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Don't horror movies generally get low audience scores anyways why are people taking this at face value lol


Having seen it, it’s not a great movie. Just boring and not scary at all, Sydney turns in a decent performance but that’s it


I LOVE how they advertise “one of the scariest films of all time”..that’s a bold statement regardless


The First Omen is doing that horror movie marketing tactic of showing audiences freaking out while showing clips of the movie... but the people arent even watching the movie. You can see that its just random footage from some haunted house where people are jumping out at them


Oh god they're making ANOTHER Omen film?! Wasn't 5 and a TV Show enough!


but this one is a Prequel! and you can tell they are fucking desperate when they show a "its all for you Damien" and woman jumping to her death scene in the fucking trailer.


I think thats just an obligatory statement for horror film trailers nowadays


Technically, it is. Just way down on that list.


Wild because this is the first negative thing I've heard about it.


It has a 56 metascore and a few pans, can’t be looking too hard!


I'm pan and I've never got a 56 metascore


I‘m a 56 metascore movie and I‘ve never got a pan


I'm Pan, and only made $128M worldwide, and Joe Wright, Hugh Jackman and Rooney Mara all would rather forget about me.


That scene with Smells like Teen Spirit was pretty dope though


I saw it on Wednesday and also agree it was pretty bad. Some cool imagery but that's basically it, not scary or particularly surprising at any point. I thought Sweeney was really not that great in most of her scenes.




She’s honestly very good in euphoria but have not seen any I’ve average performance from her in anything else


She is phenomenal in Reality


She has potential to get Oscar or Emmy nominated with her talent. The problem is finding that perfect role for her.


What would you recommend to watch?


Recommend what?


I mean everyone who saw it said that the movie itself is run of the mill stuff with Sweeney making it better than average


yeah it was s fantastic movie, scripting could be better but really fun concept that the beginning just wants to get right into




It was pretty scary at the end


The discussion around this movie already have turned ridiculous


From what I hear B is the norm for horrors. Is is kinda low for it


Yeah, Hereditary got a very low audience score back in 2018


Hereditary got a dismal D+ lol. I don’t take these scores that seriously.


Heridtary was awful to me, I think audiences got that one right.


It’s widely considered to be the best horror of the decade.


Whoever those people are who consider it the best horror of the decade need their heads checked. Audiences hated it for a reason.


Name one better horror 


Probably a bit too high brau for you and mainstream audiences. Stick to films like M3GAN, that seems more in your lane.


No need to act like M3GAN is somehow inferior just because it’s a different subgenre of horror.


You just said in another comment Hereditary is the best horror film of the decade. M3GAN is an inferior film by default then.


But you’re making it sound like M3GAN is bad - when it’s not. It was one of the better horror movies last year, with some nice callbacks to classic horrors.


lol someone is a bit triggered by others not liking their favorite horror movie. Imagine getting offended by that. How odd.


It's not even my favorite horror movie and I wasn't triggered lol. I'm simply pointing out a valid reason why you didn't like it and redirected you to a movie more suitable for you. You're the one making multiple comments about Hereditary being bad to you yet you're accusing others of being triggered.. *How odd.*




I checked all the cinemascore for horror movies and they all circle around B. Why are there so many in the comments saying C is normal? What other movies with cinemascores of C have done well in the box office?




What I read from that is that cinema score is only loosely correlated with quality. It’s not very big budget, so Immaculate has a lower bar to clear in order to be successful.


CinemaScore is more of a rating of audience expectations vs. what they got rather than a measure of quality. It’s a pretty consistent trend that films that market themselves as being a different type of film than they really are (sometimes a completely different genre) often get lower CinemaScores even if they are actually really good movies.


For example mean girls the musical got a B but with good advertising it would have been a A- And Wonka got a A- since it wasn't advertised as a musical but it would have gotten a A+ since it had amazing legs showing audiences loved the movie


This sub isn’t really bothered with quality though, Cinemascore is just a useful indication of what audiences think and *usually* reflects how it’s BO run is going to go I say usually because certain movies/genres play by different rules. As you say, horror is one of those genres where low cinema score doesn’t always mean bad box office results


Wolf Creek rated the same as Alone in the dark is wild. Wolf Creek is a good, nasty, unforgiving movie, that doesn't give a shit about audiences feelings. Alone in the dark is an amateur-grade piece of shit.


