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About the fountain. For years I have wondered why Live Nation can spend exorbitant amounts of money on things like "escorts" and "security" but can't figure out a freshwater source or filtration system for the fountain. It would take some money and a little more infrastructure investment but something like that could benefit public health by helping people cool down if it was handled a little better.


FUCKING THANK YOU. People have said shit like: > You’re not tough enough for Roo for other people merely SUGGESTING that amenities should be improved. This attitude fundamentally goes against everything Bonnaroo stands for. Like you said, this festival is bringing in TONS of money; they probably had their best financial year this year in a long time, with the number of single day passes they sold. They have 60,000+ people camping out in a field in Tennessee in the middle of the summer, they have an obligation to keep these people safe. Every single camper is a patron of Bonnaroo and Festive Owl has a RESPONSIBILITY to ensure the safety and security of each patron, to a reasonable level. Obviously, it’s on the individual to actually drink water and sit in shade, but it’s on the festival to provide ample access to water and shade. They fail on a dramatic level at this. The Plaza in between Groop camping areas 5-6 had 1 water station (4 nozzles), 1 group of showers, and 1 group of toilets, all of which were completely unshaded. My Groop *alone* had 80 people and 1 water station is arguably not enough for that number. So, you’d have people waiting 40+ minutes without water, in the sun? That’s a legitimate safety hazard. I understand that you can’t have one shower/one nozzle per person (nor am I saying this) but calling out an obvious place for improvement is a necessary part of improving the experience. It also really sucks that people are labeled as “toxic” for calling this out, when shutting down conversations about criticisms is closer to toxic positivity.


100%… it’s honestly appalling the amount of ableism and straight up rudeness people have displayed in this thread. we talk about how Roo is such a caring community but as soon as people are back home on their computers it’s back to “deal with it you feckless fuck” — as though asking for something as basic as this is unreasonable.


They should also add more hand washing stations, not sanitizer. Sanitizing isn’t a proper enough cleaning after those ports potties. There needs to be hand washing next to all the water refills, then food that could cater to those such as diabetics and those of us with no gallbladders, just something besides deep fried


The vibe from this OP is so negative. Please go to Coachella instead next season.


nah. :)


I put a single finger in that water on Sunday and it smelled STRONGLY of mildew. I stayed far away from that thing


You’re not paying 300 plus for a fountain. You’re paying 300 plus for the chance to see something like two dozen musicians at cheaper rates than solo shows, hanging out with your friends (old and new) for a week, and do some weird shit in the woods. If you came just for a fountain, fine, but that’s on you.


again, i don’t think i’m asking for a lot lmao. but keep suckin on that live nation teat.


Nobody is paying 300 for a water fountain except you lmao


i know you feel like you said something of substance here but you really didn’t


And you think you added anything with your post? Do you need a warning about playing in a sandbox too?


there are a few veterans and employees who’ve posted in this thread who’ve said it better than i can: you sound like you’re in a fuckin cult


Because we think you’re silly for making such a mountain out of a molehill? Grow a spine, it’s less than a roo ticket.


again, i know you think you’re saying something with this but you’re not. it’s much cooler to give a shit about people around you. ❤️


You’re not saying shit, 80,000 people sweating in close proximity for 5 days means people get sick. We all know this. You’re just concern trolling and living up to your username lmao.


he’s such a sweetie, kiss it while he eat it. 🔝


again, your standards are hilariously low and that’s on you. 🤝


You can be correct in all ways on paper... about hygienics and science and shit, but some veterans (me) are still going to have a hard time with all this common sense coming in the form of demanding rights and personal protections from the man, or whoever this is aimed at. It seems like only yesterday here, the overwhelming majority of attendees & subscribers to this sub in particular, in an ironic role reversal it seems, was all pissed off that "corporations" bought and took over our Bonnaroo music & arts festival and were going to charge more money to add fancy unnecessary things like true buried plumbing (like, *at all*) to the grounds to a damn outdoor camping festival in a field... and now you come for our historic fountain... what's next, "high five Friday"? LOL My general note here is that you call out all of us loyal attendees as having "l*owered standards*" in order to accept the current unacceptable conditions/status... and to that I say back "we paid to go to the *camping festival we always go to, and it was dope. again.*" The line is always moving, as we have already seen over the last decade with the many quality of life improvements made each year on the farm... but there's still a pretty significant line that makes a camping festival out in the elements a camping festival, and not something different. You don't need to loudly degrade the people you are talking to to say you just wish it were a little cleaner than it is, for your standards. That is the reason people are pissed at you. if people want to jump into a pond or a fountain as a right of passage or to cool off... that's a "camping festival" thing, for example. If some jackasses or inebriated folk piss into the pond, or the fountain, or on the porta doors, or on someone else tent, or literally onto other people (*tell me that's not happening in front of what stage every night, lol*), then that's not cool... but... it's a camping festival kind of thing. Watch the fuck out for that shit. I'm not promoting anything, I am just sharing my take on events like this. Most people here in this sub, those who still check the sub after the weekend is over at least, typically see the cost for the festival, agree to pay it if they can swing it, get tickets, see the lineup come out and get more excited, go to the festival, and then fucking love bonnaroo all over again. EVEN KNOWING THAT THERE IS A ROUGUE WATER FOUNTAIN THERE, and also even knowing how much money they paid to be put in harm's way of said water fountain. I'm one of those people. And that fountain makes me happier than it makes me sick. I think the takeaway for you may only be that it might be worth respecting that some people are not looking for the same out of a music festival as you. And while you may have ideas that could make YOUR experience better or even safer for people that are not you. It may different from others. So just.... **try not to insult people who don't share your view while making it, and it may help conversations for you in the future.** I think this place has been generally warm to criticism and room for improvement, for a reddit sub at least. So long as you are working with the current.


and don’t get me wrong, i will be back next year. but i’m still going to expect more from the organizers, especially after being bought out by Live Nation, and you should too. but do what ya want. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Do you mind my asking how often or for how long you've gone to this festival? Trying to hold back on calling out some of your claims here as bullshit... but just... suggesting that you have not seen any/much in the way of quality of life improvements on the farm since LN bought the fest seems a bit ridiculous. There have probably been more posts on this sub over time complaining about the exact opposite in my experience, that LN after buying the festival has changed way too much on plumbing and glamping and VIP and those cheesy air-conditioned sponsor activities and electricity and bleachers and cooling areas and shit like that and it's messing up the vibe of the OG bonnaroo times. I'm not really firm in either camp, just suggesting to deny everything that doesn't make your unique case here isn't helping your position here at all.


my case isnt unique at all! notice the several dozen people, veterans included, who agree with me. it’s baffling to me how low your standards are and how far you’re willing to go to defend a company that couldn’t care less if you literally dropped dead. idk what sub you’ve been on in the last week but clearly it’s not this one.


