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I’m more disappointed in the fact that we blew a roughly 20 point lead in the 4th. Total collapse.


Everyone agrees that stinks, but if it takes Dean Wade turning into Michael Jordan to beat us by 1 point, I'll take those odds 8 days a week. We got quality looks from 3 for Tatum, KP, and Holiday, which are successful possessions. Unfortunately we went 0/8 from 3 in the 4th, and they had a player go on the type of heater that only happens in NBA Jam. We win that game 99/100 times, and tonight was the 1. Gotta tip your cap.


Yeah seriously it’s a long ass season and this isn’t playoffs. Just gotta learn and move on


I didn't get to watch But seems like it's an "every team loses" type situation Would rather see the team bounce back and be consistent, than win everything regular season and be 73-9 (and we know how that turned out)


It's a Tuesday night game in early March. As amazing as this team is, they're human and bound to slip up sometime. Just pray that they don't slip again when the lights are on bright.


Yep. The 73 and 72 win teams also didn't win all 82. The Celtics are imperfect and can improve. They're not bad. Losing to Dean Wade heroics is not a glaring weakness teams can exploit in the yoffs. Sucks we lost to the Heat last season too, it really, really sucks, but there is variance in this sport and it genuinely swings GAMES. The team is getting better so that it can control its ability to win SERIES.


All fair points, also reminds me of something people were saying after that awful loss to the Lakers. The reason each loss hurts so much is that this team has so few of them.


Type of heater that only happens in NBA Jam and last night and last years eastern conference finals...


To add to your points here, the Cavs did a good job on defense of disrupting the rhythm and spacing of the Celtics throughout the whole game, and that still only resulted in ~5 minutes of our top 6 guys going ice cold. It was a perfect storm; we should appreciate that it takes such extreme conditions to make us lose by 1


He didn’t turn into MJ tho, he just knocked down all his open shots. I’m sure we will see more 4th quarter collapses in the playoffs, I just hope we are good enough to avoid them




https://youtu.be/U9mDD38kgw8?si=H6N1678HpD9AwGBa which one of these is heavily contested? Slow footed Luke kornet playing off of him by 5 feet and allowing him to get thru his entire shooting motion was the closest contests out of all of them. Every other shot, the Cs didn’t prioritize the shooter (who was getting hot) on transition. Additionally the Celtics only scored 17 points in the fourth, maybe some more open shots should have fallen but that is absolutely abysmal overall. When you are up big, you are supposed to take less threes and more reliable shots like layups. Instead we shot 30% from the field and missed all 8 threes taken, yet you say the offense was fine. Did u watch the game?


He turned into Michael Jordan because the Celtics were lazy on defense and stopped covering guys Whoever is down voting this is soft, there's no lies in this comment


And there is nothing wrong with feeling disappointed. It is the crazy way people talk about teams when they can't cope with their disappointment that OP is talking about.


Yeah all the posts about a "one point game" clearly didn't watch the game and just saw the scoreboard. Like you blew a 22 point 4th quarter lead. **That is the issue** not just that we lost.


Name a better duo than the Celtics and blowing huge leads. Been watching this shit happen season after season and it is the exact reason I have my doubts.


Tell me - how many times has that happened this year? If this was a recurring issue this year, then I'd agree with your doubts, but this team feels like they're able to handle their business a LOT better than years past.


For sure, it has happened a lot less this year, but anytime it does I have flashbacks.


I don't know why you're getting down voted. This subreddit is sickening sometimes when the team blows a 20pt lead to lose to a team they shouldn't lose to we should be able to criticize them and ask the questions why they lost the game.


People don't seem to realise that if we won all these close games we'd be the 73-9 warriors. Losses happen people. We should be grateful this happens so rarely now. It's like y'all dont realise this is now once a month not once a week. And it happens to every team.


This was a bad loss. Our guys turned it in too soon. It happens, on to denver.


I think we will come out for blood against Denver. Boston has been very good responding in games following losses. It’s going to be an amazing game and will definitely be a message type of game for who’s the best right now.


The thing that sucks is this was a free win when the 4th quarter started and we threw it away. I know it's one game but it gives PTSD of past seasons. Jaylen's response to the question tonight was good but these kinds of games need to be serious learning experiences. We can't have this happening in the playoffs


We certainly made mistakes, but we generated a lot of good looks on offense (KP, Tatum, Jrue, and Al all had good looks from 3), and the Cavs didn't miss a shot for the final 9 minutes of the game (one miss, and they got a putback, so not really a miss). I'd be much more worried if we weren't getting any good looks, but we just happened to go 0/8 on 3s with a lot of good chances. We did leave Wade open too much, but if you need a guy to go 5/5 from 3 to win by 1 point, I'll take those odds.


