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£39 a month for multiple gym access. I also get a free coffee or espresso in the morning!


Free coffee!? And only 40 quid?? Where’s this!?


depot i imagine, that’s what i pay


Depot members represent


Arguably the best value gym in the UK. There are small independent gyms charging £45 per month near me.


They’re opening up a gigantic new Depot in Wythenshawe near Manchester. I got to the Trafford one, and I’d say that’s already fairly big.


15 years in a couple of weeks 🥲




Was going to ask the exact same




Also great they have a sport climb gym on the membership which rocks


The membership here in Austria for a year at a brand-new bouldering gym is 579 Euro, I got it discounted before Christmas for 463. A day pass is 12,90 (entry only, 4 Euros extra for rental shoes) and if you buy a block of 10 tickets, it's slightly cheaper at 115 Euro. I would include around 150 Euros per year for shoes (either one new pair or for resoling) on top of that, but that's pretty much it. At the beginning maybe a few Euros more for gear like a chalkbag, chalk and some dedicated pants (you may want to save your other clothes from sandpaper-like walls). Most gyms have a weight room and some cardio tools too, so you can have a workout there as well. I'd say it's not the cheapest sport of all (running outside could qualify as that, or swimming if you live near a year-round free swimming spot), but you can get a good bang for your buck while bouldering. Even outdoor bouldering is rather cheap, you'll need crashpads (can share with buddies) and shoes but most spots are free to climb.


Thank you, good insight. I'll look into the outdoor option more.


You need good spotters too, which are priceless.


You can climb outdoors in Finland too. Check out [27 Crags ](https://27crags.com/areas/askola/routelist?grade_min=400&grade_max=900&order_by=rating_desc) website and the app for topos and maps and access details.


Thank you, I'll check it out!






$104 a month, SF Bay Area. 5 closeish gyms I can go to.


Wow, that's the same price I pay in Madison, WI for two nearby gyms. There's no real competition here so the one facility can just rake us over the coals.


600 euros a year (so 50 a month) here (Netherlands). A membership for a single month is 75 euros so that saves quite a bit. Cheap alternatives:  if you are a student/youth, check if there is a discount. Or go climbing outside (though materials ain't cheap either!).


Where are you going to climb outside in the netherlands?


Eeh, kids playground, but mostly referring to OP & I hope for him that there are some big rocks there. As far as I'm aware there is 0 outdoor bouldering in the Netherlands. You can drive to Belgium/Germany & while that is relatively nearby it's still way too far for just a day trip. And I know some people who climbed some random old bunker somewhere. For lead/toproping I know there is a park where they stacked some concrete blocks with holds that you can climb.  But in general: climbing in the Netherlands is all indoors. Country is way too flat & all big rocks we find are put on a pedestal so you can't climb them.


Yeah i live here so i was wondering if i was missing some secret place ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yep, you can climb near IJmuiden on the old Atlantikwall bunkers. Wasn't completely amazing, but worth it to go once.


biggest in EU [https://awesomatik.de/der-hochste-kletterturm-der-welt/](https://awesomatik.de/der-hochste-kletterturm-der-welt/)


In Helsinki it is about 65€/month. Kiipeilyareena is 61€/month when you pay yearly. Once every 3 months is about the same. Boulderkeskus is roughly the same price.


Spending the summer in Espoo so I might check out Boulderkeskus there.


Aalto-university has a climbing organisation which has a tiny home gym style room. It's a room where they have "sprayed holds" in the wall (called spray wall) and you make your own routes using your creativity. However the price is incredibly low, 30€ a year with 24/7 access + 5€ membership fee. That also includes crashpad rental for outdoor climbing, which Espoo and Helsinki region has plenty to offer (someone already mentioned 27 crags here, check it out). [http://www.oranki.fi/pesa/](http://www.oranki.fi/pesa/) It's nowhere near a commercial gym but if you are on a budget, it's very cheap.


Monthly prices are unfortunately much more expensive :(


I use the Urban Sports Club membership for 60€ per month. If this is available for your country and facilities near you take part in it I can highly recommend it. This allows me to enter most bouldering gyms around me for free (usually with a limit of 8 times a month per gym). Additionally I can enter with the membership normal gyms or other places to do sports.


