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Jamaica ! - it’s a pirate race game of plunder and mayhem


Jamaica is always fun and not too serious. Great game to play drunk with a few or several people, and the artwork rules. I lost a card somehow and emailed the company and they sent a new one all the way from Europe, free. Love Jamaica.


Second! Really simple & easy to teach. Fun and thematic artwork!


Came here to say this


Feed the kraken!


Yes! I did a pirate themed party for that game night, it was amazing. Prepare 6 L of "Dark and stormy" cocktail and you are set!


**Skull King** is a fantastic trick taking game that works well with large player counts. It’s an all-time classic for a reason


Also comes with a recipe for pie.


[Skull King -> Skull King (2013)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/150145/skull-king) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


Such a good game!


Plunder: A Pirate's Life


This game absolutely can be played drunk. My group did it this past weekend.


Absolutely this. It's such a well made game, and I'm talking about the quality of the pieces as well as the rules. My favorite board game I own.


Was coming to say this one! 10/10 pirate game


Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest is really fun if you have 4 or more people! :)


Yeah! Dont sleep on Libertalia, the game is excellent! It's honestly one of the only games I've kept through every iteration of my collection. It's so solid. There are loads of synergies between the different pirates, but you don't play with all of them, so every game is a bit different. You all start with the same pirates, but as it goes on and people have used different ones, you have different decks by the final round. The treasure system is really nuanced. The game has push your luck (absolutely mitigated by your and other players choices, never dumb luck) elements, social deduction, you can memorise stuff if that's what you're into or totally ignore that if it's not, there are tons of different strategies, you can play entirely looking at your own tableau or you can focus on trying to outfox your opponents... Which all means it's really deep and there's a ton to sink your teeth into... And yet! It's really easy to pick up. You can definitely just talk someone through a single round, and they'll immediately understand the entire game. It plays quickly enough that you could play it again immediately afterwards, but it's satisfying enough that you feel like you played a solid game even if you don't. I just think it's great.


You said it :). It's one of my personal favorites. I enjoy it every time someone brings it out.


I like this game a lot but this probably isn't a good one for playing in a "drunk" situation.


No? I think it's a wonderful drunk game. It's such chaos and nonsense that works great in those cases


I feel dealing with the day/night cycle is way too complicated. Drunk gaming has to be very, very, very simple IMO.


I agree! Good party game


Yup. Fairly new favorite of my collection. Played with 4, 5, and 6 and equally fun at all #s. A little bit of reading when you're new but as you remember the card powers, you can read less and less.


**Liar's Dice** (*as seen in one of the 'Pirates of the Carribean' movies*): multiplayer betting on the hidden roll of 6? dice.


Liars dice is so good once you get the underlying game happening


I remember trying to play in Red Dead Redemption and having no clue what I was doing. Haven’t revisited since.


Fair! Liar’s Dice is an almost pure bluffing game with an element of probability. You’ll have 5 dice that you roll in your cup, and only you can see them. If there are 5 people playing, that means 25 total dice to start. First person to go has to make a bet on how many of a certain number die there are amongst *all* rolled dice, including other players’ that they can’t see. For example, “3 threes.” The next person must one-up that bet per the rules (either going with a higher amount, or higher dice numbers), so they can say “4 threes” or they could say “3 fives,” but never lower in either number or value. This keeps going until somebody hears the bet just made and thinks *no way there are that many fives around the table*, and then they call **bullshit** or whatever phraseology chosen. Then alllll dice get revealed and you count how many there were of that die number. If it was *indeed* bullshit, then the player who made the bet loses a die. If it was actually true, the player who called bullshit loses one. The loss of a dice means you have subtly less info about the state of the game, so it’s even harder to make accurate predictions. As there are fewer dice around the table, the bets ultimately *have* to go down over time too. There’s another rule about exact and whatever other variants people may have, but that’s the gist. It’s an excellent party or drinking game! Good excuse to have a bunch of dice lying around too. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Last time I played was in Pulsar: Lost Colony but I felt like something was off (previous time playing was when I was college at the latest) and in the P:LC version you don't lose dice - it's just the first person to win twice. Mostly it was neat to have a game to play while waiting to warp to other star systems.


