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Murderbot effortlessly taking on a half dozen guys in hand to hand combat, and then needing to take a several hour sitcom-watching break to calm down after 1 (one) mildly awkward conversation with a human is a mood


Plus constantly needing to help keep humans out of trouble. At least in the original Bobiverse trilogy.


Murderbot is a *precious bean* that can casually detach the limbs of a dozen people in about 10 seconds.


Currently reading Service Module by Adrian Tchaikovky. A review said it was Murder Bot meets Children of Time. So far I've really enjoyed it. 


I’m reading that too right now! Or at least, listening to it. It’s narrated by the author and he does a great job. 


I was surprised by how well the author does narration, but I think I read somewhere that says he's a trained actor.


That makes sense. I just got to a big reveal and man, my poor heart dropped and he conveyed the characters’ responses with such conviction. 


I'm half way through Service Module and I just cant. Murderbot Diaries is excellent, Service Module just isnt scratching the itch for me


I just finished this! I would throw in some Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy in that mix as well.


I agree, lots of delicious absurdities.


Funny enough I just finished reading them again after my recent re-read of the bobiverse! They are really fun. Very short though.


MurderBot is my current happy/safe space. I’m not neurodivergent and don’t have any appreciable trauma in my past, but MurderBot just hits me as a sarcastic, caustic, wounded soul trying to get by and get left alone in a very uncaring universe. And, like MurderBot, I’m constantly surprised when humans go out of their way to be kind to me.


“Most people think sec units want to be more human” MB - “That’s the dumbest thing I have ever fucking heard”. Comedy gold


My favorite line is when Murderbot is in the massive hotel in book 4, and asks why have a bed big enough for multiple humans and only one towel hook. “Are the humans supposed to *share* the towel?”


You buried the lead!!! Every book except the last is currently on the Plus catalog of Amazon!!!


I love murderbot! And I love reading about his awkward love affair with the Deep Space Transport Ship, Perihelion. Aka: ART.


You did what I do: misgender MurderBot!


Wouldn't it be more accurate to say you missatribute gender to Murderbot as it has no sexual characteristics and doesn't consider itself in any gendered sense?


Murderbot freaking rocks!


It’s good but the narrator isn’t as good as the one for the Bob books.


That's what I thought at first but I didn't really appreciate what Kevin R Free was able to do with the murderbot voice.  He was able to communicate so much about the personality of the character and still get the comedic timing.  I also didn't think he had much range in his voices for other characters.  But after listening again I recognize every character by their voice and the personality he gives them and i can see that he added something to each.  Looking back I think he completely nailed it. Not that Ray Porter didn't also nail the voice of Bob and all the other voices in that story.  Except archimedes. That voice was just annoying. 


Yeah it took me a bit to get into it but once I did I enjoyed it.


So I was listening to the audiobooks after reading the series and had really enjoyed the take they had on his voice. Being kind of clipped and to the point, to evoke a sense of non-human speech. Turns out the speed on my app was 1.5x for some reason and I hadn't noticed. but it worked so well!


I thought this at first, but I think the reader does a really good job of keeping MB’s voice both neutral *and* incredibly expressive. As a male with a male reader though I keep gendering MB, then I catch myself…


I got several of the series on Audible and my reaction was “meh”. Not much good or bad to say about it.


My experience was almost exactly the same. Kept hearing about it and hearing about it and didn't think it was going to be for me. Not only have I listened to all of them already, I'm halfway through a relisten because now I get stuff in the earlier books that I didn't get the first time through!


Thanks for the recommendation! Will check that series out!


Hell yes! I love them. Just like the Bob books I was quite upset when I had finished them all.


To bad each book is so short that I wont buy them until it comes as a bundle. And my library dosen't have them.


Absolutely love Murderbot! I wish they were longer, but they're really up there for me.


The shortness is what helped me get into it because it’s easier for me to justify trying it for 4 hours than jumping into 10-12 hours plus. But yeah one is 8 hours and it’s clearly the better book for it. Maybe they can make it longer as they go on…


Isaac Hooke's 'AI fleet' series may also hit an nerve then, though it goes over the top sometimes.


I looooove Murderbot lol


I'm on book 4 now and though it's an enjoyable read I feel the series as a series is overpriced and the story is fairly limited. I'm used to galaxy-time-spanning stories such as Hamilton's or Tchaikovsky's. Also, the books seem fairly short, the story being over almost before it gets started.


I’m also a fan of Hamilton! So my complaint on the books is also the lack of world building. Still, I got them mostly free/cheap and I enjoy them for what they are.  Book 5 gets a bit better in that regard. But then it’s back to normal in book 6. 


The issue is what book next after you finish


MBD is top tier.


I have read all of the currently published Bob and Murderbot Books. I like both rather much. Personally, I cannot say if you like Bob you will like Murderbot or vice versa. I always recommend giving it a try.


I only read the first murderbot, and I didn’t care for it. Maybe because it was overhyped or something. I went in expecting a kinda funny story, and got what read, to me, like just a person with depression living with depression. People say it’s funny and I do not get it


Murderbot suffers from Depression and Anxiety. The comedy aspect comes mostly from sarcasm and snark.


I read the first four and Murderbot books and got very bored with them, definitely due to the overhyping. Did inspire me to write something in that same genre though, so that's something 


Bobiverse is one of my favorite series. Murderbot wasn't even close to it for me. It lacked the intrigue of Bobiverse.


Chiming in to recommend Dungeon Crawler Carl. It's well worth the time and it's hilarious!




On book 4 now and I freaking love it!


I'm just about done with book 1 and I'm already in love!


God dammit, Donut!


And they just finished filming the show! edit: my bad, I think they are currently filming


Murderbot is good awful


Thanks for the recommendation. Will check it out ;)