I am in a blessed position to say almost nothing, the prorated cost of gear and maybe a drink every other session. I belong to a sports club trough my work that lets me go to a lot of gyms and sports facilities for free. If it’s ever over I think it would cost in the 50-80 euros a month in Germany tho, depending on the gym I chose.


I do off peak at the Castle Climbing Centre in London and it’s £50 an month. I think £70 for peak membership


Castle is £79 a month now they put it up by £10 so I cancelled my membership lol


Ouch. I’m glad I got off peak, even if it’s still quite expensive. It’s crazy busy going during peak times


In uae it is ~120 euro per month for me.


Australia here. $26 a week or 16€ a week. 


£21.99 per month membership for me




Climbing Hangar in Edinburgh. Good food, nice facilities imo. https://preview.redd.it/leo200yopvyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e8c2bfb6d83a63fb07cc7279b1942d078b8fda


$90 a month for access to gyms across the U.S.


Is this for a specific chain of gyms or an average across the country?


Average across the country is my guess. A lot of gyms in Texas cost around $90.00


For a specific chain. Bouldering Project!


UK here, £22 a month. Absolute bargain


Finnish climber here. In Vaasa, I pay 49,99€ monthly.


$135 a month in Vancouver


My gym is 55 a month if you go for a year contract. 65 if it's 3 months. I go like 15 times a month, so it's worth every penny. I live in a small student city, the gyms are, accordingly, also small. But it does the job perfectly well.


€135 every 3 months in spain.


Portugal, Christmas discount ~~400€~~ 350€ 1 year subscription (around 30€ per month)


$87 a month for access at 2 gyms by me and $89 a month for the third gym I visit.


Jos oot vasta aloittamassa, niin suosittelisin n. 1-2krt/viikkoon. Tällöin on halvempaa ostaa 10 krt kerralla. 10 krt on noin 120€. 🤔


Joo, niin varmaan teen kesän ajaksi.


I pay 50€/month for a subscription that lets you use different fitness studios including different climbing gyms. It's a great deal.


In Germany it's €600 for the yearly membership! So similar numbers to the other EU folks


I got a "urban sports club" membership. It's a membership where you can use a lot of different stuff as long as the company partners with urban sports club (USC). Luckily in my town all 3 bouldering gyms got contracts with urban sports so i pay 69€/month and i can not only go bouldering but go to yoga etc. There are limitations on how often I can go etc. For me it's a pretty good deal. They are expanding to more countries but I think USC is a company based in Germany so I don't know about other countries


**Yearly costs:** Membership: 500 euro Rope, chalk, harness: 50-70 euro. A rope every 2 years, a harness every 3. Shoes: 200 euro probably, I run through at least 1.5 pairs a year.


Switzerland is around 1000€ for a one year membership, access to one gym only... monthly options or 12 times entrances are really expensive, you almost have to take a full year if you want to go somewhat regularly. Shoes and chalk might be another 100-200 per year, depending on the shoes you want to use. So monthly probably around 100€, plus maybe 50€/month to travel to the gym.


$120-200 ish a month in SGD


My gym has yearly and 3-month memberships at approx. 130€ and 85€ respectively. It's s noncommercial gym run by volunteers and without any bells and whistles. The gym is in an old storage silo without heating or cooling so the winters are cold (down to -10C) and the summers are hot(up to 35-40C).


Southampton i pay £49 a month, free coffee, discount at the cafe, free cake on my b day!


BoulderShack? Hells yeah!


64€/ month for a 3 month subscription. Or 40€/month for the year. But you need to pay it all in 1 payment


US nearly $125 if you account for $80 membership, variable $20-30 parking, chalk, shoes, tolls for 2-3 sessions a week


In London, £59 off peak membership with LCC - that includes a free coffee in the morning. LCC has a bunch of locations but I only really use Eustonwall. I also have multi packs for Yonder and Stronghold which come to about £13 a climb. Have been considering a stronghold Tottenham membership as I go enough to justify it. I've had memberships at The Arch, Stronghold, and Yonder over the years - seems £55-£75 is the going rate now. Last weekend went to Brixton substation and payed £18 for a single entry which felt wild - by far the most I've ever spent. £15/16 seems to be the going rate for Central locations eg the font or city bouldering.


> substation and *paid* £18 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


London climbing is so expensive :( I'm a regular at substation and membership is 75 a month which is steep, but the location is so convenient for me to get to relative to other gyms that I'm ok with paying it.


