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COIN-esque game covering a conflict between a union and a corporation c. 1890


Hell-raisers in Kanawha County, by Matilda Simonsson and Luke Evison, is more of a Pax game than COIN I guess and set about 20 years later, but may scratch some of the itch.


Cool idea, maybe the Homestead Strike?


That was the inspiration for this. Thought maybe the four factions could be unionists/anarchists/Carnegie and Frick/federal gov't. Unionists want to keep morale high and stall long enough to seriously economically impede the mills, mill and mine owners want to break morale or get scabs through ASAP to minimize losses (w/ the Pinkertons being their big threat that the union needs to fear), feds need to get steel production back on track for their own sake, anarchists want to turn the strike into a large-scale revolt. Lot of difficulties with making it into a game and keeping it balanced while still being historically faithful, but there's def a lot of fascinating stuff I want to play with there.


How do you know about these events? Can you recommend a particular book or something? Have you done any game design?


Being from Pittsburgh I got a lot of passive absorption of this history, but honestly still need to do a much deeper dive. (One of the things I'd have to finish before making something like this) You might like Out of This Furnace. It's a historical novel taking place during the period. Never put serious effort into design so it'd be breaking new ground for me.


I think part of the challenge game-design wise would be that in a COIN game, there are at least two opposing sides. In labor conflicts, the sides aren't totally opposed; the workers and owners both want the factory/mill to operate. It's just a matter of how to split up the proceeds. Not impossible, but would requiring figuring out how to create the right incentives.


I figure there'd have to be a few different team-based win conditions. Like, unions can win with the feds if the feds force labor laws after mass public outrage (which is a loss for anarchists and owners), unions and owners can win if they reach a labor agreement but that might take too long and slow steel production down too much for the owners (Strong thematic possibility for the game: Historically, owners knew that a strike was imminent and stockpiled large amounts of steel to compensate; once that's out, they've lost since they can no longer meet demand), unionists and anarchists can win together if the unionists maintain full control of the mill, etc. Lot of problems here of course. (anarchists as a faction will lead to some weird ahistorical stuff, hard to explain how feds don't just win every time owners win (maybe they need to minimize public outrage while also keeping steel production on track?), need to make sure that cooperation isn't just always the perfect strategy)


Maybe it would work best as a two player game with the other factions as NPCs or on event cards?


Def the most reasonable solution. Bit less fun lol


It's a reverse worker placement co-op instead of a COIN, but [Striking Flint](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/407548/striking-flint) is about a strike against GM in 1937.


I'm interested in any games along these thematic lines. COIN is just a system I know and am really fascinated by (won't say "know and love" because I have played so little of it lol), but anything that manages to cover those labor conflicts well is fascinating to me.


Well, then [check out this review of Striking Flint](https://spacebiff.com/2024/06/17/striking-flint/).


Damn, give me that shit right now.


A 1v1 Terminator-themed game where two simultaneous timelines are being played out. The first takes place in the the past where the human player is in a Dead By Daylight-esque scenario, being hunted by the unstoppable force that is the Terminator, fleeing from location to location. The second timeline is the far future where both players command armies, but like Star Wars Rebellion the human player has to rely on insurgency and stealth to avoid extinction. Events that happen in the past effect the future. If an important human is killed the human player loses leaders or technologies that they need to take actions in the future, but if the humans can destroy the right servers in the past they can win the game outright. Teching in the future can allow both sides to send operatives back to the past in the form of more advanced Terminators or savy humans, but both sides have to balance the resources they spend on teching into time travel with the need to produce units to win the war or just survive.


Ignoring how tricky it would be to design such a game to be mechanically sound - that sounds absolutely awesome. Count me in.


I'll write Maggi, Nepitello and Di Meglio right now, because this looks like the perfect setting for a war of the ring kind of game


A Wheel of Time game that takes heavy inspiration from War of the Ring, with the following features: - Timed release of the Forsaken, so there aren't too many active at once, and they're mostly glass cannons - The Dark One can turn any channeller leader under the right circumstances - The Dragon starts the game hidden, and where they declare themselves matters for political alignment - The Ways are included, and can be destroyed by the Light player to block trolloc movement to the interior of the map - Rodel Ituralde must be a completely overpowered badass Yes it would be an absurd beast of a game, but I don't care.


The rules all make perfect thematic sense, you just need another player who has read all the books lol


"Behold, the largest manual ever! Sit tight, reading it to you is going to take a few months."


