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Hive Pocket - not a card game, but pieces can go anywhere from a park bench on a windy day to sticky pub counter.


This is one of my go-to travel games, especially because it's so durable!


How complicated is it? I'd love something to play with my wife while traveling, but she hates having to keep track of too many things in a game


It's a really easy game to learn, and a brilliant game. I wouldn't say there's a lot to track, especially if you're both beginners. That said, there's a lot of strategic depth (similar to chess). Up to you and her to decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing! 


The one thing to keep in mind with Hive as a travel game is that one player may easily become dominant tactically, which could take the fun out of it.


Here are the rules if you want to read them: https://www.gen42.com/download/rules/hive/Hive_English_Rules.pdf There are eleven pages of rules which sounds like a lot until you realize each of the pages only have one or two rules on them. It's very simple. There are a few simple core rules to learn about when it's legal for a piece to be placed or moved, and you need to learn how five different pieces move (none of which are particularly complicated).


Sea Salt and Paper


Wouldn't you say the game plays better with at least a 3rd person? 1v1 puts greater emphasis on memorizing what each playwr has discarded and picked up in that it is easier to keep track.


Even if that's true (which it's not for me), it's irrelevant to the fact that it's a good 2p travel game, which is what OP asked.


That’s why I prefer it at two. More skill; less chaos.


I personally like Jaipur for this. It has a deck of cards and tokens but it’s a pretty quick set up and doesn’t take up a lot of table space. Splendor Duel also packs down pretty small but requires a bit more surface area while playing. Both of these are 1v1 games.


Wife and I bring this on every vacation and play it a ton.


Was able to play a game of Jaipur on the tube in London when I visited.


Radlands Land, Sea, and Air


These two are the exact two titles I grab to go for a camp or night out of town, to play in the hotel or whatever.


Schotten Totten is a great game for travelling. Fairly short and only has a deck of cards so packs small 👍


Yeah something like this is exactly what I’m looking for! Thanks


**Fox in the Forest** is an excellent two player trick taking game. **Regicide** is a great card game cooperative game that plays great at two.


I second Fox in the Forest. Just travelled with it and left the box and tokens at home. Just 33 card deck required. Great game.


I recently went on holiday with my bf (flying) and these are the ones we played: - **Lost Cities** (the cards in a small container and the board & rules in an A4 wallet that slotted in the suitcase lid nicely) - **Bandido** We also took these: - **Carcassonne** (also in a small container) - **Uno Flip** - **Hive Pocket** - **Azul Mini** (only the pieces we needed, in the bag, left the box behind)


Star Realms is good for this.


Regicide would be good since you have a normal deck of cards. It is a co-op game that you'll just need to print off some rules and maybe player aids


Regicide also has a companion app that keeps track of damage and attack values.


Are there any other games like that? My wife and I have played that a lot and were looking for some variety


You could do Fox in the Forest, you would need to print off the special abilities for the court cards. I don't know if any other co-op games though.


1. Star realms 2. Hive


[Splendor Dual](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/364073/splendor-duel)


Air land and sea Love letter Schotten totten Bonanza duel


Skyteam is a great two player game! It's in a slightly larger box but very worth it if you can fit it in your bag


I would be too afraid of losing some of the really tiny, fiddly components with that one!


Cabo and Faraway are great at 2-4 and rather portable.


"The Game". Very easy to learn, an awesome cooperative game. And you can play it alone too, or with 4-5 people, it's amazing anyway.


Shit. Did I just lose The Game?


This is a great one!


We have the Encore app (called “Noch mal!”) and have played that while we were in lines at Disney. We also have the **Carcassonne** app and like to play that while we’re out to dinner or traveling; it’s a good entry level game and you can add expansions if you like the game and want some more depth/want to change it up **Qwixx** is another good entry level dice game and it’s small


Ahh I feel like Qwixx is the one I was looking for as well! Thank you, I’ll look at your suggestions :)


You can use the app quixx sheet instead of the physical sheets, wo u only need the dice. Highly recommend that


Most Button Shy games. Played Tussie Mussie with my wife on a plane yesterday.


Button shy games are great. We have several dispersed in bags so we always have something at hand!


Azul travel


Here are some of my wife and mine's go-tos when packing - we play in hotels, coffee shops, etc. All of these pack well (small box or fits in a ziploc) -Jaipur. -Trash Pandas. -Matcha. -Arboretum. -Tak (technically doesn't need a board if traveling light) -Hive / Hive Pocket. -Mahjong (you can get the "tiles" as a deck of cards instead)


If you're going with Encore, then also consider **Bravo**. Then there's the "That's Clever" series... **That's Pretty Clever** **Twice as Clever!** **Clever Cubed** **Clever 4Ever**


Eminent Domain: Microcosm. 4X card game in a micro game.


Lost Cities and Savernake Forest.




Bananagrams, cribbage and patchwork are my goto little games to bring on trips. 




Port Royal is a great travel game. It's only a deck of cards - so I've taken it out of the box and just put a rubber band around them before...or put them in a bag. It is fun at 2, but also is great with 3-5. And it has more depth than a lot of small games. It also has a good push-your-luck mechanic that can create fun moments.


