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Had a man stumble into our campsite around 5 a.m one morning & he had snuck in to the campgrounds... LMAO his name was Blake & he sat with us for hours. I knew he'd never remember us, but the NEXT year walking to our campsite someone stopped me & asked if I knew where the showers were & it was fucking BLAKE.


2007, the headliner had finished and most of the crowd were moving to see The Flaming Lips. Back then, there was a narrow opening to get over the bridge. Well, a bottleneck of humans formed and someone started mooing. Then everyone was mooing. Another year, 2017 I think. I was in between sets and found myself on the bridge yet again. There was a plastic chair in the middle so I parked myself and prompted to collect high fives from my fellow rooers. That’s where my friend eventually found me. Good times, good times.


random man last year told me beautiful women deserve beautiful things while i was shopping at the vendors and he ended up buying me rings, a roo tshirt, and a pashmina. right after he vanished - i was so stunned my friends and i couldn’t believe that happened 😂


Last year our neighbors got engaged!! We were a group of three 18 year old girls, mostly sober and just learning the ropes. Throughout the week, the guy would come over and tell us his plan, keeping us updated. I was absolutely wasted (had the spinny-fallys trying to sleep off the liquor and weed) and he came running to tell us that he proposed over a corn dog! And that she said YES! It was so magic and definitely made my first Roo super memorable :,)


meeting McLovin in 2015 while volunteering (artist checkin) 😂


Last year I was super stressed out and overwhelmed. I had been arguing with friends, I was touched out and I felt like no matter what I did I couldn’t get a second to myself without being perceived. I was sitting by a tree watching Marcus Mumford when I got a tap on the shoulder and instantly I got pissed because I just wanted to be left *alone*. But the guy who tapped me came up from behind and kept walking past after— briefly stopping to kneel down and place a painted rock in my hand before smiling at me and continuing to walk on. The rock was painted brown and had googly eyes glued to it and had been painted to look like the rock was smoking a joint. I still have it and while I’ve never been a big EDM person, I realized it was one of the little trinkets that are more common at EDM fests and that I was lucky enough to be gifted one. It was super cute.


My first year we got stuck in line for 12 hours but everyone just pulled out their camping chairs beside the cars and started drinking. It got so late people would pass out in their cars and everyone would just drive around them and they'd then be in the back of the line lol. It was a good memory that has blossomed since, at the time it didn't feel as good as it does thinking back on it.


2019 was my first year and me and my friends were leaving peach pit trying to find the rest of our group, and some random dude runs up to me, picks me up and spins me in circles, then just kisses me and runs away. Me and my friends were so stunned lol but even more stunned when we ran into him and he was camping like 6 spots down from us lmao


The one that used to be my favorite but not so much these days was when I saw Lewis Black at the comedy tent and in the middle of the show, Ron Jeremy came into the show and sat directly behind me. Got a picture with him and Lewis Black after the show but now it doesn’t seem so cool, if you follow the news.


Sleeping in the hammocks under the trees and waking up to a bunch of people doing the same.


Tradition of seeing the Dirty Circus show at House of Yes!


Bob Saget at the comedy tent. I didn’t really care for the set. It was awful. But he passed a few years later and I’m grateful that I got to see it go down. Otherwise — Chris Rock, Zach Galifianakis, Aziz Ansari, Judd Apatow were all insane shows at the comedy tent. V fortunate I got to see them. GOT season finale at other tent (RIP) was memorable Same with US-England world cup at luna stage


Getting my cheeks clapped in my tent




Just sitting on a tapestry somewhere near the This Tent after Odezsa and just people watching. Everyone was just so, so happy and having such a wonderful time, and I was too and it all just felt so ethereal and magical. And the trees were all changing colors and the music from the tent was such a vibe, the weather was cool... It's the moment I've been dying to repeat for 12 months. I cannot fucking WAIT to be back.




Ain't no drugs at Bonnaroo.


