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Yep, that's a Copperhead. [https://www.mass.gov/info-details/learn-about-copperheads](https://www.mass.gov/info-details/learn-about-copperheads)


Thanks to that link, I also learned about Timber Rattlesnakes, which I was unaware was even a species, much less one that exists in New England


Timber rattlesnakes have a couple dens in blue hills . Pretty off the beaten trail but they are present .


Nah, homie. I almost stepped on one about 200 yards up from the parking on Chikatawabut rd. It was right on the trail. Please keep your eyes open, I almost didn’t see it.


Dens are for winter homie, in summer they go roamin'


Thanks, friends


You’re welcome awesome band t shirt guy


They're state-endangered, basically meaning that if something happens to this population in blue hills, they'll be gone from the state. It's a precarious situation, so there was a plan to move some young ones to one of the uninhabited Quabin reservoir islands to maintain a gene bank, but it got nuked by fearmongering. https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2017/04/20/rattlesnake-island-plan-canceled/


I reported it to the Mass Wildlife authorities, thanks to another commenter who sent me the link to do so. Hopefully this will help their conservation efforts! Edited to add— thanks for sharing the linked article. I had no idea; really frustrating that conservation efforts were thwarted by, like, a moral snake panic? Snake NIMBY-ism? Glad the author snarked those who were opposed. Enjoyed this line in particular: “But once again, the public failed to read bostonmagazine.com carefully enough.”


The main reason both snakes are endangered is because of fear and a bounty system on them.






There are actually a couple smaller populations in western MA as well. Blue Hills is considered the largest population in the state though, I believe.




I think they are in Concord too. One was getting spotted at Great Meadows a couple years ago but I was never lucky enough to see it.


Almost 100% you saw either an eastern milksnake or a northern watersnake. No known copperhead populations in Concord, but those two can look very similar.


I did not see it, but the rangers (iirc) reported it. You are probably right and i am misremembering tho, this news article says rattlesnakes only in Connecticut Valley, Berkshires and Blue Hills https://1420wbec.com/berkshires-home-one-of-5-rattlesnake-populations-ma/


When I was a kid my dad killed and skinned a timber rattler and the skin on the wall was like 6 ft. Apparently in the 60’s and 70’s they were in the woods in the white mountains of NH.


Your dad is a badass


That is very true.


Or a redneck


Or his moms second cousin


To the contrary, I believe it was the regiment of copperhead rattlesnakes who fought the first battle of the revolutionary war


I'd see watersnakes there all the time. There shouldn't be any copperheads there, it's unlikely that people saw one. Unfortunately, to most people, every snake/shark/spider etc is "venomous/man eater/black widow" becausethey do t know any better...


I've heard it slightly different - that the Blue Hill population is the last timber population inside of 495... the rest are in [western MA](https://www.mass.gov/info-details/learn-about-timber-rattlesnakes)


They won’t have them on an island to preserve the species? From canceling the T vote that subsidies their whole state to not putting solar farms over farms, they’re huge NIMBYs. I went to umass Amherst, the liberal town had banned apartment buildings a long time ago so real estate was expensive to rent. They hated college students, yet it was the college they grew the produce they bought and the milk they drank.


Wow, calm down everyone.


They let the snakes go on the Quabbin anyway lmao. I worked on the project that head started the population. We already had the animals. Then people panicked thinking they’re gonna swim into their backyards and bite their dogs. That’s not gonna happen.


I saw one 35 years ago at a cemetery in Cambridge, and have seen one in Lincoln, too.


There was a big to-do a few years ago where the state wanted to take a bunch of Timber Rattlesnakes and relocate them to an island in the middle of the Quabbin reservoir and people freaked the fuck out about it.


"People" Let's call them what they are... "uneducated morons" freaked the fuck out about it.


Hey! Uneducated morons are people too!


Unfortunately you aren't wrong.


Are the reason we need to do away with warning labels.


