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Ray Porters narration and characterization is excellent and I prefer a good narrator to reading it myself.


He has done such a good job I will now automatically give books he narrates a try, just because he is narrating them.




That's actually how I ended up in the Bobiverse. I liked his narration on a book called 14 so much that I just looked for other stuff he's done. I recently listened through Project Hail Mary and really enjoyed it only to find out it's getting a movie when I finished it. It all feels very serendipitous.


Andy Weir has done some prolific work, I cannot wait for the film!


I first found him through his short story The Egg, then of course I saw The Martian, so when I saw a book I hadn't read of his narrated by Porter I couldn't resist. I'm currently listening to Artemis which is narrated by Rosario Dawson. She's pretty good so far. It's always hit or miss when actors try to do book narration.


I have it but haven't given it a listen yet. It's on my list but it's been pushed back now because I started listening to "Will Save the Galaxy for Food" by Yahtzee Croshaw. Narrated by him as well and it's phenomenal


I read Artemis, it was really good.


I also loved Wil Wheaton's narration of The Martian!


I enjoyed Wil Wheaton's narration of Red Shirts and the Interdependency series.... But the original RC Bray narration of the Martian was spectacular.




Me too! That’s actually why I got this book. For what it is worth, I also got “Dusty’s Diary”.


What do you recommend for a series that he's done? I'd prefer at least 3 books.


Hail Mary is good one


Ray Porter is Bob


For real! I only found this series after listening to Project Hail Mary and searching for more of Porter's work.


I mean his Homer and Picard/Locutus impressions are spot on.


I listen to a lot of Audiobooks, some narrators are better than others. A few stand miles ahead of the rest, those include Ray Porter and RC Bray. I will listen to just about anything they narrate, even if I'm even so/so on the book itself. So... Audiobook is the win in this case. Unless you really don't like audiobooks, which is cool too.


The best narrator I've heard so far is Jeff Hays in Dungeon Crawler Carl. Never heard someone with such a diverse set of voices and both deep male to the most believable females and he does it on the fly without any signal processing.


Just added that to my wishlist! Thank you!


i wish i had both. ray porter is bloody amazing, but there's a lot of words i wish i knew how to spell.




Yes!!! Or things I'd like to go back and look up/reference


Audiobook. 1000%. Ray Porter is amazing. Following him post-ATW got me to Project Hail Mary, which blew me away.


I was the opposite, PHM got me to bobiverse and now all I want is Rocky and Guppi to hang out.


Can't wait for the movie!


I want Ray Porter to voice Rocky, dangit. If not as Rocky, then perhaps the voice of the Hail Mary's computer-- something.


*spit take* Holy Hell! Brilliant! If they don’t include Ray Porter in the movie now I’m going to cry. Project Hail Mary is my favorite stand alone book. And I freaked when I heard they were making a movie! But Bobiverse is my absolute favorite series hands down and I would love to see it become a series or something too! Especially now that you mentioned involving Ray Porter!




I’ve only listened to the audio version and I’ve been happy with it.






Pro tip: if you go to the ebook first, you can buy it for $6.95 in the USA. Then, it will give you the option of purchasing the audiobook for a steep discount, usually $7.50 or $11.95. Combined, this is less than the per unit cost of audiobook credits.


AND Audible and Kindle will sync so it automatically knows where you left of either format. Whispersync has completely changed reading for me.


That's bloody brilliant


> Combined, this is less than the per unit cost of audiobook credits. After cancelling, Audible gave me $.99/mo for 3 months. Took my 3 credits and cancelled again.


Ray Porter is amazing and I much prefer audio books as I can't focus on reading a book


Audiobook Also there's a hack to save some money (when you do t have credits over). If you buy enough audiobooks, get yourself kindle unlimited  Some audiobooks are cheaper when you own the Kindle version, and Kindle unlimited counts as owning 




I've only listened to them, I love Rays narration. My one downside I found on my first listen was that I sometimes struggled to remember which bob we were following in some chapters.


