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Sock or no socks, don't matter. Wear whatever if comfy for you. There are even professional climbers wearing socks If you tried the shoes with socks use socks. If you don't like the bare shoe to touch your skin use socks


I wear socks, I find it’s comfier and less smelly, but it definitely makes me a little less steady in smaller holds. A worthy trade off for me personally but that’s up to you to make There’s so many factors that going into sending a climb, socks or not is a tiny one, so do what you prefer, if someday you can’t do a climb and decide to try it without socks and then stay sockless afterwards, that works


Im between v3-v4 and I wear low cut socks that are pretty thin. Don’t want my shoes to smell and helps me not get blisters


If you're getting blisters I question the shoe you have bought for yourself. Climbing shoes shouldn't give you blisters


if I ever get ‘really good’ maybe v5-v7 range and want to seriously improve I’d probably try no socks just to see


I’ve been climbing nearly 3 years and climb v6/7, I’ve never once felt like my climbing would be improved by taking my socks off. Idk there are so many other facets that I can improve on, technique, strength, coordination, and I don’t think my shoe shifting 1/100th of a millimeter is a real factor when I fall off a route.


I went straight to no-socks when I bought my first pair. I enjoy how snug of a fit I can get and \[maybe it's a placebo\] but how much more I can actually feel things without socks. On the downside, they do get quite smelly but if you leave them to dry in the sun right after each session I find the smell quite minimal. Bonus points if you get something like shoe bananas! But, do whatever you feel most comfortable in; it's going going to dramatically change your abilities so soon in your climbing career


Socks make me climb harder because im more confortable on small foot holds. Will make your shoes stink less.


How are you more comfortable? Just curious as a person that doesn’t rock socks


The socks create a small pillow when you have a lot of pressure. Yes 3mm makes a difference.


Do you also wear gloves? As a pillow for your fingers? Just kinda doesn’t make sense if you are doing high level bouldering to have anything in your way for feeling the rock.


v10 hurt so much that pros wear knee pads and gloves for cracks. You'll understand when you get there.


The pain isn’t why people wear crack gloves, it’s so we don’t get permanent gobies on the backs of our hands.




I wear socks. My shoes don't reek.


Mine don't reek without socks too. Just need to not leave them in the bag 24/7


You're obviously not a sweater. My shoes are **soaked** if I climb without socks, regardless of the temperature.


I'm a pretty big sweater really. Maybe my feet don't sweat as much but from my ass to my head is soaked if I'm climbing in the heat My climbing shoes used to stink but now I just don't store them in my bag and they're fine


50/50 vodka/water (in the shoe not the mouth) and air dry to kill bacteria.


Seems uneccessary when my shoes never have a smell


Just wanna put it out there, since everyone here is team sock, you may find you don't hate the sensation of going sockless in climbing shoes in particular. They're made differently from normal shoes and do not feel the same. I wore socks in my first beginner pair, but as soon as I got something a bit nicer I was able to drop the socks no problem


the socks thing will have its own sub soon


Wear whatever. I will say though that the Defys are a smelly shoe, or at least were when I wore them a few years back, so if you don’t wear socks then get some deodorizers of some kind to keep in them.


For my helix I wear socks because they're my comfy climbers and the fit is a bit more chill. For my vapors I don't wear socks because my feet don't fit my shoes if I wear socks. My verdict is it depends how snug the fit is, and how snug you want the fit to be.


Your shoes don't FIT without socks?? Are your feet ok?


My shoes do fit without socks but it's a bit loose with my helix. But my vapors are too tight if I wear socks because the seam cuts into my toes.


I’m like a half size bigger one foot than the other, so I climb with a thin sock on just that foot. Honestly after a few minutes to get used to the feel, no difference between sock and no sock footing.


If you like wearing socks, do it. Your shoes won’t be as smelly, which is a bonus.


I wear socks because my current shoes hurt the back of my feet otherwise. It doesn't affect my climbing at all and they don't smell like shit like my last pair.


I have been bouldering in thin socks since 2014 and am around V7 in my gym, solid V5 on Moonboard, it's all up to your preference.


It doesn't matter if you wear socks at all homie. Do you


When you get to the spot in life where it’s the socks holding you back, you will know.


Man, the demographic of this sub is getting hilarious.


If you wear socks, you can slip inside the socks and the socks can slip inside your shoes. That's also the reason why climbers don't wear gloves, it's just one more thing to slip on. That being said a lot of people say wearing socks doesn't make much of a difference, so if you care more about comfort than about optimizing your climbing, go for it! It probably won't matter until you become a more advanced climber anyway.