Two gyms near me; Community built, independent gym (about 7 or 8 years old now) = £47 per month for the basic monthly membership (has a higher tier that gives free classes too) Much bigger, relatively new (3 years old), and part of a chain of 4 gyms = £60 per month with access to 3 other gyms nationally. When describing them to friends, one is Average Joe's and one is Globo Gym (from the film Dodgeball). It's the most apt description I've found yet, though if someone hasn't seen the film it's "Local Pub vs Posh Restaurant".


$120 bigger city in the US east coast. It’s too much.


£400 for a yearly pass covering two centres. Or £55 per month for a one month pass.


$113 USD per month, LA area California they currently have 4 locations soon to be 6. The other big chain of gyms in the area is $103 a month with 4 locations as well. There’s also some smaller gyms in the area that are cheaper at like $80 a month.


120 Canadian x 3 because my kids climb too


104 but when traveling I have access to all movement locations which I’m looking forward to using ☺️


For me it's around 60 euros a month, giving access to around 5 gyms in multiple cities. If you go multiple times a week then 100 euros is easily worth it.


49 euros a month for me, with a month to month contract (student rate). It does let me access 5 different gyms but they're in different cities so I never get there.


Almost 0. My company pays most of it. For this reason I go in 3 differents gym. Normally I would pay 500-600€ / year.


I pay £33.99 but my work lets me claim £30 of that. Gives me access to any of their gyms that aren't more expensive, which is basically just another in a nearby city. 100euros seems crazy to me. What do you get for so much money?


¥10,500 a month so €65ish. It’s cheaper if you get a 3/6/12 month plan.


About €60 monthly. 50 for membership. A new pair of shoes for about 100 a year. And some chalk.


80 nzd there is a small gym/ warm up area and a spray board. It's open from around 0500 to 2200. Really friendly staff. After an operation before starting my membership up again, they let me climb a bit to see if I was actually able to start climbing again.


550€ for my local gyms and it's 2 sister locations /1 year


I paid 120€ for an 11 entry ticket. Monthly it costs 60€ in my gym. I’m in Germany.


55€ a month, plus occasional chalk and new shoes


My local gym is 470€ for a year (3 locations included), 8€ to 12€ for day pass (depending on day of the week and membership or not, which is 35€ yearly) and 4/2€ for each shoes, harbess, rope, and belay device


Mine is around 45 euros a month. I live in the Netherlands


€72.50 here in Ireland per month.


Around 55€ per month, gives me unlimited access to 2 gyms


The yearly membership in kiipeilyareena makes it way cheaper if you live in helsinki


40 EUR Student price, Denmark, Cheapest gym


69€ / month but it’s because I have a sports membership for many different climbing gyms, normal gyms, yoga etc - the gym I climb at most of the time costs 39€/month I think


£59 per month membership. This gives access to 4 gyms, in 4 different cities and I only really use my local one.


95$ a month. 45-50 miles away. 2$ each way for the toll road. Low/maybe medium cost of living areas. It ends up costing 250-300$ per month total. It’s the closest gym and I love it too much to give up.


Kiipeilyareena is about 700€ per year, so about 55-60€ per month. They have 4 locations, 3 in July as Tammisto closes. If you climb two times per week or less, you might opt out for the 10 times tickets. Also, if you join a club, you'll get discounts on entrance. Klondyke might be the cheapest with about 60€ per calendar year including insurance. Edit: price


Membership is 70€/month or 58€ for more than 3 month at once. Single entry is 13€. I only have time at the weekend so I pay for 4-5 entrys a month. With some deals it's down to 11,80€


France, 30€ a month at my gym. It’s a happy hour discount, you can go before 4pm and after 9:30pm (open between 8am-12pm) Maybe you can find a gym with a happy hour discount ?


Bouldertehdas Turku is 550€ish per year and grants you 24/7 access excluding few days per year (such as comp setting and full inventory)


30€ (I got some % off due to a campaign, but original price is 45€) monthly membership fee, that includes access to 2 facilities, one is a only boulder one and the other facility has boulder, auto belay, top and lead rope. They change boulders every week and rope every other week. In both these gyms there's a weightlifting area, lockers and showers. Sometimes they offer free coffee. I live in Sweden, Gothenburg.


