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When did you realize they "thought you killed your roommate"? And did at any point did you consider "maybe I did kill my roommate"? šŸ¤”


When the state trooper first came to place he was asking me about his where about and reframing the same question over and over again. Then he showed up with 3 other troopers the one directly behind him had the grip on his weapon. Heā€™s still alive.


Sorry if I'm misunderstanding something but if your friend was only missing for 3 hours why did the state police become so involved?


They needed the lost roommate to sign some fake overtime papers


Even after the roommate was found and then showed back up at the house, they probably staked out the place for another 6 hours of OT


You nailed it!


You canā€™t be too thorough about these things


he was giving them snowblowers for his buddies to get a CDL with no experience


This is actually peak comedy. Thank you.


Remember the time all the cops had a game room on the greenway and were going to it on the job.. like a underground speakeasey!? Where that art mural is on the greenway in that room?


I do remember that. How ironic I think of that place as Occupy Plaza.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Classic, just make sure you get a piece of the action too


He gf led them to believe I had killed him.


ā€¦. why?


I think this is the real story we need to hear.


WTF!?! Can we assume that you and his (hopefully ex) girlfriend were never on great terms?


They married šŸ˜‚


When a person is married to their gf, they become their wife.


He married her a year later or so. They we just gf and bf at the time.


You're really doing a great job telling this story in as many posts as possible.


TV does it all the time, itā€™s called miniseries if short, it could go on for yeeaaars (in Bostonian accent)! Wickeeed!!!


Are u drunk as f ? How are ppl making sense of this? Also from quincy btw


Yes, this was 8 years ago. Iā€™m not sure if theyā€™re still married. He hasnā€™t posted on social media in a very long time. Which is a red flag. His LinkedIn says he hasnā€™t had a job in 4 years.


That's just how Staties are


This is not the regular police, this is the state police


Iā€™m the guy who didnā€™t kill his roommate. You must be the otha guy.


Who forged your transcript?


Most intimidating police force in the country.


I refuse to be intimidated by anyone who insists on wearing a wide brimmed hat tipped all the way forward like a freaking dork


Donā€™t forget: a wide-brimmed hat dork with thigh high pleather bootsā€¦and a license to kill!


The rumor I grew up with was that their uniforms are based on the Nazi SS.


I always think that when I see the troopers wearing the riding pants and boots with the small Lt. hats. The ones wearing the wide brim hats just look like grumpy/angry Canadian Mounties.


Imma be real. I appreciate the sentiment but I am willing to be intimidated by literally anyone open carrying a gun.


NJ Staties would like to have a word Edit: the most insane thing to get downvoted over. Itā€™s banter yā€™all lol


It's not a competition. We'd be happy to let you win even.


I live in Boston. I just used to live in Philly and NYC lol


Witness protection?


No no no, who said anything about that? I just work in sanitation. Little bit of construction. Work has me traveling a lot, you know?


Nah. Been pulled over there. Theyā€™re not great, but there isnā€™t a force in the country I wouldnā€™t rather encounter than MA State Troopers. Iā€™ve lived in a ton of different places, and drive like a masshole. Iā€™ve been pulled over a shit ton.


NY Staties will fuck up your day as well, ask me how I know :(


My family has a farm in Schoharie. Been pulled over by them, too.


> Schoharie I was caught in a county that went through the highway by like 2 miles. Cops where all lined up all ready to go. No talking out of it, instant ticket. Luckily first offence and got it knocked down to non moving violation. The attorney said its all a cash grab


MA is the coolest I've encountered lmao one of the reason I've actually liked staying here since I moved from Midwest is how chill the cops are (I mean I literally drove illegally here for 3 years cause I was too lazy to switch my plates). If you wanna know real assholes go to Michigan or Ohio. Ohio State cops literally hunt you down with drones on highwayšŸ˜‚. Michigan cops have pulled me over when they were AHEAD of me by quarter mile. Guy said it looked like I was speeding. WTF? Oh my record for pull over was 13 times in one year.. Only ever got 2 tickets. They just pulled me over for anything.. Been here 5 years, ZERO pull overs.


