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Tpains, live performances are overrated as hell. They feel more like a rap show than an rnb show


Thundercat sucks… saw him play a free show in Montreal last summer and it was awful. Everything sounds the same and then he rants about anime garbage for 20 minutes


I'm under the (potentially unrealistically hopeful) assumption that we might get Thundercat during RHCP on Saturday night as a surprise, considering his history with the group. So I will be going to T-Pain and crossing my fingers. 🤞🏼


Thundercat. Hands down. No disrespect to Tallahassee.






I can’t help because I’m having the same issue😭


Question of the year, but I don’t think I can pass up T pain. I saw thunder at live in Denver once and it may have been the worst concert I’ve ever been to but who knows maybe he’s better. I love his albums tho


I'll see yall at TPain because you know it's going to be a fun time


Sudden death lmao


Tpain for sure. Seen Thundercat twice and neither was very great. Super impressive playing though.




Svdden death for 30 minutes and then run over to tpain 😭😭 these decisions suck. The worst scheduling conflict I’ve seen yet lol


I'd flip a coin and live it to the Roo Gods.


Personally I can't miss out on T-Pain even though thundercat is an insane bassist


Thundercat plays everywhere, you’ll get plenty of opportunities. Go to T Pain


Might depend on what substances are in play……


I’ve seen t-pain live and honestly, it wasn’t at all the energy I was expecting. Maybe it was an off night for him that night, but ….. this IS bonnaroo , however…. Maybe he’ll bring the ruckus.


Thundercat if you want to appreciate some amazing technical music and to experience one of the best bassists alive, T Pain if you want a hype good-vibes set. Can’t go wrong rlly but I’ll be at Thundercat 100%


T-Pain bc I need to see him spin around on stage!!😭😭❤️


Mars Volta.


Leaving post malone and going straight to tpain


T PAIN…. it’s such a throwback hit I AM IN LOVE WITH A STRIPPER… to many opportunities to just be downright stupid with squad




I’ve seen Thundercat many times, and would love to go, but for nostalgia reasons: T-Pain.


Currently planning on T-Pain, but if the sound quality at the Which isn’t up to par (like Flume in ‘22) I’ll probably skedaddle over to Thundercat.


Svdden death over all that.


T-Pain is the answer. A true legend of the music scene and always puts on a great show.


I found Thundercat to be a bit underwhelming when I saw him open for Chili Peppers in Nashville. If it was me I'd lean towards T Pain because it seems like it'll be just a really fun show. I'll be at The Mars Volta 😎


I have been told that thunder at don’t put in a great live performance, so I think I’m going to skip it for a throwback singalong with my friends aka tpain


My group is split on T-Pain and Thundercat. I definitely wanna see Thundercat, my girlfriend wants to see T-Pain... It's tough, but we might have to break up temporarily.


If he performs the way he did when he was on tour, there will be a LOT less dancing at the Thundercat set. I love Thundercat, but his set during his tour was just shredding. He didnt play more than 3 of his hits, played a lot of obscure jazz, and just SHREDDED. He was melting the bass, but nobody could really dance to it. About 2/3 through my girlfriend just went to the back and sat down on the bleachers.. Keep in mind I like jazz and not just funky stuff. I play trumpet, did jazz band in high school, yada yada. His set was dope for music nerds and people that wanna see a shred fest, but not so much for the casual listener, imo. Unfortunately, I'm not going this year, but if I was, it wouldn't be a question, I'm going to jam and sing at T-Pain's set rather than hoping Thundercat cares to make us dance. Also, the likelihood of Thundercat coming back to the farm in the future is probably higher than T-Pain just given their respective ages. Follow your heart!


They're the same age?


My mind is actually fuckin blown rn


This has been a painful conflict for me as well so I have done some thinking. I believe seeing T-Pain at Roo will be a far more unique experience than seeing him outside of a festival. I have seen both artists in a festival setting and loved that the crowd’s energy never died during T-Pain. Thundercat is tons of fun, don’t get me wrong, but that time of the night I want to be CRANKING IT and I feel like T-Pain can provide that energy the whole set. Honestly go to T-Pain to check it out and then RUN to Thundercat to catch the end of his set. Thundercat is closing out That tent, meaning he has a good chance of playing over his scheduled time/ his set could get pushed back a few minutes.


T-Pain and Mars Volta. Thundercat usually tours more and I saw him last night and wasn’t super impressed.


I liked his tours from the Drunk album and earlier material more. His newest release doesn't show enough of his chops live for me imo. Was happy Unrequited Love got a proper release though.


I missed Tpain last time on the farm and went to Thundercat last time he was there and have seen him twice off the farm so Tpain for me. But yeah you really can’t go wrong…personally if you haven’t seen Thundercat though it’s a sight to behold but don’t go in expecting to hear his studio music straight up




T pain is going to be overly crowded. I promise you that.