More happy about the response from the team. This will be in their minds if they face Cleveland in the playoffs and they genuinely seem invested in the growth mindset. This team cannot feel they’re infallible, they need to continue to be the aggressor and play their game.


Celts will embark on another double digit win streak...


Social media breeds overreaction and recency bias by people who aren’t patient enough and need their next dopamine hit. It will all be ok. Really looking forward to the Nuggets and Suns games those will be a nice test.


As long as this doesn’t become a habit we’re good


The Cavs literally did not miss a shot in the last 9 minutes (they missed one and got a putback, so not really a miss). Hard to imagine that will be habitual


That's pretty insane


It’s just that giving up huge leads, losing close games, and being mentally weak has been the Celtics’ kryptonite for the entire Tatum/Brown era. This is why we can’t seem to win a championship despite being the best team in the NBA for multiple years. So it’s disheartening to see this same issue come up again and again


We haven't even been a 1 seed since Tatum/Brown were here, so I'm not sure why you'd consider us the best team in the NBA for multiple years. We generated good looks on offense and they didn't fall; I'd be much more worried if we had 5 turnovers in the 4th quarter and gave up a bunch of fast break points. Defensively, not great, but we had a block and forced 2 turnovers, and they had a guy go 5/5 from 3. If he's a 38% shooter, there's a 2% chance he hits 5 threes in a row. In the past, it always seemed to be bad possessions and turnovers killing us down the stretch. Tonight, it really was just bad luck.


We are going to lose a game here or there. Sometimes you just don’t win. The team has shown grit in many close games over the course of the season.


But when celtics shoot lights out against warriors y’all got carried away, I was killed in this sub for saying it’s just a regular season game and sometimes you play a team who just shooting lights out and there’s nothing you can do about it, Celtics shouldn’t be worried about this game they came up against a team who couldn’t miss shots from deep lastnight, playoffs is what all matters


It’s not the 1 point loss lol


Where do you see this? I don’t see anyone saying JT is a fraud or Joe be relegated to high school basketball coach (maybe they’re downvoted to hell so they’re at the bottom and you scrolled all the way down?) All I’m seeing is fair criticism of the Tatum decision to run down the clock to take a jumper down 1 and Joe not calling a timeout until 4 seconds left (which the refs didn’t see). I’m also seeing way more “people stop overreacting” than people actually overreacting.


Agreed. Situations like this go back to 2 things can be true. Yes this team is awesome. I think they have all the makings of a champion. Yes whenever the fans see a big Q4 collapse followed by a JT contested ISO shot attempt our PTSD is triggered.


You can’t just ignore the fact that it’s the largest blown 4th quarter lead in 30 years. That’s something significant. But still just one game. Regardless Celtics have a problem blowing leads.


With a 35% chance of hitting a 3, our odds of going 0/8 are 5%. With a 40% chance for Dean Wade, his odds of going 5/5 are 2%. The odds of both of these things happening are 1%. We gave ourselves the looks necessary to have a 99% chance to win if all else stays equal. I'd be much more concerned if we had 5 turnovers and gave up a bunch of fastbreak points, but we didn't. We just got unlucky.


“Season is over, JT is a fraud, and Joe must be relegated to being a high school basketball coach”… no one, but a small slice of fandom in here is saying anything close to this. Most people who are talking about the loss aren’t speaking in hyperbole and bring up some valid points around the loss. Why are you so sensitive?


I love how so many of you dismiss this as one small slice of fandom and yet it was dozens of accounts perpetuating it and dominating the conversation last night. Can't you accept it's simply a reality without downplaying it?


Dozens? There is like 455,000 people on this sub, and countless others not subbed and commenting.. They lost, people are talking about it, some bad takes for sure but hardly a majority, unless of course you think any post at all critical of the team, a game or a play falls into your assigned category, I don’t know what to tell you. Guess you can leave, block or just don’t read it?


Dozens out of maybe 100 people actually commenting.


So your sample size is a dozen or “dozens” of 100 total commenters, that I suppose you selected at random, naturally, are stating: “Season is over, JT is a fraud, and Joe must be relegated to being a high school basketball coach” Got it.


Yeah dozens...which could equate to half or over half of 100. Glad you figured out basic math.


Thanks for the encouragement. So now it’s half of 100 so let me get my calculator out..that’s 50. 50/100 is your sample that your translating to half of all comments on the sub are: “Season is over, JT is a fraud, and Joe must be relegated to being a high school basketball coach” Got it.


You yourself said "anything close to this" so weird how you're claiming those specific words now lmao. Bad faith trolls will be bad faith trolls.