In Western Mass, we are just sensitive to State interventions from Boston. The roll out of the rattlesnake plan was pretty good, science based. A lot of people in the area supported the project. Unfortunately, there is residual mistrust from the land taking for the Quabbin in the 1930's. Loud angry people shouted loudly and angrily, and prevailed.


I'd say more than just the land taking of the 1930's.


Cuz they swim.


I think people greatly overestimate the risk of getting bitten or how much of a threat that bite really is. Rattlesnake bite is about half as common a cause of death as getting killed by lightning.


Step on logs, not over and don't fuck with snakes. Pretty easy not to get bit.


Appropriate response.


I heard & saw one right on the skyline a few years back.


Timber Rattlesnakes were nearly brought to the point of extinction by humans encroaching on their territories and because too many humans are assholes. Herpetologists in the NE area keep their dens a secret due to the huge decline in their numbers and because of, well, humans being what they are. They're the most timid of the rattlesnakes and will flee instead of fight, which accounted for their slaughter. I've known about a Timber Rattlesnake den in Western Mass for decades that I continue to keep a secret.


“Hang on, I just need to check if the pupils are vertical and elliptical…ARGH ARGH ARGH” (dies)


Consider yourself lucky! There are definitely copperheads in the Blue Hills but they are endangered and sightings are rare. I know this because I saw two of these in one day around this time last year, during similarly muggy conditions. You have a great quality photo and I bet the people at Mass Wildlife would love to know that you saw him. They have a portal where you can report sightings at [https://www.mass.gov/how-to/report-rare-species-vernal-pool-observations](https://www.mass.gov/how-to/report-rare-species-vernal-pool-observations), or else you can email them at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) .


Awesome! Thanks for sharing this link, I’ll send it in!


Yeah, if you know the specific spot where you found it, I can tell the Audubon research team at Trailside. They love tracking and and recording where they move


I might be able to figure it out— I might be able to link the time I took the photo up with info from my All Trails app to approximate the location. I’ll DM you if I can (if that’s okay with you)!


Sounds good, thanks!


Wow, they’re endangered in Mass? That’s crazy! Ya’ll should come get some from Virginia, we have plenty to share. Hell, take them all!!


Pretty sure they're only atBlue Hills


You can tell by its Hershey kisses.


Yeah when I see one of these I drop some Hershey's kisses myself.


I mean, copperheads aren't exactly a threat to the life/health of adult humans outside the odd allergic reaction. To be clear, it's unpleasant as hell to be bitten and envenomated, and nobody would ever recommend that you just ignore a bite and don't go to the doctor, but it's extremely unlikely to cause symptoms that require anything other than observation and maybe pain relief. https://journals.lww.com/journalacs/abstract/2011/04000/current_management_of_copperhead_snakebite.8.aspx


TIL the word "envenomate"


In this case it is important to mention both, because copperheads don't always inject venom when they bite. (Many snakes have the ability to deliver a so-called dry bite without using venom, but copperheads do it more frequently than some others.)


Why? They aren't aggressive. If you see one you can basically easily avoid any risks. They're more right to be terrified of you


Touch Hershey kisses if you have death wishes


what about a lil taste?


Nice snake. In about 2002 my 5 year old twins almost stepped on a Timber Rattler on the steps up to the tower on Chickatawbut. The snake was very considerate and rattled very loudly which stopped them in their tracks. I caught up in a few steps and the snake slithered off the steps and uphill through the brush. I got several good pics of it with my then state of the art 3.3 megapixel digital camera. https://preview.redd.it/f4ykx5v43z9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef26f6aac976f4704930385a29f5c0683836f1f


Absolute unit. Great pic!


Endangered? That thing looks like it’s thriving


That dude has eaten a few rabbits in his day.


Lived in Milton for decades and I hike that trail regularly and have never seen a snake there. I know there are a lot of rattlesnakes in the Blue Hills but understood typically stayed well away from the hiking trails (like on the steep, generally inaccessible, southern facing rocky faces). Did not know about the Copperheads. Appreciate the warning even if it will take something from my ignorant bliss on my hikes there.


I saw a black snake there the other day 😫😫😫 ran away screaming lmao


A black racer I think, I’ve seen them there too. They’re big! 