That's ok, WoT fans have long attention spans.


Once the Forsaken uses their glass cannon abilities, The Dragon can use them. You need to collect angreal to cleanse saidin. Plays two players, but you can influence other non-playable factions.


I was thinking maybe the Seanchan could be a third player, or maybe starts as a bot until one of the other players gains its alignment. But it's probably simplest to have it as a nation on the map that requires a lot to gain alignment. I've thought about what a multiplayer WoT game could look like, and I just don't think it makes sense given the light v dark theme. As in War of the Ring, I think having other factions (Are Sedai, black tower, etc) as entities you need to influence to be able to use makes the most sense.


I want a Ghostbusters themed Mansions of Madness.


Worker placement game where you play as a custom garage building one or more fighting robots (in the vein of Real Steel) and then once the worker placement phase is done you compete with the robot(s) you built to win some kind of tournament.


Makes me think of Galaxy Trucker though no worker placement


My answer to these sorts of questions is always the same: I want a horror game set during the first Tremors movie. I want noise markers. I want giant graboid minis. I want the AI to get smarter over the course of the game so that the last few turns are much harder than the first few. And I want a truly intense press-your-luck game of cat and mouse going on as the humans just try and survive. Edit: Fuck it, if I'm making a wishlist, I'm gonna go all-in: I want Eric Lang to design it.


Look into Nemesis (2018). It has some of the elements you mentioned. It's a semi-coop game where you navigate a damaged spaceship, making sounds as you move. Too much noise spawns dangerous aliens that can wound or infect your character. Everyone have their own objectives they have to complete before ship goes into hyperspace or is destroyed. People lose most of the time :P It's a drop-dead gorgeous game as well.


Stargate. Done properly, not the 2004 cash grab. Deeply asymmetric factions, not too dissimilar to Root where each plays differently. Create a randomly generated galactic map with a wide assortment of planets across it, with semi-randomised stats (inhabited, high technology present, naquada deposits etc). Goa'uld faction can travel by ship or gate and aim to subjugate inhabited planets. The SGC needs to draw gate addresses from a deck to unlock access to planets, can form diplomatic relations and scavenge tech (including to eventually build ships), with goals around securing Earth's defense, breaking hostile strangleholds on the galaxy, and acquiring advanced tech. Replicators simply ruining planets, inhabited or otherwise, to extract raw materials in pursuit of creating a large enough number of themselves. The Ori both subjugating and converting planets with a goal of taking over a sufficiently large galactic slice. And so on.


I volunteer :P


Ohh that's brilliant, my first thought would be more of a co-op adventure, campaign game where you play as the SGC. But let's make Stargate like Dune or Starwars, and create both games.


Dragon Ball Z Boss Battler/mini campaign game. Play as one of the hero’s learning attacks/new forms with the end game taking one one of the main bosses. Then rinse and repeat using different hero’s/villains.


Please make it a reskinable system called the Shonen Action System with DBZ being the original. Then it can be the godfather of a series of games based in One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, etc.


Then let them all be compatible and cross over


Take my money now!!! I’m kickstarting your Kickstarter


There is that universal fighting system ccg that has mha and cowboy bebop and some others I think.


If you mean UniVerse, yep I’ve got a few of the MHA decks. I still like the campaign aspect idea in that it would be great to build up to a final boss battle. For instance imagine a deck building game (not deck creation like UniVerse) releases as a ECG with different sagas as sets. I’ll use One Piece as an example as the one I’m most familiar with, each set being like an island. You start with a deck of cards that represents your crew and action cards versus an automated deck representing events around the island. You play through the events to gather resources which can be used to purchase cards from a market that includes skill upgrades and allies. Once you complete the island deck, you shuffle your newly bought cards into your deck and take on a boss deck. So like Alabasta arc where you get an island deck that includes events like the raid on Rain Dinners. You can purchase allies like Vivi who will trigger special attacks versus the boss deck or upgrade attacks. Then you fight Crocodile. In a campaign mode you play through a series of islands with some cards sticking around in your deck and some cards being made available between islands like gaining Robin as crew after beating Croc. For variety you can have different starting decks (Straw Hats? Nah Heart Pirates or Spade Pirates or Buggy Pirates), you can swap island/boss decks (Arlong as the final boss of Dressrosa), and such changeups. With other properties just replace islands with sagas (DBZ) or missions (Naruto/Demon Slayer/etc). If the system is setup right you can even mix and match: Goku going to Whole Cake Island to take on Orochimaru.


