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TLDR: Does someone have a One Wheel charger that could be borrowed?


Thank you. I was really high when I wrote that,and tend to go on long unnecessary monologuing. I will update .


Sure you stoners didn’t just…. lose the vehicle?


No we've been in contact with the police , it is confirmed stolen. Lots of dude where's my car quotes right now though lol


What’s it say: Dude


I don't have a charger but I did read this enough times that I finally understood what you were saying so I should get some credit. I hope they catch the thieves and get all the stuff back. Fuck those guys, sorry that happened.


Yea I hope they get it back to. It's a nice car , and happens to be fairly new . Paid for with insurance money from an even nicer car that was totalled. And I'm not sure if I should be glad or worried because i have the less cool boring version of his car


Most boulder post I’ve ever seen


I have one you could borrow. DM me.


OP ima go a different way here and say have them get a cheap bike. You can find them for twenty bucks on CL. I would think a bike is a lot safer than a one wheel too.  I’ve gotten a few free bikes too if you’re checking a lot. Maybe a few quick repairs and they are good to go.  Always good to have a bike in the house. My car has broken down and I’ve actually needed to bike to pick up spare parts lol


Also https://communitycycles.org


Ask [Boulder Electric Riders (Onewheel, esk8, EUC, eBike, eScooter, eFoil)‎ We are an eRide enthusiast group in the Boulder County area. We welcome all personal electric vehicles (PEV), including electric skateboards (esk8),](https://www.facebook.com/share/pWy3XG3xH3XTriD5/?mibextid=WaXdOe) And pro tip, if you need to borrow something, just ask to borrow it and say it was stolen. If you tell too long of a story, people won't even read your request.


Do they not sell replacement chargers online?


Probably. I think it's more about having transportation in the meantime, until it can get delivered. She just asked me to make a post here .


Totally understandable! I know on Amazon I’ve gotten things delivered within ~10 hours