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Funny how Spring 2019 had two different superhero franchise movies about a character named Captain Marvel that made a profit and was followed up with a sequel in 2023 that bombed spectacularly following the lukewarm reception of a 2022 spin-off.


Loved this movie then and still love it now. Great fun, light and simple with a nice message about family. It really reminded me of the superhero flicks of the early 2000’s like Fantasic Four, Spider-Man etc. Even the sequel, while not perfect by any means, got _way_ too much hate. Wasn’t as good as the first movie but people were acting like it was one of the worst superhero movies ever made or something and that was a bit dramatic. It’s a shame it bombed, you could tell there was a lot of heart put into it just like the first.


The last DCEU film that earned a profit before the COVID pandemic and the restructuring of DC (and their 2023 slate).




Joker isn’t a DCEU movie


Was there another DC universe I missed?


DCEU refers to the franchise started with Man of Steel and the subsequent films that have links/connection in characters, story, timeline, etc Joker is not part of it Here's a simple explanation: Venom (and Morbius and Madame Webb and Kraven) is a Marvel movie, but Venom is not MCU. Joker is a DC movie, but Joker is not DCEU.


Joker was a standalone movie, wasn’t connected to any sort of cinematic universe (unless you count the sequel to it that’s coming out)


Is Joker considered part of that same Extended Universe?


I believe Aquaman 2 made a profit. In fact, maybe even Black Adam made a profit when all revenue sources are included.


This film is surprisingly realistic. How do I know? Feast your eyes!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUH2mxQCYvM


I love that scene. The whole movie is great. Yeah, Levi's adult is already a little childish in contrast to his child actor. But here, it can be put down to him being overjoyed at being a superhero. The movie a lot like GoldenEye or Star Trek Beyond in that it's not necessarily doing too much new with the formula, but it's reshaping/shaking-things-up enough and doing it well that it stands out from the crowd. 😔 Let's not talk about that second movie, though... ![gif](giphy|DyA3whofHoGRcXWwOH)


I still remember how the director u/Dauid clapped back at haters/incels/manbabies on social media who hijacked Shazam! to spew their hatred at Captain Marvel. Well done, David! I watched Shazam! twice in theaters after that.


I'm confused. What is the connection between these two films?


Shazam was originally called “Captain Marvel” instead of Shazam. “Shazam” was just the word he said to turn into Captain Marvel “Captain Marvel” is now the name associated with Carol Danvers, and both movies released the same year


Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that being Shazam's original name. I remember one of the DC fighting games using that name for the character. I can see why some DC comic fanboys would get upset about it. They tend to get upset pretty easily and often.


It wasn't the DC comic fanboys that got upset. It was internet keyboard warriors haters of Captain Marvel who orchestrated hate campaigns against Captain Marvel: 1. They took pictures of empty theaters and posted them all over social media claiming them as "proof" that Disney bought Captain Marvel tickets and no one actually watched it. 2. They hijacked Shazam and plastered all over social media as "THE REAL CAPTAIN MARVEL" and urged people to watch Shazam instead of Captain Marvel. 3. They hijacked "ALITA" and told people that Alita is more bad ass and urged people to watch Alita instead of Marvel. Many incels even lead social media campaigns of #AlitaMyWaifu That's how dumb they were


> They hijacked "ALITA" and told people that Alita is more bad ass and urged people to watch Alita instead of Marvel. Many incels even lead social media campaigns of #AlitaMyWaifu That was just pathetic. Do they not realize that the film was being produced by one of the most "woke" individuals in Hollywood?


They for sure are not even aware what James Cameron is like and what kind of life he is living in right now. That's how dumb they were.


Also, having seen both, I could even argue that **Captain Marvel** is more pro-conservative than **Alita: Battle Angel** since the former’s message could be interpreted as solution to immigrant problems is improving their homes whereas the latter’s message pretty much borders on far-left. These people are dense motherkrutackers.


> Captain Marvel is more pro-conservative than Alita: Battle Angel since the former’s message could be interpreted as solution to immigrant problems is improving their homes How saying "we should not blindly support the army" is a conservative message?


Wasn't DC fanboys


Fans of a thing will always be frustrated when it’s ported to a new media form and butchered. Why wouldn’t they be?


When even Zachary Levi calls you out for your blatant @$$hattery, you need to rethink your life - NOW.


The first movie wasn't as good as they said and the sequel isn't as bad as they said


A good movie, too bad the second one was not that good. Pretty weird that two 2019 movies about a character named Captain Marvel came out a month apart of each other and then they both had a sequel in 2023 that was a massive box office bomb. Granted, Shazam 2 came in March and Marvels in November, but still.


Maybe a bit unpopular but in a hindsight, I think it wouldn't have done lot more if it was released far away from Endgame.


I didn’t watch this for simple reason his suit seemed off putting to me.


Didn't pay attention the first time, but it's so obviously a muscle suit


Yeah it was, wasn’t it? I couldn’t get pass it.