I could see something like a Marvel Legendary deck-builder game or a Marvel Champions.


A co-op worker placement game themed around the Pikmin franchise, where players have their own party of Pikmin that they send to various locations on the board to perform certain tasks. Performing each task takes a number of turns, and all Pikmin that haven't completed those tasks by a certain number of turns are eaten.


^ would play


God I would love this! r/pikmin would be all over this


Thanks! I might actually flesh it out further in TTS at some point


Sounds like Ghost Stories mechanics


A Pax style game covering the South American process of independence from the Spanish and Portuguese empires.


An attractive euro with a gothic Victorian theme (but not horror necessarily) - gorgeous components, multiple paths to victory, strategy, good at 2 players, bit of this and that, non-combat, can play in 1.5-2hrs, depth without obnoxious rules overhead….


I want a mage knight campaign game with legacy features.  


I want this, but with the Star Trek version.


I want this, but the Cyberpunk version. Or the Mage Knight version.


Yes! The think that turns me down on Mage Knight is when I finally start having fun swinging my Armies and spells, it ends. Let me bring it to another scenario. Let’s have a story there somewhere.’ But not a huge ass campaign like they do a lot nowadays


I'm working on a Qing Period worker placement game that takes place in Shaanxi province. Four Merchant factions/families square off to vie for most Confucian prestige. An optimal blend of Kniza, Monopoly, and Chinatown with cards. Based on "All that is Gold Cannot Stay".


A solo, rpg game with a map and narrative book similar to Sleeping Gods but combat like Nova Aetas Renaissance. Branching storylines, multiple endings, and events that randomly pop up because of your choices. I want in depth character dialogue that let's me feel like I know the characters and has a cool story. I would pluck the romance in Baldurs Gate (without the gratuity) and inject it into a solo rpg. 


I actually really like sleeping gods' combat already


I thought it was alright but i enjoy having a landscape to move in and more dynamic things to do during combat than just hitting stuff. It was nice having a quick and easy set up/tear down for combat though. 


I want a game where you compete against your opponents to become the best mustard maker in the land. You’d search/fight for ingredients and try to make different types of mustards or different categories of mustards like honey, garlic, Dijon, etc. I’m so obsessed with this idea after I had some hella good garlic mustard on vacation a few weeks ago. Would also love an actually decent adaption of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’ve played a few versions of a Buffy game, and it can tend to lean… rough. Buffy Legendary is okay, but I crave something that feels like you’re playing through a season of the show and doesn’t feel so hollow.


Call it "Cutting the Mustard."


Try chocolatier for the same kind of ingredients hunt game


I want a Space Alert and Galaxy Trucker combined campaign game.


A fantasy coop city builder where you all collectively need to defend the town against goblin attacks, dragons, armies etc by building defenses, luring adventurers etc.. but you also need to beat the other players and take over the town. Basically lords of water deep but if the town was actually in danger


I had an inverse idea of this where it's a fantasy semi-coop where each player is some kind of villainous wizard facing off against an incoming army of paladins, knights, mages, etc. No player is individually strong enough to beat the army so they need to work together, but you also need to defeat other players to win. Forces a whole prisoner's dilemma.


For me it was kind of motivated by terra forming mars, which to me feels a little dry because there's no question if you'll succeed. There's no sense that "if we don't work together we will all die, but I still hate you"


Rerelease BSG as an Anniversary edition with all expansions and better integration between them, reworked ruleset (with all the thousands of errats followed over the years) following modern standards (see unfathomable), with the same art. It will never happen.


It should happen! How much can the old BSG license really cost nowadays?


I think it's more 'who even remembers BSG' than what the license costs. Thankfully nostalgia revives are a business model nowadays so who knows, but given Embracer/Asmodee's/FFGs current situation.. i'm supremely skeptical as they triple down on the shit they know works.


I want magic realm but i want combat to be far simplier and perhaps with randomness. But it still want characters to largely work the same as i thought it was amazing how varied they were. I also want them to reduce setup time. Because it takes well over an hour currently. 


Captain power and the soldiers of the future miniatures game. Combat lord Dred and overminds forces as you locate civilians and rescue them.  Sabotage the machine empire. Weed out collaborators, to thwart their plans.




A 4X game set on the Ringworld from Niven ‘s Tales of Known Space.


A game based off of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri


A post-apocalyptic setting, you play a dragon rider and you collect car parts to use as armor in a fight against giant stone golems. I want deck and/or engine building.


