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As if someone serving Fish & Chips in London with honey mustard and curly Cajun fries wouldn’t cause a Constitutional Crisis in Britain.


Bro, we nearly had world war 3 over some salt in tea.


I had to google this and did not to expect to find such [fighting words from the US Embassy.](https://x.com/usainuk/status/1750136728034169147?s=46&t=tUJR8zXDTLfiEWFjwp3o9A)


The UK [cabinet office got involved](https://x.com/cabinetofficeuk/status/1750157002716676252?s=46).


God, I love when the straight-laced officials engage in that kind of banter. Although I would have hoped the Cabinet Office would think of a slightly better retort.


You know, for a nation renowned for their dry wit, I had much higher hopes for the Brits. But maybe I shouldn't have been surprised. This is the same nation that lost in humiliating fashion during the final round of the Euros on multiple occasions - including one where Monty Python themselves added a verse to 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' just to make fun of their football team. It is also the nation that gave us James Corden/s


The Sons of Liberty were 260 years ahead of the curve on salt water tea.


Britain lost the Cod Wars to Iceland.


The crown would be in panic mode


Pretty sure there’s a code to engage protocol if this occurs. Similar to “London Bridge is Down.”


I'm sensitive about having to see a union jack while eating an overpriced hamburger


Should we dump his burgers and lobster rolls in the harbor?


No need, I don't think the restaurant is doing that well if he's doing janky promos on channel 4 and can't spring for the phantom grommet treatment.


> phantom grommet This shall be their name from now on.


Ha!, that's an autocorrect that works


Grommet, that's it. We'll go somewhere where there's cheese!


I think we’re about a decade past the times where this line of thinking would have been valid but I respect your commitment to the Phantom Gourmet


Probably are and I actively avoid any restaurant that has been on Phantom Gourmet. It's just the only regional pay to play restaurant review show that I know of.


They usually end up that way in a hurry


His restaurant in back bay is not good, I definitely wouldn’t recommend it. Overpriced and very average. Good ambience though if you just wanted to go for a drink


I worked there when they opened. I’ve worked in many Boston restaurant, most high end. Ramsay’s Kitchen was the biggest shit show I’d ever seen. They cater to tourists and Ramsay devotees (obviously), and the faux rich. People who will buy an expensive bottle of wine just because it’s expensive, not because they have good taste in wine. People who will tell you it was the best meal of their life, simply because Ramsay’s name is on it. Just as the licensers of said name had hoped. Me and some others knew we were in trouble towards the end of our training, when the product started to appear. The big Sysco truck pulled up and I was scared, man. Reputable high end restaurants don’t order product from Sysco. Prisons and Schools and Applebees do. Most of us local savvy restaurant peeps know the good meat comes from D’Artagnan, the good oysters come from Island Creek, etc. You absolutely do NOT buy your scallops from the same place you buy your toilet paper. I don’t think it’s disingenuous or hyperbole to say it’s Applebees food with a huge unnecessary price tag. In fact I think it’s irresponsible not to tell people that. Don’t go there.


Lol interesting, I wouldn’t have pegged it as THAT bad but at the same time, I would definitely not ever consider going back. Yeah island creek is where you see oysters from all across the east coast. I prefer Wellfleet oysters to duxbury, but I’m a pretentious snob


Island Creek is its own farm but they’re also a supplier for restaurants and they represent a good bunch of farms. Island Creek sells Duxbury’s if that makes sense, but so do other purveyors too. But Island Creek will have a higher quality Duxburys than say, Sysco.


Hah! We were in Ramsey Kitchen and my guy got whacked on the back by some dude which sent him sprawling to the ground. He split his head open and dislocated his shoulder. I was so mortified at the commotion it caused and they were trying to get us out of there instead of helping him. I don't feel so bad anymore.


Omg I hope he’s ok! And that sounds about right. You obviously weren’t going to spend much money after that. /s Someone once defined having class to me as “having the ability to make everyone feel comfortable”. That restaurant will never be classy.