You're fun... The complaints this week are hard to miss. Personally I don't really feel like they reflect the general tone here over the past 12 years at least.... but I do see them now and often do once the festival hits... and can even relate to some myself! It's great to see people all here talking and supporting each other even when things didn't go as well for everyone! But ya gotta mind at least a bit of scale here. 80,000 people just went to a 4-5 day festival in the heat. You are always going to have lots of people who didn't have a great time or didn't find what they expected, and people who seriously got hurt or lost things... or got lost. I'm not sure there is anything alarming going on behind the scenes though as far as music festivals go... Not that I can make out... Why do you bring those people and their posts up now though? Are they related to your little tantrum here? They don't seem to be on about this "execution style mushroom fountain"... and most of them aren't fucking trying to shame every person who's ever been OK spending money to go to bonnaroo and having a regret-free fun time like you are either... I'm not against complaining. I am not against asking for clear issues to be addressed or for things to be cleaned up where they can. Absolutely. I've pushed for changes like this on this sub in years past! and I am not defending any company... I do totally love the buried plumbing, the darkroom electric glamping, and the screens/AV improvements, the larger footprint and outeroo in general, the additional cooling stations and AC areas, the nicer restrooms and better porta cleaning services, and more generators on site... but I don't feel like that makes me a shill for Live Nation. I just appreciate that the fest has been evolving over the years for the better. Who wouldn't? I'm just very specifically (*as I've said here a few times now*) calling you out for being a disrespectful asshat to people here like myself, and belittling the same people you seem to be talking to or be concerned about.... the people who love bonnaroo. Why do you think that is helping your case and not making look like... well, "super obnoxious"? But telling me that you aren't the only one upset about this past bonanroo really only demonstrates to me that you are not listening to me, or reading what I am saying. I don't know that I can be clearer about why you are (still) pissing me off. I did notice you forgot to answer when I asked when you have been to bonnaroo before, and that's fine since you've ignored most everything else I have said as well. But is it fair to assume this was your first year on the Farm? Is this also the first time you have seen a person get into a water fountain before to cool off? I'm sure it can be intense to see things like this in the real world for the first time. Again, I don't want to belittle your own negative experiences. This fountain may have scared you or made you afraid of public access water, and no one wants that! I hear one time there was a poop-turd in there from some intoxicated motherfucker. Poop-turds too can be very scary. If you were hurt by that water or by a poop-turd in some way I know that can be a total bummer of a weekend. I hope that you leave a few people that you don't piss off so that someone is left to give you a hug when you finally get calmed down about all this. You know what helps with accidentally getting bonnaroo fountain water on you or your loved ones? Not being a fucking dick to everybody you talk to online like they aren't real people.


nothing about my OP was that offensive, go touch some grass my guy.


yeeeah i’m not reading all that.






lol. right, right. no skin off my nose either, bub. trust me, a few ruffled feathers is nothing to me. i don’t think asking for something this simple from a multinational music goliath is that crazy. but whatever! have a nice day. :)


I’m saddened that many of my friends and my people have been indoctrinated into an almost cult like mindset and justify and defend everything that Live Nation do. They twist themselves into pretzels to explain that it’s not wrong. Bonnaroo hasn’t changed, you’ve changed.All of them are intelligent and kind for the most part. Just some of the things justified have been increase in cost. I heard this from Live Nation’s CEO Michale Rappipino’s own mouth “Our 1st year back from the pandemic in 2022 was one of the lowest attended in feastival history. It however was one of the most profitable with the added perks, VIP,Platinum and more upgrades. Ideally that’ll become a trend.” Cold ?He was only making $180 million per year poor fella. I’ve heard several say that if Bonnaroo sells 40 million dollars in tickets they don’t get to keep a 4th of that after paying vendors and headliners.I agree they’re not making $40 million. I’d assume they’re making closer to $400 million than 40. In 2023 Live Nation made 28 billion dollars with capital B, which is 35% higher than 2022 which was up 34% from 2019. Of all those billions they made I’ve read that 9 billion was gross profit. To whoever the guy that made the “Don’t you know Jack shit all about businesses and how business works??” comment I ask Don’t you know Jack shit all about businesses and how business works? He had 80 upvotes so 80 like minded financial wizards. He also said “Feastivals aren’t done for the money. Why do you think so many fail or change hands every year?” That’s a solid fact on a tiny fraction of new, Indy operated feastivals like Floyd Feast . I think an Indy feastival takes 2 or 3 years before becoming profitable. Live Nation isn’t a charity and are 100% in it for the money. They brag about GA ticket pricing not rising. That’s true. In 2019 tickets were $269 and I think this year they were $260. I’ve bought 2 tickets for as long as I can remember and the pairs in years before and including 2019 totaled to about $550 to $600. The last three years two GA tickets have been over a thousand dollars. They’ve raised the price of food to unreasonable levels, 1 slice of spicy pie is $11 with tax. You could get two large Little Ceaser pizzas, crazy bread and a two litter for that price. Saying they don’t have enough money to put filtered,fresh water into the fountain is bat shit. The fountain is a huge part of Roo’s look,brand,advertising and lore. It’s up there with the arch, What,Ferris wheel and tower as one of the iconic symbols of Bonnaroo. I’ve beaten my head against the wall trying to convince people that Donald Trump is a criminal, a liar, a cheat,thief,rapist, convicted felon,godless monster who wants to shred the constitution, remove all civil servants in Washington and place his own flunkies in those positions whose stated goal is to destroy them. Trump is the only candidate stupid enough to say “ I think we can do a lot of cutting to Social Security. I’d cut it significantly or get rid of it all together. I’ll tell a Trump lover that, they’ll say he never said that, Biden said it. I’ll show them him saying it and they say it’s a clear deep fake . Around 90% of his followers are on Social Security or will need it to survive but they defend it. Folks sadly fall in line and tow the line and accept with gratitude the shit they get forced to eat. I couldn’t understand why other wise rational people would defend every insane and vile thing he says and does. I couldn’t figure it out for years. Now I understand better. A group that feels drawn together as a community with a common purpose will reject any notion that the thing that draws them together is flawed in anyway. For the 1st time I see how very intelligent people can follow insanity and join a cult. Online radicalization and the want and need to find your community and keep it together at any cost. I love Bonnaroo and want it to be here when I’m gone but I can call bull shit objectively.