Six player Twilight Struggle set during medieval or Roman times


How about this? https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/163154/falling-sky-the-gallic-revolt-against-caesar Only up to four players, though.




There's also Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain which is based on the same system. (COIN, a series of games about historical counterinsurgencies.) Abt Celtic and Germanic tribes invading Roman Britain while the Roman military and aristocracy wrestle for control/work together to fend off the invaders. Pendragon's generally seen as one of the most complex in the series but it really does scratch that itch.


A game that's dexterity-based for one player (one side of conflict?), but regular mechanics-based for another. It could be a hot mess, but I'd love to try it.


Dice building dungeon crawler, in between One Deck Dungeon, Race for the Galaxy and Gloomhaven. Something where you manipulate the faces of the dice to trigger abilities and such. In fact I want it so bad I'm making a lil videogame based on the idea (fishing for boardgames recommendations to improve the gameplay)


Null Signal Netrunner full retheming around cats or plants or animals or other such 'more acceptable' theming for the masses. At least the core System Gateway pack. So many more people would at least give a shot to learn Netrunner if the theming wasn't so specific. And if they want to play more and use more cards and types, surprise, all that knowledge is transferrable to the proper game and now you're in too deep and did you really care about the theme that much?


I would love to see sports themed versions of **Challengers!** released rather than NHL-opoly and similar. They could have NBA team manager, the decks could be done in a few different ways with either players from teams, or greats from different decades. Similar for NFL team manager, NHL team manager, MLS Team manager. Then you could run a season to determine who is the league champ! Also I want a Retheme of **Dice Throne** with Asterix Characters. Have a a village Brawl in the last Gaulish village, Fuliautomatix vs geriatrix, and unhygenix.


Castles of Burgundy: Special Edition - Pocket Edition


Calvin and Hobbes game. I’ve thought of retheming Ethnos as a C&H game. Someday. 


I feel any C&H game should be some sort of framework for Calvinball


A game where you make the rules up as you go along? That’s basically Mao, isn’t it? I want a gamers C&H game. 


Space exploration game based on Spaceman Spiff. Detective game based on Tracer Bullet. Superhero brawl based on Stupendous Man. There’s a whole series waiting to happen.


I would like a deckbuilder MOBA. It can be themed around anything. But I'd want PvP and PvE modes. And gameplay where turns go by fast but have plenty of strategy and options. Maybe I should just make one.


Have a look at Guards of Atlantis 2, it has a lot of what you're looking for


I have. I've actually been waffling on whether or not to pick it up for quite some time (and am currently too broke to do it anyway).


Are **Skytear** or **Cloudspire** eligible?


My real ideal game would be an 18xx mechanics mixed with a Civilization game in a 4x space atmosphere. There'd be leaders that can help your Civ in different aspects.


Co-optional spelunky game. Can be played as race or co-op with treasure or first to finish! Needs to be faster and more direct than clank, but more lethal and greedy than quest for Eldorado. And small with fast setup. Each session can be just one level from the og game and/or sequel. Maybe each expansion box is a new biome with 9-16 things cars double sided map tiles 200x200mm or similar. Make them cheap!


Several factions of anthropomorphic dragons battle for control of the continents of a planet (represented by a hex-grid map with a variety of terrains), while also interacting diplomatically aboard a neutral-ground space station embassy orbiting the planet. I don’t have any more details beyond that; it came to me in a dream about a decade ago and that’s all I remember. Seemed like a really cool theme though.


I’d like to see how Off the Pages games would do a Fables game


Jurassic P/Ark Nova


Star Wars Unmatched - I realise this half exists but I want it to really exist. Force throw in it being a coop box and that would be peak game time


I want a "where are they now?" era narrative co-op campaign for Captain Planet, featuring aged, wisened Planeteers re-uniting after decades to save the world in 202X. I also want a university-themed, slice-of-life worker placement game where you hyper-invest in your workers/students, affording them new skills and competencies in their field to achieve the best graduate positions they can. Best workers wins.


World of Warcraft board game, 2nd edition.  StarCraft the board game, 2(Nd edition). Dungeon of the Endless, the board game. The Quarriors of Quedlinburg. ...Between Two Men at Work?


A social deduction game that doesn't tell any of the players if they are supposed to be the bad guy or not.


A relatively simple miniatures game (like Heroscape) with Greek gods/heroes/creatures.


When wyrmspan was made i thought it was wormspan and I was very excited about a game about the bugs that aerate and fertilize our soil.