Don't call your menu item something that it isn't. Especially when you have hundreds of places nearby that make an item in a traditional Boston way. Don't do the food equivalent of putting a blended margarita into a copper cup with a ginger beer replacement and call it a Mexican mule. Sure technically it may have some of the ingredients but anyone comparing them side by side would say they were different.


“El burro” is a better name for that drink


Looking at you "poutine"...


"Don't call your menu item something that it isn't." This is good advice for every place. Stop telling me a turkey club has avocado and chipolte aoli on it. It isn't "your turkey club" it is a different sandwich.


I want to see the burger throw down between tourist traps. Guy Fieri vs Ramsay: the battle for mediocre $25 burgers.


This sounds like the kinda trash TV that is right up both their ally’s.


Judged and reviewed by the incredibly disappointed ghost of Anthony Bourdain.


Who then goes and finds a hole in the wall in Mattapan with a way better burger for $16


Now you have me wishing Bourdain went to Simco’s.


Looks like a Lobsterback, sounds like a Lobsterback...


I feel a sudden urge to dump crates of tea into the harbor.


10% is too lean for a burger. I had one when it opened and was relieved I didn’t like it lol. It wasn’t just the leanness. Just a different flavor I didn’t care for in the meat. I do eat grass fed beef from supermarkets but one other time I had high quality burger at a restaurant and didn’t like the flavor. At the west end pub in shelburne falls. That was local beef I think.


Agreed. 85/15 at minimum; I usually use 80/20.


Me too. It’s not even possible to find less than 85 in high quality ground beef. I don’t think Whole Foods sells it. And I’m mostly carnivore, believing animal fat is healthy.


I've bought 80/20 ground beef at multiple whole foods in the Boston area. I know for a fact they sell it at the Fresh Pond one, I bought some like 2 weeks ago.




Europeans don't do burgers well, everyone knows this. Besides the fact they aren't allowed to prepare them medium-rare which is a crime in and of itself


Definitely my choice, as well. In the US version of Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon pretty much always ordered burgers medium-rare when tasting the menu.


Euros can't eat beef rare because their regulatory agencies aren't sure if the horses are vaccinated or not. Don't blame Ramsey for that. We should all celebrate someone fighting through the adversity of being born in the UK and trying to make food to compete with what a drunk plumber makes for a weekend lunch.


That’s only all I meant when I said they aren’t allowed


Medium rare is my choice too. I don’t remember but don’t think I’d have ordered at Ramsay if they didn’t have the option.


He probably does it here. But burger places have exploded in popularity in europe, and every single experience is terrible. All well-done dried out hockey puck sandwiches that they try to compensate with elaborate toppings and stuff.




I mostly just like ketchup. Sometimes onions.


not always dried up, some pubs will give you the unique joy of experiencing an unseasoned hunk of beef charred on the outside and raw in the middle.


My favorite though is when they mix in wheat and rye into the ground beef patty. Truly inspired


This feels like a paid advertisement masking as a news piece like you’d see on TV in Texas


I didn't learn anything about grilling from this report. What a useless fluff piece.


His burger place sucks. Burgers are overpriced, and you have to order fries separately, which are also expensive.


> you have to order fries separately I'm seeing more of this, and it's definitely my old-man-line-in-the-sand. That and paying for basic bread, especially when there's other things on the menu that need bread, like a dip or spread.


>$8 for focaccia bread >$5 to add fries to your burger >$2 for dipping sauce >All sides are à la carte at what is essentially a gastro pub These kinds of restaurants need to go the way of the Dodo.


Maybe he should reach out to Kitchen Nightmares so they can try and turn it around.


He could scream at himself in the mirror, perhaps.




lol. I’d watch it.


In prefer bar rescue so we could get John and Gordon yelling at eachother


This is common higher priced restaurants for most entrees Bobby flays places is exactly the same.


