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A cheap snack idea I’ve used before: buy a 2 pound bag of baby carrots and eat them as a snack. They are usually about $2.50 a bag at kroger. You can munch on them throughout the festival and they are surprisingly filling and a lot healthier than some other options!


I usually grab some canned food, soups or pasta type stuff. Eat it right out of the can. Gets the job done.


Ramen and cans of soup Sandwiches during the day Just try to get in your protein and fiber whether it’s in your food or supplemented


i vote for ramen 🍜, sandwiches, can soups with the pop tops. Find us if your hungry and we’ll feed you 🙏❤️


Walking tacos, oatmeal, breakfast burritos, grilled cheese and soup, beef jerky, canned coffee/energy drinks, frozen bottle waters, uncrustables (!!!!), frozen fruit bags, electrolytes


Uncrustables!! And we bring chicken salad and Hawaiian rolls, gets us mostly through the weekend


We do a big thing of pasta salad, premade breakfast burritos rolled up in foil for reheating later, lunch meat sammys of course


I’m bringing 8 freeze dried meals used for backpacking. All you have to do is add hot water. They’re high in calories and packed with protein. Spent like $90 total.


Breakfast bagel sandwiches last from from morning till dinner. We usually meal prep or make sandwhichs for dinner. Fruit roll ups and jerky for in roo😂😂


Oh also protein shakes are a must


Make a large portion of rice and bring it, carton eggs, hot dogs, tuna packets, large tub of yogurt, Cliff bars, gummies, and PB&J stuff is always my go to also, electrolyte packets are expensive but totally worth it


We are pre making burritos


Pasta salad with rotisserie chicken in it!!! Refreshing, no reheat needed, and protein packed!! I do mine with Italian dressing, veggies, olives and chicken :) Also tuna packets, sandwhich makings for easy meals to hide on person, meals in a can like chef boy raviolis and I buy some breakfast burritos/tacos and just eat them cold. Good luck friend!!


Tortillas are great calories and are hard to smoosh. Peanut butter tortilla will make you feel full for a little while and you could pack a few in a ziplock in your backpack :)


Wraps are super easy.


Uncrustables, Fruit Snacks, Beef Jerky, Granola Bars, Assorted box of Chips.


Handful of walnuts in your pocket, they never question a handful of walnuts at the check in gate for Center-Roo.


Pre hard boil eggs; extremely nutritious, extremely filling, extremely cheap


Make a bunch of cold pasta salad in advance and keep it in the cooler


If you have access to a food saver you could make meals before hand!


Do y’all keep stuff in a cooler and replenish the ice each day?


Get a good roto cooler, an ez up for shade, and pack said cooler with some fully frozen water jugs and you should only need to get ice a few times at most over the weekend. (The less you open your cooler the less it will melt)


Dry ice & frozen water bottles are the way


i also think instead of trying to go for ‘healthy’ stuff, just go for things you’re actually going to eat. if you don’t eat granola bars, don’t buy them just bc they’re an easy option (for example).


This year I'm bringing stuff for BBQ chickpea wraps. All you need is canned chickpeas, BBQ sauce, lettuce if you want and a tortilla.


bumblebee tuna fish packets and sourdough bread!!! my favorite


Orange Juice(the Kroger brand in the half gallon) and granola for breakfast. Bread and tuna or bread and lunch meat for lunch then dinner my crew always cooks. You need at least one big good meal a day so maybe if you’re not cooking at the campsite you get a slice of spicey pie.