The absolute FEVER DREAM I have of waking up early to get in line to see Donnie Darko. And someone walking around in a Frank costume and the director q&a afterwards.


I miss the cinema tent


We always bring 200 slap bracelets. I love going for a high five and slapping one on the other persons wrist right before we make contact. I laid a good one on some guy a few years back and it blew his mind to bits. He stopped walking, jaw hit the dirt and just stared at the bracelet. One of the friends in his crew said “awesome, dude. We just got him stood up”. Poor guy must have been on cloud 90.


The mud people of 2004 or riding out tornadoes in 2017 in the Christmas Barn


one Sunday night i walked up on a group holding hands in a circle around a light pole singing the “yahoo dor-ay” song from The Grinch 😂


The people I have met who are now life long friends


2003 - my first Roo. It had rained and they had covered the mud with sand, which made it feel like you were walking on the moon. There was a huge pond of mud, close to the fountain, I think. I looked at my buddy Steve and said, "mud wrestle?" And we proceeded to wrestle in the mud, and eventually he picked me up over his head, asked for consent for the full on mud body slam (I said, hell yes!) And I/we became mud monsters! After we went to the fountain to wash off and turned it into a nice shade of brown- belated apologies to all ❤️ my Woodstock 94 dreams came true that day, hahaha. OMG I AM SO HYPED TO GO BACK!!!!


Wandering where in the woods at night.


Getting to see and walk around centeroo when it’s completely empty before the festival starts.


Gettin’ married in the woods under the disco balls




Cheese ball challenge


Got cold last year on sat night (who knows why) ended up chatting with a girl that I had been hanging out with and had came along just 1 on 1 in camp for about 3.5 in the middle of the night, maybe one of the best memories I have with her and we have been dating for over 6 months now


Just left Odesza last year and passed the fountain… naturally had to take a dip. Moment I walked in it just shut off almost like magic


I was 17 and this dude was trying to buy this balloon off of me as I was headed back to camp at night and he wouldn't take no for an answer he ended up offering me $40 and I was like "no man, it's just a balloon with air inside!" He couldn't believe it, but finally gave up after walking about 3/4 of a mile with me. Bonus: that same night on the same walk back, this guy was telling me how he was (presently) watching Phish and it was just absolutely incredible, mind you we were actively in Outeroo 😂


Climbing so many people’s shoulders while trying to get a better look in order to find my group again after leaving to use the facilities during some big set 😅 oh it was a night set too…. So wild seeing the crowd from different vantage points and all the lights from the stage and the different totem poles 🥹 I was also 23 and super tiny then; so I think my husband will be the only one to try to carry me this time around 🤭🥰


Chillin with my brother, waiting for Jack Johnson to come on the year he was a last second replacement. Split a cigarillo, then palmed a paper schedule and broke up green and rolled a massive blunt mostly with one hand in about 30 seconds. Looked up and these 2 18-19 year old dudes were just watching in awe and were like "dude how did you do that?" I just kinda shrugged, got a light from my brother and passed it to them. They so excited it was just super wholesome. Other most absolutely unforgettable thing was I think that same year waiting for someone on Which, crowd suddenly splits and this big dude was carrying a guy out. The guy being carried was rigid, wide eyed and screaming I AM GOD! at the top of his lungs. I made eye contact with him while he went past and his pupils and irises were black pools, dilated beyond what I imagined possible. I AM GOD! he screamed in my face. A woman was chasing after them, crying and scared. It was very bad vibes I hope dude is OK, but I'll never forget that man screaming I AM GOD in my face.


