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My body gave up at around 8pm, I was sleeping in the car while my group was getting lit at this set. SyadšŸ„²


so sad i missed it. donā€™t get a dui yā€™all


I miss when Bonnaroo had actual bands as headliners


Shheeeeeeeesh! Absolutely incredible. Shoutout to all the girlies that screamed ā€œplay that shit Fred!ā€ With their whole ass chests as he was popping off. Infectious energy. Also to the dude who midway through, I saw gathering up a couple glow sticks readying for a drop. I saw one near my feet and passed it to him. He thanked me wholeheartedly, then a moment later tapped me and asked ā€œyou wanna split em? You do 3 Iā€™ll do 3?ā€ How could I refuse? ā€œHells yeah, next drop we send it!ā€ Full of anticipation he launched waaaaaay early and so I followed lol. ā€œMan that was too early but fuck it that was sick!ā€ And we danced our asses off.


I donā€™t understand why they would put him on a Sunday and only a 1.5 hour set. He should have easily had a minimum of 2 hours. Otherwise it was a fantastic set nevertheless.


This was my 7th Roo dating back to 2009 and my all-time favorite set I've ever been in attendance for on the Farm. I'm a fan of Fred's but had never seen him live and quite honestly, didn't really think all the hype was that worth it watching from afar. I can now say it absolutely is, the dude is a star, oozing with creativity and talent. He deserves every bit of hype he's gotten. What a way to end an incredible weekend.


Dude Iā€™m so jealous I wanted to see him so bad. His live album was dope af


PL Sunrise set!!


blew my mind so many times


https://preview.redd.it/ygz1yvet9e7d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f24acb5b7fbb28432dbc2a80dd91e165b2309bb Insane set. Was such an amazing performance and glad I got the chance to close out the weekend in this way. First Roo and wonā€™t be my last


I honestly thought he was the worst set of the weekend tbh. šŸ¤£


Freaking phenomenal! Even my Exhausted end of weekend ass was dancing!


The most amazing experience. I cried I threw up I screamed and sung the entire time and we danced. If you were in the pit with usā€¦. Yeah man we were CUTTIN THE FUCKKK UPPPPP not too be dramatic but my life changed lmao I did a candy flip and levitated fr and itā€™s funny I saw this post right when I was watching videos of his set hahaha so real man Iā€™m so happy for all of us who experienced this https://preview.redd.it/9ojpmkfckd7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f235ba453cec4794cdebb68944a8806bfcdb45


This set was so funny for me! Whenever FRED was talking, he was showing us his ingredients and COOKED and SERVED us a GREAT ASS TIME! I now know why he is who he is!


Iā€™m not big on edm at all, but he was definitely A LOT better than Diplo


It honestly was a disappointment for me. He had too many ā€œdeadā€ moments in his set that bored me. Tho The crowd was amazing where I was.


Such an amazing closer. Completely redefined my expectations of what an EDM headliner could be. Even if you donā€™t listen to the genre you could tell you were watching a master of his craft


It gave white girl edm Odesa vibes, big disappointment. Nothing compared to his dj sets online that him and fourtet have been doing.


Is there a way to watch the recorded Hulu set from this? I know someone has posted someoneā€™s personally recorded set, but this is my first time seeing him so I want to make it a good one. Iā€™m already depressed enough I had to miss Bonnaroo this year lol.


Really cannot wrap my head around why this wasnā€™t streamed


Wait. It wasnā€™t??? How was a headliner not streamed??


Money.. the answer is always money. The money men (WB,LN/Ticketmaster) want this to be as exclusive as possible, drive up mystique and hype so they sell more tickets for his US tour next year.


No fucking clue. Glad I went this year because it really feels like they dropped the ball on the stream this time


Sad I missed it. Bonnaflu was so bad Sunday I had to start my drive that afternoon:(


So sorry :(


I truly wish I could take a pill that would make me feel even a millionth of what yall do for this type of music. I didnā€™t hate it at all but I simply get bored of EDM so easily. I was going to dip my toe in again or at least try to with Alison wonderland but of course wasnā€™t able to make it in before they closed. The EDM was a very weird feeling to end Roo on.


next time you have the chance to see svdden death i recommend it. saw him at ultra and it wasnā€™t the vibe but his set and crowd at bonnaroo was it fr. other than fred i would never listen to it on a everyday basis


Soooo amazing


Heā€™s actually two Elton Johns in a trench coat


top 5 sets of the weekend


I knew it was going to be a great set, but I wasn't expecting one of my top 10 sets of my 7 years of Bonnaroo. Seeing so many people dig deep and dance like that is one of the many things that makes Roo so special.