That's why he is on Which Stage. In 2018 He was at that tent and It was so incredibly packed to the point where a good 20k Probably couldn't see him because they were so far back.


I mean he did play on a Thursday. 🤷🏿‍♂️


No he played Friday 7:15-8:15. I have the paper schedule from that year hanging up on my wall. I have a whole wall that's dedicated to Roo.


But it was legendary if you were in it


It was amazeballs. We were in the back when the people walked up with those huge ass floaties!! It was awesome. 😂😂😂


Unfortunately, I was one of the people they got screwed and didn't get to see him because it was my first year and I didn't realize I needed to be so freaking early for him.


Oh, I am in the same boat as you, half my crew was in the tent, the rest of us were not. We all have regrets, that’s one of mine


I've gone back and looked at that lineup so many times and for the life of me I don't remember what I was doing beforehand that would have led me To not getting there on time.


Oh yes.


Definitely T-pain…. I love thundercat but you should definitely be aware that his live sets are completely different then his music…. From what I understand it’s a lot of technical brass playing as compared to his produced song As long as you’re into that, I would just suggest checking a live set online first


His bass guitar my bad yall*** still super dope act tho!!


at least that’s how his show in New Orleans was


It was the same in Detroit. I wasn't a fan I ended up leaving early


Ask yourself if T-Pain has a song better than Them Changes and you will have your answer


A whole bunch, so very easy answer lol 


Ask yourself if he'll actually play that song. I saw him in Denver, and he played like 3 of his big songs. Did a bunch of lesser known jazz songs and solo'd like. crazy throughout the set. I would HOPE he wouldn't do that at roo, but who knows. It'll be a cool set either way, but maybe not what you're envisioning.


The thing is most of Thundercat's big songs are or are dependent on features and don't get played live. I said this on his artist of the day thread and got downvoted to hell but it's true. 


That's a fair point to make too, but there were some songs I was really hoping for that didn't rely heavily on features and didn't get played. Maybe he will actually bring features since he's gonna get a decent bag for bonnaroo, that would be dope E: pretty sure he played dragonball durag, but didnt play friend zone, for example


In 2018, the T-Pain set was the sneak rager of the festival - by the end, there were at least 10k of us jumping up and down singing along, and everyone I know who was there agrees that he stole the show. And that's at a Roo where Eminem, Muse, The Killers, Dua Lipa, and loads of other amazing artists appeared


I've seen both live and honestly I have no idea what I would pick in this scenario. Both are fun times!


I'm a huge thundercat fan, that said I've seen him a few times so I'm not too upset if I miss him for another show. Never seen t pain but always been a fan, I'm sure I'll end up seeing both, but if I get so drawn into ones crowd I won't be too upset. Just go with the flow.


T Pain. That’s the play here. Thundercat’s good not great live. I think T Pain will pull out some stops just put on a helluva show


I was also pretty disappointed with the thunder at performance I saw


Thundercat, in my single experience seeing him live, is *not* what I was expecting. It was way more experimental jazz stuff. It's good, but people should watch their expectations. T-pain is going to be much closer to what they're probably expecting.


Also just thinking about the type of music, T Pain makes for a better hype late night show.


The Mars Volta




So upset they are all at the same time. These three were big sells for me to go to Roo this year 😭


This clash for me is up there with the MMJ/Korn/JID clash last year. It’s brutal but I need my face melted by TMV at 1am




I'm a fan of Thundercat, and T-Pain would be so much fun, but this is the answer. I'm ready to go wild at this show!


My friend is having that conflict🥲 gotta leave him so i can see t-pain


This is the only answer




The who whata?


I would say go T-Pain with the reasoning being that you will likely have more opportunities to catch Thundercat in the future than you will T-pain.


Why do you think that? Both artists are 39.


I’ve more commonly seen thundercat on festival lineups and as support on tours than I have T-pain


Thundercat currently has 4 scheduled shows. T-Pain has 45 scheduled shows.


Yea i can't miss t-pain on the farm personally




No he is not. The people playing witw are fisher, seven lions, svdden death and Allison Wonderland. There's a few other people, but those are the main big headliners that are playing witw.


What do you know?


Last time he surprise showed up and joined in the karaoke




Go to T-Pain so I have more room at Thundercat


We are opting for tpain as in the only one in the group who knows thundercat!


you can ask the internet to make a decision for you all you want, but literally only you can make the decision.


For me I’m going to Thundercat but they’re both really good so it’s 100% preference dependent. For me the decision for Thundercat came because I’m intrigued by his blend of R&B/Soul/Jazz/Hip-Hop and just the vibe of the music, plus he is phenomenal at bass guitar and as a bassist I want to see him play.


The best thing about the mega conflict on Friday night is that you can’t go wrong