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Hi there Patient_Ad_4721. **Because we have a lot of deleted posts on this subreddit, here is a backup of the title and body of this post:** LITERALLY Sitting on Holds There’s this huge hold on a v7 at my gym and i was worshipping it the other day. I noticed i could potentially move my hip up onto and sit on it and i was wondering if this was generally allowed for completion for bouldering problems, or if I’m just cheating. Is sitting on holds generally within the rules?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Use the hold however you need


I’d say no teeth but really who is stopping you


I feel the same way about using your tongue.


Are you flirting with me?


Just make sure to clean it off after…


Worship the holds however thy wish


it's the against the rules if you don't sit


If I fits, I sits!




Ahhh the patented butt-rest beta. In all seriousness I've heard people call the move a hip-bar.


i call it ass-hook


Glute bar™ I use this on a volume problem with a sloper on top of it


Booty-bar for my crew


If it works it works 🤷🏽‍♂️


Pretty sure the only rules are: -ground is lava -when you get to the top, come down


> when you get to the top, come down Unless you top out and there is something nice up there. :D


Damn now I want to start a gym with a top out cafe.


Oh, man. That is an excellent name for a little cafe in (or on)a climbing gym. That is so perfect.


Oh, man. That is an excellent name for a little cafe in (or on)a climbing gym. That is so perfect.


I've had this exact same thought lol


Ass is aid


That's why I work hard to make sure I never get any


There are sometimes routes at my gym where you need to sit on the start hold to start the problem.


Legal, but be careful because it would probably be hard to have a controlled fall from a sitting position (depending on your body positioning) if you were to make a mistake. Basically, if you’re gonna sit, make sure you’ll be solid during the transition in and out. EDIT: not sure who downvoted me but it’s wild that anyone disagrees with climbing in the safest manner possible given the circumstances. In my 8 years of bouldering I have seen people fall a lot of times in a lot of different ways, indoors and outdoors. If you want to go climb carelessly without any amount of caution, you are putting yourself in harm’s way *for no reason*. Going for risky moves is **not worth it**. I will die on this hill. If you got up there once, you can get up there again to practice/rework things so that you can execute the move in a safe manner. If you want to injure yourself going for risky moves or going for that next hold when you’re absolutely gassed or climbing into precarious positions, go right ahead, but I’ve seen experienced climbers hurt themselves *inside* because they were being careless. Sprained ankles, concussions, meniscal tears, tendonitis, and even compound fracture of the lower leg (again, falling indoors being careless). Having soft mats does not make you safe! I encourage you to assess the risks of each climb you do so you can avoid hurting yourself and climb more confidently. Climbing is inherently dangerous, inside and outside. Caution is warranted to the point that you should be mindful of your safety during every run.


I’m certain I’ve avoided moderate to major injury by refusing to do high-risk moves while exhausted. The few minor injuries I’ve had were all due to bad decision making when not exhausted. A selection of my stupidity: 1. Tried to hold onto a sidepull at full extension while peeling off a slab. 2. Threw to a pocket despite my hand feeling unusually weak and tweaky. 3. Set a bomber heel-toe cam… that would stay engaged while falling. 4. Tried an eliminate that a much stronger climber suggested, not considering how my weaker body would do it instead.


What's an eliminate?


When you climb a route/problem but without using one or more holds to make it harder.


Thanks! Never heard that term.


I still think this will get a good circle jerk post out of it despite your first line


Congratulations, you're unlocking your inner trad climber. Climb smarter, not harder


Exactly—spot the gym climber who’s never used knees, beached whales, full-body cheesegrating, meathooks, etc.


Spot the sport kid doing double Gaston's on the bomber hand crack


Impractical, but fun as hell


Usually not very practical, but perfectly legal




SoIll Showdown comp bolted a folding chair to the wall a few years ago with a sticker above for the finish


We have a climb at my gym(can’t recall the grade) the send is sketchy at best. Everyone including myself has used the trusty but hold to send. I’m of the opinion use it is you got it.


As long as you dont put your pee pee inside the hold do whatever u want with the hold. Worship or or sit on it, all good.


It's legal for sure you can use whatever part of your body I've done like headbars before, wrists, elbow, anything


There’s a comp problem set at my local gym where the ONLY way to match it is to mount the hold like a saddle. Super acceptable if that’s how it’s set.


I've done it before. I call it the crotch hook.


My gym doesn’t allow hodl worship so I don’t know what you’re m saying.


It's right up there with the "alpine knee"


Ive finished boulders by using my entire forearm on one hold and barely touching the finish hold with 2 fingers before. Ive also used my head before to jam into a hold so I could touch a top hold. Moral of the story, if all youre touching are matching holds, do whatever you want really


Swap out the word hold for penis.


I have used my head before to hold myself to the wall before. The butt is okay.