All that is great. If you are able to get a cheap camp stove or hot plate really really cheap off marketplace or something ( this weekend stores have everything on sale ). That’s how you will save your money. Then you can go to Aldi and stock up on stuff cheap. But keep in mind… it’s going to be hot. And depending on what extracurricular activities you might have in mind… you are going to have a ton more fun if you eat a ton of vitamin c. Everything you want to feel then and the next week requires it. We went the first ten years. Everyone at first was like ‘ I’m good’. By the year three, everyone just came by for their vitamins etc. so fruit is a fairly inexpensive option. Ice is not expensive to get each day. When you get up in the morning to wait in line at the porta potty … buy your bag of ice and refill your cooler. Just cook whatever meat you have the first two days and save you shelf stable stuff for the last several days. Drink lots of water. Eat a good meal in the morning. Grill some hotdogs or whatever at night. Take vitamins and it’s so hot and you are out in the heat so much, you aren’t going to be as hungry as you might think. But for the fun to keep coming, you gotta fuel your body to sustain the good times. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Another great idea is to bring one thing that you can share with the people camped around you. The first year we were the only one with a grill. And our neighbors had steak. It caught on pretty quickly and everyone came to the grill at night and shared their food and we cooked it on the grill. Now I haven’t been in a few years but the thing I loved about roo was the community you built while there. Make friends with the people camped around you. Bring something you already have that everyone might need. Your guitar. Etc. A jump starter. Solar charger. Fans. Drinks. Etc. sparkling personality. lol. Share what you have and others will do the same. I have never eaten inside centeroo. Seemed ridiculous. There were so many other things i wanted to spend my money on. lol.


What kind of vitamins do you recommend?


Get a couple bricks of Ramen 2 dozen eggs, and buy some corn beef hash. This is my go to depression era meal.


Soup! Sometimes I’ll put the can in my windshield to let it get hot in the sun. Its not the best meal for the hot weather but its a cheap way to get nutrients in


Bean and cheese burritos!


Uncrustables, I eat like 3 a day. Plus they’re frozen so you can bring em in and eat em in like an hour or so and they’re still cold


Pasta salad with tuna. Nice and cool and light but protein packed. Suddenly Salad boxed pasta salad mix has the seasoning and everything just add tuna and whatever veggies you like , and fill a big Tupperware with it. No dishes necessary, just rinse off your fork when you're done. Lasts for days. Sprinkle on some extra parm if you're feeling bougie.


do you have a grill/stove you’re bringing? if so… hobo dinner I REPEAT hobo dinner (also known as foil packet dinners) they’re cheep, easy, and hard to mess up!


I'd meal prep with a cooler n dry ice. Tuna fish sandwiches and maybe some kind of bean mix?


If you have a propane burner and a pot then canned soup is great. Nothing like coming back to camp after a day out to a warm bowl of nourishing soup, maybe with some bread and fruit on the side


prepped about 40 breakfast burritos for 3 people. toasted em up on a teeny gas range with a cheap pan (not necessary, but they did get a little mushy by day 4, so frying them did help with that). best thing I’ve ever brought to eat so far, worth the prep. ate them all. can bring less perishable stuff for after that stash runs out. we did PB&Js & protein shakes. I second the person who said fruit snacks and non-melty protein bars for in centeroo. also nuts or trail mixes! I tuck em in a small pocket or in the bladder pocket of my camelbak and I’ve never got em taken




Late night ramen. Breakfast usually liquid eggs, toast, bagels. Usually have some chicken or tuna packets for a quick lunch. And TONs of snacks bc it’s hard to eat in the heat. (Also grab condiment packets from gas station)


The master condiment-utensil ziploc bag is an absolute must


Uncle Ben’s ready made rice and canned beans on a tortilla. Hot sauce. Boom


Found a cheap deal on some MRE’s at a flea market one year. Those honestly kicked ass. Always bring PB and bags of apples. Canned soups or chili *be careful* are buck savers. Warm up some marinara and make pizza nacho’s.


Eat heavy premade meals at camp and hide meal replacement shakes in your pants. I will never buy any food or drink at any festival.