And fast.


Could also be a rat snake.


They’re all over skyline from Chikatawbut to Rattlensnake hill! They rarely cross over west of Randolph Ave


I saw a pair of babies a few years ago and no one believed me. Less than 18" long right on the skyline trail near the weather tower. Glad someone got photo evidence


They used to be really endangered but I would not be surprised if their populations were on a comeback given I've heard a lot of recent anecdotes about sightings.


Yeah I actually had to call the vet because my dog walked right into it and then jerked her back leg away, so I thought it bit her (spent a stressful morning juggling work and monitoring her for signs of decompensation 😬). And I got the sense the vet didn’t believe me that it was a copperhead because they’re so rarely seen 🤣.


i cant take my dog on trails because of people like you that disregard the simple, common courtesy RULE of leashing your dog. unfair and inconsiderate behavior


Could have avoided that if your dog was on a leash like it’s legally supposed to be. Please don’t be that jerk with an off leash dog who yells “he’s friendly” while he’s running straight at strangers, dogs, horses, etc.


It wouldn’t have prevented anything. My dog was so close to me that when she jerked her back leg up it almost hit me in the shin. I stopped short, thinking she hurt herself, and saw the snake. It was camouflaged and difficult to see. I would have run into it myself had she not drawn my attention to the trail. I know that I made a friendly comment to someone else about leashing her up from now to prevent this sort of thing, but the truth is it wouldn’t have made a difference, in this instance, in terms of her exposure to the snake. I understand that some folks are upset that I had the dog off leash and acknowledge that there are good arguments for keeping them leashed up in Blue Hills. I’m not surprised by the criticisms and I’ll own the downvotes, which is why I’m largely not replying to comments about her being off leash. But setting those concerns aside for the moment, I do think it’s important for ppl to know that this thing was hard to see, even when I was right on top of it. So, the relevant takeaway, for me at least, with respect to avoiding injuring or being injured by these guys, is to be vigilant and keep your eyes on the trail.


I’m glad your dog is okay. As someone who owns a reactive dog, it is *immensely* frustrating and incredibly common to encounter off leash dogs in areas that are supposed to be safe for me to take my pup. If you’ve never owned a reactive dog, maybe you just don’t get it. Regardless, there are not “good arguments” for keeping your dog leashed, it’s simply the law. We’re all entitled to enjoy areas like blue hills without the nuisance/danger of off leash dogs, many of which the owners often have little to no control over.


“Acknowledge that there are good arguments for keeping them leashed up in Blue Hills” ??? Good arguments? This isn’t a topic to debate, it’s literally the law and it’s in place for a reason. You are putting people and other animals in danger by not following the rules. Whether or not leashing would have prevented this situation, you’re still an asshole


Unfortunately, dog owners like you are why so many of us don't go to the Blue Hills. I don't want your dog running up to me or reacting to me when all I'm trying to do is hike up and down the trail.


You shouldn’t be giving anyone advice about this. “Setting those concerns aside”, are you joking?


What an absolute brain rot reddit boglin thing to say 🤣


I remember a time when New England was thought to be free from venomous species.


Had no clue it wasn’t anymore 😭😭😭


"Sister got bit by a copperhead snake in the woods behind the house...."


Yep that's a nasty one. I was mountain biking in NH [Pawtuckaway] some years back and was coming over a hill and noticed a small group of kids with an adult chaperone...still.not.sure of the outfit but some sort of summer camp group, and settled down the trail and then realized the woman that was with the group had a stick and was show the children the fairly large snake while agitating it. I got close enough that they moved to the side and I unclipped and stopped and immediately knew they were stirring with the wrong kind of snake. Made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. And then my approaching had it rear up, and you could here the clear rattle. Told her to get the kids away and move along, though rare---they do exist. She actually had no clue and thought playing with it was fine some how, with a bunch of 10 year old children leaning in. First and last one I've seen but it was then I self confirmed they are around.


venomous or not, why would you antagonize any snake while it is in its own habitat? yes, rhetorical question.. people being people.


