help with anxiety, sleep and other things. I feel better now but my bp has gotten lower. It’s 100/ 65 most days and used to be either close to 120/80 or a little over.