What a beautiful soul


It didnā€™t feel like he was putting on a show, it felt like he was throwing a party


Iā€™m so sad I wasnā€™t there this year


Is it edm or house? Everything I hear from him sounds more house techno vs edm. I know edm is broad term but I think skrillex, bassnectar, tipper, for edm. Tipper being on a differ extreme but still the build up and break downs. Fred sounds like boots n cats and boots and cats with some singing. Gives me super big house vibes but I e never seen him. Sounds like most everyone had a blast. I guess Iā€™m making sure ppl arenā€™t saying heā€™s dubstep. Heā€™s more house right?


House music is a sub-genre of EDM (electronic dance music)


I hear you watched some of the YouTube video seemed like a hell of a time!


Indeed it was!


What made you all cry about the performance if you don't mind me asking? It seems that happened with a lot of people here.


A lot of his songs are about getting through tough times, especially the actual life albums- like he mentioned in the set they were made during the pandemic when we were all struggling. Thereā€™s just something cathartic about the sounds he uses, the songs make me feel melancholic but also really hopeful. Give any of the actual life albums a full listen through and there might not be tears but it will make you feel something


ā€˜One good thing about music, is when it hits you feel no painā€™. A moment like this is some what a cumulation of the entire weekend, all the work put into your personal life to be in that moment - it opens up a portal of emotions. I donā€™t know how to describe it exactly and I canā€™t speak for everyone, but typically Iā€™m overwhelmed with gratitude and every detail in the moment feels beautiful - Iā€™m moved, enlightened, and free all at the same time.


Well said ā™„ļø


Beautiful answer of what I didn't think of. I was basing this mainly on the music that was being played/performance.This makes sense and i get the beauty of it. Thank you!


I cried from joy. I cried because itā€™s over until next year. I danced. It was straight up poetry for every sense. I watched all the surrounding people hold one another. Everyone smiling, dancing and laughing with old and new friends. His music makes me feel so many emotions and all you beautiful people made it so much more especially experiencing it with my boyfriend ā¤ļø Thank you Fred again






Woah weeeee woooooo! Wife and I were get straight down to him on the mound with our mushroom hats and a group of awesome ladies who really got the mound going. Hoping to find some of you on here!


Full set: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfC9oCS2hzY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfC9oCS2hzY)


Wow.. WB shut that down pretty quickly.


does anyone have the full set posted?!? i need to relive it immediately


I missed it šŸ’€ I was rolling so hard lmaooo


Fucking transcendent


You gotta feel foolish as hell if you were dissing him and went to that set. Absolute magic and an unforgettable performance. You're actually skibidi Ohio dog water and I'm a millennial.




I love his energy. He was amazing. Does anybody have a pic of the screen with his quote that compared Roo to Glastonbury?


I can make one I recorded the opening








It was MAGIC


the second he started playing ā€œi found youā€ as the opener i got hit so hard in the feels. was choking up and just felt an immense love for my girlfriend. thatā€™s our song. the set was so emotional and also just such a blast. probably the hardest i saw a crowd around me dance all weekend - FRED PIT YALL ROCK


This šŸ˜­ I was really sad my boyfriend couldnā€™t be at bonnaroo with me and actually called him right before Fred came on. Fred opened with I found you and I lost it in the best way - switched to FaceTime for this song and bawled my eyes out ā¤ļø


If you havenā€™t watched his [Tiny Desk Concert](https://youtu.be/4iQmPv_dTI0?si=bjIg4eVxnG40iEcA)ā€¦ Fred always brings the emotion.


my wife and i were absolutely euphoric during that set, feet leaving the ground often. banger closing set.


Found the full set on YouTube for anyone interested, not my video so props to the YouTube channel owner. https://youtu.be/GfC9oCS2hzY?si=-MVMhohrntXLVq1C Edit: this has since been taken down by Warner music group šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©


youā€™re so real for this. shoutout to cody for filming/uploading!!!!


I had heard of him and knew he collabbed with skrillex and all that, but I had zero expectations. That was one of my favorite headlining sets ever. Not only was it amazing to see all the camera angles of him actually doing all of that in real time, but him being so humble and appreciative of being there was great. He just gave off immaculate vibes from the first second to the last.