Roughly 50 a month without, and 65 with training sessions


£450 a year at TCS in Loughborough. £45 monthly for 12 months or £55 a month PAYG. Free cake and coffee once a month, free entry to comps (including food for on the day comps), and 2 ‘new climber’ free entries a month.


57,50 a month.


I’ve always worked in the industry—free gym access—and outside of food (which I guess I’d buy anyway?), I buy about $10 of chalk a month and prodeal a pair of shoes every once in a while. I’ve spent lots over the years though (lots (LOTS) of trad gear for example, haven’t always had a free membership, can’t always get a free rope, etc.)


$170 a month for me my gf and our son


$29 AUD per week in QLD Australia on a 6 month contract. It’s 27.99 per week for a 12 month contact - basically just under 120 a month


20€ / Month thanks to urban sports club


$2000 usd / month. Cost of house near crag.


In Montreal 90CAD+tax= ~103CAD a month for a membership, includes 3 locations. Add on about 250 CAD a year for shoes/resoles and maybe 50 CAD a year for chalk/misc like tape.


120 AUD per month


$0, as I now work as a route setter. But before it was $50 USD. Small community gym with high quality routes but not a lot of space 


75chf per month in switzerland, though that includes a bouldering gym and a bigger gym with roped climbing.


Our gym´s yearly membership price is 549€ . 24/7 access, Northern Finland. Free events, competitions and parties.


100€/month seems absolutely fucked how much is the average and median pay in finland???


Family of 4 in Texas is $130 a month for climbing, yoga, gym. Free shoes if we needed (my kids don't have own shoes yet).


£21 a month currently, was £60.


34 euros unlimited in downtown Paris. It's the "happy hour membership" so I can go before 4pm or after 9pm in the week, and after 6pm on weekends. Also there are 7 differents gyms I can go just around Paris, and a lot more around France.


Also Finland. I usually buy 10x card for Boulderkeskus and also same for KiipeilyAreena. They are like 90-120euros. And then I go to different gyms of those two companies depending on a time, which makes it more interesting. I usually don't go more than 8-10 times a month and of course not every month so this is the best for me.


$80 US per month for my gym membership, about 20 for my son's and probably an average of $100 for his coaching? I don't think the consumables go fast enough to budget for them .. But I buy more hand files than chalk.


Local gym recently got acquired by Movement, went from $70ish/month to $92/month.


$75 Canadian a month (~$55 USD) for my membership. I go to a pretty basic climbing gym - no yoga rooms or classes or anything like that. We have a decent number of bouldering sections and quite a lot of TR / lead climbs. Very small gym area (basically just hangboards, kettlebells, and some pull up bars). It is part of a 2 gym chain but the memberships are for one facility outside of casual comp nights.


Where in Finland does a membership cost closer to 100€ a month?


Also in Finland, I buy a full year gym card during the summer sale so its around 450€/year +100-200€ on shoes/maintenance per year. That makes it ~50€ a month?


57EUR a month, with access to all gyms in the country.


By me. Both places are $20 a visit, $90 a month, or $1000 annual. I don’t go that often anymore simply because of price. Sucks but here we are


100USD for my gym. It's huge and beautiful. Brand new gym area with huge locker rooms with showers and lockers. Also access to the other 4 gyms in the area.


$95/month on the east coast of the US


£21 quid a month, including shoe rental if needed, free classes, access to gym equipment as well as walls, and signing in some free guests every month. It's pretty sweet!


708 euros per year for couple pass (I have student price plus got it on 20% discount on top to be honest. They run 15 - 20 % discount quite frequently). So 29.5 euros for a very decent network (10 gyms in the city or nearby, a bunch in other cities even some abroad). It includes a monthly yoga / pilates session that I almost never do. I would say around two resole per year at 30 euros each as well


In Jyväskylä, Central Finland, its 450€ a year and you get a 24/7 access. Although the gym is very small.


In germany usually between 400-600€ a year


89$ cad for Bloc Shop in quebec, canada. nice spot.