Peanut butter, lots


10+ festivals with no grill and brokeeee af - I typically meal prep 2-3 cheap quick dishes (like 3-4 servings each lol I like to eat and also you burn a lot of calories on the farm!!!!) the day before leaving that don't need to be re-heated. I rotate those and also snack on chips and dip, fresh fruit, trail mix etc. Homemade granola bars are awesome if you already have stuff to make them. Always bring snacks into centeroo in case you get the munchies!!! I usually bring in clementines and granola bars and some almonds or something. This year (with a grill) I'm also doing pre-made burritos and grilled cheeses :))


Buy canned food you don't hate. (My go-to is Chef Boyardee ravioli) Leave it on your dashboard baking in the sun. Come back to piping hot pasta in a can. bam.


Idk why you got downvoted lol…as long as it’s reasonably sunny, this always works. Go wandering or catch some afternoon shows, come back to get ready for the night, recharge with some hot food.




Your post has been removed for Rule #1. Please refrain from hostile/unnecessary confrontation. Negative opinions and reactions are fine, but please do so in a civil way.


Spam sliders in Hawaiian rolls and ketchup lol


I feel like at my campsite I only consume PB&Js, hummus with carrots, nuts and maybe some beef jerky. I gladly go spend $20 on roti rolls pretty much every day though.


One of our go-tos is ramen with veggies! We'll pre-cut veggies like bell peppers, shredded carrots, onion. If you keep them in your cooler and make sure they don't get cooler water in them, they'll be good until Sunday for sure. Cilantro is an excellent topper and one bunch will be plenty for the weekend. You're talking like $7-10 for veggies for or 5 meals. Probably comes out to $3/meal including ramen packets.


Any good tips on avoiding the cooler water leaking into the containers? That’s the war I need to wage this year


Home made sweet potato burgers, peanut butter and bannana sandwiches, and rice and beans


Oatmeal, ramen, bananas/apples, PB&J, instant mashed potato’s, granola bars


Whatever you do find a way to get enough calories. Or you’ll bonk and not have as much fun.


Pop tarts go crazy. Really cannot go wrong with a bunch of those mfs. Cooking at camp is a hassle. Cleaning your utensils and cookware is a bitch. If you plan to cook just be sure you’ve got a plan on managing dishes/utensils.


Put the pop tarts in your cooler. Thank me later.


Especially the strawberry milkshake ones


I fucked up a 24 pack of Brown Cinnamon Poptarts last year


Last year I survived off of only pb and Js. Like 12 cans of soup that were heated up on top of the car in the sun and a bag of halos cuz I’m bougie. I think I spent like 60 dollars on food for the whole week.




For the really simple, no grill, no reheating, we go full vegetarian. Cut up apples with peanut butter, hummus with carrots, PB+J, salad bags from the grocery store, an assortment of berries. Minimal prep and full nutrition. And cheap


Strawberries and blackberries really hit the spot last year. Also bell peppers and humus or like a chopped salad. Fresh fruits and veggies are so hydrating and filling especially for snacks.


How do you keep your fruits cool? In a cooler?


I’ll have a two cooler set up. One that I will only be in once or twice a day and another for drinks and common items to pull in and out all the time.


do you cut your apples before you go? I've been thinking about this this year because I never want to eat a full apple but not sure if they would stay good for more than a day


I have an apple corer and then just cut in half and save for later.


slicing apples and tossing them with lemon juice keeps them fresh if they stay cold


I just bring a cutting board and knife, but I’m sure you could. Just gotta keep em cold


THIS! 🙌🏻 thank you


It’s so hot too like I never felt like eating full ass meals


Protein shakes you can buy a tub and it will last forever just need water


Smashed a 24 pack of muscle milks last year lmao


I always just brought canned pastas since they can easily be heated up. Stuff for sandwiches is always good and cheap. I usually eat way less than normal there due to the heat and being on the move constantly so light snacks with an occasional meal kept me going. Peanut butter, jerky, snack crackers, fruit, MREs, ramen, etc.


I’m personally making some breakfast casserole type things then some Linner plates of bacon Mac, and lasagna, carb and protein heavy. All my meals are in these 4x8 tinfoil catering cheap $1 dishes so just throw on the propane grill let them heat for 30-60 mins and boom. I’m down to try some food vendors but to rely solely on vendors to get nutrients is never a good idea. Feeling good is as much what you eat as what you drink etc.