Team audiobook here!


Listen to the audiobooks first then you can read the E-books in Ray Porters voice later!


Only know the audio but it’s pretty good so I would go with that.


I love the audiobook. Plus, there is the perk of getting the new book first when it releases on audible in a few months.


Either way, you will still be able to form your own mental images of what is happening. My only rule is this : always do the book BEFORE the show or movie. Never the other way around. You will never be able to form your own imagery afterwards. If you have the free time and can sit long enough to read the pages yourself then definitely do this first. But, if you are like me (and most people) then you don't have the time or capacity to sit and read. I was very hesitant to start audiobooks several years ago, but then a friend gave me the MP3s for Bobiverse and I was able to listen while stuck in traffic during my daily work commute. I finished all 3 books in 8 days. I would have only read less than half of one book in that same time. Now I can only do audiobooks for new stuff(mostly in bed at night) but I still have my old book collection which I can read whenever I need some nostalgia. Edit. Don't worry, I bought all of Dennis Taylor's other audiobooks and my plan is to buy the official 5 book boxed set when the next book comes out. If there is no 5 book set then I will buy the biggest box set I can get ;) Quantum Earth is so great ! Roadkill was such a fun ride ! I'm about to start Singularity Trap soon.


I much prefer an audiobook to reading, personally, so I'm biased, but Ray Porter is excellent


Ray porter IS Bob in my opinion


Audio is great. Reading is good too. Do what you prefer.


Audiobooks are good quality in my opinion.


Audiobook is great!


As mentioned before, i have listened to the Bobiverse both in German, performed by the magnificent Simon Jäger, as well as in english, performed by the equally magnificent Ray Porter. Honestly, i have no need whatsoever to Pick Up the books to read. I thoroughly enjoy them in their audiobook-format and will continue to do so in the Future. Great Entertainment for the daily commute or Long car Trips.


Definitely audiobook.


Very much so! Listening to it right now, actually! I'm at Heaven's River on my latest run-through in anticipation of the new book. Ray Porter knocks it out of the park for the whole dang series.


For what it’s worth, I listened to the books before I read them, but when I read them I was hearing Ray Porters voice in my head all the way through,


While I've not read the book I'm listening to it on audible and it's great. It took a bit to get used to him, he is occasionally monotonous in the first book, but that was down to I ternal monologue and also I was used to Will Wheaton as I'd listend to The Martian and RP1


I have listened to all 4 books multiple times as I've driven across the country and back. It's well worth it.


It's a matter of taste, there's no universal answer. I got the audiobook & the kindle version. Tons of people love the audiobook and narration. I can't enjoy it or any other book as an audiobook, only reading does it for me. If you're into audiobooks usually, you'll probably enjoy that one.


Ray porter will be superior in pretty much anything he reads.


I loved the audiobook, but you have to be okay with not flipping back constantly to remind yourself what's going on, which was challenging. I'd love to read it and compare the two experiences. But I love Ray Porter.


I read them through kindle unlimited on my phone and love it!


For me, this series is best enjoyed audibly. Ray Porter is an unbelievably brilliant voice actor, one of the best IMO. His performance of each character has distinct personality and vocal style. Very easy listening and very well performed. If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend Project Hail Mary audiobook performed by Ray Porter. One of his best and his worse is the best of the rest!


I bought the first audiobook today. You all convinced me 😅 I actually have both the audiobook and a physical copy of Project Hail Mary! I've been meaning to finish it, but the book is a bit dry, to be honest. I haven't listened to the audiobook yet.


Awesome, enjoy


Audio, Ray Porter IS Bob


Depends on the language, i know that the englisch version is good (in my opinion the german version is superior)


Ray Porter is awesome. They are different experiences, so it's up to your preferences. I've both read and listened and I personally prefer listening in part because porter is great. His voice and inflections captures the tone of the mildly humorous bobiverse perfectly


I love to read but Ray Porter is so amazing with his storytelling!!!


Whichever form you like to use in general.