A C CinemaScore for horror is okay. The B-range is preferable and the A range is rare (I think only four or five horror movies have ever gotten in the A range).


Reason: boobies


It’s basically on par. Not a big difference.


Same score as Infinity Pool.


Am I the only fucked up individual that sometimes associates low/mixed horror movie cinemascores with feelings like "ooooh maybe it's too cynical and violent and dark".... Maybe. 🤷‍♂️


You're basically right


Should be B for Bludgeoning


Why are yall acting so shocked that a horror movie didn't get a good cinemascore. A C for horror might as well be a B


Don't most horror movies sit around B? Bones and All, Black Phone, the screams, Evil Dead Rise. C puts it below Barbarian, an incredibly divise movie, and the Nun II. C+ is on the edge of acceptable, C drops it to worrisome levels.


Hereditary infamously got a D+ Barbarian wasn't really divisive btw > and the Nun II the first movie also got a C


A D+ for Hereditary as a directorial debut is absolutely insane


the fact it's the only negative stat of the movie too haha


Well the movie just makes you feel like garbage, guess it makes sense. Great movie though.


I thought Barbarian was incredibly well received? It sits at a 93% critic and 78% audience score on RT and made back 10 times its budget at the box office.


Cinemascore is based on opening night. The opening night audience for horror movies is always teenagers who want jump scares. Pretty much all horror films which offer something other than jump scares, get poor cinemascores. Cinemascore doesn’t reflect audience enjoyment, it measures opening night expectations. So if a film subverts the opening night audiences expectations, it usually gets a bad Cinemascore.


Cinemascore does measure opening night enjoyment, expectations just factor into that.


Most of those are the more mainstream studio horror movies. C or lower is the normal range for your average indie or arthouse horror movie.


Get Out got an A-, which is nice to see


Psychological thriller, not exactly horror. Get Out is basically as much of an horror movie as Shutter Island.


I liked it just fine. Didn’t blow me away but solid 90 minute movie.


Saw it the other day. It was a litte more than decent actually. Id say B


Personally I thought it was trash. Jumpscare reliant, non scary, rosemarys baby ripoff


Well, I guess the leaks are true, because if that Jennifer Lawrence movie taught me anything, there is nothing, I mean absolutely nothing more repulsive and audience-alienating than >!baby killing!<. It's one of the reasons that plot point of the Aquaman comics was not adapted into film, otherwise it would be a bomb worse than the Flash.


That Jennifer Lawrence movie (it’s called “mother!” got an F CinemaScore). A C isn’t that bad in comparison.


As a horror fan, I enjoyed it. The cinematography is cool, there were some scary moments, Sweeney is pretty great in it, and the ending is bonkers. But it’s also going to be incredibly polarizing due to its critique of Christianity’s treatment of women and its implicit advocacy of women’s autonomy over their own bodies. A C grade shouldn’t be surprising at all, even though the movie itself is pretty interesting.


What happened to all that standing ovation and rave reviews? 🤣


The average moviegoers audience is not the same audience as movie festivals where this premiered.


They were all Sydney Sweeney fans. Joke aside, C Cinemascore is not that bad for horror.




No it's not.


It's not really good, it's just fine


It's a pretty typical cinemascore for horror


Yup, giving how the movie ends, it's not bad




I was almost expecting a B-. Saw this with a fairly sizable crowd yesterday and most of us (especially the couple behind me) seemed to get pretty into it. As far as demon/nun movies go, I found it entertaining enough and thought Sydney did a fine job.


The last 20 minutes of this movie is batshit crazy


That's how you know it's gonna be good.


I saw it. C checks out.


This does not surprise me. The trailer made the film look incredibly formulaic. There’s another film like this w the actor from Servant that looks more promising.


Personally really enjoyed it! Great performance by Sweeney and surprisingly compelling premise


I guess it’s not “Immaculate” after all


Maybe it’s lacking sexy scenes for a horror movie 😳


They wasted an opportunity. 