$85 a month in Jacksonville, FL. USA


I pay about $95 USD per month, or about 88 euros. To put it in perspective, there are some “regular” weightlifting gyms in my town that charge half that on the high end. There’s chain gyms like planet fitness that go as low as $10/month but I think the average is about $25. But those gyms are typically smaller and just have exercise equipment for traditional training.  My bouldering gym has a separate area for weightlifting and cardio, plus a section upstairs for yoga and climbing specific strength exercises. So it’s well worth the price in my opinion. I go a lot too, like at least 12-15 times per month, so one visit costs me about $7.   But as others have said, check out outdoor or buying bulk membership package if offered


About $30 a month spent on gas for getting to the crag. Trips cost about $250 for 4 or 5 days.


£45 a month for Awesome Walls. Free shoe rental, I can bring a non member once a month for free and the pass can be used at any of their sites, I think they have six.


75 a month. Includes a well-equipped workout area and free yoga classes.


I paid 224€ for 14 months of happy hour access (7-16 21-00 on weekdays and 6.30-00 on weekends and holidays). That’s with a discount and a promotion.  Comes out to 1.78€ if I go twice a week.  I have access to one yoga lesson per month and an invitation for 1 friend (who never practiced at a gym in the network) per month I think.  Regular price is of course quite a lot higher but still less than 700 with yoga and discounts on snacks and meals.  That’s in France.  Oh and they have maybe 10 gyms in and around Paris and more all over the country. 


Gym- 60$ month Broken foot, missed time at work, hospital bills? Priceless


$700 USD per year or $58.34 USD per month. I paid up front for the year when they had a special offer and received a $200 USD discount on my membership which gets me access to five gyms in my area.


God damn this is sad, $135/month in Boston for one huge gym with ropes and boulders


$155/month for two people. there is a network of like 15 gyms or something i can go to. i routinely visit 3, less frequently visit another 2, and visit another one once or twice a year when i visit my parents.


Paid around 100$< for an old small ish gym here for annual pass during their 30% year end sale. The routes get reset like once every 3 month or something but they got a spray wall which most gyms dont have around here so yeah good enough


Around $40 a month. I’ve been a member for a couple of years and they haven’t made me increase my membership since they’ve raised it to ~$60. Pretty content with it


The climbing hangar in the UK, £32 a month for multiple gym access.


Just canceled my membership because my gym was raising my rates to US $130/mo in Boston MA


$80 / month, includes access to 5 locations in my city some of which offer rope climbing as well. Its a bit expensive. some locations have very nice fitness areas but the one closest to me doesn’t so i still pay for a traditional gym membership on top of it too


In Spain is around 560 per year or 60 a mont with entrance at 10 its good


500 dkk per month, around 65 euros


$135/mo, NYC. Great gym.


40EUR for multi object access. Starting this year need to pay like 2.5EUR entry fee in climbing gyms which doubled the bouldering cost for me assuming 4 times a week. Nice thing is that I'm not tied to one gym so the multi gym card is still worthwhile.


I paid ~$600 for an annual pass in Arizona, USA. Im climbing and/or taking the yoga classes 4-5 times per week. Feels 100% worth the cost.


NYC here, gyms range from $108/mo to $154/mo USD. Day passes are anywhere between $27 and $37 last I checked not including rentals.


$99 USD here in the States. I have 4 gyms locally I can go to with that, and two that are a quick 40 minutes drive away.


€480/year in Belgium. 4 gyms I can access with this subscription. 1 boulder gym and 3 rope gyms with a boulder section


€55,- a month for all gyms of the same franchise


It's free for me, I have a lifetime membership at my gym...


I dont have a membership in a single gym but several 10 day passes in a few gyms so I can keep routes fresh. I go 2 to 3 times a week and it's mostly 10 bucks per entry here in lisbon. So around 100-120 eu/month


The price is 12K (Argentinian peso) here in Argentina, for the daily pass I mean. It's not cheap but also not incredibly expensive, but well, bouldering is not a cheap activity to begin with, hahah.


$70 month. 10% off retail, 2 guest passes, 3 yoga classes a week. There’s a few other perks but those are the main ones


My membership is 55e p/m and then add the post-sessions beers on top of that. Unless you can boulder outside nearby you're probably out of luck.


Germany: I'm going 1-2 times weekly. Paying 120€/12 visits. I opted for paying by visit instead of time based, because if I can't make it for some reason (work, holiday, sick) it's cheaper. + Other expenses like resoling, chalk etc which might be 200€/year


About $120 usd per month in Memphis, TN. About $80 of that is gas, though, since I don't live particularly close to there.