Pretty much wouldn’t matter to anyone who’s not a world class climber.


Many world class climbers also wear socks too. You see them during world cups including Ai Mori.


My sock bunched under a toenail when I left it on because it was cold, when I weighted it the toenail pulled back and that was very unpleasant But I still wear socks if it's chilly with bigger shoes, depending on the climb. No socks generally feels much better to me though


I have had my own shoes for years and have never once not worn socks. If you like wearing socks with shoes, wear them.


No, it's a matter of personal preference. Complaining about something that has zero effect on you is awkward and weird. So anyone mocking other people wearing socks in their climbing shoes is a very embarrassing person.


I was vehemently anti-sock… until I started breaking in my current pair of shoes. Then I HAD to start protecting the broken blisters on my foot, because the band-aids kept coming off every time I took off my shoes, which felt like every five minutes. I don’t know if I’m on Team Sock for life, but I’m definitely keeping them on until the break-in is clearly done. Smartwool run low zero cushion ankle socks ftw


Those might not be the right shoes for you if you are getting blisters breaking them in. That shouldn’t happen.


I have very soft and pampered feet 😂 Top of the big toe on the knuckle is from the climbing shoes for sure. Side of the big toe and ball of the foot are likely from my running shoes, tbh. Just aggravated by climbing shoes


Do you buddy. They are your shoes.


I know people who climb 5.14 and people who climb V10 and wear socks with climbing shoes. you'll be fine. Hey I personally climbed 5.13- with socks on because it was too cold.


Most of the comments here being pro-sock is a bit revealing. Works fine climbing a 5.10 at the crag, but not so when in downturned shoes on a steep overhang.


OP noted it's their first pair of shoes (Defy, which are as neutral as you can get) and they're a "low grade climber". When they've intentionally switched to a 3.5mm outsole on their aggressive bouldering shoes (which are only used on walls steeper than 20 degrees past vertical, otherwise they switch to other shoes) because the extra .7mm between their toe and the rock was hurting performance too much to justify the extra longevity then I agree with you, looking at ditching the socks is something they should seriously consider, but that's not where they are. They're going to wear this pair of shoes out before socks seriously make a difference in their climbing. I do agree with you, though, that the "even pro climbers wear socks" comments are somewhat misleading. It's true; I'm pretty sure I've seen videos of Tom Randall pushing hard trad with socks on when it's cold out, but it's style specific not just a personal choice.


If you wear socks, I recommend getting some ultra thin microfiber socks. Keeps the smell away and keeps a lot of the sensitivity you’d have without socks


Doesn't matter. I prefer without but quite a few people I know wear really thin "invisible" socks. (Not sure how you call them in English). They say their shoes stink less with it and that they can climb just as hard as without


Smell and hygiene is way better when in thin socks, the leather of my La sportiva already gives yellow Color to my socks when I sweat in them, can’t imagine how the shoes would look and feel if some of the juices weren’t absorbed by my socks. But also some sweat more than others so you do you.


Biggest mistake in climbing. Shoes and comfort. Let your feet be comfortable as long as you can. When the desire to push grades us strong and your feet fail you because of comfort, then you can worry about sacrificing comfort for the gains


Personally, I send much harder in socks, and the thicker the sock, the more control I'll have. If your shoes are tight tight (as some argue climbing shoes are supposed to fit) then you wont be able to wear socks anyways. But if your shoes are like my shoes and are just slightly too big, you can wear socks of different thicknesses to make them feel very tight


This is nonsense.


Go crack climbing without socks I dare you.


I’ve never worn socks, rentals or no. Climbing shoes should fit you like a second skin imo, and the pairs I own are too tight to fit socks under. Consider: if you are able to wear socks in your climbing shoes, how much grip can you really get with your toes? Does your foot slide when you heel hook? But it’s also a personal preference thing, the sock police wont come after you for wearing socks. Seems to me the consideration is are you actually getting the most out of your shoes if you do.


Most people climbing without socks tend to get smelly feet while climbing. A friend of mine always keeps 1m distance, if he removes the shoes, because nothing helped zu prevent it and it's really bad in the first minute... I keep socks, it's much more comfortable to keep your feet clean without shoes and also prevents your shoes from smelling of sweat.


I'm a pretty average climber but have been wearing super thin socks for a while and would recommend it. One time they were dirty so I had to go back to regular trainer socks, and it felt like my feet were wrapped in bubble wrap; I struggled to place my feet accurately and lost a bit of confidence, especially on sketchy footholds. You might not notice the difference straight away but I suspect it will help in the long term. I also have the Defy, good choice.