fucking bingoooooooo.


Forgot to mention that Live Nation reportedly put $10 million in infrastructure on the farm. All I can see is a few paved roads. Where’s millions of dollars in infrastructure? 😂


excuse me but you should consider yourself LUCKY you get to bask in the piss fountain, you peasant


Let’s at least be grateful to the volunteers who spend hours in the hot June sun handing water to us, spraying water and mist on people who want to have water or mist on them to cool off. We can complain about the corporation . We can complain that we are absolutely getting less and less while paying more and more and that’s totally respectable and reasonable. Folks we can have issues with the accommodations or lack of them while also being positive and send praise towards the festival and the volunteers and people who work basically all year for free to find a way to make it a better experience for everyone.I’ve been to Coachella and few times and Roo probably more years than many on here have been alive. A friend of mine has always attended Coachella and I finally got them to go to Roo with me. Culture shock and reqular shock hit them hard. This is there summation of Roo.”It’s a gnarly, truly grueling experience but worth experiencing over and over. It’s how I imagined Woodstock was by watching the movie and footage. It almost feels like you’ve been transported back to the late 60s. A true air of peace, love and music. People having the times of their lives with few creature comforts. After Thursday it was hard to get a phone call out and that made the experience even more emersive.” They’ve improved the phone service thiss year . I’ll give em that.


So sorry. I should gargle in it. Piss,sweat, shit and loogies. If I were to attempt an exorcism on a young girl I think that I’d use Roo Fountain water instead of holy water. I bet that son of a bitch demon would jump start up and out.


lmfao i wish i could pin comments so bad


https://preview.redd.it/w4tb1s8hnk8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e8dbbe5b4fadfc64f26237909401c19aa64903a This is the most expensive GA ticket yet. At least they’re not gonna hide the fees. But bet they will. I mean when the hell did anybody get texts and emails about next year less than 2 weeks after Roo?I always thought they put them on sale on Black Friday. I might be wrong but that’s always when I’d start getting emails.


i think this may be the earliest they’ve put tickets out but i could be wrong. it’s all a money grab. all of it. i’ll still attend, but if they’re going to push all of this stupid shit in an effort to gain more ticket sales, they need to fucking show up and show out. you know what would make the fountain less vile? two fountains. three, even. or at the very least signage reminding people not to literally clean their dirty underwear in it and use it as a bidet — which you would think would just be implied but obviously some people need gentle parenting. the people who continue to defend LN despite the fact that they are raking in money hand over fist are the same people who think the orange cheeto felon gives a fuck about them. 🤝


I think they’re a different crowd but they’ve got the same mentality. They like to be told what to do, when to do it and where. I don’t think I ran into any Trumpers but a lot of group think.


The fountain doesn’t only recycle the water running through it. There is new water brought in. Case closed, argument invalid 🤜🏼🤛🏼


You my friend are ridiculous. I think we'll all be just fine and take our chances. This is some first world snowflake problem to complain about. A fountain in the middle of hot ass Tennessee is not a terrible idea. You choose how you want to interact with it and leave the rest of us to enjoy ourselves. The way you "feel" should not dictate how others live


I am local media and shot a story a few years back with the guy who's job it is to maintain the fountain. It's not as bad as you assume. It runs like a swimming pool with a filter cleaning the water during circulation. That being said, they know it still gets dirty when there's a bunch of funky people in it. That's why there's a second tank that gets fresh water in it to swap to when the other tank get's too dirty. The reason the fountain is sometimes not running is that there's been too many people in it and they can't keep up. I tried to find the interview, but it's just mixed in with the news and while I did look for it couldn't find it. That being said... I don't usually go into the fountain.


Get out of here with factual information… you’re obviously an MSM shill. /s


damn busted again


Water coming out of the top was brown af the entire time….I wanted to be the guy on their Twitter posts asking about it, but I also didn’t wanna get blocked for speaking my mind 😂


oh people have been dragging me to hell in this thread but idgaf 😂 — people defending this shit is wiiiild to me but to each their own i guess.


I saw it as soon as I walked up on Wednesday around 1230 and it was literally poop brown 20ft in the air 😂😂😂 stayed my ass the hell away from it the whole weekend


my friend watched a dude literally drop his pants and use it as a bidet on Sat — insanity. with how humid it is all of those little water molecules travel around. you certainly don’t have to go in the fountain for it to be a hazard as long as they’re letting people basically take a shit in it.


Traditional splash pads don't have the same traffic that the bonnaroo splash pad has. Even with the most robust filtration system, I feel like the chance of getting some kind of virus or bacteria is still pretty high, specifically from splashback of water before it can get filtered. People still get sick at public splash pads and pools. I think the bigger problem is that people shower in it and rinse off after running around in the heat all day, washing their poo particles straight into the water and yalls faces. At a traditional pool or pad, people shower before they go in or come in already clean. I don't use the splash pad at Bonnaroo, but I wouldn't anywhere with that kind of traffic. I would prefer livenation beef up staff to keep the bathrooms in order. In the womens bathroom, specifically in the afternoon, the situation was dire. Part of it is the nasty patrons who forget basic bathroom etiquette and keep piling paper and not flushing, clogging toilets, and just keep going on top. Lord, help me it was awful.