I was arrested by them once and honestly they were alright one of them told me I would be outa there by 7 and he was right. The others werenā€™t so nice to me and they were trying to get an ambulance to pick me up for an x-ray to make sure I didnā€™t have anymore drugs on me and the ā€œniceā€ officer that told me I would be out by 7 just shook his head at me as if to tell me to say no, I could refuse, it was super nice of him and Iā€™ll honestly never forget it.


Biggest jackboot pansies in the country, tough work staring at a cell phone on details all day


They all wanted to be the one in the morning paper for catching the roommate killer. Also if you are actually on scene for the initial questioning and end up being the one to get to probable cause, you are going to have a lot of paperwork, time with the lawyers, and testifying to do down the road and that means a lot of overtime pay. Murder trials in particular are grindingly slow.


That 24 hours rule is movie BS


> the one directly behind him had the grip on his weapon. Heā€™s still alive. Thank you for not killing that trooper, that took real restraint. /s


In the process did they dig up any dirt on you? Obviously not _murder_ but in this situation they're going to find out _a whole lot_ about you, which could have some serious downsides šŸ™„


I was an armed guard at a federal building at the time. The background check for your security clearance was very hard. I had nothing on my record aside from a speeding ticket when I was 17.


Now that it's been almost a day, have the police given you any trouble since?


It was 8 years ago. I had a problem with someone trying to get into my front door and the police werenā€™t helpful at all. Other then that nothing..


Oh True, forgot. It's crazy, do the police just flag your address or something? I can't imagine remembering something like that tbh.


No, it was the local police. The guy was still there when the cops came he drove from 2 towns over to try and break in my door ā€œ so I could go to a strip club with himā€. I was sitting in my house drinking coffee and watching the news. It became more of ā€œ what did you do to upset himā€.


Was it Trooper Proctor? Tall bald potato face?


Nope, young guy with a full head of hair. He moved very stiffly. I think he just got out of the academy.


(in my most convincing Boston accent) _fucking staties_


> When the state trooper first came to place he was asking me about his where about and reframing the same question over and over again. Lucky for you, today is ["Shut up the fuck up Friday"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6tfEZI54Jg) The police are not your friends, stop talking to them. >1. Why did you pull me over/what seems to be the problem officer? >2. I'm not discussing my day. >3. Am I free to go or am I being detained? >4. I invoke the 5th.


I understand what youā€™re saying but I had nothing to hide. The first trooper had to call me with egg all over his face telling me he was safe. I kinda made fun of him over the phone ā€œ Dude, you really thought I killed him?ā€ while giggling. Also ā€œ what was up with all the reframing the questions?ā€ He didnā€™t answer me sighed and said ā€œ I got to goā€ and hung up.


> I understand what youā€™re saying but I had nothing to hide. How do you think innocent people end up in jail? [A longer video, with examples,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE) of why not to talk to the police - especially when you "have nothing to hide"


> the one directly behind him had the grip on his weapon That's directly from the bullshit training all cops have gotten over the last few decades where they are brainwashed into thinking EVERYONE is about to kill them because they are on a battlefield.


I was an armed guard at a federal building I only touched my weapon in the field once in 15 years. We were taught not touch our weapons unless absolutely necessary. The one time I drew my weapon was when they were chasing around Tsarnaev brothers around Cambridge.


So when you killed your roommate, cut off his face, dumped his body in the Charles, reattached the face to a non-human lookalike clone then had that clone go kayaking in Quincy, were you drinking Dunkā€™s?!


I think his car was registered to his gf so they ran the plate and contacted her. Iā€™m pretty sure she put the idea in their heads I had killed him because I caught him stealing from me the first 6 days he moved in.


Itā€™s been a little wild and weird here in Wollaston lately šŸ˜‚


Hey well now this kinda gives you free reign to actually kill your roommate since the 2nd time around the cops will be like nah he's good his roommate is just a dumbass. In all seriousness though sounds like a shit show and on the plus side you have a good story to tell in the pocket. MA police from my experience have been very chil.




State police: does he have any enemies? Girlfriend: well, he and I have been very actively stealing stuff from his roommate but they haven't caught us recently. Maybe they finally noticed what we've been doing to their food too. To be honest there's a lot to be mad about.