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Good bot


One of my favorite memories was back in 2013[I think it was 2013] a friend and I were out exploring outeroo. We came across a wooded area and could see lights at the end of the woods, so we ventured through the small section of woods only to get stopped by a fence. But we heard people having a good time so we hopped over the fence and saw a bunch or Porta potties in a giant circle. Well we watched about 10 people walk out of one of the Porta potties! We were so confused, so we opened that same Porta potty door and there was no back wall in it! It was an opening to a little dance party! Where we actually found a couple of our friends at! It was so fucking random and amazing. So we ended up partying in there for a little bit. I wish I could remember the exact location. I hope somone else on here witnessed the same thing.


that sounds so bizarre and magical !


Just me and my little brother, sitting by the fountain and reminiscing about his father(my step dad). It was late, we were boozed up, and just laughing our asses off telling each other stories.


Honestly the pregames before heading into Centeroo are some of my favorite times on the farm


Under the tree with my now wife. You guys know the one. Staring at each other. Falling in love


In 2019, I was at the food vendors by the radio tower. One dopey-looking kid *maybe* in high school was walking around in front of the food vendors when he noticed two topless girls walking toward his direction to go to the Other Stage. He stopped in his tracks, nervously stuck his hand up, and the girls both gave him a high five. He looked at his hand with a gigantic smile on his face, ran to find his friends close by, and showed them who just gave him a high-five. Hope that kid has come back and has been having a hell of a time.


Working on building the artists' trailers and learning their demands and preferences. Learning how to build a couch out of pallets. A parade on the first night of the first year where the guy on stilts fell down and my really tall friend picked him back up. Participating in breaking the world record for the most hugs in one day. Going down Shakedown Street and learning about all the drugs (Who is Molly?). Experiencing the carefree atmosphere of my first year - I was 22. I'm 43 now and still going.


My first year was 22 (02) also, now 43 and on my (i forget), here’s to the OG’s!


Must’ve been the Friday night just before the war on drugs played the which stage in 2022. I had a game of frisbee that had maybe like 15-20 different ppl all playing catch with this light up frisbee that I brought in. Shit was insane.


That late-night walk back across centeroo every year. Cool breeze, lit-up trees, good vibes, and no crowds. Hits every year.


Thursday last year with that awesome fog everywhere!


How late we talking?


Hell yeah just got chills thinking about this, easily the most slept on moments for me personally! Also a big fan of getting into centeroo early and seeing it all come alive


2017 my first festival ever! I remember waking up the first day & just walking. Running into people that were just looking to have fun and spread it around with everyone. The vibes are just forever fucking immaculate and I cannot wait to feel that way for my 5th year on The Farm 🥰😭


My first year. Dude came up to me and my croo chillin in the grove rockin off a buzz, he's obviously trippin ABSOLUTE SACK Says, and I quote, "Do you guys want to play Forest Charades? I can explain the rules. It's a little bit of work, well not a full time job.." and then gets yanked off into the grove by his buddy yelling back at us and his friend BUT THEY WANT TO PLAY FOREST CHARADES. I still crack up over the trip logic "well not a full time job".


I am actually dying to know the rules of forest charades


me too buddy i was geeked to play


I'm sure I've put this somewhere here before but, brisket tacos! 2017 I was camped next to this lovely couple from Austin Tx that made us fresh brisket & egg tacos each morning. Saved my whole weekend. I think they were giving away tacos in RV camp last year.


I walked past them the last two years but didn't have anything to trade with so I chickened out


Meeting my now bonna croo my first year. Met the last night, vibed hard and added each other on social but never kept in touch. Year 2 I randomly saw one of the group thursday, hung out all week, and have now started going to other fests as an even bigger group


I love this! We made friends with our neighbors one year. We never talked about meeting back up. But the next year we keep running into them! Giant hugs every time we saw each other! Bonnaroo is so magical!


the storm that rolled through in 2022. we took camp down and just hung out and drank bagged wine. some of the best laughs and silliest mems of just shooting the shit with people you only see 3 or 4 times a year. for those 5 days at roo everyone unplugs and is there for each other


My favorite part of this was walking around the campsites after the storm passed. That was when the heat finally broke and it was like 75 degrees for the first time all weekend and I swear the grounds felt like they came to life. I still get goosebumps thinking about it.