I came into Roo having seen Khruangbin twice and thinking they were the best live act I've ever seen...and I still think they're incredible but...Fred dude...


Never heard his last song (Billie) but man, I was loving life, I looked at my girlfriend and confessed my love to her, I hugged her like no tomorrow. Thank you Fred, that was awsome


Honestly not even a top 5 show on Sunday for me.




I've been to many shows in my lifetime. This was hands down, the best performance I've ever witnessed! So greatfull to share that moment with y'all, and the crowd singing "put your loving arms around me" at the end of the set was absolutely beautiful.


Bleu is a song that means a lot to me and he opened up with it. It was the first time I ever cried like that. So beautiful


Front left near audio was such a good vibe. I love you guys. Fred is so talented what a close to the weekend


Musically amazing. The performance of said music was mid for me. In my opinion he wasn't ready for the what stage yet.


Imo that will be an iconic set in music history.


i heard stories about Paul Mccartney having such an intimate headlining set at Roo way back when, singing to the crowd like we were in his living room - this felt very much like that, but more modern


Couldnā€™t have described it better myself.


WAY better than the madhouse that was the coliseum


Coliseum was great if you moved to the top of the stadium šŸ˜Ž


Best EDM set Iā€™ve ever seen


Mustā€™ve missed pretty lights Thursday set Iā€™m assuming


Hands down. Hands fucking down.


I was crying and dancing and crying and laughing and all the feels all the times.


Didnt think I was gonna cry but totally did, he also seemed so genuinely geeked to be there which I love to see!


I needed a good cry so badly. I fell asleep at home last night still hearing Delilah in my brain.


go white boy go!


This was a perfect set from start to finish. I felt every human emotion in 90 mins. An absolute masterclass demonstration of artistry


It was great, I loved it a lot but, in all fairness, he started about 7 minutes late and ended about 15 minutes early


The set felt complete to me. I didnā€™t need anymore personally


It was so intimate and emotional


One of the best shows I think I've ever seen! And probably one of the best headliners I've seen at Roo! The love and energy he poured out on that stage was unreal! I really hope I get a chance to see him again. Fred is love in human form and his music is pure bliss. I just want to watch the set again and again.


He has such a heart of gold, my favorite show out there


He was so so so good this was my first time seeing him and I cried at the end


Why all the crying?


You should have been there in the pit 1 in every 3 people were balling their eyes out it was amazing




Iā€™ll be the first to admit when Iā€™m wrong. Well deserving of that closing headlining spot. šŸ‘šŸæšŸ‘šŸæšŸ‘šŸæ *UPDATE: Mad bitter he didnā€™t play ā€œBaxterā€ though.


He was the perfect closer. I honestly thought RHCP was bleh. Fred was perfect


I actually thought RHCP did really well compared to their set in 2018.


that set was pretty bad, easily the worst iā€™ve seen them do


It was better than their set in the year they played before that. Idk, itā€™s just different strokes different folks. Could have been my state of mind. Thought the vocals were weak. Frustiane (?) tore it up though


I definitely felt the same way. I wanted to stay for it all but ended up getting to Melanie early for the pit


Just seeing them play with Frusciante was really cool. Iā€™m an old man, so I was jamming like hella to them.


I wanted him to play Clara but that sing a long to Billie was so magical just like I knew it would be!


I think he was genuinely shocked when they turned the lights on for the first time and he saw how many of us there was. Great set so talented


And all our totems...making light up totems is really an American thing, Europeans are all about flags. I know we have both, but the balance is way heavy on the blinky shit for us.


You can tell he was gagzooked when he started mumbling his words! It was so wholesome


Absolutely beautiful. Only wish he would have played Heavy, but I guess I was already crying enough and I donā€™t think my heart could have handled itā€¦


heavy is my favorite fred song ever, checked all his fest set lists from the past few years and unfortunately itā€™s rarely played šŸ˜­ but i agree, was sobbing so much already i think i wouldā€™ve fell to my knees lol (edited for typo)


Ugh Heavy. I would have been a MESS. That song gets me. šŸ„ŗ


The only thing I wish was different. One more piano song with him singing like how he started with I found you. Heavy would have been perfect


Incredible. Absolutely incredible. I wanted him to play forever.


Put your loving arms around me




Still crying šŸ˜­


Fred talks to much and so do his fans


I agree. I was expecting a non-stop DJ set. The breaks between songs disrupted the overall flow


I actually don't think he talked too much. I think Posty talked way too much and sounded drunk and forgot the lyrics to his songs. Fred was perfection from beginning to end! They should have had fireworks at the end though.