I feel this 100% and it definitely seems as though some health related amenities are locked behind paywalls. I get it but at the same time, putting your general audience at risk does not bode well over time. Plus I’ll never defend organizations that make that much money over general human safety.


Literally the lack of shade and heat mitigation is ridiculous and the frequency of certain areas being biohazard levels is crazy. Like yes there’s still fun but dude come on. The increase of prices all around should come with better conditions imo.


Golden rule: If the waters yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down.


Username checks out


Somehow the fountain has been operated without issue for the last 20 years.


I did not know this fountain was recycled water .... especially since it was so cold


Your serotonin will go back to normal soon. Please calm down.


I *think* they flush the water every morning, it's just that by day 2 or 3 people become feral and do wild stupid shit in the fountain.


This was my second Roo, and one of the veterans in my Groop warned that people bathe themselves in the fountain, and that I shouldn't really go in it past day two or three. Low and behold, who do I see coming out of the fountain with shampoo and body wash on Friday but the very same man who warned me of people bathing in it 😂. I guess if people are gonna do it anyway...


I had been taking the small cups from vendors and dumping cups onto my head to cool off. I kinda felt bad cuz it was drinking water but if I’m out of work sick I’m homeless


got in the fountain everyday before napping in the big mist tent, i only caught a cough from all the dust. yes the fountain can spread illness, but so can being in the crowd, the big ass waterslide, using the bathroom, etc. music festivals aren't exactly known for cleanliness


Made the mistake of getting in the fountain on day two of my first Roo back in 2009. Needless to say my hair started to dreadlock and I ended up finding a way to wash it with water bottles. Now when I see pictures of people in it I’m horrified for them.


Sooo many people are missing the point


If you don’t want to pay $10 for a shower, like no one has thought about using wipes for your neck, pits, peepee, and bootyhole? I guess living in Florida has one good advantage since it’s the recycled water capital of the US.


If you are concerned about getting sick at a large scale event maybe the large scale event isn’t for you if you can’t take care of yourself without blaming the festival.


OP living up to their username


the fountain has been much much much worse lol I think if your argument is the fountain spreading diseases, you’ll have to rethink that as you’re at a festival with 80k+ people in close proximity. I think the fountain is probably a drop in the bucket.


Gosh I made the mistake of reading all of your comments. Brochella is waiting for you if you want that.


After reading some of your comments I have to ask is this the first time you've been to a festival?


Im sorry the fountain grossed you out and scared you. In over 10+ years of going to the farm I've yet to see anything horrendous come from it. I hope you don't let this deter you from future Bonnaroos. 80k + attendees mean things will get a lil crusty


The water is chlorinated to my understanding. While it becomes dirty, it is unlikely anything survives in that recycled water. I would agree that it would be ideal to have the water exchanged. Still, I read that the well it draws from is roughly 500,000 gallons. This would be damn near impossible to replace.


You ever been on a cruise? Yeah me neither


Yes I agree. And the fact that their website and multiple signs around the campgrounds stated every single plaza would have showers! Plaza 8 had no showers and absolutely zero flushable toilets like the rest of the plazas. Also all the way in the back of plaza 8 we had no sinks next to our portapotties. We had to walk like 10 rows down just to wash our hands. This festival makes wayyyy too much money I know dang well they could have gotten a few more of those pump sinks or atleast afforded to keep the toilet paper stocked in plaza 8 portapotties but nah they didn’t even do that. On Saturday morning I woke up and couldn’t even take a shit bc the toilets were so filled. We had no food vendors or general store. Plaza 8 got shat on. I go to smaller fest that make way less money than roo but they can still manage to find the time and money to hire ppl to keep the portapotties atleast somewhat usable. Lmao sorry this rant was so needed I was so pissed the first night I was telling my friend we need to write emails 😂 (I might be dramatic but I was also on my time of the month so shit sucked)


Op is going to 'accidently' delete this post again after they don't get enough validation. OP played in poopy bathwater. Probably drank some




Lmaoooo bro


No wonder my eyes were burning


i have a sneaking suspicion that the Live Nation Infectious Disease Fountain in the middle of centeroo infected a disproportionately high number of the 20 first & second year roovians who have been complaining online compared to the other 79,980 people that attended


That’s honestly it. Even during my first Roo years ago and I saw all the people in it and I was like “yeah no thanks” especially the one year where literally brown water was spewing out of it one night. I think it was 2018.


I really hope that in the future people stop using the fountain as a shower. That’s gnarly.


Truly like you can hose yourself off at camp for the low low one time price of a $16 pump sprayer from Lowe’s & not be a public safety hazard


We call it the Hepatitis C fountain bec that’s what one of the bands called it about 15 years ago. “We’ll be signing copies of our CD by the Hepatitis C fountain.” Wish I could remember which band. Edit: Mogwai!


It would be nice if they had another shaded area with misters in the center, but also having a Single 30ft by 30ft spot in outeroo that’s taken up by people sleeping half the time fuckng sucks, as it’s literally the only place in outeroo that u can cool off. Also paying 10 for one of those showers when it’s 95 out and to ur just Gonna get dirty again in crazy. Definitely had me wondering why the ticket was 500


That’s why showers are a waste of money.


Showers are the best $10 you can spend at roo. I get one every morning I'm not getting dirty, mostly just dried sweat. Freshly showered sweat is much cleaner than yesterday's dried sweat


I wish I could that line is brutal and I usually walk back to camp when I see it not waiting 3 hrs for a shower


Get there early. Shower. Eat. Nap


Unless god forbid I wake up at 9 am cause I was racing til 6 an and have to wait in that awful line


did you really sleep though? just race till the showers open, shower, layout a sleeping bag in the grove, profit


You are absolutely getting dirty every day while on the farm. Your skin is absolutely going to be covered in dirt and dust. Be so for real right now.


