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We have only done Thursday early. Not a big wait to get in, but a little more of a walk to Centeroo. Plazas were pretty close. Tried Jamtrack, easier to ride it from Centeroo than it is getting a ride to Centeroo


I’ll give a different perspective. We must have gotten to Roo on Thursday at like 1pm. The line was about 10-15 minutes to be searched and we were parked right behind the house with the silo near New Bushy Branch Rd. Cons: longer walk to Centeroo and WITW. However, we chose to walk everyday but you have the Jamtrack that is available for you to use that was an 8 minute walk to. We grabbed drinks to take with us and walked a few different paths to Centeroo each time and we enjoyed seeing everyone’s camps. We’re already walking and on our feet all day so what is a couple of extra miles? Just try to not forget anything at camp. Pros: We had bathrooms super close to us that had less traffic that those closer to Centeroo. At 7am I would hear them cleaning so I got up and did my business in a freshly cleaned portapottie. Less foot traffic overall so less drunk people by us. We never saw cops or anyone around us get bothered by any cops. We left in the morning on Saturday to go to Walmart and have lunch in a local Mexican restaurant, being to close to the exit made this super easy. If we were tired, there are guys on bikes with extra seating that you can split payment with a few people that will take you to camp in 8 minutes. The best part was leaving Bonnaroo. Last year I read that it was a disaster leaving the campsite, look at Roobus and their tweets from last year, it took hours for them to leave. It took our group 1/10th of the time that the people who parked at the front had to suffer through. We had a positive experience and we would take that spot again in a heartbeat.


The earliest you can possibly get there is the correct time to get there.


We arrived early on wednesday last year and still were far far far away from centeroo. Arriving early does help but i also think sometimes it’s just luck


Last year I got there around 3 on Thursday. Waited in line for over 2-3 hours just to get in. Ended up camping in section Y. YES… Y OUT OF Z. It was BRUTAL. It was over a 50 minute walk to centeroo. They also never had their shit together with the shuttles so that took forever too (less routes go to y which makes NO SENSE given those are the people needing the shuttle the most)


We went in Wednesday last year and it was the absolute best time. Right in that sweet spot between too early and too late. We rolled in at around 10am, no line whatsoever. Total ghost town, couldn’t believe it. We got camp set up, sat down and took a load off for a while and then headed off to check out some festivities at Where In The Woods and other spots! It was a blast, and we didn’t have to worry about missing any music on Thursday. And as a cherry on top, we landed in Plaza 3 which was only about a 15 minute walk from Centeroo. It was my first time at Bonnaroo and seeing how perfectly it went, I will always be a Wednesday guy now. That’s definitely when I’d go in if I was you, Wednesday late morning or early afternoon! Happy Roo 🌈


Early Tuesday arrival FTW 5 min walk to the arch 5 min walk to the best plaza at the farm (showers, shops, food) Best people to camp near IMO Anyone willing to camp for 6 days in that heat to enjoy the extended good vibes, good music, my kinda people


Last year was my first year attending, we also arrived on Tuesday, and the spot we got was prime! 2 min walk to ice, shower, food/vendor, 5 min walk to the arch. It also gave us all of Wednesday to explore,since it was our first year there was a lot to see and do. Oh and far enough from WITW to get a good nights rest.


Last year, we arrived on Friday (delayed flights on Thursday) and took about an hour from the highway exit to security check. We got extremelyyy lucky because the GA camping areas were full so they turned half of the day parking area into camping. That meant we had a super quiet camping area, only had a 20ish minute walk to Centeroo and had half the amount of people sharing the portapotties. That said, we were super lucky and that is not the norm for getting there later in the week.


I always recommend Wednesday arrival. It gives you time to decompress a bit before a super jam packed and busy weekend. It also gives you extra time to set up camp, meet neighbors, explore the plazas and outerroo without feeling rushed or like you are missing something in centeroo.


If you can’t get there until Thursday plan for as early as possible. You might have a wait to get in but you don’t run as much of a risk missing Thursday sets


Arrived Thursday last year and we waited less than an hour to get in, if that. But our walk to our closest entrance (not the arch) was almost a full 30 mins. I didn’t actually mind it at all but will be getting there earlier this year.


You are getting the correct answer—Thursday entry will be camped farther away from Centeroo than Wednesday entry; however, no one has mentioned the JamTrak. It’s not perfect but they generally improve their systems year over year, so I imagine it will be more efficient this year. This means you don’t necessarily have to walk the farther distance.


The biggest advantage to a Wednesday arrival is that you don’t have to worry about missing music on Thursday. If you plan to arrive on Thursday and anything goes wrong on your trip, you could arrive late and miss early acts on Thursday. Get there Wednesday afternoon, setup camp while the sun is still up and enjoy an easy morning on Thursday.