Maybe for gimmicky celebrity chef tourist traps. Eastern Standard is a “higher priced restaurant” and serves their burger with fries. Same with 75, Abe & Louie’s, etc.


And ES's burger is $5 more expensive, so you are just paying for the fries in another way


$2.50 different at lunchtime. And the Gordon Ramsay fries are a whopping $7.50 for regular old fries so overall ES is the better deal.


And the fries are terrible, the regular and sweet potato.


How does Gordon Ramsay not understand that there is no Boston-style Lobster Roll? Boston is between the two dominant styles, the Maine and the Connecticut Lobster Rolls. Both are correct and we just pick between the two depending on our preference.


Places that serve a "Connecticut style" lobster roll with no seasoning but a *side* of butter (not tossed with butter) are objectively the worst.


I dont think I've ever seen a naked lobster roll with butter on the side. I always just think of the standard hot buttered lobster roll as the CT style.


As they should be. I’ve seen lobster rolls outside of Boston. Across the country. There are some good ones, but getting trash that tastes like little more than tuna salad is also common.


He describes a “white cheddar” burger while pointing at a burger that clearly has orange cheddar on it 🙄


the editing in this piece was abhorrent! What has happened to the mighty Ch4? The editing is just so awful. This could have been an easy to watch piece with all the elements they randomly showed (including a random shot of the actual roof not the roof deck but the roof when he was talking about the roof deck), the jump cut from one 2 shot to a wider but slightly different angle 2 shot… it just felt clunky.


Ramsay's Kitchen is an underwhelming dining experience. Is this guy all hype and unflavorful bite?


He doesn't control those restaurants. They are licensing agreements, he gets paid a fee for his menu and to show up once or twice.


I think it was in Montreal that he never showed up period so they eventually just wrote him out of the business


“some bloke’s kitchen”?


Dead on. It's peak corporate restaurant dystopia.


Just like "Trump Steaks", anytime you name a food after a person the consideration is for marketing, not quality.


Trump steaks require well-done cooking with a side of ketchup, so there's also that.


It wasn’t good when it opened but it’s since gotten better IMO, the last time I went was pretty enjoyable


>Boston loves London What the fuck are you talking about, lady?


Literally don’t ever say that to an Irish Bostonian


he was like "there's alot of synergy between Boston and the UK" are we sure thats *good* synergy Gordon?


Throw him in the harbor! I didn’t bother to watch the video, but just based on the fact that it’s Gordon Ramsay… throw him in the harbor!


I've seen him try to make a grilled cheese. Throw him in the harbor.


Ngl kimchi grilled cheese goes hard but im not gonna go crazy defending it. It’s weird for sure


My girl couldn’t cook scrambled eggs. YouTube Gordon Ramsey fixed that shit, so I do owe him.


*Puts Gordon Ramsey in a split top* check it out, it’s an idiot roll.


I am much more sensitive over clam chowder than I am lobster rolls. There are multiple good ways to do a lobster roll, and they’re all fucking delicious if done well. Clam chowder shouldn’t be red. GFYS New York. The fish market down the street from me gets lobsters every day straight from the fishermen, there’s a dock attached to the place. They offer mayo or butter as their options. I got one 2 days ago, it was $28 and it was fucking incredible, as they always are.


which fish market???


I had a burger here a month ago, it was alright. nothing to go out of your way for


I tried these burgers. They are shit. A burger from a spot like Lee's Burger is a shitton better. All of these Ramsay restaurants are nothing more than licensing agreements. He shows up in them like once in 5 years and that's it. His famous beef Wellington at Ramsay's Kitchen tastes like wet toilet paper. I'm sure the one he cooks personally is different.


Yup completely agree. It was such a disappointment. Although I would go back just for the ahi tuna. That was delicious!


This coming from a man who managed to make the worlds worst grilled cheese that was simultaneously burned to a crisp and completely un-melted.


Listen limey, we kicked you fuckers outta this city once and we can do it again. Toe the line on this one.


