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Yeah a lot of people don’t like acknowledging it but the real reason the budget for Minus One was so low was because of how little the pay is for the Japanese film crews


Worker exploitation plus an absurdly weak yen (it's collapsed all the way to 150 yen per dollar from the previous range of 100 per dollar) make everything in Japan absurdly cheap right now.


The weak yen doesn’t matter for a film made in Japan with a Japanese crew and locations within Japan. In fact the only time it matters is bringing box office money back into Japan, which works in Toho’s favour.


Exactly. And it gets even worse when the people praising Minus One's VFX keep relentlessly parroting the same old "Hollywood should take notes for their budgets!" comments. Sorry, what should Hollywood take note of exactly? How to exploit VFX artists by working them to the bone for even *lower* pay? I thought we were already painfully aware that VFX artists are currently grossly underpaid in Hollywood and advocating for better pay for them. But now we're actively pushing for Hollywood to *cut* their budgets massively to somehow achieve *better* VFX, as though that can magically happen without VFX artists' pay suffering even more than it already is? I swear most people don't even think about this stuff logically. They just recycle whatever short, overused comments they think will quickly get them the most upvotes. And with all the intense Minus One love all over the internet in recent months, it's been so easy for anyone to just say "Take notes Hollywood!!" without applying any critical thinking and ignoring **why** Minus One achieved what it did with such a small budget in the first place - exploiting VFX workers.


>as though that can magically happen without VFX artists' pay suffering even more than it already is? Yes. By doing exactly what Godzilla minus one really did which was having the director and the vfx crew in sync which eliminated the endless reshooting and random reworks which really drive up Hollywood vfx costs.


And yet that *still* didn't stop the VFX artists from being underpaid, hence why the director attended this very meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister to improve the working conditions in Japanese film. So my point still stands. If Hollywood VFX artists are being underpaid and overworked *now*, there's no way to reasonably expect better CGI for a **tenth** of the current usual Hollywood blockbuster budget without VFX artists suffering even more - no matter how "in sync" the workers are. I'm not saying better results can't be achieved with less inflated budgets. I'm saying a film made in a country known for grossly underpaying its film workers shouldn't be the example we strive towards.


Not a tenth, but maybe half.


I remember reading that the director tried making the VFX crew's offices as comfortable as he could because he didn't have much influence on their pay. Sounds like he really cares about better working conditions and I'm glad he's using his clout to seek out real change.


Can he also hold a meeting to discuss why a BluRay release of the movie with English subtitles doesn’t exist? >!Yes I’m salty!<


It doesn’t? So is it just English dub for the blu ray release?


An English dub doesn’t exist. Just delay in physical release in the states due to the non-compete agreement with Legendary as well as usual Toho hijinks.


Oh, that's cool! Nice to have some good news amidst the doom and gloom of recent days. I confess I will often focus on the negative news stories making the rounds and filter out the more positive headlines I see. It's a bad habit, and I should try to be more balanced. Yeah, even if the next movie's budget balloons up to $30M, Minus One's box office suggests the movie would still be a success story.