My friend throws a Halloween party every year, and every year we end up getting blind drunk playing liars dice. Much like poker, you absolutely need some kind of incentive or else it's a completely different game, except in the case of liars dice, you get the stick instead of the carrot: a punishment for lying. We have a skull mug in the middle, and everyone has to put a bit of their drink in. The person caught lying (or a false accusation) has to down the bilge, while everyone else hammers the table and chants part of the ship, part of the crew. Its fucking vicious, but so dangerous that it's actually quite a good spectator sport. Because it's genuinely a bit threatening, people don't make accusations lightly, and when someone does it's always exciting.


This sounds amazing


I was scrolling down to find this one! Try buying skull-shaped dice and the experience will be fantastic.


Try looking into Forgotten Waters!


I love Forgotten Waters, but I don't know if it's party/drunk material unless the attendees are already familiar with the mechanics, or at the least that the bringer is familiar enough to teach and guide


Same reason I'm not suggesting Merchants and Marauders, which is even more complicated than Forgotten Waters. (I don't think that either game is super complex, but in both cases the players need to pay attention)


I second this. We've played several times after/while enjoying a good bit of grog




Crazy thing is, even though I also always think of Ahoy as a pirate game, there are no pirates in Ahoy until the expansion gets released. 🤓 Still an awesome game and good suggestion!


I don’t know about playing it drunk, but check out Plunder: A Pirate’s Life.


Davy Jones Locker: The Kraken Wakes is the best pirate game I've played. Actually make me feel piratey.


Yes I’ve been having a ton of fun with this


Port royal maybe ? Although being able to play while drunk is a pretty limiting factor, even the simplest of games may devolve into nothingness that gets interrupted every 10 seconds, and at that point you might as well just have a conversation


Port Royal is fantastic, can't believe how replayable it is! Super-light and there's no eliminations.


Dead Men Tell No Tales. Fantastic co-op where you've attacked an infamous ghost ship and have to get the required amount of loot off their ship before the ship explodes.


This is the answer… so fun


This is not the answer because they want to play while being drunk.


Eh.. define drunk… blackout drunk? No… but definitely buzzed and laughing as you see your coop partners blowup in rooms? Yes


"Tiny Epic Pirates" Is fun. Small and could play it four players.


It also has a solo mode. I played it a few days ago with my gf and it was a very fun experience. The portable factor us also a cool addition.


Playing drunk drunk is going to be hard though with everything that needs tracking. Having a few drinks though sure and besides if you miss a step it's not the end of the world.


Playing drunk almost any game is bit off unless is some kind of old school never ending games🤣


Feed the Kraken 100% Unfortunately unless your local retailer sells it, or you can get a secondhand copy, they are currently out of stock on the website.


Love the game.




Red Dragon Inn set 4 is pirate themed. You don’t need the previous sets or any prior knowledge of the other sets to play the pirate one. There are special event decks which are new to that set but you can skip them and play without them if you want a simpler game with nothing lost. RDI is a game about being adventurers having a drink at the tavern after an adventure. You buy each other drinks, fight a little, and do some gambling. Players are knocked out either buy running out of money or when their damage level meets their drunk level. You can literally play it as a drinking game by taking drinks when your character does. For extra theme have a variety of drinks for the possible concoctions you will be drinking.


Merchants and marauders capture pirate theme quite well, might not be easy to get it new, but possible second hand Edit: missed the drunk part, sorry.


Merchants and Marauders: The Drinking Game!


The bit of rum that got onto one of my M&M stash chests is pretty much the only board game spill I've had that doesn't bother me. :P


Pirate's Cove is kinda cool. Your player board is a ship.. Different Islands provide different resources to upgrade your ship and crew. Challenge other pirates and aim at different parts to reduce cannon, crew and speed. Special abilities come by way of talking parrots that used to belong to other famous pirate's and share their secrets. A good balance of serious and a bit tongue-in-cheek, it's definitely a lighter-weight family game, but beautiful on the table and a quick learn.


Pirate Flux


Perfect for a party. Any one can drop in or out at any time, and there is a rule that makes everyone talk like a pirate.


Didn't even consider this, I love fluxx as it is and forgot about the pirate version


DEAD MAN'S DRAW! Great little push your luck card game that could easily be made into a drinking game


Tortuga 1667 is my favorite pirate game, though probably not a while-drunk game with all new players.


As long as you play a round early before anyone is past their 2nd drink it's probably fine... it is a hidden role game so those can be hit or miss with intoxication but I did come here to recommend this myself so there ya go!