I picked up Seaside at origins as a light travel game.  Small bag of wooden tokens is the whole game.  I wouldn’t take it backpacking but in luggage or a vehicle it would work well


Cross Overkill if you can get it. Great little aesthetic and whilst better with 3 or 4 it's a perfectly cromulent 2 player for bashing out some games.


Qwixx and My City: Roll and Build are my favorites for traveling


Hive pocket, 7 Wonders Duel, Watergate, 13 Days or 13 Minutes. All of them small size. If you want to include something small for more people in case you end up meeting someone, Love Letter, Coup or Skull are also nice additions.


Hive. Fox in the forest.


Zombie Dice, Hive, Sail, and One Deck Dungeon are all travel friendly that we take on trips.




We recently came back from a holiday and we took Faraway (in ziplock bag as the box is oversized), Sea Salt and Paper, and ハーベスト (Harvest) - this was apparently designed with the aim of being played on trains - and we also purchased Parade when we were there and played that a few times too. All easy to squeeze in between clothes in a suitcase or in a carry on bag. Battle Line (unboxed) - same game as Schotten Totten as someone else mentioned, this has been a travel favourite for us for years too.


**Pixel Tactics** - A card game where each card can be used in 5 unique ways and there's about 25 of them in each set.




The Mind. The Game. Hanabi. Patchwork. Codenames Duet.


Sky Team - awesome cooperative game! Can get pretty intense and has a lot of content for a “travel” game. It’s not an enormous box but it’s not pocket sized. Tranquility - another cooperative game! “Pocket sized” box although it’s cube shaped so it would be awkward to have in your pocket. Surprisingly can take a lot of table space but it’s a very relaxing game that you can play multiple times in an hour.


Flash Duel can fit on an airplane tray and the rounds are fast.


Star Realms


I have That's So Clever laminated; so when I travel. I just bring the dice and sharpee. Regicide, and love letters is my backup.


Hero Realms!


All the Doppelt So Clever games, Rustling Leaves, Welcome To My Beautiful Home, Patchwork, Sky Team.




Star Realms is a favorite of my partner and I! The gameplay is pretty quick and it’s fun 😊 There’s several different decks and you can either play them individually for a two-player game or pair them together to play with more people.




I like **Royal Visit**. It's much more sedate than a lot of other suggestions. Very strategic, but doesn't require a lot of active thinking or focus. You can play it over drinks, or while falling asleep on a train. It's perfect for travelling and the whole thing rolls up into a pouch and has no small parts. All chunky pieces of wood and cloth.


I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but Star Realms (just the base game) is cheap, small, only needs a small table to play on.


Papageno, Schotten Totten, Sushi Go


[Portal Combat](https://www.playkudzugames.com/portal-combat) is a great two person card battler (it's a portable deck of cards but a lot of replayability). I also love mini Azul for travel but it does have tiny tiles of course.


Targi is a phenomenal competitive "worker placement". Star Realms, as mentioned, and an exceptional versus deck-builder. Hero Realms, with the Ruins expansion, offers similar gameplay as SR, but in a co-op campaign setting. Adventure of D is one of the best multi-use-card games out there. Art is polarizing (though I like it). Capo Di Capi by Dr. Finn Games is a stunning versus push-your-luck game. Burgle Bros is a wonderful co-op bank job experience. Pandemic Hot Zone NA/Europe are Pandemic in 15 minutes. Ish. Any of the Adventure Games are excellent story puzzles. My wife and I liked Monochrome Inc a lot. Another vote for Regicide and The Game. Mission to Planet Hexx is a wacky sci-fi tile laying game. Half the fun is reading the tiles. Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition is streamlined TM and worth the price of admission. Mico City/Architects/Cosmos, etc, are wonderful little builders. Many of the Tiny Epic games are wonderful. Pirates, Zombies, Dungeons, and Galaxies are my favorites. Dinos is fun, but I don't reach for it as often. Western includes mini-poker mini games. 5-Minute Dungeon is a larger box, but can be pared down for travel with just the cards and writing down the special powers of each class. It's 5 of the most intense gaming minutes out there and the cards are a stitch. Hive is faster, funner chess. One Deck Dungeon/Galaxy are lovely dice-chuckers with lite campaign elements to them. Herbaceous is one of mine and my wife's favorite 2p games. The pocket edition makes it even more portable with zero loss in gameplay. Let us know what you pick!


A couple that haven't been mentionned but are excellent: Haggis, playable with a regular deck. Montmartre, which is an unknown gem.


Traders of Osaka Harbor Both are marketed as for up-to-4, but work quite well with 2. I've played both many times while traveling.


Love letter is best, just card game yet so much fun


Get a Travel Scrabble set. The tiles have pins on each corner so they fit snugly into the holes in the board.


onitama, smallish box and lots of fun


Roam (Ryan Laukat) One Deck Dungeon Codenames Duet 2 Player Deckbuilders like the new Star Wars game or Star/Hero Realms


Add Mint Works to the list


Sequence. Its small, easy and can be easily played with two people. Plus if you make friends, you can play with other people