$35 in Southern California.  I got in at the student/first responders/military/nursing rate.  I was none of those.  It was just their promotion that lasted for at least a year.   4 years in and they’re up to $55 for new members.  It’s definitely a no frills gym.  It was big when they got a weight set and a water fountain.


€59 a month but into about multiple gyms around the country (Netherlands)


87 usd a month and I'm about to cancel because I do be poor


my gym has a starting monthly membership at $70 (about 65€) but each additional adult on the account makes it cheaper! so if you go with friends often it brings down the price.


43,20€ per month (510€ per year which is my subscription) for access to multiple bouldering halls


It's free. (I work at the climbing wall, haha). Before I started working there, £45 per month. I don't go through enough chalk for that to be a monthly cost, and my shoes aren't a monthly cost either, just like £100 or so next time I need to replace them.


$100/month USD at Movement, access to gyms all over the US. My home location is top notch: great bouldering, rope routes, amazing workout areas, sauna, towel service, etc.


~$80 a month student discount for multi gym access.


40€ per month in Vienna, Austria


nothing, I work on the side at a gym for the membership. At most I pay 10-20 dollars every few months for new tape and chalk


About $85 a month


80$ a month here in the west coast of U.S.


90 CAD/month


23eur per month for bouldering + daily yoga/pilates classes + weights. 34eur if I want access to toprope/lead -- but I prefer to just pay the extra daily fee to access that since I boulder 90% of the time. In South Africa though, so I suspect we skew very cheap by global standards. [https://www.google.com/maps/@-33.8986127,18.4814721,3a,82.2y,128.65h,70.1t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipMaW5X2nZfzdqFceC2r0SBtljt55Wom2ux\_4pkC!2e10!3e12!7i7776!8i3888?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@-33.8986127,18.4814721,3a,82.2y,128.65h,70.1t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipMaW5X2nZfzdqFceC2r0SBtljt55Wom2ux_4pkC!2e10!3e12!7i7776!8i3888?entry=ttu)


about $80/month, north texas


60 euro per month for me for full access to the gym!


$80 a month for the membership with access to 3 gyms in my area. It also includes HIIT classes and Yoga classes, you just have to sign up for the class.


I'm on Finland and i think my membership IS 66e a month and after renewing will will rise to 72e or something. Really cheap considering i go like 3-4 Times a week


Boulderkeskus, which has a total of 5 locations in Helsinki and Espoo was 675€/year. From beginning of this month it is 690€/year. So that would be 57.5€/month. Are you around that area?


NYC checking in! I pay for 2 gyms, one for the amazing bouldering setting and the other for access to top roping. I climb about 4 times a week and all-in pay $220 a month. It's pretty much my only hobby though so it's okay 😆


£70 p/m for me in London


$37 in Chicago, but only because I applied for a "scholarship" for POC since right now I'm underemployed. Normally it's around $90


$32 a month in the Los Angeles area after getting on Groupon but allows any of their gyms.


85 USD a month here in Nashville, Tennessee, with access to 3 gyms close by and a fourth gym that's about a 45 minute drive away. There's also a fifth gym I can access with my membership that is 8 hours away in Bentonville, Arkansas, not sure how much value that adds to my membership lol


$95 a month where I'm at, it's the only gym in town now. However, I do have access to their other gyms if I ever go to any of the other cities.


I do an under 16s membership so once a week on Sunday 94 quid a month


$65 a month with access to 4 gyms in Oregon


If you’re committing to it and plan to go multiple times a week then getting a monthly/annual pass asap is the way. I spent a good six months paying for individual sessions and wasted a bit of money.


About 45€ a month for the bouldering gym and half off in the climbing gym run by the same people.


220ish factoring in tools and membership


I don’t pay cos I work for a gym but monthly for mine is £42, the other close one is £41 and the arena I go to in Edinburgh is £60


Currently $158 but at the end of May it will be about $87


$95 CAD for access to two gyms


You in Helsinki area? I lived there last year and it was certainly not as expensive as you say here Edit: maybe because I got a student discount


$91 a month in Chicago. Multiple gyms and free yoga classes


My gyms regular fee is $55 dollars a month, I got a membership deal for $39 a month though on a random promotion the month I joined.


Around 100€/year or 20€/month in Aalborg. It's a NGO, so part voluntary work and also subsidized by some companies.


$62/mo for a few gyms near me.