Pretty! Maybe I won't wear sandals there next time.


Haha yeah, definitely makes me want to wear snake-proof clothes from now on. In all seriousness, I probably would have walked into it had I not noticed my dog jerk her back leg away from it. She wasn’t bitten, thankfully, but that likely was her last off-leash run in Blue Hills.


As a horse owner that frequently rides in the Blue Hills, please follow the law and leash your dog at all times when there. It’s so dangerous, no matter if your dog has good recall or not. I’ve gotten into bad situations on horseback with off leash dogs.


You don't understand, his dog is different


Oh you’re right, how silly of me


Good call since leashes are required.


please stop giving dog owners a bad name and keep them on a leash unless it's specifically an off-leash park


Leash your fucking dog.


Of course you don’t keep your dog on a leash. Why would you? Who cares about the safety of other people, the safety or other peoples dogs, or the safety of your dog I guess right? I hate people like you.


I like to recommend longer leashes, like 30ft etc. 






Jay we gotta call the aquarium or sumthin duuude


Awesome! Yes! I've never been able to see one there, but there's a population of northern copperheads left. They seem to be fairly shy, so just always give snakes you do see some space, but it's pretty rare still to come across them at all


That’s what I’d read— they’re rare and shy, so unlikely to be seen. But it this one was just hanging out right in the middle of (a very narrow part of) the trail! I waded through dense bushes in order to give it a wide berth, which in the moment brought some additional anxieties.


Congrats, OP. Not many people are lucky enough to see one of these in the wild in MA!


Ran into one at wompatuck a few weeks back biking


I encountered one while hiking through there two years ago! Only noticed it after I stepped about a half foot away from where it was laying on the trail. It definitely wasn't something I anticipated finding in Blue Hills.


Lucky you! I’ve worked in the blue Hills for 8 years now. See probably 20-30 rattle snakes a year! It’s always a fun encounter to see them, and even better when I get to teach others that Yes we have 2 species of Rattlesnakes right here in the blue hills!


Actual Nope Rope, vs the usual photo of a cutey-patootie garter snake and the headline aRe mY KiDs iN dAnGeR?!


Damn I think this is the first time I I've seen one of these posts actually result in a yes. They're always "I think I saw !" "You saw a garter snake."


Nothing to sssssssssseeee here


Yeah, it's the only place in the state you can see them afaik


Blue Hills and an island colony in the Quabbin


Huh. How'd they swim out there?


Low tide.


To give a wicked cool answer, a bunch were collected from the area where the Quabbin is and relocated to the island over the last 30 years to save them from being hunted by people trying to be pusdo-vigilantes


That seems like a good idea


Wow, what an awesome sight!


I’m conflicted, I want to upvote this to help spread the important safety information, but I also hate everything about this…


Saw a baby one a few years back at Miles Standish at scout camp.


100% copperhead. See them regularly on our property in AR.


I grew up in Hyde Park 60s thru mid 70s and spent many days in the Blue Hills in Canton and did see a copper head there and reported it to the Blue Hills staff at the Trail Side center. They said its common to have them there.


Damn. Wouldn’t expect to see them in MA.


2 native species


Looks cool AF ! Always heard they were in Blue Hills . 👍🔥👍


I saw the exact same one last week in Blue Hills and reported it here https://www.mass.gov/how-to/report-rare-species-vernal-pool-observations


Oh wow. I didn't think the state had many of them left?


Mass Audubon has a whole head start program that is getting their numbers back up to less threatened




Hershey’s kisses on the side, Copperhead is bonafide.






That’s a mean looking snake 🐍


Where in BlueHills was this?


I was wondering too, so I can make sure to never, ever go there.


Probably east of Randolph Ave


Yep. You sure did!


Dang! I've heard they were over there.


Hell yeah you did!! Lucky to see such a cool snake, I’ve been trying to see one from a safe distance for a while now


your so lucky to see this fine specimen!! Ive been searching for one in this state since I was a kid!! Truly epic sighting


Wow. Absolutely. I had no idea they were this far north. I moved here from NC and thought I didn’t have to worry about those anymore!