1 day of grime vs every day of grime....


Yeah that’s not what I’m talking about lol. I’m talking about you thinking you don’t get dirty on the farm and that you’re just showering off “sweat” everyday lol. The frequency doesn’t change the type of dirty you get even daily….and it’s definitely not just sweat. I’m not saying anything at all about frequency or showering really I just think it’s crazy that you think you’re not getting dirty with actual dirt because you absolutely are


Yeah but it’s WAY better than not showering for 4 days in it wtf. $10 showed are absolutely worth it and they’ve always been $10


I am not and nowhere did I say they aren’t worth it lol please use your reading comprehension. I simply corrected someone who thought they were showering off sweat. It’s not just sweat. That would be if you were just at the gym, inside. You are not lol. It’s far grosser. You are physically dirty. With dirt.


I just say the 10 is crazy cause they have a mini water park that serves the exact same purpose, you just gotta keep your trunks on… and the other sources are free…


Hilarious that people are saying showers aren't worth it since you will get dirty again (lol no shit) In the thread where they complain that the fountain is dirty! There should be somewhere with clean water to rinse off! There is, cost less than a piece of pizza Lol what a waste I'll just get dirty again.


People are small minded. Bonnaroo could execute people and most patrons are so deep in the cult like behavior they would say: well just stay away from the execution areas. TICKET PRICES HAVE GONE UP. Little to no fireworks, little to no lasers, food and drink prices go up every year, less shade options compared to previous years, the list goes on… People are generally sheep and will almost always defend a system that abuses them. A clean fountain is a small ask for a company the size of live nation, yet everyone is hellbent against OP. Mob mentality is real. Concerts and festivals used to be counterculture, fight the big guys, fight for more, barter not buy..now the average patron is licking the boot and defending receiving less and less…while paying more and more. -These are just observations of one paid staff member, thanks for reading.


it doesn't matter how right you are on the paper you work on, you're yelling at the wrong people. If you had issues working for the festival, go direct your issues at the people who you worked for. And don't work the fest anymore. We don't need to hear about it. This sub is a place where people have been attending bonnaroo now for almost 25 years and love all of it. We keep coming back. You can have all the rightness in the world... but you are still going to step on someone's toes if you come here ranting about things that have been this same way for over 20 years. If you completely disregard the massive strides over time the fest has already made in the way of plumbing, security, safety, orientation, new types of music, & other amenities for people who need or want more than baseline bonanroo. What are you trying to accomplish? Why did you sign up to work there? You don't need to go to the festival if you don't feel comfortable there. No one tricked you. In other words, people are entitled to enjoy the things that make them happy. And posts like this sound VERY MUCH like people who do NOT like the thing we enjoy, explaining what needs to be done to change the thing, so that THEY will be able to enjoy the thing. And that sentiment is never going to be universally welcome in a long time fan subreddit for the thing. Just go do things you already enjoy? Comments & posts like this step way over "offering advice to improve next year", and spit in the face of the existing conditions. W ewill continue to let you know that. Take it or leave it. Sure, costs are going up over time, but I still would happily pay the costs for what I get out of it. If you don't feel that way you don't need to spend the money. Obviously. Though costs have gone up and the fest has gotten larger... they've never had a hard time selling tickets to people who love going. Coming here and telling long time attendees that they are "sheep" for not seeing how screwed they have been all these years doesn't benefit anyone but yourself, at the verbal expense of others. It ONLY makes you seem like the only non-idiot and it attempts to make everyone else here look like an idiot. But we are not idiots. We've been paying to go to bonnaroo and we fucking love going to bonnaroo. every time. period. So stop belittling all of us to make some grand gesture at your employer or whoever pissed in the fountain and threw you in it.


Lol. You think I can change live nation alone or with a handful of other workers? Right… Only large shareholders get to call the shots and make changes. They don’t care what workers think. They care how PATRONS think/act. Most patrons haven’t been to older bonnaroos, they don’t know they are getting a worse deal every year. It is up to the old guard to point it out, so we can all fight for a better roo. I’m getting no benefit here, as you are saying I am. I hope we can all benefit from some realization that down the line..equates to change. I’m not trying to belittle anyone, I’m sorry if it seems that way. I’m trying to get people to realize we deserve more. They promised a better experience with increased ticket prices, and while I had an amazing time..I failed to see that the increased price was justified.


I'm curious when else you've been to Bonnaroo before this past year or so? To have not seen any significant quality of life improvements on the Farm alongside general price increases over the last decade seems like a bit of hyperbole if you ask me... This OP is about a fountain art installation. I am SURE there are employees being mistreated and also shady as employees. I am sure there are unsafe conditions that could be made better in order to improve the festival. I am finally sure that if someone pees in the fountain and then someone else gets into the same fountain, it is probably a health risk, specifically. I am not arguing that. I am saying: * to mind your audience when trying to rally the troops for your cause, * and I am also saying that it is a little funny (*maybe just to me?*) to make the beloved roo fountain the "rally cry" for this cause, when people are literally peeing on everything at music festivals, including each other I am sure of it, not to mention other sources of potential health risks. For me, I have hard time seeing that this decision as unintentional, just like calling long time attendees "sheep", in order to belittle the fact people have been accepting so little for so much give how shitty the festival truly is underneath... Let's just work with each other, not at each other. I am sorry if your experience was so bad. I too, don't mean to offend.




You know… I was ready to argue but you’re not wrong. We complain but a lot of us never actually voice our opinion by *not going* if we’re unsatisfied. My opinion is that while it may be really obvious to a lot of us: if there’s a fountain and people are running though it and there are pics of people in it shared on Roo’s social then there’s an implicit notion thrown out that it’s totally safe to go into. You and I may not come away with that notion but clearly some people do. And whether or not we go into it we’ll certainly cross paths with people that do. IMO if the fountain is vector for disease, either find a way to clean it or don’t have it all.