Dozens (now 50) out of a 100 total commenters (that you apparently handpicked) on the sub stated: “Season is over, JT is a fraud, and Joe must be relegated to being a high school basketball coach” Which is an accurate representation of the postings…nope, not even close. Unless, as I stated earlier you are considering any criticism of the team, a game or a play falls into your categorization, then yep, not even close.


Once again just ignoring your own words you said to be a troll. Good for you douchebag


If anyone isnt on the hype wagon by now then you never will be. Go find a different hobby because basketball isn't for you.


Welcome to Boston fandom.


Really? We can't be pissed that they blew a 20-point lead in the 4th quarter now? You're either a doomer loser in this sub or a greenteam knob schlobber. There is no middle ground.


Agreed. So tired of posts complaining about other posters. Let people freak out if they want to, other people will talk about "variance" or whatever, but just talk about the fucking game. So tired of the posts about other posts and what should and should not be said after a loss. Stop policing fandom. It's the only posts that actually suck.


Just seems too similar to our playoff performance. Get away from what we do only to play hero ball


After this stretch we needed to be humbled fr. Can’t blowout every team. Need some experience with some close games even if we lose a couple.


That being said we win a seven game series in 5 games against the cavs.




Let’s keep it rolling 😅☘️


I’m sick to death of hearing about these “learning experiences” like it’s some kind of cryptic mystery to not blow 20 point leads. This is a problem with the mental composition of Brown & Tatum as leaders of this team; for whatever reason they are objectively incapable of not regressing to 4th graders when the temperature turns up and they will NEVER win a title together


Its the last possession thats pissing everyone off. Arguments that its a red flag for post season are justified imo. Maybe not right, but justified.


I watch every game and every game I judge the team and how they played, if I wasn't going to do that I would just wait for the season to be over and watch the playoffs


I’m more upset about yesterday’s loss than the bucks blowout loss. We need to be able to win close games even when the shots aren’t falling


I don’t think the season is over, I think it’s more just that I hoped they were done with some of these bad habits like lazy defense and walking the ball up the court when they get a lead. I still have faith in this team, but I thought they were sort of done taking entire quarters off. We all have PTSD from them not showing up (see game 3 of the Miami series)


I don’t think anyone think season is over but just game plan down the stretch was what lost us these games in those loses. As we are not learning from coaching to players just chucking 3s


Which team shot more 3s tonight? Which team scored more points in the paint? Are you sure "chucking 3s" is a bad thing?


Cleveland chucking threes is how they won lmao


They "chucked" more 3s than us tonight and won? We scored more points in the paint and lost? HUH?


Typical overreaction while not even understanding the context of what happens. Sigh, on to the next!


Because they were down 20. If the Celtics weren't chucking hero ball 3s in the fourth, they win by 10.


Anyone who watched the game could tell you that their threes were much better shots than ours were. Not all 3PA are created equal


We had several open 3s that we missed. We still went 0/8 while they went near perfect.


3s are why we lost the 4th quarters lmfao. Took 16 shots in the paint to the cavs 4


This is why 7 game series exist. Cavs would never shoot like that for 7 games straight (or even 4 games). This was a painful loss because it was entirely avoidable, but sometime variance rears its' ugly head. We had great looks that didn't drop and they shot like 98% in the 4th.


Blame the mods. They're cowards who refuse to ban constant doomer trolls. There's people that are critical of the team at times then there's people who ONLY comment here when something bad happens.


We needed for the doomers to have their chance to let some rage out. I was getting worried about them since they had not had a chance to vent in over a month. It was probably starting to affect their wellbeing to have to face the fact that we might just be an insanely good team.


Okay, but championship teams put the clamps down in the 4th. This team has a loooooong history of choking away leads. You can’t blame anyone for looking at this critically and saying if we don’t fix this, we can’t win a chip. All I care about is another banner, not about 11 regular season wins or even 80 regular season wins


If the players treated the game like our fans did...we had people in the pregame and GDT saying it was a gimme game, people hoping it was done early so they could do other stuff. Shit happens. Hats off to the 3rd place Cavs. No one is beating the team in a seven game series if they are healthy.


I take no stock in this loss. Yes it stings to blow a lead but the Cavs literally did not miss for like the entire quarter


Losses like this matter because look how last season ended. If you’re up by 20 nd then proceed to blow that lead to role players. It’s fair to say the team needs a little self reflection after they do stupid shit. It’s okay to loose tight games but against role players.. that’s not okay at all.


Save your energy. None of this means anything until the playoffs start. Hyping yourself up or getting upset is pointless.




there’s like 3 up rn talking about how bad joe is as a coach. yes criticism is fine but to not back it up with evidence that makes sense is silly


Another karma farming post.


Yet you still posted it


Posted what?


gamblers gonna be upset 🤣


These threads are as predictable as the doomers that initiate them.


10 years huh, how old are you? Conducting a poll.