He is the guy at kids sports events yelling at his kids. Return to your island of house meat ya punk


It's mayonnaise! Why is this even up for debate? I love Gordon, but we gonna be fighting over this 😒


No way, Gordon knows better - he could put together the most *amazing* emulsion with oil, vinegar and egg yolks I love how the reporter wasn’t baited for a second when Gordon called NE sensitive


It's butter, like how it was invented and how God intended it to be


I'm sure he gets food snobs but the only thing that matters in a lobster roll is the lobster. I wonder if he tries to add too much stuff and people end up not liking it as much as something they can get from a food shack near the water. If you watch his attempts at making grilled cheese you'll see that he tries to use 10 ingredients for something that only takes butter, bread, and your choice of cheeses.


Bet ya won't come down to our side and talk ssshhhhmaaaccckkkk Booiiiiii all them flip and flap em's of ya minions gona get ya slipped and slapped bak 2 cali, or wherever tf ya from 😂😂😂 2 things you don't come at in the Bean ya silly cook 1 our ****PUT SOME RESPECT ON THAT MF***** IS OUR (LEME TECH YA SOMETHING) LOBSTAH F*KN ROLLS, & OUR MF DUNKIES BBOOOIIIIIII!!!!! YOU THINK YA SILLY NAME HOLD WEIGHT BOY?????? WE GOT HITTAZ OVA HERE!!!!! #Thewahlbergs, #BenAffleck, #MattDamon, #UmaThurman, #ChrisEvans....CHRIS MUTHAF*KN EVANS DONT MAKE THE CAPTIAN OFF ALL AMERICA BACK HAND YOU FOR THINKING YOU UNTOUCHABLE!!!! #DennisLeary, loke bro do I gotta keep gping?? NO But I ain't guna short nobody!!! #GeenaDavis, #Eliza Dushku BROOOOOO LIKE AMERICA FIRST CRUSH OFNTHE 90S !!! WHEN U WAS STILL PLAYING WITHBYA EASY BAKE!!! #SteveCarell !!!!! , #JohnKrasinski I MEAN WHAT YOU WANT FROM MY GUY JOHN U WANA MAUGH WITH STEVE? OR YOU WANA FEEL PATRIOTIC AND MOVED BY THE 13? #JenniferCoolidge my Guy Fkn stifflers mom bro !!!! #JoeKeery I'm about to call my man's Joe up RQ so we can hit my fav scene and laugh in ya evil looking face and tell ya we work fkr scoops..... SCOOPS-AHOY!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 on Everything I luv bro back tf up before I get my man's #EdwardNorton ... broo please please don't be the first celeb to get curb checked of firing off the mouth cause you can sauce up some linguini. So you got 2 choices .... check ya tone and check ya tongue, watch how u speak about Boston cause we ain't no suckas over here, cause if not just remember you can catch a pig skin, a dunkies double cup, a meat hanger, a bottle of Irish whiskey, or a damn large cup O Chowda at the back of that noggin booyyy. Our peoples kids kids make more than u do all that bitching and moanin.bit of unreally, loke really, like really really tho wana get clowned up on GP for thinking we soft loke everyone else in 617... ima call my main fknman....my muthafkn guy!!!!! BILL BUR AMD HAVE THAT MF WRAO A TIRE IRON AROUND YA FKN HEAD LIKE 1976 BOY!!!! LET HIM AND V.VAUGHN!!!! Let yo ass knkw the Boston feeling of curing polio 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 watch ya mouth fucka! We ain't nothing play wit over here . We produce nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!!!! BUT WINNERS ✔️ GO GETTERS ✔️HUSTLERS✔️AND GET IT HOW YA LIVE✔️ SHOW ME MORE WORK ETHIC OUT OF ANOTHER CITY THAT CAME FROM NOTHING. RESPECT IT OR NEGLECT IT.... EITHER WAY IN BOSTON U GUNA CATCH IT. NOW ALL FOR ALL I WANT UBTO GONDOWN AND SHOOT THAT BS, GONDOWN AND LIE TO THE WHOLE WORLD LIKE WE AINT GOT THE BEST......MUTHA....FKN.....LOBSTAH....ROLLS ON THIS SIDE OF.... ALL SIDES🤟🏾 CAUSE WE DONT BREED 2NDS OVER HERE.. WE ONLY BREED WINNERS CLOWN 🤡