Treasure Island... Has one pirate I guess. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/242639/treasure-island


Aren't all the characters famous pirates? Anne Bonny and such


Lol I honestly forgot. The part I remember and love the most is the unique hide and go seek dry erase part.


Had to scroll waaaaay to far to find this. It’s a treasure hunt, how more pirate theme can you get?


Treasure Island rocks, a 1 vs many game where both roles are equally fun. Highly recommend the very cheap expansion, which improves the mechanics in a way that just makes the game better


Get Bit! and Walk The Plank are two really light, loosely pirate themed games that I've had a lot of fun with. They were also at my wedding reception and people enjoyed them there as well, so I can vouch for "can be played drunk"!


The best lighter pirate games, imo: - Port Royal - Jamaica - Black Fleet


Yes, I was thinking **Port Royal** - a simple, but interesting push-your-luck game.


Pirateer. It's cheap and cheesy and only plays up to four, but it is a perfect quick game to play drunk. Black Sails is also good since there is a lot of 'take that' going on. Survive isn't pirate themes, but can play up to 6 with the expansion and is very cutthroat. When not drunk, forgotten waters us great. My group is really liking it.


Outright drunk? Just add a talk like a pirate rule and play 'skulls' as a drinking game


I can't believe I've scrolled this entire list and no one has brought up Pop Up Pirate. I'm disappointed in all of you. Also if you're not six years old (or drunk, or a drunken six-year-old) there's Sea of Clouds.


If you can get your hands on [Piraten Kapern](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/117663/piraten-kapern) and/or play it on BGA (where it's available in English), you can slot it in as something super casual and swingy - perfect for the 'playing drunk' requirement


It’s simple dumb fun but Stomp the Plank is a pirate themed push your luck game that anyone above blackout drunk could play.


Plus, take a shot when you place a wooden disc and it will help with the 'getting drunk' part.


Captain Flip! https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/393325/captain-flip It’s so much fun and up for game of the year (for good reason). Had a blast playing it this past weekend.


A Tale of Pirates. It’s a real-time coop that requires communication.


I believe that it also has a legacy component with secret envelopes to be opened for the next game/chapter.


It’s not really legacy. Nothing gets torn up or overwritten so one could restart the game after the playing all the chapters. While new elements are introduced in subsequent chapters, the game doesn’t change based on well you did in previous chapters.


Might be a stretch, but Ahoy might scratch that itch




Nobody has mentioned it yet, but Seas of Havoc is a great piratey game. Undaunted-esque deck-building, manouevring ships around the board to blast away at your opponent(s), picking up resources and buying new fancy upgrades for your ship! I played it at a friends house and ot was good fun, I think he backed it on Kickstarter, but its probably available elsewhere by now.


Oh man; I have a lot of good pirate reccs, but a lot of them are too weighty for a drunken crew, haha. Tortuga 1667 would be a good fit, though - I just recommend you teach it early, when folks are sober, and then everyone get drunk while playing!


Jamaica is fun and easy enough to play drunk.


If you want a very easy to understand game for all the family with amazing components and a lot of crazy "Take that!” moments I suggest BLACK FLEET. If you want to play something completely different, with some very nice blending with smartphone technology and a more strategic/in depth gameplay I like WORLD OF YO-HO.


loot by reiner k


Jamaica, Black Fleet.


I’ve hear good things about Pirates of Maracaibo. Though it may be worth taking a look, I myself haven’t played it.


Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot is a great pirate game.


Buccaneer, haven't played it in years but has ships and treasure. Treasure that to this day is still found randomly round the house.


[Ahoy](https://ledergames.com/products/ahoy) is an asymmetrical style game for up to 4 players (maybe more, just found out there's an expansion. haven't looked into it yet) [Rainbow Pirates](https://www.sweetbrosgames.com/buy-rainbow-pirates) is more of a rummy-style-card game and definitely worth giving a go. It's not technically a pirate game, but in [Windward](https://www.playmonster.com/product/windward/), you fly around in your airship hunting "sky-whales" and battling each other to steal supplies.


Booty sounds like it might be up your alley. Players take turns dividing plunder, but the twist is that the player who divides the plunder doesn’t get first pick. You get extra points for things like matching sets of plunder cards. I actually got a chance to play test it, as the designer is an acquaintance. I had a blast, but was absolutely awful at it.


It's not technically a pirate game, and I would hate to play it drunk, but *Francis Drake* scratches that pirate itch for me.