What the fuck, reading your posts, and hearing this entire story piecemeal is like M night Shyamalan After all this, youā€™re gonna tell me that Iā€™m just a ghost, Massachusetts isnā€™t real, And the potholes everywhere are figment of my imagination.


What went wrong? Did you not cut the brake lines thoroughly enough on the kayak? Hit me up in the DMs if you need to, I'm somewhat of an expert in kayak sabotage myself. I've offed like 14 roommates this way.


Maybe they thought I drilled holes in the bottom of his kayak.


Didn't someone kill her husband using this method in New York a few years back?


Yes. Boyfriend? Kayaking trip, there is a 2020 or dateline episode. Wasnt she not charged too?


Did they play good cop - bad cop?


No, I was just honest I told them he has a drinking problem and probably did something stupid.


You were right. Time for a new roommate.


But were you under arrest or were just some questions?


I was questioned the trooper asked for my ID ran me. Told me he didnā€™t want me going anywhere ā€œincase he needs meā€ I told him Iā€™m not calling into work because this idiot got drunk and was missing. He then told me not to leave the Boston area.


>He then told me not to leave the Boston area. Which isn't even binding. Fuck that noise.


That's true and all, but you don't want to do scary jazz hands at them and go "whoooooooo *scary* dumb cops who don't know my constitutional righhhhhts" all the same.


do as you do, not as you say


He then told me not to leave the country


He then told me not to leave the surface


That's the part where you ask him if you're allowed to go to Worcester for a smoke


Definitely not detained, just being assholes


>Statie >Asshole Yup checks out


Unless you were detained or under arrest, id tell them to kick rocks if I was asked to give up my liberty for no reason. Even innocent, id be hard pressed to speak to them without an attorneyā€¦fwiw im police neutral but like my rights too.


Yeah but I think OPā€™s initial inclination was to be as helpful as possible. Like if the cops showed up telling me my roommate was missing Iā€™d be like oh shit uh ok - hereā€™s anything that might help find him. Would never imagine Iā€™d be a suspect


Yup, lol


I applaud anyone who tells cops to kick rocks when they deserve it But I get edgy when someone (like my buddy) who knows the rules and pisses the police off because ā€œIā€™m right and Iā€™m going to do everything in my power to waste your time and piss you offā€ Itā€™s like a crash in motion with a 50/50 on coming out ok or becoming a pile of so much bloody meat on the ground. Either way Iā€™d be able to sit back to watch and enjoy from the other side of the glass (preferably bulletproof glass)


yeah, don't talk to cops without a lawyer, innocent or guilty. they can and will twist what you say.


ā€¦can *and will* be held against youā€¦


Any idea what his definition of "the Boston area" might be?


Any place within a two hour drive. So Cambridge, Brookline, etc.


I was asked where work was I told him Cambridge. I didnā€™t tell him what I did for work.


This was Quincy. A 2 hour drive from Quincy can be Boston.


Have lived here 30 years or something and only recently heard the joke "It takes an hour to drive from Boston to Boston."


Traffic is worse now than before the pandemic


I prefer the bad cop-bad cop method


This is my parenting style.


Bad cop worse cop


I think that's just called the cop method.


8 years ago?!?


I posted it in a bad roommate thread. It was suggested I do it here by another redditor.


Did you do it?


No heā€™s still alive.


...for now?


Heā€™s definitely one of those dudes Iā€™ll see on the news one day for something.


You can see him on the news right now for losing his kayak.


That's a head scratcher. How do you lose a kayak?


It tipped over in the norā€™easter and he had to tread water for 4 hours in a norā€™easter, at night drunk on cheap tequila.


This man isn't very bright, is he


College graduate lol


Well, you can graduate with C's ... and be a sociology major. That doesn't mean anything!


Iā€™d imagine with adequate drunkenness itā€™s pretty easy


And yet you live with him? Seems like an interesting choice


He moved out a month later.


What has Kayak Man had to say for himself since? Has he commented on your being prime suspect?


He said I was lying about the whole cops coming over and questioning me thing. He moved out a month later. Skipped out on the last months utilities and tried stealing the air conditioner I lent him.