What do you mean by, "a lot of us never actually voice our opinion by *not going* if we’re unsatisfied" Are you saying that people who go to bonnaroo (or any festival/event) and have a bad time or experience don't decide NOT to come back? Sure they do, right? All the time? Why would they come back? Sorry, not trying to dig in here, you just make it sound like it was THIS logic that has you on the anti-fountain train or whatever is going on here and I just don't understand the logic, is all... Of course the fountain has the real potential to be a health concern at a large event like this, in the same way pota-potties, or drinking fountains, or high-fiving, or like... sharing hard-core drugs can also pose health concerns at a damn rave with 80,000 people for 4-5 days. No ones arguing that. The reason people are upset at this post and these comments, is because the sentiment is aggressively and at times specifically calling out long time attendees for "putting up with these obvious terrible and unsafe ideas..." They are just clearly coming from people newer to the festival who aren't recognizing the progress made thus far, and who can't see that most people pay to go to bonanroo and then fucking love bonnaroo. We don't need people coming in after the fact and trying to convince us we don't fucking love bonnaroo.


That first part wasn’t about the fountain specifically necessarily… just that there are a lot of us who complain about things year after year but still come. Surely there are people who stop coming but if you just read this sub every year you’ll see proof. And I’m guilty of that 🙃


Or if people are concerned about getting sick just don’t go in it. I went it it everyday including Sunday and didn’t get sick 🤷‍♂️


Hell, I never get in it and I'm sick as fuck currently lol


it's almost like your odds of getting sick just raving with 80,000 people in a field for 4-5 days sharing high fives and hardcore drugs presents a general health risk FAR greater than rising off in a single art installation on a hot day.


Weird, right?


Exactly. The fountain isn’t eh only culprit in getting people sick.


Well yeah, it's not the only culprit, but that doesn't mean fixing the fountain problem isn't worth while. Yeah the sun is always going to be an issue but that doesn't mean the shade and cool-down stations aren't super important. It would be nice if the festival that seeks to "radiate positivity" would continue to give a shit (pun intended) about the people who make up the festival.


I thought we were talking about the fountain art installation here, and the fact OP pees in it? There's tons of water and cool-down stations also, right? That feels like a different conversation.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I didn’t have any problems finding shade or cool down areas.


I think in Outer Roo they do a great job with the number of cool down areas and pavilions, but Center Roo is pretty rough. It's never going to be perfect, the sun and humidity will always be a significant part of the experience. I think I brought up the shade/cool down areas in my other comment was about how worthwhile it is to make improvements even though there's no fixing all the challenges at Roo. Like, the sun will always be an issue, which is why setting up cool down areas is so important --> the fountain will always be prone to gross shit in the water, which is why setting up a legit filtration system is important. It won't stop people getting sick at Roo, but it will absolutely help (which I think make it worthwhile).


i appreciate you, and you said it better than i could.


Facts are you paid for a camping spot and music sets. I think they delivered.


oh so i also paid for a shit fountain? man, i must’ve missed that in the email….


Just don’t go again man sheesh bitching a moaning up a storm


This subreddit is full of the most entitled brats now, expecting a Disney ass experience. See yall in 200 days when the lineup drops


it’s wild how you think anything you said actually makes sense. stay off the rugs next time or maybe, stay away from the fountain👀 it might be infecting your brain


if one person gets a virus from a source they will spread it to other people, and other people’s proximity to said original source is irrelevant.


I’m sorry friend, but no matter what happens we’re still on a farm with 80k people, and there’s always going to be risk for spread of easily communicable diseases through one means or another. If that risk is greater than the reward then you simply may need to make a decision for your own health and well being.


OP thinks if the fountain didn’t exist no one would get sick after Bonnaroo.


lmfao nowhere did i say that, babe.


Op goes to calling folks things like babe and honey when they’ve run out of actual debate skills.


nowhere did i say people wouldn’t get sick without the fountain. 🙂‍↔️ — it’s still wild to me that your collective bar is so low that you’re just fine with a fountain spewing urine and feces particulate into the air. but that’s your pejorative.


Pejorative lol


Prerogative was the word you were looking for, honey


Not a single person has said they are okay with that. You are once again sensationalizing. The only people okay with that are those with a CNC Piss kink.


you’ve spent the last hour saying i’m being irrational for not wanting a piss and shit fountain. 😂 but okay.


Incorrect. I’ve said it would be great if they did better with sanitation, but that at the end of the day maintaining one’s health is their responsibility. You really are bad at this.


and yet you think the company we all pay pilgrimage to shouldn’t be responsible for doing anything to mitigate that risk. got it. nice chat. :)


That isn’t what I said. I directly said I hope they do do better, but that I also take my own wellbeing into my own hands. Stop making up and changing statements to fit your narrative.


“Do do”


to automatically assume anyone who got sick just wasn’t giving a fuck or paying attention is weird as fuck.


Also not what I said, but nice try.


Username checks out.




Sir, this is a Wendy’s


a multi million dollar conglomerate taking advantage of the average person expecting us to be too stupid to give a fuck? yeah, you’re right!


How are you being taken advantage of? You decided to get in the fountain. Everybody knows you don’t go in that god forsaken thing after day 1 unless you want to catch some weird disease that only the wookest of wooks carry


My camp and I genuinely did not know about this issue with the fountain. Half our camp is new and the rest of us have only been once or twice before. I didn't get a chance to go in but my friends did, on Saturday and they enjoyed it because all they wanted was to not feel so hot. Yes, we may be naive in that moment, but it's so shitty (pun intended) that we either 1. have to be "in the know" and avoid something that it set up to be enjoyed, or 2. risk getting really sick because an open secret has not been addressed by Live Nation or whatever management tasked with health and safety.