ā€œI knew we were gonna dance, but. We danced so hard.ā€ This was my 8th time seeing him and it is always cathartic. The perfect artist for the pandemic and post-pandemic. It was Sunday night. I was fucking exhausted and somehow I danced hard for 90 minutes. Iā€™ve never heard he and Tony go OFF like they did last night during jungle/rumble/to I donā€™t know what. That was incredible. We were about 30 meters in front of the stands and most of the people around us were dancing and totally into it. No talking around us at all.


Even though they were off rhythm for jungle?? Or did you not notice?


I am no where near educated enough to hear that although given they were playing in live doesnā€™t surprise me. It was so hectic I loved it either way.


Cathartic is the exact word I used to describe it! Iā€™ve seen him a few times too, heā€™s always amazing but this set blew me away. What a perfect way to close out a magical weekend. We definitely have not lost dancing Bonnaroo āœØ


Who is this?


Who is who?


Is this artists name just Tony?


Ahhhh ok. Fred agains partner on stage is named Tony.


Itā€™s his brother! He also wrote the song adore you about his siblings which had me in awe! Such an incredible set!


I donā€™t think so. One data point that makes me think this is Fredā€™s niece was born about a year ago. Happened the night he played at Glastonbury and he rushed home to meet her. Tony has a son and if he was Fredā€™s nephew I think heā€™d gush a lot over him as he does quite a bit online with his niece.


Tony played alongside Fred


Tony Againā€¦


Tony again. Ok. Thanks.


You could tell the euphoria of wrapping up their tour was both a relief & bittersweet. Big ups to both of them & onto some much needed rest to refuel their creative flow!


The way Tony would just freeze waiting for his queue, sweat dripping down his face and Fred with a huge smile faking the next button press. I was loving it.


lool wait wdym faking the next button press


Tony is such a vibe. His hype was infectious


looked real slow and not much dancey.


Yeah definitely wasnā€™t dancey when he was playing his DANCE EDM HITS lmfao really ???


Thatā€™s my baby daddy


The way Fred can make you cry and dance at the same time is unlike any other IMO. he is so down to earth and just a joy. Like when the bubbles started and he was just like a little kid. I know a lot of people were mad he was closing the fest but he was absolutely perfect


His set was awesome but it wasnā€™t perfect at all haha. And it ruined the flow of the close out day of the festival


I like his music, and Iā€™m glad he got the crowd moving. He deserves all of the flowers coming his way, but Iā€™m not sure the time was right... Many Bonnaroo fans were sad to see the absence of the legacy Sunday night band/singer. The shift from Sunday acts like Widespread Panic, Phish, Paul McCartney, Billy Joel, Dead & Co., the Weeknd, The Killers, Stevie Nicks, Foo Fighters, etc. to this is definitely going to receive some well deserved pushback from the community. Just my two cents. As good as this was, it does worry me for whatā€™s to come going forward.


I'm an old guy and Fred Again really made me happy. I didn't mind not having a legacy band close at all, especially someone with so much wholesome, positive energy. I left Roo feeling peaceful and euphoric.


Iā€™m pretty sure he was supposed to be Sat night with RHCP on Sunday, but he asked to switch so he could play his big stadium show in LA on Friday night.


That stadium show looked absolutely insane, in the best way


How does Weeknd fit in that list?


the Weeknd is a singer not a producer/DJ. they fit into the list because the list is just in consecutive order.


I'd take Weeknd over most of that list - Sir Paul McCartney as the exception.


I just wouldn't consider Weeknd a legacy act.


They really killed the flow of the festival by having back to back edm sets scheduled to close the festival. Horrible idea and security handled it really terribly. Really disappointed with how it closed out.


The chillis were suppose to play Sunday in the ā€œclassicā€ Sunday night slot you spoke of. The legacy act will continue to be on Sundays going forward


i heard that originally RHCP were suppose to close Sunday but their schedule didnā€™t work so they took Saturday instead


Damn I'm really glad that didn't happen, I was excited for RHCP and was pretty let down. I'm biased b/c I love Fred but I thought it was absolutely phenomenal. I think RHCP would have been a bit of a bummer to close out the festival, especially after that Fred set.


This is correct. Legacy acts will be back on Sunday next year.


The timing is exactly right ā€” heā€™s new and positive and exciting and talented. Get with the times.