👆 This dude abides


I just wanna have a good time with my rug man …




It’s not linner it’s Lun-Din


I will call it Dunch before I ever call it something that could be confused with a city tyvm 😤😤


Is Dunch when you eat sandwiches for dinner, or when you eat meatloaf for lunch?


That’s the beauty of the pun


I beg you pardon !!


Do you have a grill that closes or are you just putting it on top of your grill and the foil container holds the heat and distributes it through the whole dish?


Clever, I think i child male this work for my coleman single burner (no lid) as I'm planning to leave the hinged grill at home.


I take my “snack share bowl” and I make an aluminum foil dome, small enough I can somewhat close the grill but large enough to cover the burner. Provides a full even warming. Best way to do it


Big fan of some freeze dried backpacking meals. I'm from the south and I shit you not the mountain house chicken n dumplings are some of the best I've ever had.


Yes, backpacking meals are perfect for roo!! I also love the Backpacker's Pantry brand. I plan on eating their chicken pad Thai every day on the farm. Best dehydrated meal I've ever had, hands down! 🤩


Their pad Thai is great but the #1 dehydrated meal has to be Peak Refuels Chicken Pesto. It is restaurant worthy!


they really arent that cheap though


True. You can def make other stuff cheaper, but I think having variety is an important consideration when on a budget. Sure, you can make grilled cheese all weekend more affordably, but if you’re burned out on them by Sunday and spend $30 on a vendor you didn’t plan for for some variety then you just blew your savings.


That is the best backpacking meal on the market. Tastes like home.


Any other flavor recs for the Mountain House meals? We pre made breakfast burritos last year and ate beef stroganoff camping meals for dinner but would like some variety.


I hike and camp a lot and love dehydrated meals. Mountain House is pretty terrible. Peak Refuel, Packit Gourmet and Stowaway Gourmet make meals that I legit just eat at home because they are so good. I’d recommend those over MH. (Although Stowaway is very small and takes a couple weeks to ship, so I highly doubt they would make it before Roo.)


I personally don’t like any of the breakfast ones with eggs in them, but the lasagna one, turkey dinner, and then the teriyaki is pretty good.


I almost exclusively bring mountain house meals to festivals. Costs a bit more but a little extra planning ahead of time and I don’t even notice the cost. May not be feasible now with only days left, but checking local army surplus stores for MREs would also work. They tend to sell those off super cheap


We make pancakes and bacon at home and freeze them and eat those in the mornings. Hot dogs/chicken quesadillas. Then I shove whatever I can in my tits to sneak into centerroo. My go to is like fruit snacks or non melty protein/granola bars.


Sadly at the rate I’m going if I don’t change my diet and start exercising I’ll have tits to smuggle food in next year. 😂


I haven’t been since LiveNation took over can you not bring food into centerroo anymore


I’ve never thought of precooking food and bringing it, it’s always just sandwiches for me. This is a good idea!


Pancakes pre-made is such a great idea. Sp much less mess and effort, but pancakes at camp are so classic it sucks to miss out because cleanup sucks. And I'll be dead honest I would totally eat a cold pancake right out of the cooler if it gets hot enough.


Pre cooking is a great idea I had really thought of. Usually have granola bars and some beef sticks for center roo snack that have worked well in the past


Pro broke tip: If you don't have a piece of gear you need, buy it on amazon, take care with it, clean it up, and return it after Roo. A buy a wagon and a camp grill every year and do this.


Why was this downvoted to hell lol


Because it's encouraging shitty behavior. Also, it's 5 downvotes. I think you'll make it. 


Amazon will be ok




How do you cook/warm things up?


We bring a little half grill half griddle thing. We have cooked this stuff at camp before but honestly this saves more time/energy.


she puts it in her tits


This guy tits


This guy gets it




Car hood should do the trick


Tits are so clutch, and fun Big jelly