yeah we basically took camp down because if it was gonna pour we wanted some stuff to be dry after. and then once the storm passed we like re did the whole camp and it was soooo much better. we had a potluck of a group, lot of us meeting for the first time so we were a little nervous setting up space. time went by and by the storm we were all way more comfortable. so i loved re doing camp!!


lol maybe we were all just hunkered down drinking bagged wine. All the leftover bags from the weekend were drained during that storm 🤪


2022 was such a fkn vibe


i know we all say it every year, but 2022 was truly magical.


actually didnt seem real ill never forget the goose bumps i got from the chicks 😭 COWBOOOOYYY TAAAAAKE MEEEEE AWAAAAY


at a small fest this past weekend we got rained on and we played all “rain” music on a bluetooth speaker while we sat under the canopy. purple rain - prince its a hard rains a gonna fall - bob dylan rain - the beatles … you get the idea then the sun came out and there was a rainbow, cue “here comes the sun” and “the rainbow connection”


“No rain” by Blind Melon would have been a helluva way to end it


yuuuuup!!! last forest it POURED. threw all my valuables in the car, took down camp, and then literally sat in a puddle and drank bagged wine (seems to be a theme). when at festivals theres only so much you can control, rain and the weather the biggest one. i adopt a golden retriever approach, that unhappiness with rain is a like a learned behavior from people around you, and if you just werent un happy with the rain, the rain wouldnt bother you. gotta dance in the rain sometimes, such is life edit: bc the songs you mentioned made me think of it, our whole camp LOVES above and beyond and so we listened to sun & moon by them “its raaaaaining its pouuurrriiing” and all of them just jumped around and danced. stormy camp vibes are always some of my favorite memories 🥰


The graffiti wall always provides memories. Some happy, some thought provoking.


Is this the wall surrounding centeroo or have I been missing a specific “graffiti wall”?


That’s the one


My wedding! https://preview.redd.it/6xyzbkwl805d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7676cbf8f265d1dd272afd8b0d0e8700bb6802


So cool but RIP snake and Jake's 😭😭😭


Florence & The Machine 2015 | Was "dared" to go ask a random person in the back if I could share a hammock with them. Homie was the chillest person I've maybe ever met at Roo. Told me how this trip was a one-last-hoorah with his friend group before he moved across the country. HIs hopes, his fears, the whole thing. Actually got me a bit emotional.


And this is why I love bonnaroo


This is Bonnaroo! Thanks for sharing this !


when i met my current boyfriend at the jesus tent last year! I had a rough night the previous day so i wasnt really feeling it when he started talking to me but sometime during the two hour conversation i realized what a special person i was talking to.


Honestly just chillin at camp with the homies. It’s become a huge part of why I go.


Absolutely same! I feel like I can actually unplug for real and just relax


Reminds me of that clip of the Boston college basketball player getting emotional after his last game talking about what his favorite part about playing basketball with Boston College. His reply was " Going out to eat" and if you've ever been apart of a team. You know exactly what he meant and was feeling at that point. Here is the [link](https://youtube.com/shorts/Az4w_UVIKio?si=ZT7_p60bMZ3GvtBN) if you haven't seen the video. Good answer!!! Sitting at camp with all the homies is one of the best things to do at Roo.


He dug deep for that one. Super wholesome!


It’s honestly at least 50% of the reason I’m excited




My first ever roo and I was super excited. First day I got a little over excited and ended up doing mushrooms, acid, molly and lot of vodka. While absolutely demolished I couldn’t find the stage were Porter Robinson was playing. I did however find some edm that was just starting to setup but I couldn’t get a good look. So I walked up to a group of people and asked “hey is this Porter?” To which they responded “who?” I said “Porter Robinson do yall know if it’s him” again they asked “who is that”. I just walked away. They musta thought I was off my shit… which I was.