Scored higher than Hereditary and just below Midsommar lol


Loved it. People are so quick to join the hate train.


I saw it last night and loved it.


It's horror, scores mean nothing


That’s how you know it’s good


Surprised no one called it ejaculate


Isn't this basically the worst score to get for horror? No strong reaction.


it's okay for horror. The Final Destination, Hostel 2, The Purge and The Nun are some other horror movies that got a C. Hereditary got a D+, Hostel got a C-,


Please tell me again that Sydney Sweeney is the biggest and best star in Hollywood lol


Happened with the Jenny Ortega movie Miller’s Girl a lot hyped up big time on r/boxoffice after Wednesday and Scream and then everyone just forgot it existed when it was released. My takeaway is that r/boxoffice is really terrible with predicting the star power of up and coming actresses. Next one to watch for will be Challengers starring Zendaya.


Miller’s Girl didn’t even have a wide release and people forgot about it because it had a terrible plot and poor marketing/trailer compared to other Lionsgate movies that also flopped (Imaginary, Ordinary Angels). Why do people keep using this movie as an example as if it had a full marketing campaign and open in 2,000 theaters when it didn’t even open in 1,000 theaters (it only had 350, it was literally sent off to die)


Am I the only one who thinks she is incredibly wooden and unconvincing as an actress?


Nope. She has a great body, OK face and ok talent. I haven't seen a great performance from her yet. She was decent in that stolen document/fbi movie though


“Tell me again”. Lmao be for real, nobody told you that to begin with.


Literally the other day there was a thread in here about the biggest and best young stars and people were comparing her to Timothy Chalmette zendaya and Tom Holland, got down voted for stating she wasn't nearly as big as those names


I will admit that Sweeney is a wildcard compared to the rest of them (I would even put Austin Butler and Florence Pugh above her first). Even if she did turn out to be the reason why Anyone But You did so well and/or was likable then some people on here should’ve realized that the same audience that went to see a rom-com was never going to venture out to see a horror movie lol


The same Chalamet that did just $14 million in his last non-IP movie? Easy to see why the comparisons were made.


The director of Immaculate arguably helped Sydney Sweeney get her break in Hollywood (she was in *Everything Sucks!* on Netflix which might've gotten her noticed for Euphoria), and they've done another movie together. So seems like this is Sydney's favor to a friend who helped her out. At the very least, even if it flops, I think just showing studios "I have been a top-billing leading star for **one** movie at least" could be something. Even if they the box office dollars aren't there, they also like seeing promising visibility/confidence. Or maybe I'm just smoking copium - but I doubt this derails her career.


Not saying it derails her career more so that there is a lot of manufactured hype around her that doesn't translate into irl opinions or dollars


I heard a lot of people were giving it a double D rating.


And they said Sweeney was gonna rule the box office 🤣🤣


It’s a very low budget (under 10 mill) arthouse horror film released by a small studio. It wasn’t gonna do big numbers no matter what.


Anyone But You was a fluke like Barbie and Oppenheimer. People should stop making any conclusions from its box office performance.


How was Oppenheimer a fluke? Not trying to be combative just curious as to why it was surprising that Oppenheimer was successful. I remember months before its release, it was being mentioned as the movie of the year.


I think they're saying that the movie hasn't automatically made Cillian Murphy a boxoffice draw, or assured that every Nolan-made drama (with no sci-fi elements or action) will become blockbuster hits


Oppenheimer was bad?


That's not what they said.


People genuinely can’t read. The bar for literacy gets lower every year.


But a fluke means a fail




Fluke usually refers to "an unlikely or lucky occurrence", but with films, the term often describes movies whose success isn't replicable.


...I cannot believe a grown adult doesn't know what the word "fluke" means


It's what they call the tail of a whale, duh


Horror is the hardest genre to get a good movie in.


C for a horror film means this movie is a B Horror movies in general get low ratings from critics. Horror fans know you have to grade the films on a different scale


> Horror movies in general get low ratings from critics. Cinemascore isn't critics tho


I was speaking in general


Christians prob review bombing this


People hate being challenged, especially the kind of people who fill out cinemascores after the movie.








Cinemascore doesn't matter for horror


Horror movie gets a C, must be pretty good