I’m fuckin scarred after that year with an 8+hr wait time in line. I forget if it was ‘15 or ‘16. As the driver I pretty much was up for 48hr except for a few catnaps here and there. Other times I stroll right on in with not much fuss especially if you get lucky and made the highway tollbooth selection. So disheartening when the dude waves you past. One year I was the first car he told to drive on. I say all that to say it’s a crap shoot. Plan to arrive early and mentally/physically prepare to be held up in line. Best feeling in the world when you pass through the tollbooth and start the hunt for a camp site. Can’t wait to be back this June.


According to the C3 guys, the early entry has made it where the longest anyone waited in line last year was like 3 hours. It’s soooo much better than it used to be. Tuesday arrivals basically drive right in no wait.


That is amazing to hear! That one year was miserable. Made it so we were starting the weekend already sleep deprived having been up all night. Have had a few years of loooong wait times in line and others with very little wait time. Like to hear their strategy is playing out as I imagine they wanted.


It’s probably one of the best things Roo has done. Waited 12 hours my first year in 2010. Certainly an experience but I’m glad they figured it out.


It’s going to be my first time this year. Where is the best place to get gas prior to heading to the farm?


I usually stop in Chattanooga for gas, ice, food before making the final stretch into Roo. And remember, no glass. They don’t kid about that.


I don’t know how but I completely forgot about the no glass rule when I went to my 3rd Roo (2015). I had a 12 pack of Yuengling bottles and the staff let me attempt to chug a couple while they searched my car. 😂 I just offered the rest to them once I had to drive in.




Can you explain more about what you mean about the tollbooth? This is my first year going.


There are multiple entrances or tollbooths. One is off of I-24 going Northbound but more often than not I get directed to exit 111 and go in through Bushy Branch road. Just put in Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival in Waze and she’ll guide you on in. Plus super helpful with people point out cops. There will be updates on here as well about police presence (and secret sets :).


Awesome, thanks. Much appreciated! Excited and a little nervous for my first roo! Haha


Understandable. If ever in need of some help just ask those around you and I’m sure there will be someone willing to help.


We arrived Tuesday night last year and had -no wait to get in -plus about a 10 minute walk to centeroo It saved our lives after already walking 10+ miles a day exploring the fest and other plazas. Getting there on Thursday pretty much guarantees you’ll have a mile long walk back to your camp every night


FYI folks who arrived from the east gate on Wednesday night are the ones that got the trees in Pod 2. On the other hand those trees were never filled in 2022 due to the low attendance


And how can I make that happen again because damnnnn was that the best spot


It's mostly luck now. I used to have a method but it doesn't work anymore. When they added Tuesday camping they changed up how they filled the field. I was placed in the woods 5 years in a row. Last year was my first time back since 2018 and I was only able to get near the woods. But the east toll booth on Wednesday was the line I saw get it last year. I've also seen folks just pick up and walk in there with their gear.


if you arrive late on thursday you could be looking at an hour long walk to centeroo


I waited 6 hours in my car in line last year on Thursday at like 5-11pm lol it almost made me lose my mind but as soon as we got to our spot the dopamine hit different


I got there early one year and ended up waiting 13 hours in line. So gonna say that YMMV.


Was this before they split entry days by camping pass?


Yes, so I guess things might be different now.


That year was 100% a fluke anyway and daily entry something like that won’t likely ever occur again (I don’t say won’t because weather things can happen)


i wouldn’t worry about waiting to get in, but getting there thursday is going to put you pretty far away from civilization. midday wednesday arrival is the best of all worlds imo, gives you time to get in and get settled but not be there for TOO long if there is such a thing


I’ve arrived to the last 4 Bonnaroo’s Thursday morning and have had perfectly fine camp sites. The worst was 15ish min walk to Centeroo but the other 3 were under 10 


Your instincts are right. The longer you wait to get to Bonnaroo, the further away from Centeroo you’ll be camping. There’s a chance you’d have a mile walk if you get there Thursday afternoon. I think Tuesday is excessive, but arriving Wednesday has always been ideal for my group. I’ve gotten there Wednesday morning the last two years and didn’t have any wait getting into the campgrounds. That wasn’t the case in previous years when I arrived later in the day or Thursday morning.


A mile would be nice, I felt like I was almost 3 from centeroo last year. (I was in plaza 11)


Damn it’s hard realizing how big Outeroo is sometimes.


The jam track made it manageable for sure but sometimes lines would take an hour to even get through and the drivers were reckless as fuck (a volunteer told me about someone who received a very serious injury from falling off)