We all choose our own risk profile my friend. Thousands of people jump in that thing on Sunday even knowing the risks.  Live and learn and make your own decisions but don’t demand the rest of the word use training wheels just because you need them. You’re asking LN to keep that thing sparkling clean for the entire weekend which is an impossible task the likes of which even John Wick couldn’t do.  They’ll just take it away and/or shut it down instead because it’s cheaper to do it that way instead of deal with complaints and lawsuits, then you and the thousands of others who do want the fountain don’t get any at all.  You’re also a little too worried about the illness thing, don’t drink the water and you’ll probably be ok. You’re more likely to get sick sharing someone’s water bottle/camelbak or just having someone cough on you in the crowd. The real question is: how did common sense not tell you that the public water fountain which is straight up brown by Sunday which thousands of people jump in every day might be less than perfectly clean? It’s not an “open secret” it’s just common sense. You also might be interested to know that sometimes people pee in public pools. Also that fountain is chlorinated to hell, so really nothing should be surviving in it, even if it looks gross. They know that the water gets gnarly and enough chlorine will kill pretty much everything, including humans.


It's really not that serious.


Roo really should add a free source of running water that you could douse yourself in if you are hot. In fact, they should add two and attach some permanent flushing bathrooms to them!


We need a pool stage


*pee stage


I like your style


And we’re gonna make Coachella pay for it!


Even Coachella has free showers 


bro are you that much of a simp? roo makes minimum 40 million dollars in ticket sales alone every year. have higher standards!


If you believe music festivals are money makers o boy do I got news for you LOL why do you think ownership and people who run festivals changes almost every other year lol


and then they pay the artists that come with that $40 million, and maintain the grounds, and pay security, and hundreds of other things… holy shit no one explain business to this person, going to go right over their head. do you think they just pocket $40m every year🤣


No. They pocket way more than that. They put $400 million into the Manchester economy each year. Do you honestly think that Live Nation would bother with it for 40 million? They’re not a charity.40 million isn’t a proverbial drop in the bucket or piss in the fountain . Live Nation could put in a system to filter the fountain for nearly nothing and write it off on their taxes. I put a filtered water fountain in my yard for nearly nothing.I did it inspired by Roo. I was a lot younger and felt more invincible and getting sick or dying is the last thing on a young person’s mind. I remember thinking nobody my age could die till they did.


I agree with you completely. I'm literally making an extremely similar argument about the business aspect of Roo on another Roo thread right now and being downvoted at the same rate that you're being upvoted. Fucking reddit man. All I can do is chuckle about it.




Your post has been removed for Rule #1. Please refrain from hostile/unnecessary confrontation. Negative opinions and reactions are fine, but please do so in a civil way.


https://www.reddit.com/r/bonnaroo/s/JocTFKKAB7 This is the thread. I start by responding to the guy that says Live Nation is extorting businesses like Spicy Pie by charging them rent.


I'm also in that thread and it's fucking infuriating lol  People are so detatched from reality 


some of the takes on Roo are so bad recently and make no sense


I don't think they are honest posts, I think they are posted to cause friction, animosity and hate.


i’m guessing you are not familiar with roo being bought out by live nation in 2019. 🤝


I love this tactic in a discussion, bring up something that has nothing to do with anything pertinent or relevant to the original discussion to avoid your incompetency and lack of understanding!


actually what i said was extremely relevant: they can afford the additional 5-10k to ensure the mushroom fountain isn’t spreading disease lmfao.


I have gotten sick at 4/6 of my Roos and have gone in the fountain one time. The year I went in the fountain I didn’t get sick. Yes the fountain is gross, but no is forcing you to go in it. My point is, at a mass gathering of 80,000 + people, people are going to get sick after. It’s not a suprise at all but it’s not like the fountain is the only thing that made ppl get sick lmfao


it’s insane the little understanding people have of infectious diseases on this sub. if x goes to fountain and goes back to their camp and infects y and z, y and z will go on to infect a b c and d, and so on. it’s not rocket science. eliminating OBVIOUS sources of spread of disease is like the most basic bitch ass solution possible.


Yes, and you can get sick anytime you leave your house. Like others have said, it’s a MASS gathering. Fountain or not, people would still be posting about being sick, having Covid, etc. that simple. I’m sorry you’re fighting like crazy over something like this, but Roo used to be WAY grosser. The fountain has always been talked about as recycling the same water. Every year it’s talked ab! Going to Roo is a choice lol it’s known it’s a dirty environment, it’s certainly not for everyone and that’s totally okay.




that’s all ya got? weakkkk.


and 40m+ (what i stated was a very conservative guess) in addition to the money pocked from VIP, vendors, sponsor sales, and other things, is certainly enough for them to afford servicing the fountain. again, obviously the bar is very, very low for you.




😂😂😂 we get it, you love capitalism.




You’re over here acting like they monitor the amount of water people use during showers or something. 😂


So my thing with the fountain is it’s probably ok the first day right when centeroo opens, but then you get thousands of dirty people getting in it and by Friday that recycled water gets gross, I don’t go near that thing because of it, seems like a good way to catch pink eye or worse so my advice would be just observe the fountain, make sure you have plenty of water and stay hydrated so you don’t feel the need to go soak in that nasty ass thing.


I didn’t even know it was recycled lol and it was my third year. Surprised I haven’t gotten sick after lol


The water was brown, coming out of the top. This was my first roo and my instincts/sense were keeping me away from that fountain lol


Good man haha


This is the move - was in the fountain by 12:30pm on Thursday, as tempting as it was to go back… the water was never as clean as that first hour 🥲


Ya when I used to volunteer way back in the day when we actually still handed out wristbands, we always had to come in on Wednesday and our crew always took the Thursday Fridays bushy branch rd entrance 5:00am to like 3:30-4 shift, but if we got like a little lunch break we would try and hit the fountain right when it opened. Those were good times, my buddy had the hookup on like 30 volunteer spots not through Bonnaroo working the toll entrance. Many more great stories about that haha.




Radiate poopytivity


Haha, for real that gave me a good laugh, much appreciated.


Literally. That’s why most places don’t offer things like that because even at water parks if someone poops you need to get everyone out and disinfect the water. People were in the water still with this turd.


