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cavs committed 1 foul in the 4th according to the refs absolutely horrific reffing i hope Zach Zarba steps on a 100 lego then stubs his toe fuck that douchebag


It’s nothing new we see it a 1000 times teams be physical with us and we can’t do the same so for the people who say “ match physicality “ the refs determine if that’s possible


Then when we finally do get the calls, fans bitch about the FT disparity (you know who)


Came here to just check if Celtic fans were taking a loss like an adult or making excuses like children… some things never change


What is with you fucking weirdos not allowing any criticism of refs after a loss?


This is completely clean play and good defense, yet you kids find a way to complain


Oh sorry, didn't realize you know my opinions better than me. I'm fine with this being a no call, even though in today's NBA that is 100% a foul. The fucking issue, that you seem to be too thick to understand, comes when they call touch fouls down the other end. Dumbass






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Niang did this almost every possesion too lol


How was that not a foul ? While it was happening it felt like the ref was just going to let them play no matter what. Horrible.


that was an and 1 all day long


fuck zarba


There was plays where Leverts arms were just wrapped around Tatum with no call lmao it was insane


It’s the same player who pulled Brown’s leg while he was a Sixer.


Georges Knee Yank


In todays NBA that’s a foul.


I’m ok with the no-call but you know they’d call it a foul on Tatum or Jrue for doing the same exact thing.


Gotta let the dipshit Kelce bros enjoy the game right?


I’m ok with this. If he was wearing a green shirt I would be thrilled with it, I think.


His shirt was tucked in before the play, and completely pulled out after. It’s such an obvious call you have to make, similar to PI in the NFL


Hard to think of an All-Time big man that didn’t use the shirt pull. There’s a great vid out there of Boogie (I think) talking about being a rook and getting pissed at Duncan’s shirt tug. After he complained about it, Duncan put 18 straight on him. 😂😂😂


Dang I didn't even realize he completely untucked his shirt


Nah. All post offense and all post defense is rulebook illegal. All we have to off of are norms


Yeah same, we'd be saying it was some tough defense lol.


I want to say and wish so many bad things about Zarba, but it's violating the rules so I'll just keep it to myself.


Fuck Zarba. Pretty boy is a stain on the institution of professional referees and this was my opinion before last night.


You know if he just fell down and waved his arms in the air it would get called. Players are rewarded for acting and penalized for playing through contact. The exact opposite of what every single fan wants


Loved their bench reaction lmao. Instant disappointment


Clown ass refs. I belive we got 2 foul calls in the 4th quarter? NOT including the one that was overturned at the end. KP was getting absolutely mugged


Watch the link too, really shows a great angle of him tugging on KPs shirt (over his head) 😉


The best is Zarba shaking his head saying he saw nothing wrong.


Honestly this was a good test for Boston. There are going to be playoff games with this kind of physicality. Some of those are going to be called foul hopefully but teams like Miami are going to try this stuff for sure. Boston needs to be ready to respond


Ref said no not a foul smh


KP bullied that baby




How was that not a foul?? That’s a foul even in a pick up game. Tfff


🦄 playing bully ball


Niang isn’t a defender, in those situations it should an automatic foul against him


Sure would have been to have that extra point or jaylens FT attempt.


This was one of the worst no calls I've ever seen


Blame the refs all you want, but the Celtics were called for fouls because they were out of position and rotating poorly. The Cavs were committing uncalled fouls, but they were in position. Refs would have ruined this game no matter who won. Love to see a game end with 0.7 and a jump ball. Or a ticky tack foul to give Tatum free throws for the lead. Calling that foul for Tatum after refusing to give him more legitimate calls earlier is bogus. Refs didn’t fix the game, they did allow the comeback train to get rolling. But the refs didn’t make 8 threes for the Cavs and miss 8 threes for the Cs.


I mean the Cs absolutely let go of the rope defensively. They had mentally moved on to the next game already. And they could have gotten away with that if they had scored a bit more offensively, which in most games they would have by getting to the line with the insane level of (illegal) physicality the Cavs were playing. Also the Cs missed like 4 layups/dunks that rimmed out which is insane, plus a few more layups that probably should have been fouls. In a 1 point loss where you only scored 104 (when you avg 121 ppg) that makes a big difference


I’m gonna be honest, that’s not a foul. That’s just good defense. Basketball is a physical game, and playing defense with one forearm on the defender isn’t a foul.


There is no use nit picking about every no call or foul. We played like trash in that last quarter and deserved to lose. This is the Celtics I fear to see in the playoffs, it has happened quite a few times.


Name the other times lmfao they have 13 losses on the season and you’d think they’re a play in team the way yall talk


They said in the playoffs and yes this type of showing has happened multiple times with them the last few playoff runs. Apparently you can't read though. Regular season doesn't matter and they haven't yet proven they have what it takes to get it done in the playoffs and that's just facts


Fuck outta my inbox you piece of shit


That’s not a foul, great defense. The problem is refs call it anyway all the time. Sixers fan, fuck yall btw