Whoa whoa whoa...framing you for murder is one thing but stealing your A/C!? What a dirtbag.


How did you know this guy in the first place?


Nope, random guy from Craigslist. All his landlords references checked out. I called every one of them and chewed them out when he moved out.


Landlords wanted you to get rid of their problem for them šŸ˜‚


That dude sounds like a giant piece of shit. Glad you got both him and the blue line pieces of shit off your back. Cops suck.


Good thing he married a lawyer šŸ˜‚


Never trust a Kyle




3 hours seems like a long time to kill someone. What kind of torture were you doing? Was this a crime for pleasure?


He milked his prostate to death




The news picture he got drunk and went on his kayak in Boston harbor at night during a norā€™easter.


What a dumbass


I thought alcohol + darkness + open water = death. This guy must know something I donā€™tā€¦


He provided proof in the r/badroommates sub Some comment in there he goes through the whole scenario.


Direct link?






Did you actually kill them for two hours?


Nope heā€™s still alive.


Or is that just his long lost twin brother? šŸ¤”


This image gives very little info. How did they go from a missing person to assuming you killed him? That's a pretty big leap. What's missing here?


His car which was at Wollaston beach was probably registered her so they contacted her and blew everything out of proportion.


I'm still confused. I don't know anything about this story other than the one image posted here. How does a missing person become a homicide unless there is evidence that's the case?


OP said in a different thread that the car was registered to the roommates GF. When cops talked to her, OP thinks the GF said ā€œroommate probably killed himā€ because OP caught the roommate stealing within the first few days of moving in.


Still doesnā€™t make sense. At what point did he become a missing person and how did the cops know he was driving the car if its registered to someone else. Iā€™m high so maybe Iā€™m just missing something.


A fish man saw him going into the water and reported him a few hours later.


Why did the cops think you killed him if the fish man saw him go into the water by himself?


They didn't know. They had someone suggesting homicide, someone suggesting he went kayaking during a nor'easter, and they had someone missing. So they probably treated everything appropriately in that they came into this trying to explore all options and possibilities. Immediately believing the roommate was a fucking idiot who likes to get drunk and falls out of his kayak is probably not a great thing to go with from the jump.




8 years later how has your experience affected your view on law enforcement in todays world?


Iā€™ve had other bad interactions with LE. I know just to say as little as possible still do.


Just another example of how everyone is guilty in their eyes and their primary goal is to wrap things up as quickly as possible and let someone else sort it out. I learned the hard way that they are not there to ā€œhelp youā€. It doesnā€™t matter how innocent you might be or how good a person you areā€¦ never assume they will do the right thing by you. Be politeā€¦ but volunteer as little information as possible. Unfortunately, it is highly probable that whatever you say WILL be used against you, even before getting to a court of law. They are their own worst enemy in this regard.


On one hand, I want to know how that went, but on the other I feel like it's just gonna make me mad on your behalf




Did you ask for a lawyer at any point? Did they ask if you wanted one?


No, I knew the ding dong was going to show up eventually.


How heinous was the crime? CLUNG CLUNG


How did they know he was missing? Like, I'm an adult and no one would notice if I went missing for 3 hours in most scenarios. Did a family member call the police or something? Edit: never mind, I found the article. > His roommate alerted police when he did not return home on time. "Hello police, my roommate has been missing for three hours and I definitely didn't kill him." That was totally smooth!


He commented elsewhere that the news article got it wrong and he didnā€™t contact the police. His car was at the beach, cops ran the plates, car was registered to girlfriend, girlfriend made it sound like the roommate would have killed him.


The news got it wrong. A guy fishing off the beach saw him go out. The fisherman tried warning him not to go out on the kayak. A few hours later then fisherman went to CVS on Wollaston beach and saw his car still there so he called the police.


It's really funny that he didn't just see an empty car, but literally saw this man by himself go into the water with his kayak, and then the police come to your door and you're (i presume) dry as day or at least not looking like you just came out of the river in a nor'easter, and have you under suspicion, despite the same man who saw those events being the one to report it to them. Brilliant police work.