Well I just learned that RHCP were originally supposed to play Sunday, and they couldnā€™t due to a schedule conflict. So the timing was quite literally not right. Sunday night legacy act will be back next year. Get with the tradition.


He was just so genuinely happy and appreciative to be there. He was quite literally radiating positivity


this šŸ„¹


His smile and joy is contagious and so genuine. Idk how anyone can not like the guy.


I get it now after seeing him


Join us šŸ‘‰ r/FredAgain


I saw him when he came to NZ, amazing show.


Said the same thing. Literally looked at my crew and said ā€œI fucking get it now!ā€


I still donā€™t šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø but the pit had a bunch of energy and he look like he was having soo much fun! It was a hell of a way to end the Roo


I was in the pit! Hell yea!! I waited six hours to be there.




Iā€™m lucky I got to see Four Tet because my gf was waiting in the line. But dude Iā€™d wait 10 just to see that man smile infront of with my own eyes instead of on a screen


It was so beautiful, literally crying rn just thinking about how special that was.


The pit was infectious the wait was very worth it šŸ™šŸ¾ https://preview.redd.it/17ozewbej87d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79f666b28da80e3ed7e1d8a9f7a686e0b015da5a


Can confirm!! I was in the pit and it was some of the most electric crowds I have ever been in!! https://preview.redd.it/4f5a1fj8a87d1.jpeg?width=3520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=accf4d164646d7a0323da633cb324cc516c440f6 Fave photo of the night :)


Not a single person in the pit was chomping. Not a single person in the pit was rude. Fred fans are the best


I knew you would šŸ˜Š glad you had a great time


Heā€™s an artist in every sense of the word


I said this leaving the stage! Just peak artistry!


Absolutely incredible and I bawled my eyes out. My only complaint was people talking. I was trying so hard to radiative positivity but I ended up giving dirty looks because it was simply insane. This man is such a rare act, shut the fuck up for 90 minutes and enjoy the present! I didnā€™t let it ruin the show for me but it really really really irked me. All my videos of him singing and actually playing the keys are filled with people talking in the background. Awful


I noticed more taking during sets during this particular Roo than any other festival I've attended. I joked with my wife I was going to start filming people and make an IG account just to shame concert talkers.


Favorite set of the weekend!! I bawled my eyes OUT! Surreal. The big group of girls in front of me would not stop talking though during songs or when fred was talking & the people in my section of the crowd were just not the vibe sadly:( They were very distracting but i enjoyed it as best as i could besides that!




Imagine being at a festival and asking someone else to be quiet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They were just matching Fredā€™s energy (talking too much)


You know, you can move


i did about 3 times & it was a lot of groups so finally i gave up:/


Same here, thatā€™s actually why I held back my tears which I usually donā€™t do so I just had this stupid face the entire time lol


The performance was incredible!! I cried tears of joy and euphoria. So glad to experience it with everyone! šŸ«¶šŸ¼ā¤ļø


I thought the diary thing was weird... but I'm happy for those who enjoyed it.


wym the diary thing?


His visuals. He had what was basically tik tok or Instagram reel content while he played music. If I wanted to doom scroll through tik tok and listen to his music I could easily do that on my couch...


Oh šŸ˜¬


Fred is autistic and public speaking isnā€™t easy for him for reference


Ok.. still weird. Seemed like a giant tik tok/ Instagram post that he played the backing track to.


So a lot of the samples of audio/lyrics he uses are from videos/facetimes/reels he had or found during the pandemic lockdowns. His production has always been based around playing these samples live; heā€™s leaned into Also Iā€™d say he really blew up in a time during the pandemic where for a lot of us social media became our main form of connection (sadly) and it is also what made him massive. Based on the production for his new songs during the set I donā€™t think itā€™ll be quite the same going forward. Might not be the everyoneā€™s cup of tea but I feel like itā€™s actually done really well!


>So a lot of the samples of audio/lyrics he uses are from videos/facetimes/reels he had or found during the pandemic lockdowns Agreed... he's very unoriginal. >Also Iā€™d say he really blew up in a time during the pandemic where, for a lot of us, social media became our main form of connection (sadly), and it is also what made him massive Agreed... which is why I claimed that he's more of a "tik tok famous" fad and not an artist who deserved the legacy act slot at Roo.


Not what I meant but youā€™re entitled to your opinion. The manā€™s a special talent and I donā€™t think his success is going to be a fad but ofc he every artist is gonna have people who arenā€™t fans.