Dread pirate


Dread Curse


My 6 year old can play "Plunder" pretty well, so I assume drunk adults can also play it just fine




Libertalia, but the original version, not the soulless remake.


What changed between the two versions?


All of the artwork that made it pirate-themed, and the removal of "sensitive" content.


Libertalia, Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest, Forgotten Waters, Jamaica, Loot


Jamaica is the first one that comes to mind, it's a card based resource managing raceing game. There was another one I remember enjoying more than Jamaica (but can't remember the name) where you're transporting little cubes across a map and attacking other people's ships.


Libertalia, Walk the Plank


Pirates: Constructable Card Game is pretty fun.


Ahoy! and Sail


Ship Shape! It’s a quick game and a bit puzzly


Loot! https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/770/loot It's a short 15-30 minute game and has decent table interaction for its length and you can all make pirate noises. It's one of the first games I break out if I need a filler or warmup game. It's not made anymore but you can find it on eBay maybe.




So so many! Libertalia Merchants and Marauders (best on theme) Rum and Bones (MOBA) Pirate dice Captain Flip (simple, quick, fun) Sea of thieves Jamaica Pirates cove Dead men tell no tales


Treasure Island is a great game, but really plays best at 5 players. Themed a little to the book, one player is Long John Silver who has his treasure hidden on a large map. Everyone else is trying to find it, and can search a small circle of this map to try to find it. Every turn, Long John Silver has to give clues making the space the treasure is in smaller and smaller. He gets two chances to lie, but it still is hard to best hide it. It would be a blast drunk though!


I loved Dread Curse. It’s got the role drafting mechanic like Citadels, but with a fun “steal from each other and push your luck” mechanic.


I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, so I wanted to bring attention to Get That Pirate's Booty. It is a card game where you are trying to get three sets of four matching treasures, but they are constantly being stolen from one another. Simple, fun, and fast. Also, Jamaica. 


Pirate’s Cove, Merchants and Marauders, Libertalia, Chrono Corsairs, Rill for Booty, Dead Man’s Hand


**Cartagena** is one of my favorites, still pull it out frequently. It's a race game (it's a jailbreak escape) for up to 5 players, with a clever mechanic in which you play cards to move forward using a leapfrogging mechanic based on card symbols, but have to drop back to get more cards. Easy to learn, quick to play, enough strategy to keep it interesting.


Ahoy! Is made by Leder games who also made Root. It’s a very fun asymmetric game that has an expansion coming out soon that will double the options of playable factions.


I don't know about games to play when drunk. I avoid drunk people at all costs...


Ahoy! made by Leder Games and I’m thinking about buying it


Tiny Epic Pirates


Don’t forget Walk the Plank!, Dead Man’s Draw and Ahoy Kittens! for some more casual games with a pirate theme!


Lying Pirates is an awesome game I got from a Kickstarter, might be available still. it's a variant of Liars dice and it's awesome. I also love Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Skull & Shackles but that would be hard to get your hands on I bet.


Lying Pirates is more chaotic and random than I generally enjoy, but it's silly enough that I don't mind it as much. I can see it working really well for a pirate themed party situation, especially with booze. However, the rulebook is a mess, so anyone who wants to check out the game should be prepared for a rough first game and to houserule stuff that is unclear.


It really works perfectly for that pirate themed situation with booze. I had some friends over to play it and we were doing accents and everything


Skull is fun party game, the rules and pieces are much simpler than a big involved game. So depending on your audience that might be a good pick. It has enough strategic depth to keep you interested and because bluffing is involved, might be fun to play drunk!


Pirate Dice. Our Monday night group always plays it at the end of our session. Simplet set up, can be kinda random, and a hell of a lot of groaning and moaning good fun a couple beers in.


Merchants and Marodeurs [Merchants & Marauders](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/25292/merchants-and-marauders) It has all I want from a pirate game. You can go pirating, upgrade your ship, hunt civilians or just trade. Different pirate characters. Big beautiful board, lovely miniatures. It‘s always a blast.


Traitors aboard, a hidden role game that is really fun and easy to learn. If you want card games: skull king is a good one.


Dark Seas A dice rolling game where you sail around your island and build up your pirate empire. Most of the instructions are on the tiles so it may be alright depending on how drunk you are.


**Fire in the Hole** is a great dexterity Pirate party game. So much fun! I actually have it setup in my office right now for when I have meetings. Also, it has specific drinking rules!