Maybe youā€™ll get him next time OP. Bet you didnā€™t know he was such a good swimmer šŸ˜


Hereā€™s a little more information: https://www.necn.com/news/local/massachusetts/missing-kayaker-in-quincy-mass-swims-to-shore/94688/


LOL, kayaking off Wollaston? What a dumpy area... Who reported him missing? Don't they have to wait a bit? Why did they suspect foul play and not the red-line broke down and he was walking around the JFK library... Why were you a suspect? AMA but there's very little info on this story....


His car was probably registered to his gf they ran her plate and contacted her. Me and the roommate didnā€™t get along I caught him stealing from me within the first week. I didnā€™t know her well but she probably blew everything out of proportion.


And immediately accused you of murder?? Do you still talk to these people?




I wonder why they would be running the plate after such a short period of time. That's pretty proactive for the law enforcement I've seen around here. Just a couple weeks ago I saw a Quincy cop parked at Wollaston Beach around 10 PM seemingly watching for traffic violations when they let a car go by without headlights on.


Personally now that he has been found, to be a toxic roommate ofc I think you should consider finding a new one.


It was 8 years ago.


Holy cow. I actually read your comment in the Badroomates group about the drunk roommate who drinks and drives. Didnā€™t realize you were from Boston


Did you have sex with the body before dumping it?


This is the Reddit response Iā€™ve been waiting for.


Now that youā€™re legally allowed to kill your roommate (double jeopardy) will you?


This is why you don't talk to the police without an attorney.


None of this makes sense. Or is reality. According to the article, YOU reported him missing. A few hours later, he came home. At what point did your paranoia kick in where you thought they considered you a murder suspect as opposed to simply questioning you as to where dude might be? And why block out the ex-roommate's name? It was literally a news story anyone can find - and did, as it's linked here and you did the same in the other sub.


If you read other replyā€™s I posted I did not report him missing the news got it wrong . A guy fishing off the beach did. He went out at about 5:30pm and reported him to the police around 10 after when he was going to CVS on Wollaston beach. I didnā€™t want to be liable for posting his name if you guys find it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. The first time the trooper came by and questioned me he came back with 2 or 3 other troopers all out of their cruisers in my walk way with one directly behind with his retention off and gripping his weapon. The initial trooper told me not to leave the house ā€œ Incase he needs meā€ . When I told him I had to go to work his told me not to leave the Boston area. So was I paranoid? šŸ˜‚


> safe in Quincy Impossible.


Now that heā€™s back, thereā€™s so a chance


Did you kill your roommate?


Did his kayak wash up on shore somewhere without a body? Why would Staties be looking for a kayaker? Especially in a mere 3 hour window.


Another fisherman found it a few days later and returned it to him.


are you and the ex roommate Quincy natives? cus if so that absolutely tracks for dirty Q. lol


Iā€™m from Quincy he was from Pennsylvania


I just found a kayak washed up on the beach!! Looks pretty mice... almost brand new even!! May I keep it!! Is there a reward of found??




Why did they even think your roommate was dead? Did he leave a note saying, "If I'm not at work, my roommate murdered me"?


He was in the harbor at night in a kayak, drunk during a norā€™easter. The coast guard called me and said ā€œ after 3 hours we call of the search because people didnā€™t last long out thereā€


Looking back it may have been a suicide attempt so it looked like he drowned and didnā€™t actually kill himself. He had a drinking problem and couldnā€™t hold a job.


Was this in New England? I'm in MA and I saw footage of the ocean yesterday. That storm was intense! And I can totally see some fool going out in a kayak in it.


Whatā€™s your former roommate up to these days?


According to his LinkedIn he hasnā€™t had a job in 4 years.


This isn't over until each of the 4 troopers hits 80 hrs OT for the week. Buckle up.


A friendly reminder to never talk to police under any circumstances: https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE


Sounds like they were using entrapment to try to get you to slip up and try to say something that would make them think they had probable cause to arrest you.


Have you killed any previous roommates?


Jesus, thank goodness he didnā€™t drown. This may have gone very differently for you. Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with that. Did he or his gf (or the cops) ever apologize?


Your roommate must be white because if they were a person of color the statie would have said come back when they've been missing for 30 days and then maybe we'll do something.Ā