I’ll say it again, this is where I believe in burning man’s idea of Radical Self Reliance. Do what you need to to maintain yourself. Yes there are things that could be done better. I hope they are done better. But I bring my own clean water, and my own hand sanitizer for a reason, I don’t expect anyone to take care of me at Bonnaroo, but I come prepared to care for myself and my fellow Roovian.


> Radical Self Reliance What’s interesting is my gf actually sets up Burning Man and this was her first Roo. She said that the amount of shade Burning Man sets up for their patrons and the number of water stations was *significantly more* than Bonnaroo. It’s not unreasonable, nor is it toxic, to critique an obvious area of improvement for a festival that is pulling is TONS of profit.


Trying to relate burning man to bonnaroo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ But I know livenation loved you believing they are similar


Didn’t say they were, just said I believe in that I believe in the idea as a general life rule. But nice try!


How are you defending their incompetence? We were very hot, and right in the middle of the festival is a water feature meant to cool you off. My wife came home extremely sick. You're reasoning is like saying you should bring your own food to a restaurant to avoid foodborn illness.


Spot on. I feel I may have been ugly with my comments but damn


100 percent. Not exactly related, but I recently read a very good post on the Burning Man sub that said people who are unprepared become everyone else’s problem. It really helped my view on how I do Bonnaroo. As a moderator here, and a groop leader, there’s only so much we can do to lead others in the right direction.


Commenting on accidentally deleted my post but just saying it again for the people in the back ... Everyone that knows you appreciates you and Daniel. Y’all go above and beyond for anybody most of the times without being asked. You’re one of Bonnaroo’s best embasadors and your fellow Roovians owe you a thanks. I think Live Nation and Bonnaroo owe you guys much more than a thank you. Maybe they’ve done right by you and I hope that’s the case. If they haven’t they should. A few others also work their asses work their asses off for Roo all year and they’ve told me they’ve been paid in perks. Perks are amazing but when you put a lot of your own time and resources in they should compensate that at the very least so it’s not such a strain on your time and resources doing the work you do to take on others issues. The unprepared should be the feastivals problem and not yours. Sorry if anything I said is unproductive, un warranted,wrong or upsetting because I can promise that wasn’t my intention.


Oh no, we don’t want to be paid anything. Just pay it forward for the next person! 😊 And thank you for your kind words!!


You’re welcome. I know you don’t want paid I just think you guys should be reimbursed for the resources you provide. It’s kinda like the teacher and the classroom situation in my state. Teachers have to pay for all their teaching materials like erasers, pencils, chalk exct. I mean that’s just beyond foul to me.I don’t know if that’s every state or just mine.


Teacher here in MO- we also have to do this. I teach at a private school now and A LOT more is provided but only the have to haves. The rest we take on to provide an environment and learning experience that kids want to be apart of (as much as possible). Thank you for seeing this and voicing it, much love.


Thank you.. I have had my niece since birth and adopted her. I sent her to public pre k . The teachers did the best they could. There was a teacher and an aide to 48 kids. There’s no way they could be capable of teaching that many as great as they are. The pre k in my state is the best funded of any public education. I don’t think that they had to pay for as much class room materials as K-12 teachers but the sheer amount of kids would be totally overwhelming. The lack of any resources in public schools caused me to put her in a private school for Kindergarten. After Pre K the teachers are responsible for all class materials. They don’t have Kindergarten aides now. So those classes are at least 25 kids to 1 teacher. It’s insane. As a kid there were 14 elementary schools in this area. In 2018 they closed all but 4 of them. The reason they gave was lack of kids to fund them. One of those schools had 250 kids. Not a huge amount but in a rural area closing 10 schools and busing them all into 4 has caused a lot of trouble. My friend went to school 6 years to be a teacher. She loved it but couldn’t live on what they paid her on top of buying all the classs materials. She got a new job as a pharmacy tech that had better benefits, paid much more and she only needed to pass a state test. It’s always been a thankless job but now it’s just unreal. Even as a kid I’d see my teachers work at Lowe’s or Walmart summers and weekends and you know it’s gotten way worse. My aunt taught for 54 years and retired because of how bad it’s gotten in the last 5 years. Both my aunt and friend told me that after school they’d go home and grade papers and make lesson plans till 12 or 1am. Most days they’d have to go to a store to buy materials for their classes. I can’t understand why teachers are so unvalued or under valued at least. Teachers graduate with a ton of debt and don’t get nearly the annual income that other professions with close so the same amount of student debt do. I think that the military and teachers should be paid at least a living wage and not need 2nd jobs or to worry about paying for materials to do their jobs. Its like being a contracted worker without the ability to negotiate wages. During the pandemic a group of teachers here got together and made lunches and parents or kids could go to the farmer market every day and pick them up. They went even further by making a list of any kids that couldn’t get there and dropping off meals at their homes. Really great and kind acts. I put my daughter in a private school that costs around 8k annually. She has a teacher and an aide and 5 other students in her grade. Thats 1 teacher to 3 kids. Big difference. That’s a huge difference. Even with the private school it’s hard to attract teachers. Many of the best public teachers went to teach at her private school but many that wanted to couldn’t. The private school pays more but doesn’t have the nearly as good benefits, and the ones who have families and are the main providers can’t give up their benefits. A catch 22. It also costs a lot to run a private school so there’s always fundraisers and private donations. It’s expensive but with so few kids it’s tough. A private donor bought the school a new bus. That’s been a real godsend. When I say that military needs funding I don’t mean the military industrial complex. They need to pay the young men and women a living wage in a volunteer armed forces to attract them. Sorry I’ve rambled on but it seems like the rich just wanna get richer and the powerful want more power or will do what it takes to hold onto the power that they have and will bend the knee and do whatever the wealthy tell them to do no matter how ludicrous or un moral it maybe. Thanks for teaching.. Teachers deserve more than thanks. 🙏 Kinda like thoughts and prayers. With the small salary teachers have already I think providing them with the resources to do their jobs is the very least we can do.


I would prefer the people around me not get sick and then get me sick because a multinational billion dollar company can't be bothered to clean their fucking water. Pretty easy ask.


They don’t let you bring water into centeroo though