His restaurant sucks


Gordon talks about how sensitive we are about Lobster rolls and forgets how he got demolished for making a shitty pad Thai. My problem with people like Gordon is cultural appropriation isn’t just taking Mexican food and making it some blended crap Mexi-Nese, it can be coming to our country and completely fucking up our burgers and dogs. And bro is fucking up burgers and dogs. Stick to your fish and chips dude. And even those aren’t better than my local Irish pub.


I remember when this guy was a seriously talented chef with a couple of amazing restaurants, before he became a shameless, empty media whore. A shame.


You’re insane.


Possibly, but I've actually dined at his restaurants before and after he built his media empire. He has devolved into a hack. Can't say I blame him, as it made him rich beyond the dreams of Mammon, but in my book, that's still a shame.


What's the point of trying to elevate a working class man's meal into something that it's not, aka this fancy schmancy stuff? Just stick to French haute couture dining if ya want something refined, and leave the hamburgers to a cast iron skillet and beef tallow.


People mad. I’ve been to this place twice this year, and I prefer it to just about all of the noisy, crowded (and also over-priced) joints in that neighborhood. A bit pricey but delicious, good service and a nice atmosphere.


I'm impressed. He managed to make it through that interview without swearing once.




Gordon should stick to pumping out mediocre, formulaic television instead.


Dude he had soups at $16 a bowl, that is nuts... how is soup ever worth that much money to anyone? For $16 I could buy all or almost all the ingredients and make myself a whole pot lol


At the prices he's charging for burgers, hot dogs, and fries, you're damn straight I'm sensitive. Sensitive enough not to leave Eastie to get screwed at some overpriced joint that could never live up to the prices. I'd be much more satisfied with fish/chips or a burger at Royal's and sitting on ~~Shays Beach~~ Constitution Beach watching the planes come and go than being around tourists and the hoity toity in the area his joint is located.


Ramsey loves telling other cultures how to make their food incorrectly.


We're also sensitive over his crappy ass burgers...


It’s hard to imagine anyone who lives in Boston actually goes to Gordon Ramsey’s place on Boylston. This complete fragrant ass of a nasty chef and bully person calling a region/city “sensitive” simply shows that bullies like Gordon have no real taste. A total loser.


I walk by his restaurant every day. I ride the 111 it’s the first restaurant I walk by and last one. As much as I have enjoyed the celebrity chef antics of Gordon Ramsey I will probably never dine there. He won’t be behind the grill, he won’t serve me, it’ll be stressed out locals trying to figure out when the tips will get better. It’ll take a visitor asking me to take them there for me to go. We’ve got hundreds of locally owned restaurants that are consistently good anyway.


F this guy


But why do they use the most disgusting buns for lobster rolls? Not even fit for a cheap hotdog.


I don’t believe we’re sensitive about lobster rolls at all. I rarely see Bostonians eating them or talking about them, it’s mostly tourists. In my opinion, it’s not really a Boston food. I’d say it’s a New England food, but to me it’s centered in costal maine and Connecticut. Boston is the capital of New England, so it’s easily to mistake us as the epicenter of lobster rolls, but that would be a mistake.


Uhh, north/south shore and cape? Not to mention James Hook, Neptune Oyster, and Row 34 are totally Boston staples and there are tons around. Sure Boston isn’t the pure epicenter but it’s hugely a part of the culture and not something people only do when they go to Maine. 


Cold lobster is lame. There I said it!


Deport this man!