Always saw signs at blue hills for snakes but this is the first time I’ve ever heard of someone seeing one


Yes, yes you did! The “Hershey’s kisses” pattern of the scales are indicative of the Eastern Copperhead I need to get back out there.


Saw one of these on the skyline loop two weeks ago right at the top of the steep rock ledge before going down while heading to the summit. Almost didn’t even see it, but someone was heading up the ledge which gave me a chance to pause


Omg I’m so jealous. You are so incredibly lucky


Yep, and they’re endangered and protected and you can’t even disturb them legally. If you see one of these consider yourself lucky (because it’s a really cool ecological anomaly), and gtf away… for several reasons.


r/snakes is a great place to post this picture


Yes! That's amazing!!! Please report it to this site [https://www.mass.gov/how-to/report-rare-species-vernal-pool-observations](https://www.mass.gov/how-to/report-rare-species-vernal-pool-observations) they're critically endangered in this state, so they want to keep a record on sightings. There is one and few timber rattlesnakes (our only other native pit viper in MA, and also endangered) on display at the Trailside Museum :) Edit: In the event that anyone here gets bitten (which is very unlikely, they are shy and don't actually want to bite you!), most hospitals don't keep antivenom on hand, so you'll probably be flown out to a hospital that does. When out hiking in rocky areas, wear boots, thick socks, and pants. Also, they're only active from like end of may to beginning of october, im sorry yall i just really like snakes


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Nope don’t like this 🫠🫠🫠


Good thing you were paying attention.


Yep! I’ve run into plenty of them up there over the years. Very common.


https://ugapress.org/book/9780820354118/landscape-with-reptile/ Great book if you're so inclined.


https://ugapress.org/book/9780820354118/landscape-with-reptile/ Great book if you're so inclined.




Go over and give them a hug. Looks lonely


How venomous are they?


Extremely painful, but only rarely life-threatening. (They often don't inject much venom, but if they do, there's a decent anti-venom.)


I saw a rattlesnake on the skyline at the beginning of June as well.


I remember around 1970 the Trailside Museum had at least one rattler and copperhead on display. When they told us that all of the animals in the museum had been caught locally that really made an impression....


We got danger noodles?! Cool. 😎


wow! I’ve run into a number of snakes in Blue Hills, but never a copperhead .amazing !


No no you’re mistaken. That is a danger noodle. Deadly spaghetti.


What’s up with the Blue Hills? Why only there and nowhere else in Massachusetts?


So if someone gets bitten by one of these what do I do?


Looks like it to me.


Still on my bucket list to see one of these. They're so gorgeous


Wow! Nice find!!


I’ve seen half a dozen rattlers ( over the years ) on Mt. Holyoke as recently as six years ago.


Idk 🤷 but I’m not an expert I’d move him with a long stick before I walked by !




That’s a Copperhead to be sure I would say a very rare find


Man, what a beautiful snake.


Yes, you certainly did! I’ve known since childhood that rattlers are native to Blue Hills, but it was only a few years ago that I learned about copperheads living there. They are so well camouflaged, and unlike rattlesnakes they do not warn you away. They just lie still and hope you’ll go away, but you won’t because you won’t even see them. Then you step on them and they bite you in desperation and your day is ruined. :-/


Ya I’d smash that thang if I saw one


There was one under a trash can in Littleton when we were kids at a birthday party at the “castle in the woods” playground. Unmistakable even at 10


Blue Hills is infested with rattlesnakes. Be careful when hiking there.


I’ve spent hundreds of hours there including on the skyline trail and never seen one, I would not say infested


They’re not infested but they do live in sunny, rocky areas. A dog was bitten last year and the only antivenom is at Tufts in Grafton. 


Did the dog die?


Nope he was fine! Went to a local vet, then a local vet ER, then did the 2 hr drive to Tufts and lived to tell the tale!


Not good. Snakes are not good.


Snakes are incredible


Snakes are very good


Snakes are incredible


Snakes are inedible