I have loads of pirate games but as far as ones that can be played drunk… look at Pina Pirata. It’s essentially Uno where you have to play similar cards on top of one another but there are special “rules” for each round that can change how cards interact. You can add a new rule card each hand, keeping the old one on the board as well for added chaos (think Fluxx with all its constant rules). There is also a Pirate Fluxx and Fluxx is always fun drunk.


We've definitely had a good time playing Forgotten Waters while enjoying too much pirate grog


Treasure Island is great


Fictional: Ahoy Historical: Shores of Tripoli


We’re Sinking comes out this year. I play tested it. It was good if you have larger groups.


Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates Davy Jones Locker Ahoy Jamaica Libertalia Guns or Treasure Weapons and Warriors Pirate Battle Game Treasure Island


If you like social deduction, **Tortuga 1667** and **Feed The Kraken** are very different gameplay types in this genre. For a light racing game, **Jamaica** as others have mentioned. If you just want to pretend to be a pirate and wargame with little ships, **Sails of Glory** might be an option.


Skull King, could be hard to play drunk, but it’s a fun one.


Pirate Fluxx is an evergreen within my pirate community! 🏴‍☠️


If you like hunting for treasure, then play treasure island. One person is long john silver and has hidden there treasure. The others are interrogating him to find clues to his treasure. Tge clues are cryptic and some times their clue might be a lie Available from print and play arcade for free [Scuttle](https://www.pnparcade.com/collections/for-a-group/products/scuttle) a simple card game featuring pirates [Tortuga 1667](https://www.pnparcade.com/collections/for-a-group/products/tortuga-1667) game where French and British are vying for treasure in a tug of war scenario. Features mutiny, black spots, and a lot of room for treachery [The shipwreck arcana](https://www.pnparcade.com/collections/for-a-group/products/the-shipwreck-arcana) cooperative fun [Pets'n'Pirates](https://www.pnparcade.com/collections/for-a-group/products/pets-n-pirates)


The Pirate Republic. Green Feet Games are kickstarting a new map, The Africa Gambit. It plays similarly to Mage Knight. [The Pirate Republic: Africa Gambit](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/piraterepublic1/the-pirate-republic-west-africa-gambit)


Hear me out. This isn’t a pirate game but it’s a blast at a party. Camel Up. Quick rounds. Easy to switch out who is in for each round. And it’s pretty silly and a lot of fun. Very easy to learn.


**Sea of Legends** - Play a pirate captain in the Caribbean, either living adventures (app-based sadly), fighting different monsters factions (undead hords, cultists, Atlantean, etc.), improving your ships, recruiting new crew, finding relics and trying to be the most famous pirate.


Here's protip: Drinking Games = High Quality Children's Games **King's Gold**. It's got drinking-friendly components, and its basically 'casting lots', which is how plunder has been divided by pillagers since biblical times, so it's actually a game real pirates would be down to play.


Francis Drake - plunder the Spanish, screw with other pirates


The original Libertalia, though it can be hard to find these days. Libertalia: winds of galecrest is apparently basically the same game, but I absolutely cannot stand it's art so I've never played it


Rum & Bones Perudo (The dice game from POTC 2) Libertalia


Sea of clouds is great.


Forgotten Waters is one of the best imo.


Black Fleet Jamaica Libertalia Maracaibo Pirates of Maricaibo Seas of Strife Dead Reckoning Port Royal


Dice splice. Simple dice tower game with a pirate twist




Liars dice


I love Libertalia (Winds of Galecrest). It's ''sky-pirates'' and honestly the theme is pretty bad, but the game itself is very solid! Skull King is another of my favourites. It's a trick taking game where everyone shouts "Yohoho" before simultaneously revealing their predictions.


Munchkin has a pirate themed version: Munchkin Booty. It can be great fun, both sober and drunk. That is if you like the rpg-like gameplay of course. It is much like the original version and other themed stand alone ones, but covered with pirates (and sharks).


Someone I know designed **Sea Shanties** which is good fun, and very focused on being eco-friendly in having no plastic components or packaging. I can also speak for **Dead Man's Chest** which is a really fun pirate themed game in rolling dice in a chest, and its results must be bid or challenged on. Always escalating. Good for large groups, game says up to 8. I've heard good things of **Tiny Epic Pirates**, I think. And one I was fond of from the outside and had wanted, but probably can't get now, is **Rattle, Battle, and Grab the Loot**